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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Diptendu Chakraborty, currently pursuing MBA from Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim.
I’m doing a market research project for which I need your help. I would be grateful if you kindly spare a few minutes
for this. I ensure you that your response will be used only for the purpose of the study and the secrecy of individual
responses will be maintained.
Name: ____________________________________________________ Location: _____________________________

Age: _______________________ ___, Marital Status:  Single,  Married Gender: Male, Female
Educational Qualification (R – Respondent, M.E. – Main earner of the family)
R M.E.
  Till HSC
  Graduate
  Post Graduate
  Others ____________________________________________________________________________.
Occupation (R – Respondent, M.E. – Main earner of the family)
R M.E. R M.E.
  Salaried Pvt. Middle Level Exec   Salaried Middle Level Government Employee
  Salaried Pvt. Senior Level Exec   Salaried Senior Level Government Employee
  Industrialist/ Businessman   Self Employed Professional
 Student  House wife
Monthly income (R – Respondent, M.E. – Main earner of the family)
R M.E. R M.E.
  Below Rs. 10,000   Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000
  Above Rs. 25,000  Not earning at present.
Which all from the following do you own? Please mention along with the brands.
 Mobile Blackberry,  i-Phone,  Nokia,  Samsung,HTC, LG,  Others____________.
MP3 player Apple i-Pod,  Sony,  Trancsend,  Philips, Others________________________________.
Camera Canon, Sony, Nikon,  Lumix, Kodak, Fuji, Others___________________.
Laptop Sony, Dell, HP/Compaq, Apple,  Lenovo,  Acer,  Others__________.
PC Branded, Assembled
1. Do you visit a salon/beauty parlour?  Yes, I do,  No, I don’t.
 For what purpose do you go there?
Hair coloring Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
Hair cut Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
Applying Henna Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
Hair straightening Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
Hair perming Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
Hair massages Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
Others____________ Twice a month, Once a month, Once in two months, Others_________.
 Do you carry your own products there?
 Yes, I do,  For a few purpose, Please mention_____________________________________________.
 No, I don’t carry.
2. Do you use henna?
 Yes, I do,  No, I don’t,  I’ve stopped using.
If you are a user, kindly answer question no.3 to 25 & question no. 33 onwards
If you are not a user of henna [who doesn’t use & stopped using as well], kindly answer question no. 26 onwards

3. How often do you apply henna?

Twice a month Once a month Once in two months
Occasionally, kindly mention _______________________________________________________________.
4. How was your hair when you started using henna?
Black,  A few grey hairs,  Grey
5. For how long have you been using Henna?
6. Which/what of these have influenced you the most to use henna for the first time? [Mention the flow]
Friends & Relatives, Beauty Consultant, TV Commercials, Print Advertisement, Film Stars, TV
Celebrities, Brand Ambassador, Others, Please mention________________________________________.
7. Why had you started using henna? Please rank the statements according to the importance.
For covering Grey hair For nourishing the hair
For conditioning For promoting hair growth
For coloring For dandruff problem
Was not interested to use chemical products To change the look
Others, Mention _________________________________________________________________________.
8. Why are you using henna at present? Please rank the statements according to the importance.
For covering Grey hair For nourishing the hair
For conditioning For promoting hair growth
For coloring For dandruff problem
Not interested to use chemical products
Others, Mention _________________________________________________________________________.
9. Which brand had you started with? Which brand are you using now? [If same write ‘Same’ against ‘Present’]
Past: ______________________________ __ Present: _____________________________________.
10. Why had you discontinued the previous brand? [Skip if you are using the same brand]
It used to make the hair dry Shade wasn’t that much good Shade doesn’t lasts for so long
Just to try a new brand It was costly
If Others, Kindly mention __________________________________________________________________.
11. How did you come to know about the brands? Please mention for the previous [P] & current [C].
TV Commercials Print advertisements
Beauty consultants Friends & relatives
Web-sites Others, Mention ________________________________________.
12. Where do you purchase your henna from?
Departmental stores, Cosmetic stores, Grocery shops,
I don’t buy it for me, If others, please specify_____________________________________________.
13. Do you purchase from a same place every time?
Yes, No.
14. How many packs of henna do you purchase at a time?
 I take a single pack of ____ gms,  I generally take ___ packs of ____ gms at a time.
15. What would you prefer while selecting henna? Kindly put the rank from 1 to 5 where, 1: Not at all
important, 2: Very less important, 3. Somewhat important, 4. Quite Important, 5. Very important.
Henna which gives good color Henna which does better conditioning
Henna which is available with various shades Henna which is easier to apply
Henna which is less priced Henna having a good brand name
Henna having a good packaging Henna which comes with free accessories
If others, kindly mention ___________________________________________________________________.
16. How much do you spend/ready to spend for Henna in a month?
17. How did you use to apply henna previously [P]? How do you apply currently [C]?[choose from both the
 House self application House someone else applied/applies Parlor
 Full head Touch up
18. Why have you changed your method of application? [Mention for both the groups][Skip if you are following
the same method]
 _______________________________________________________________________________________.
 _______________________________________________________________________________________.
19. What is the quantity do you use for a single application of Henna?
A full sachet of ___ gms. Half, 1/3rd, 1/4th of a ___ gms pack.
20. Which all natural conditioners do you apply generally? Do you mix it with henna? [U: Use individually, M:
Mix with henna] [You can choose multiple options & both the purpose for a single item]
Coffee Lemon  Nothing
Tea Honey Others, Mention_________________________________________.
Curd Egg
21. What accessories do you/you beautician use for applying henna? [You can choose multiple options]
Applicator brush Vessel Shower cap Gloves
Clothes to cover skin Others, mention__________________________________________________.
22. In which ratio do you mix henna with water?[Henna: Water]
23. For how long do you keep the mixture before applying?
2hours 4hours One night Others, Mention___________________________.
24. For how long it is kept after applying it on your head?
1hours 2hours 3hours Others, Mention _____________________.
25. What all do you use after applying Henna?
Shampoo Conditioner Oil Livon Hair cream
Gel Natural hair packs Other, Mention______________________.
26. Have you ever tried Henna?
Yes No
27. What purpose you had tried for?
For covering Grey hair For nourishing the hair
For conditioning For promoting hair growth
For coloring For dandruff problem
Was not interested to use chemical products To change the look
To experiment with hair Others, mention_____________________________.
28. Why have you stopped?/Why you are not using henna?
It makes the hair dry Difficult to apply Doesn’t give instant result
It’s a oldie process Others, Mention__________________________________________________.
29. What do you use for the purpose of Question no 27?
Hair Color Hair dye Natural Hair Packs Hair Spa
Conditioner Livon Hair oil Others, Mention______________.
30. How much do you spend/ready to spend for this purpose in one month?
31. What are the main three qualities that you want to be added to the product you are using?
1. _________________________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________________________.
32. If a henna comes with these qualities, would you go for that?
Yes Will think of it No
33. What all are the brands of henna you are aware of? Kindly rank as per your preference.

a a
m n
e k

34. If your brand of henna was a girl, what would her personality be?
35. On an average, how many hours a day/week do you spend with the followings & kindly name a few TV
shows, magazines that you follow.
Hours/Day or Hours/Wk. Favorites






Movie halls


Social networking sites

Any other sites

36. Which of the followings do you believe as a credible source of information for henna?
TV Radio News papers & magazines Web sites

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