Analysing PSA Campaigns

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Analysing PSA Campaigns

By Lee Palmer
Tameside drop the knives
The name of this campaign is Tameside drop the
knives, the message for this advert is to stop people
carrying knifes when they go out. Tameside drop
the knives advert is very powerful as you don’t
expect him to be arrested and this is communicated
by a group of teenagers in a park showing each
other the knives they have got. This advert can be
found on the internet and also on TV, I found this
advert on you tube and Tameside drop the knives is
not part of a wider campaign. Tameside is the
agency which are behind this advert and are trying
to get the message across. If I was to make an
advert like this I would take the camerawork as it
makes the situation seem more serious. I would
also take the message of the advert if I was to make
an advert as it is a serious subject and is a straight
forward message to get across to the audience.
Think bike
The name of the campaign is Think Bike. The
message the company is trying tot get across is that
you need to think about bikes as well as cars when
diving on the roads. In this advert it is
communicated by a voice over talking over the guy
driving the car. This advert can be seen on TV and
internet and you can also hear this advert on the
radio. Think Bike is part of a bigger agency called
Think which also do adverts about other issues
regarding cars and vehicles. From the style of this
campaign I would take the camerawork as it shows
how easily it is to not see a motorbike clearly. From
the content of this advert I would take the voice
over/message as it is powerful and gives the
audience a clear idea of what's going on.

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