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Q. No.

1:- Outline reasons for promoting and maintaining Good

standards (safety) in work place?

Ans:- There are three reasons for promoting and maintaining Good safety
standards in work place.
1- Moral
2- Legal
3- Financial

1. Moral:-

It’s moral obligation of the employer to provide a safe Environment to the

Employees where they can enjoy their work and feel happy while returning home.
Injury and accident leads to pain and suffering not only to victim but to family and
friends. Everyone who goes out for work is because of economic necessity and not
consents with injury and accident.

2. Legal:-

It’s also legal obligation by the country’s law that employer should provide an
environment that is totally safe for working just like HASAWA (Health and safety at
work etc. Act) 1974. Non-compliance to the legal binding can result in penalties,
fines and even prohibition of the work.

3. Financial:-

A work place without good safety working standards can lead to accidents
which have direct and indirect financial impacts. Accident cause a great deal of
money specially when we add damage caused by some accidents.
Direct costs include fines, compensation payouts, medical costs and sick pay etc.
Indirect costs include production delay, personal allocated to investigate the
accidents, damage to equipment, loss of reputation and loss of good will.
So maintaining a good and safer working environment is more cheaper in longer

Safety Policy

Overall Aim:-

Create a structure and approach to Health and safety.


- Clear definition of organization goals.
- Set out responsibilities.
- Describe arrangements.

Question:- ( very important )

Outline three main components of Health and Safety Policy-

1. Statement of intent.
2. Organization.
3. Arrangements.

Statement of
intent 1. Risk Assesment
“WHAT” Organization
Signed:- CEO “WHO” Arrangement
2. Method Assesment
Dated:- “How” 3. PTW

4. Inspections
5. Many other

Health and Safety policy should be signed by the most senior person of organization
because it demonstrates total commitment and also he/she has authority to allocate

1) Statement of Intent:-

Without integrated and sustained management effort from all levels within
organization accident prevention cannot be successful. The tool required to produce
organizational control is “General statement of Intent”. It is visible demonstration of
Senior Management Commitment is so far and if contains General policy statement,
signed and dated by the most senior member of organization.
This statement is normally contained upon a single sheet of paper, and is itself
expression of management commitment.

2) Organization:-

An essential requirement of safety policy, if it is to be effective, is to define
health and safety responsibility in detail within this document and then to monitor
that this is being carried out.
The organization for health and safety should reflect the organizational
structure and method of working. Responsibility for health and safety should be
given at successive level of management from top to individuals and supervisors.
Responsibilities should be clearly defined, and preferably included in job description,
to prevent over lapping and omission. The commitment should be demonstrated not
only by words but by actions such as by providing resources, training etc.

3. Arrangements.

This section of policy should detail the practical arrangements in force to

assist the overall policy implementation. It should consider the arrangements for
planning and organizing, controlling hazards, consolation and communication and
monitoring compliance with assessing effectiveness of arrangements. They can be
divided in to two main categories. “General” Such as first aid and firefighting etc and
“Specific” relating to plant, processes etc. therefore such arrangement cover
training and monitoring, accident investigation, safe system of work, PPE’s Medical
and welfare consideration etc.

Reviewing Safety Policy:-

Safety Policy should be reviewed periodically e.g. annually to monitor it’s

effectiveness. It should also be reviewed if there is.

- Technological Change
- Significant organizational change
- Legal Changes
- As a result of identifying problem via active or reactive monitoring line
accident (major).

Q:-Outline the benefits to an organization of having Health and Safety

Committee? (04) Marks

Ans:- An organization having health and Safety committee shows that the
top management is fully committed to provide health and safety culture to the
It also facilitate the communication and consultation between employer and

Its also provide a forum for meeting and discussions between employer and
employee. It also promote health and safety culture at work place. It also
encourages employee to take part and also feel degree of ownership in

Q:-Outline the reasons why a health and Safety committee may prove to be
in effective in practice? (08 Marks)

Ans:- A health and Safety committee may prove to be ineffective in practice if

there is lack of commitment from management to provide resources.
It also proves to be ineffective. If there is no specific agenda of meeting and
minutes of meeting are not recorded. It also proves to be ineffective if there is
balance of the committee constitution e.g employer or employee nomination is
not proper and if leadership is poor and not serious in implementing health and
safety practices. The function of committee also remains ineffective if committee
has no access to the decision making. The frequency of meeting is also
important factor, if it is rare or in frequent can also result in ineffectiveness. And
finally if topics of meeting are not appropriate.

Q:-Identify range of methods that an employer can use to provide health

and safety information directly to the individual employee.

Ans: Following are the method through which employer can provide health
and safety information directly to individual employees.--8 MARKS

1) Through Messages on Payslip:-

Pay slips are the most important piece of paper which is read by everyone.
One method to provide information to individual is to print health and safety
related messages on pay slip so that information is shared with everyone.

2) Safety Posters:-

Safety messages should be delivered by posting safety posters at prominent

places as the visual way is easy to express and understand.

3) Electronic Media:-

Nowadays when there is e-mail access to everybody in company, one

method is to circulate safety alert is by e-mails to all individuals.

4) Safety Signs:-

Safety signs should be used at hazardous locations to inform/educate all

individual that this is hazardous zone and precautions are required.

5) One to one Briefing:-

One to one safety briefing is also a very important tool to provide information
and training should be provided to all individually by one to one briefing.

6) Appraisal sessions:-

One way to educate the employees is the appraisal session in which safety
and health should be given top priority.

Q:- Outline topics that may be included in safety committee

Ans: These may include, a review of recent incident a review of protective
monitoring strategies such as safety inspections and audits and on report following
by visit of enforcement agencies and effect of new legislatives on company.
Additionally it may include items on possible amendments to the company’s health
and safety policies and risk assessment the extent and effect of any health and
safety training given to employees and introduction of new equipment, processes
safety concerns of employees raised by their representatives as well as
management to raise concern about poor safety practices.

Tool Box Talk:-

This is also an important tool that safety talk should be carried out prior to
commencement of any job, so that employees know the hazards.

Induction training:-

Our most important factor is the induction programs, that when an employee
is inducted he/she should go through detail session of health and safety.

Q:- List the factors that could be considered when assessing

health and safety competence of contractor?

Following are factors.

1- Health and Safety Policy of contractor.

2- Previous work experience of contractor.
3- Past incident/ accident statistics.
4- If there any legal notices issued to contractor.
5- Resources of contractor to meet job.
6- Accreditation of contractor with/from any certified body.
7- Equipment maintenance/ inspection record.
8- Training record of employees.
9- Detail proposals to carry out job.

Legal and organizational Roles and Responsibilities:-

1): Outline the responsibility of an Employer/

According to ILO convention C-155 employer must ensure that, so far as it
reasonably practicable, that workplace, machinery and processes under their control
are safe and without risk to health. They must ensure, so far as reasonably
practicable that chemical and biological substance under their control are safe and
without risk for others. This include the provision of, free of charge, of where
necessary adequate protective clothing and protective equipment to prevent, so far
as reasonably practicable, risk of accidents and adverse effect to health.

Employer must provide necessary, control measures to deal with emergency and
first Aid arrangements.
Employer must provide information, instruction, training and supervision, as it is
necessary to ensure health and safety culture.

2):- Outline duties of employer, and self employed person to the person
other than their employee (Non-Employee).

- It shell be duty of every employer and every self employed person to

conduct his undertaking in such a manner as to ensure, so far as
reasonably practicable, that he and other persons not being his
employees, who may be affected thereby are not exposed to risk their
safety or health.

- It shall be duty of every employer and every self employed persons in

prescribed circumstances and in prescribed manner, to give the persons,
not being his employee, the prescribed information on such aspects of
manner in which he conducts his undertaking as might affect their safety
or health.

Q:- Outline the responsibilities and rights of Employee/

Ans:- ILO convention C155 sets the rights and responsibilities of the worker

1) Employees duty/ responsibility employee must not interfere or misuse and

facility provided to him. Employee must take reasonable care of his own safety and
health and of other people who might be affected by his acts and omissions. He/ she
must co-operate with employer so far as necessary that employer can meet statutory
requirements. Employee must report every situation to their supervisor that they
believe present a serious imminent or danger to life and health. Employee must use

all PPE’s at work provided by Employer. Employer must comply all instructions of H
& S provided by Supervisor.

2) Employee’s Rights:-

Employees shall be consulted by employer on all aspects of safety and health

associated to their work. Employee cannot charged for any safety and health
measures shall necessary for workers e.g PPE and access equipment employee
has the right not to return to the work place where there is serious danger to life and

Relationship between client and contractor:-

Both client and contractor have duties under health and safety legislation. If
contractor employs sub contractor to carry out job both parties still have


Client needs to take certain step prior to contractor start work.

- Identify the job that the want contractor to do and health and safety
implications of job.
- Client should be satisfied that they have chosen a suitable competent
contractor this include the contractor must have suitable procedure of
maintenance of equipment and of checking of sub contractor.

Other steps to be checked by all parties:-

1. Risk Assessment of the work, including how each other could affect the
health and safety of workforce and anyone else e.g. visitors.
2. provide information, instruction of training including the information and
their control, specially ORP’s.
3. Co-operation and co-ordination-laison arrangement must be made such
as meetings and briefings between client and subcontractor.
4. Consulting the work force.
5. Management of supervision of work be carried out.

Q:- Outline difference between consulting and informing?

The difference between consulting and informing lies in fact that upon
informing a trade union or safety representative merely acknowledge certain
information presented to them employer. Consulting on other hand, means a
situation where the employer, before making any key health and safety decision, is
obliged to inform the trade union of any proposal and for safety representative to
consult fellow worker for any review. Therefore consultant
i) Two way process where information is one way process.

Q: - Outline safety and health issues on which employer should consult

Employer should consult worker on following cases.

1) Shift Pattern Changes:-

If there is major change in shift pattern then it is the responsibility of employer to

consult is the responsibility of employer to consult the employee before such

2) Change inMaterial:-

If there is significant change in material being used by workers, it is responsibility of

employer to consult workers and let them know about the hazards associated with
new material and it’s use.

3) Change in Plant/ Machinery:-

If there is significant change in plant or machinery, then employer must consult
worker and educate them about its use and hazards and risk involve in it.

4) Change in Process:-

Employer should consult worker before any significant change in process so

that workers are aware about it’s potential hazards.

5) Organizational Structure:-

Employer should consult workers before any significant change in

organizational structure.

6) Emergency Response Procedure:-

Employer must consult workers before any change in emergency response

procedures so that workers can be trained according to new procedures.

7) Incentive Schemes:-

Employer should consult workers before launching any schemes regarding

health and safety so that moral of work force pet boosted.

8) Policy:-

Employer should consult workers if there is new policy imposed in work place,
just like smoking policy.

Q:- There has been deterioration of Health and Safety culture of


a) Define term Health and safety culture?

b) Identify the factors that have contributed to the deterioration?

a) Definition:-

The Health and Safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and
group values, attitudes, perceptions, competence and pattern of behavior that
determine the commitment to and proficiency of, an organizations health and
safety management.

b) Factors contributing in Deterioration:-

Following are factors that can contribute in the deterioration.

1) Lack of Management commitment:-

If top management is not properly committed to provide or maintain health

and safety culture can deteriorate.

2) Lack of communication.

If there is gap between the top management and the workers so that worker
can not convey his problems to the top management this lack of communication
can deteriorate.

3) Organization-Reorganization.

Frequent changes in the management can result in scenario where health

and safety culture deterioration.

4) Increased Accidents:-

Increase number of accidents demonstrates that the accidents are not being
investigated properly, and if properly investigated re-occurrence can be stopped
so this can deteriorate Health and Safety culture.

5) Staff turn over:-

High rate of turn over of the staff require again the training of new staff
regarding Health and Safety and frequent turnover results in deterioration.

6) Lack of Enforcement and Monitoring:-

It is necessary to have proper audit/ monitoring of Health and safety reputations

and they should be enforced, penalties should be awarded on non-compliance.
In case of lack of enforcement and monitoring the Health and safety culture

7) Reduction in staffing level:-

If the no. of staff is reduced and one person is doing work of 03 persons, it
can cause accidents hence deterioration of culture.

8) Decline in Economy:-

Decline in economy causes the in security of the jobs of employees and result
in low morale, hence deteriorate the Health and Safety culture.

Q:-Define attitude:-

Attitude is the response to the situation.

It is the stance one take.

Define aptitude:-

It is tendency to good at certain things.

Define Motivation:-

It is the driving force behinds a person action.

Types of Motivation

1) Motivation of peoples:-
It is concerned with action taken by supervisor to influence their subordinates to
more effective performance. This is more commonly known as leadership.

2) Motivation within People:-

This assumes that there is driving force within peoples which drive them to
achieve their goals.

Maslow Hiearchr of Needs.

Self actualizations (achievement)
e.g. Growth, personal development.
Self realization, Status
Physociligical = hunger, thirst, sleep etc.
Social = Belonging to group, love, friendship.

Practical harnessing of Maslow.

Self actualization. E.g. employee development assistance program.

Self realization.E.g. Promotion, recognition increase responsibility, involvement in

decision, incentive scheme, information and training.

Social: Peer Group pressure management leadership by example including


Security : Disciplinary procedure,

Physiologist : Program of welfare trailer.

Errors and violations:

Human failure are either caused by errors or violations.

Error : has three types.

1 )Slip : Failure in carrying out action of task in other words actions are not
planned. These might include action currying too soon or too late, omitting step
of series. Carrying out an action with too little or too much strength.

2) Lapse:-
Forgetting to carry out an action, to loose our place in a task or to forget what
we intended to do.

3 )Mistakes : where we do the wrong thing and believing it to be right. The failure
involve our mental processes which central how we Plan – Rule base mistake
happen when our behavior is based upon remembering rule – Knowledge based
mistake occur due to incomplete information.


Communication is defined as what we do to inform other of our ideas, feelings

and knowledge and in turn receive their feedback. Effective communication is

essential feature of health and safety culture – There are three method of

1 )Verbal
2 )Written
3 )Graphic

There are two types of communications

1 ) one way

2 ) Two way

Barriers in Communication :

There are different factors that can be barrier in effective communication.

1 ) Noise :-
During verbal communication, it is possible that during high noise the person
at other and cannot understand you or listen properly to you.

2 ) Complexity :-
Complexity is the another factor, that if the topic is too complex, very
technical and the person on other hand is not able to understand – so it should
be taken into account that the topic chosen is very simple.

3 ) Language :-
It happens in many organizations that different nationality people are working
with different native languages so the verbal communication can be a problem for
them. A Graphical represent or interpretation is necessary in that case.

4 ) Sensory Impairment :-
One most important factor is that if some body is deaf, color blind or have
some sensory impairment, he should be deal in particular way.

5 ) Ambiguity :-
If the topic or delivering style is not clear to others can create communication

6 ) Jargon :-
If the abbreviation or technical terminology is used in communication, it can
be problem.

7 ) Mental Impairment :-
If somebody has problem with understand has not such level.

8 ) Very long communication change.

9 ) In – Attention

10 ) In – Experience

Principal of Communication :-

1- Direct yourself towards and reach intended recipient.

2- Communicate in the way that is easy to understand.

3- Use open ended question ( e.g How will you do ? etc. )

4- Use close ended question to confirm ( e.g answers in yes or no )

5- Use clear terms.

6- Be assertive.

7- Be concise.

8- Ensure understand

9- Check to ensure understanding

10- Ask for feed Back .

Use and Effectiveness of various form of communication.

Notice Boards : use for displaying heath and safety information and news -
Including photograph of safety representative and staff with health and safety
responsibilities is highly effective in raising profile of worker involvement.
For its effectiveness it needs to be regularly updated with
information about safety meeting, accident statistics etc. it shold be prominently
displayed and use of color makes it more appealing.

Team Meetings : Making health and safety a standard agenda in team meeting is
proven way of raising its standard in organization. Managers should encourage feed
back from staff and ensure that concern and suggestion are responded to and

Newsletter :- Use newsletters to inform staff about health and safety and ways to
get involved. Try mixing media e-mail updates and hard copy newsletter increase
chance of staff receiving messages.

Intranet :- Giving health and safety a high profile on your staff intranet and keeping it
up to date is convenient way for staff to access information – Intranet can include
information regarding safety meeting minutes, presentations, regulation etc.

Tool Box Talks :- Short talks Focused around specific health and safety issues
such as lifting , slip , trips or injuries from work place vehicles – Tool Box Talks help
to increase health and safety culture.

Memos :- Memos are often used to communicate brief points – the memo is faster
and easier then more formal document change procedure. Safety related issues
might include job change, working hours patterns.

Safety Propaganda films, videos, DVDs and Posters.

Videos and films are easy way used visual illustrating – such videos can
appeal the both visual and audio learners. Posters can be slogan used for improving
health and safety.

Employee hand Book :- A hand book is excellent too to inform employee about
company policies, Procedure and responsibilities.

Q ) An independent audit of organization concluded that employees has

received insufficient training.

1 ) Describe the factors that should be considered when developing extensive

performance of health and safety training within organization.

Ans ) When developing a training program, first of all training needs of the
employee, should be identified that what they already know and what trainings they
require. For developing training the factor should be considered that what work an
employee is perform in , and what is the risk involved in that work, and what training
should be given that minimize that risk. It is also important that a senior manager
require different Type of training where, a superior or winker at shop Floor required
different training according to his nature of work. From the training need analysis
would emerge information of the number of workers involved, the types of training
need and the resources
( in term of financial lost, time and facilities ) required to carry out performance. The
factors should include at this stage competence of train and require to provide
training, the possible need to involve extend sources and means of communication
of preformed at all level.

Health and safety Trainings :-
Effects of training on human Reliabilities
- Legal requirement under section 2 of HASAWA.
- Employer must take into account capability of employee.
- Ensure that adequate health and safety trainings are primated to each
- Consideration must be given to the training of newly inducted employee
at time of induction.
- Training should also be provided to employee when there is change in
process, equipment etc.
- Training session should be held periodically to ensure proper awareness.
- Finally record of all trainings should be kept for future Training need.

Benefits of Training to Employer

- Ensure that employees are not injured or made ill by the work that do.
- Develop a positive health and safety culture.
- Find out how you could manage health and safety better.
- Meet legal duty to protect health and safety of employee.
- Reductiion in losses.
- Reduced claims.
- Increase Profits.

Q ) Outline various measures to asses effectiveness of training .

Post training evaluation by trainer, trainees and their supervisor – sickness
and absences rate and incident / accident rates. Level of compliance with lay
down provide such as use of ( PPE’S ) .The result of attitude survey, and number
of quality suggestion made, and concern raise by employees to heath and safety.

Q ) Give four reasons that employee should keep record of comphyrtrait.

- Provide proof of competune level of employee.
- Identification of tuition training.
- To asses training program efficient targets.
- Provide evidence in future in case of accident/ incident
investigate and legal requirements.

Benefits to Employees :-
- Moral of employee raised and work efficiency increases.
- Reduction of pens and injury.
- Better welfare awareness.
- Develop experiences faster.

Induction Training :-
- Review and discussion of policy.
- Specific requirements.

- Fire and emergency produces.
- Welfare facility.
- PP ( i )
- Health and safety legislation.
- Individual responsibility and authority.

Internal and external influences on health and safety management standards.

Internal Influences :-
- Management Commitment.
- Production demands ( realistic – unrealistic )
- Communication.
- Competence.
- Consultation.

External Influences :-
- Social expectations.
- Legislation.
- Enforcement.
- Insurance company.
- Trade union.
- Stoke holder such as client.
- Economics.

Risk assessment ( Definition )

An identification of what within your work or workplace, which may have potential to
cause harm to people or worker, so that you can consider whether you have
provided sufficient precaution, or need to do more prevent harm.

Risk Assesment
Hazard :
Is defined as something that has the potentional to cause harm including ill health
and injury, damage to plant, Products or environment e.g slippery floor, electricity

Risk :-
Is the probability ( likel, hood ) of that harm actually occurring and severity of the

Objective of Risk assessment :-

- Minimize the likelihood and severity of harm pusses by hazard.
- Minimize the economic consequences.
- Comphy with national / legal requirement.

Risk assessment is defined as the identified as the identification of hazards present
in as undertaking, and an estimate of the risk involved, taking into account what
precautions, are taken and need of any additional precautions.

Why we prevent accident :-

There are three reasons, why we prevent accident.

Human Harm :-
Any health and safety accident which leads to human harm will involve a degree of
pain and suffering for the individual, possibly their family and friends.

Legal :-
Failure to comply health and safety law within country, which then causal an incident
can then lead to a criminal and or civil legal action – if fomd guilty then this could
involve considerable fives and / or compensation awards.

3 – Economics :-
Accident cost money both direct and indirect.

Q ) with respect to undertaking General risk assessment on a activities within

a workplace.

A ) outline key stages of risk assessment process, identify issues that needs
to be considered at each stage.

First stage of performing the risk assessment is to identify all the significant
hazards that are involved in job – Hazards may be of different natures i.e Physical,
Chemical, Biological or agronomical etc. After identifying the hazards the second
key stage to identify that who will be affected and now will he / she be affected.
Consideration may be given specially when there are young workers performing the
Tob or special workers like. The expectant mothers as for example if expectant
mother is working on production live and different movements can endan for two
lives – After determine ( that who ) how he / she suffer the third key stage is to
evaluate the risk in term of probability and severity and examine the existing controls
and if there is requirement for some other control. After this the fourth key stage to
serve the Findings on paper and final stage is to review date mistake be mentioned
as different circumstances need review of Risk assessment.

B ) Explain criteria which must be met For risk assessment to be

Suitable and sufficient.
For a risk assessment to be suitable and sufficient must include all the significant
hazards involved with the Job – It must include that. Who will be affected and now

he/ she will be affected. A suitable risk assessment must include evolution of the risk
in terms of likelihood and seventy and what are the existing controls and if there is
requirement of new control measure for a suitable and sufficient risk assessment it
should be carried out by a competent person and it must remain valid for a certain
period of time.

C ) Outline Factors that employer should take into account when selecting
individual to assist in carrying out risk assessment

Employer should take into account the previous experience of the employee
assisting in risk assessment that in past he/she had any experience of assisting –
He / She had knowledge of the process or equipment so that he can easily assist.
Employer must Consider the age of persons because a mature person can assist
better then a your person. He/ She must have the knowledge of regulations He/ She
should have report writing skills and have lord knowledge of standards and Findlay
the attitude of the person.

Q ) Outline Typical circumstances when we might review risk assessment.

Ans :- Typical circumstances that might require review of the risk assessment are
- Change of premises – External oriented layout.
- Change of personal effected – nos, age, disabilities.
- Change of plant, equipment etc.
- Introduction of new work process such as hot work, confirmed you etc….
- Changes in legislation.
- Upon availability of new information, new research.
- As a result of incident reports.
- As a result of OH / S monitoining.
- As a result of enforcement action.
- As a result of constultation.
- Accident.

Explain the term “ Hiearchy of control” .

- It is defined as list of measures to control hazards / risk associated with
work, starts with strong controls and at the end PPE’S as last resort.

General Hierachy of control

- Eliminate the Hazard, Substance or work place.
- Reduce [the use or frequency ] or subtitle [ e.g powder with pellet ].
- Isolate [ e.g a glove box for handling biological substances ].
- Control – Engineering control and sage system of work [ e.g PTW ].
- PPE – Personal protective equipment like hard hot, Gloves etc.
- Discipline – enforcement of the rules, procedure and llTS [ information ,
instruction , training , and procedures] .

It is remembered as


Special Case
Risk Assessment of young Person
A young person is statistically at a considerably higher risk of from both a health
and safety stand point in work place.

There are 4 main reasons.

- Immaturity – Both physical and mental.
- Lack of experience.
- Lack of awareness.
- High susceptibility to peer pressure.

Expectant Mother,
Expectant mother are at significant risk from whole range of occupational hazard.
1 - Biological e.g hepatitis.
2 - Chemical – e.g lead , co , mutagens.
3 - Physical e.g extreme temp, excess manual hurdling , prolonged stand.
4 – Physiological – stress/

Disabled Person:-

Component of sustain

P - People
E – Equipment
M - Mother
E – Environment

Lone wokers
Employer’s duty to provide sage system of work
( lone wokers ) ;
“ lone woker are those who work by themselves with act close or direct supervision ;

People :- infectious patients, People with history of violence to staff, mugging.

Hazards specific to Indian dual which may create particular risk for lone worker e.g
medical condition, disabilities, female Employees, Expectant mother, age,
experience and immaturity etc.

Equipment :- Hazards specific to work equipment which may create particular risk
for done worker, e.g manual handling and operations of emergency control and work
on electrical system.

Material : - Hazards such as heavy item including displaying stands and carcinogen

Environment :- Hazards specific to work place / environment which may crate

particular risk for lone workers e.g rem 00ote areas , laborites, workshop and
confined space.

Control Measures :-
- Specific information, instruction and training [ e.g emerg every
procedure, Personal safety training ] .
- Improved communication in system such as frequent contact on mobile
- Supervision by adhoc visit to inspect their working practices.
- Increased security with contact acess, secure car parking, personal
- Increased lighting at entrance, exit and carpare.

Confined Spaces :-
A confined space means a enclosed or Partially enclosed space that is not designed
or intended for human occupancy except for purpose of performing work.

1 – has restricted means of access and aggress.

2 – may become hazardous when employee enter due to.

. its design, construction, location.

. its material or substances.
. any other condition relating to is.

Risks :-
05 risks of confined space.
1 – oxygen deficiency and enrichment
2- Fire and Explosion.
3 - Toxicity
4 – Drawing in liquid or entrapping in free flowing solids.
5 – Extremes of team pasture.

Outline factors to be considered when making assessment of first pride

pronrim in workplace.


Distribution :-
The spread of worker throughout the work place is important consideration – are
they spread over a large area e.g construction rite or they tightly located e.g an
office block . so it is in protect to counter.

Numbers :-
Numbers of work employed is another feet.

Nature of work :-
Is the work of high risk, low or medium, next door to hospital , then near for first and
Is less if it is 30minutes.

Shift work :-
When there is more than one shift, then there is requirement for more then first
order. And arrange should be made of leaves and last day.

Q ) identify eight sources of information that might usually be consulted when

developing safe system of work.
1 ) statutory requirement.
2 ) Manufacture’s information.
3 ) practical its E standards.
4 ) industry or trade hit salone.
5 ) Result of risk assessment.
6 ) incident / accident statistics, the worker involved, and where possible
enforcement affiances and other.

Four ‘ C ,

Q )Following significant increase in accidents, health and safety campaign is

lalanderd in communication to encourage safer working by employee.
a )outline how the organization night ensure that campaign is effectively
communication to , and understood by Employee.

Ans ) organization must set clear objective and targets for campaign and clear to
achieve them. It is also important that key responsibilities for campaign are
allocated, and accepted with due commitment to avoid mixing of massages. Varity of
means for campaigns can be used such like posters, tool Box talk, safety signs, one
to one meeting. The language to communicate should be very simple avoid any
jargons end use simple language of that every body can understand.
Suggestion Boxes and surveys should be used to take feed back from employee
that the campaign is prosperity properly.

B ) other than poor communication that can limit the affections of the

Lack of management commitment is one factor that can limit the campaign
affections, that if the map at not serious.

- production or the issues [ such as to meet production taking priority over

the health and safety issue.
- Insufficient resources allocated to campign can limit its effectiveness.
- Poor working condition can cause the campaign to limit.
- Poor industial relations or lack of confidence of man ( event )
- Shift pattern, may be some shifts not conveyed properly because the not

Active and Reactive Monitoring.

There are two monitoring system.
1 ) Active or pro - active monitoring.
2 ) Re – active monitoring.

Active or pro- active monitoring

An monitoring of technique to monitor thing before taking place of event e.g safety

Objective of active monitoring

1 ) check that health and safety plans being implemented.
2 ) Monitor the extent of compliance of company laid down procedure and legal

Organization need to know

1 ) where they are ?
2 ) where they want to be ?
3 ) what is the difference and why ?

Methods of Active monitoring ( imp )

1 ) Routine procedures to monitor specific objectives i.e. monthly or quarterly repost.

2 ) Periodic examinations of the document to check that system relating to promotion

of health of safety culture are competed with e.g appraisal, assessment of training

3 ) inspection of plant premises, equipment to check either safety procedures are


4 ) Environmental monitoring and health surveillance to check effectiveness of

health and safety control measures.
5 ) Risk assessments.

6 ) Audits.

Use of Safety inspection, Sampling and tours.

Safety Inspections :-
Inspections involve examination of work place or equipment in order to identify the
hazards and determine if they are effectively controlled.

Four types of inspections

1 ) General work place inspections carried out by local first live managers and
worker representative.

2 ) Statuary inspections of equipment e.g boilers, pressurized tanks and it is carried

out by competent person.

3 ) Preventive maintenance inspections of critical equipment carried out out by

maintenance staff –

4 – Pro-use Checks of equipment . e.g vehicles, forulifts out by Bar.

Safety Sampling :-
Sampling is where only and partial amount of group / area is examined to establish
Fact that can indicate the compliance of the whole.

Safety Tours :
Tours provide opportunity for management to explore the affections of risk control
measure through planned visit to work place and to observe and discuss the control
of its use.

Reaction mentioning
A tool of monitoring used after an event i.e accident.
Primary objective are to analyte date of
1 ) Accident / near misses.
2 ) ILL Health .
3 ) Other Downgrading events.

Methods :-
1 ) Analysis on statistic of accidents, near misses, ill health and injuries.

2 ) Assessment of cost these accidents done i.e damage to property.

3 ) Any legal or enforcement action take again, / organization.

4 ) civil claims after tops.

Q ) outline sources of information by which health and safety performance can
be reviewed ?

Ans :-
1 ) Accident/ Incident Statistics:-
Accident data analysis are critical but It should be remembered that it is after event.
Two elements to consider are

1 - Quality of planning before event.

2 - Failure of control, this will after regulates in review of risk assessment.

2 ) Inspections :-
Primary purpose of work place inspection is to identify the hazards and potential of
their out come.

3 ) Absences and sickness :-

Some work place hazards or working environment may result in sickness absence or
ill health. Sickness or general data of absence should be collected and analyzed to
determine if it has resulted from work or working environment issues. Such analyses
may determine cause such as shift working. Overwork or poor environment
conditions including in adequate ventilation or extreme temperature, and humidity.

4 ) Survey , Tour’s , and Sampling :-

A survey identify needs for example a noise survey may identify if there is need for
any assessment.
Tours are to be carried out by most senior person of an organization so that to
carried out lap analysis.

5 ) Quality assurance report of audit.

6 ) Reports ( Annual reports on health and safety )

Audit :-
An audit is the systematic and critical examination of an organization’s system to
determine the extent of complain with set of agreed standard.

Pre – Audit Preparations :-

The audit must be structured and coordinated in its assessment of system. This is
best achieved by auditing check list developed or obtained before audit. She audit
involves assessment of documents, interviewing of people and observation in work
In order to prepare for audit it is necessary to decide who needs to be interviewed
and organize a timetable. In order to meet them in required method.
Interviews should be structured to provide interview with opportunity to express what
they are doing to requirements being audited.

The outcome of an audit should be detailed request, An structure and approach
should be agreed at pre – audit stage.

Advantages of internal Audit ( imp )

1 ) Ensure local acceptance to implomet re commendation-

2 ) Auditor often has intimate – Knowledge of hazards at work place.
3 ) An awareness for what might be appropriate for industry.
4 ) Familiarity with workfare including their workers and strength.
5 ) Belatirely low cost and eaier to arrange.

Disadvantages of Internal Auditor :-

1 ) May not possess auditing skills.
2 ) May not be upto current legislatin .
3 ) work lead or other responsibilities.
5 ) Pressure from management.

Advantages of External audit ( imp )

1 ) These are impartial.
2 ) Range of different experiences of the auditor .
3 ) Way be offer solutions that may be corridor clnsoleveable in organization .
4 ) Not inhibitea by oriticism.
5 ) Will see organizations refrences without prior burs. ( fresh pair of eyes ).

Disadvantages of external audit ( imp )

1 ) Need to plan well to identify nature and scope of organization.
2 ) Individual may not be for the coming,
Be nervous and resistant to discuss issue with outrider.
3 ) May seek unrealistic targets as he doesn’t know can, traint of organpor.

Accident investigation
Reasons for accident investigation
1 – Humane ( 2 ) Economic ( 3 ) Legal

Role of investigation :-
1 ) Establish what happened
2 ) Identify measures, to prevent recurrence
3 ) Establish legal for workers compensation
4 ) Data Gattering
5 ) Identification of trends
6 ) Determine cause including mderlyling causes.

Approach to Investigation ( imp )

1 ) Gathering the information that what happened and to whome it happened and the
information gather will include interviews, photograph , sketches of workplace and
environmental conditions.

2 ) Analyze the information, that why it happened, Analyzing the information of
immediate and not causes. At this stage it should be determined that either
individual, Job or management factor cause the accident.

3 ) Identify suitable control measure that either risk assessment requires to be

received , enlivening and administrate control.

4 ) The action plan for implementation that which risk control measure should be
immediately applied either the technical or administrative specific measurable
agreed time scale.

There are tow types of investigation

1 ) Supervisory Investigation –
As the person in immediate operating control of an area r activity it is logical to
expect the supervisor to gather the information on all incidents that happen in sphere
of responsibility. This investigation is necessary for all majority of incidents – it
should result in sight remedial action and underline supervisor responsibility for day
to day before.

2 ) Formal investigation
In some time formal investigation take place, The commit include.

1 ) A senior manager to fit as chair person.

2 ) A manager lower than senior manager ( i.e super fast )
3 ) A competent person
4 ) A safety engineer
5 ) work place represent.

Summery of action taken ( immediately action )

1 ) Isolating services and make area safe.

2 ) Administering Aid service and summon Emergency service.
3 ) Diform next kin.
4 ) Nothing the enforcement opening by Qizkest practicable means.
5 ) collect initial evidence such as photographs and sketches.
6 ) setting up accident investigation

Typical Root causes

1 ) Lack of understanding
2 ) Lack of training
3 ) Time constrains
4 ) Poorly supervises
5 ) Wrong equipment provider
6 ) inadoguate equipment

Good interviews technique will include
1) Record the name, date of interview
2) Conduct interviewsin private
3 ) interviews only one persons at time
4) protecting repuatition of person in time
5 ) set a sasual informal tome
6 ) Expressing appreciation for witness.

Immediate Causes
- Unsafe acts ( using tool not desired for tub )
- Unsafe condition ( trailing telephone cable on office )

Q ) A worker has been seriously injured by stick of reversing vehicle in

loading buy.

1 ) Facilitating requirement to the legal obligations.

2 ) Collecting evidence to defend a civil claim where applicable.

3 ) Determining Economic loss.

4 ) Demonstrating management commitment to health and safety,

5 ) To ensure that these types of accident never occur again.

i. Outline information that should be included in investigation report.

ii. Personal detail of injured party.
iii. Date , time and location of accident.
iv. Environment Conditions.
v. Control measures in place.
vi. Precise circumstances of incident .
vii. Type and extent of injury.
viii. Detail of witness and copy of their statement.
ix. Drawing, sketches, Photographs.
x. Immediate and not causes,
xi. Possible breaches of law.
xii. Recommendations.

B ) identify four immediate and four underlying causes.

Immediate Causes :-
1 ) Human Error or Failure to comply will procedures.

2 ) Mechanical Failure
3 ) Poor visibility in loading Bay ( i.e lighting )
4 ) Restricted view for driver.
5 ) Environment conditions such as high noise levels.

Root Causes.
1 ) Lack of driver or employee struck training .
2 ) Lack of supervision
3 ) Absence of rules in site for reversing vehicles
4 ) Failure to separate vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
5 ) Hack of maintenance of vehicle.

Q ) outline reasons why accident should be reported and recorded in work


Ans :- Accident are required to be properly reported and record as it is statutory

( legal ) requirement – They should also be reported because it indicates the Gap in
risk assessments and their review is required – it also shows the statistical analysis
and indicates the level of training required for staff and improvement in the

Q ) outline factors that might discourage the workers from reporting accidents

1 ) Ignore of reporting procedures

2 ) Possibility of retributions ( in blame culture )
3 ) Peer pressure
4 ) Previous lack of management responses.
5 ) An aversion to form filling.
6 ) A reluctance to lose time from job in hand.
7 ) A desire to pressure company’s departant’s and individual’s record particular by
where bonus payments are effected by it.

Q ) outline the immediate and longer term actions that should be taken
following a serious injury at work.

Ans :- Immediate action :

1 ) Preserve the scenes .
2 ) Provide first aid to the injured.
3 ) inform his next of this.
4 ) Determine immediate and root causes.

Longer term Action
1 ) Information low enforcement agencies.
2 ) set up an investigation
3 ) Record witnesses
4 ) and on findings revised the procedures.

Collision with moving vehicles

Following are factors

1 ) Restricted space to allow for man covering and passing e.g where there is high
volume of mobile plant and materials.

2 ) Un defined rules to segregate site traffic, e.g workers with vehicles such as forklift

3 ) Traffic routes not defined.

4 ) Vehicles reversing in loading bar without anyone providing assistance.

5 ) Speed limit not defined, over speeding.

6 ) Not or insufficient warming devices fitted to vehicle.

7 ) Staff / Person not wearing high visibility clothes.

X :- Question may come in this regard that what are or how can we reduce the
hazards of people collision with vehicles.

Falling of material :-
It is also critical to consider precautions to prevent workers being struck by moving,
flying or falling objects. Hazards are.

1 ) Stacking raw material too high .

2 ) Use of damaged or unsuitable pallet .
3 ) Overloading of material on sacking
4 ) Loose material stacked too steep on an angle.
e.g soil , Grain , vegetable.
5 ) Faulty or inappropriate means of lifting and lowering.
6 ) Unstable load e.g not supported , tied.
7 ) Obstructed designated walk ways.
8 ) Products of machining process not contained e.g scrap.

Striking against fixed or stationary object

- Poorly sited machinery or furniture . abid shap corners protruding out.
- Insufficient space for storing tools and materials causing poor acces in
- Poor lighting
- Working in enclosed area.
- Walking into cranes or lifting devises with hanging hooks / slings.

Conditions and Environment in which hazards arise.

-Poor standard of house keeping which allows rubbish to accumulate can cause fire
and other biological hazards.

- Adverse weather condition e.g wings, snow .

- Out door working , warehouse where vehicle operate along side workers.
- Typical High risk work – maintenance construction, excretion etc.

Why accident may occur on stair case ?

- Poor design of stair case.
- Not using hand rail
- Slippery condition of star leg due to water.
- In adequate maintenance ( e.g damage stairs )
- Obstruction on stairs ( e.g boxes )
- Inadequate standard of lighting.
- Bad practice ( e.g carrying load , inappropriate first wear, not using
- Top narrows for volume of workers using it.

Control Strategies for Pedestrian Hazard,

1 ) Risk Assessment :-
- Weather conditions – Particularly snow and ice.
- Lighting – especially at height
- Surface – the pressure of holes etc.
- unusually high number of workers .
- effectiveness of existing control such as barriers –
- unexpected movement of workers , such as shortcuts , entry into extricated
area , emergency evacuation –
- Special needs for certain groups such as disabled workers, pregnant women

2 ) Slip Resistant Surfaces

- improve layout with designated walkways.
- using high grip surface coating
- Highlighting changes in level with hazard warning strips.
- Providing good lighting

- Ensuring high standards of housekeeping clear of obstruction and spillage.
- High grip grit sheets at end of stairs
- Mats at entrance to building and case.

3 ) Spillage control and Drainage.

A procedure for spillage response at hazards area should include.
1. Raise the alarm and inform emergency rescue services
( e.g fire and rescue ) and relevant authority.
2. Evacuate all personnel and self excess from danger area.
3. quickly access the nature and extent if possible of incident.
4. Do not approach liquid if you do not know what it is.
5. Raise first aid treatment for those who got injured.
6. provide barrier or sand to contain spillage.
7. Isolate any ignition sources.
8. Keep workers away.
9. For interval spilols with no fire risk, ventilate by opening windows.
10. For external spill, cover drains to prevent the material group into drain.
11. issue appropriate PP’CS to there who are at win.
12. Ensure safe disposal of spilled substance.

Q :- ( imp ) out line issues to consider when undertaking manual handling

assessment of an activity that involves lifting buckets of water from sink ?

- Filling and lifting of buckets of water from sink may involves repeated
work, may be it is done by a person 20 times – the fact is that there will
be vertical and horizontal movements can cause back injuries . The
distance of bucket from body can cause backward body movements.
- We consider the training of individual that weather he is train to lift
buckets. Age of individual is also important factor and older person due to
weaker body is more at risk – Height of person is also important factor, as
more taller person have to bend his balk can coal injuries.
- The size of the bucket is also important factor that how much water it
contain shape of bucket that it is easier to lift the temperature of water is
also important factor, the stability of water as center of gravity can shift.
- Slipping floor can caves damage – also the floor should be free for

Q ) Give reasons that may cause a mobile tower scaffold to become

unstable ?
- The person who erected scaffold was not competent and had not erected as
poor standards. It may be in poor conditions – Lack of use of brakes or the
brakes were not effective, they were faulty – The Ground was not leveled, it
contains shopes that cause instability – The height to base ratio was not proper –
Lack of use of out riggers made it unstable – the weather conditions are

important as in high winds the scaffold can be unstable. Moving of scaffold with
persons and material.

Q :- Name and describe four types of safety commonly used ?

- First type is prohibition sign – It is circular in shape with white back

ground the borders are red and it have red diagnose – Just like no
smoking .
- Second type is Mandatory sign – It is circular with blue back ground – It
shows mandorty things at workplace just like Hard that.
- Third type is warming sing it is triangular in shape – Black on yellow I,e
Electric Hazards, Toxic substance.
- Fourth sign Safe Condition it is square in shape and it is green and white
– used for assembly point and first Aid.

Q ) Identify key element of permit to work system ?

Ans :- A permit to work contain all the job detail that what work is going to be
performed. What are the hazards associated with work and what are the control
applied. It also contains the detail of equipment and the isolation required for
equipment. It also mentioned the time scale required for Job – it is signed by the
issuer and acceptor and Findlaythe completion of work and the area to be safe
and clearer .

Q ) outline work situation ( Flour ) which.

1 – confined space
2 – Hot work
3 – work at Height
4 – Electric work
5 – Excretion work
( Also include detail of circumstances )

Q ) outline factors to consider when assessing risk to long distance

delivery truck drive ?

Ans :- Personal Factors :-

Physical and mental fitness of diner shall be taken into account. His knowledge
of traffic rules and sings and training of him. His knowledge regarding the
hazards of load he is carrying.

Vehicle :-
The condition of vehicle and its maintenance that either it . fit for carrying load –
Availability of tail lift poor movement of load.

Job :-

Condition of raod that it might have slopes , turns. Complexity of route and modes of
communication .

Load :-
Nature of cargo, Its weight and size.

Q :- List eight safe practices to be followed while using skip for collection and
removal of waste from constriction liter. xx :- Skip is contain used for create .

And :-
1. It should be on solid lurched ground.
2. It should have clear access for filling moving and removing.
3. If possible filling should be done mechanically.
4. It should be away from excavated work.
5. It should have some controls, to prevent overfilling.
6. Skip should be away from buildings.
7. Use a silences of work disposal.
8. Ensure skip os sound in condition, So that material doesn’t Fall From bottom.
9. Mark or color for different wastes.

Q :- Outline precautions to be taken when carrying out excavation work.

Ans :- Initial surveys and method of detection for underground electric cables and
gas lines if present shering and support should be provided to prevent collapse.
Area should be barricaded o Access and egress should clear and free of obstruction
safe removal of underground water i.e means of pumping water – safe disposal of
spoil [ excavated soil ] at a safe distance wooden planks should be and so that if a
veluicle is reversing couldn’t come near to excavation work.

Q :- Outline eight precautions to be taken to ensure safety of children’s who

might tempted to given assess to a constriction site.

Ans :- Proper fencing should be done to prevent access of children to site – if

possible depute a security personal to stop children’s entering premises – secure all
the tools and put them in lock and they – Isolate all the machinery so that children
cannot use it remove all ladders from premises – lover the excavate are a and wake
it safe cover all the chemicals – all electrical appliances should be secured – The
means of accessing roofs or second floor should be closed.

Q :- Outline Hazards that worker can be exposed when using petrol driven
chain saw to cut down tree ?
Ans :- Petrol Fumes are hazardous for health – cutting chain saw can damage the
worker – saw dust from cutting wood is health hazard – slip, tip and falls are
associates hazards – Manual handling hazards – playing objects [ tree’s cut pieces ,
can strike – exposure to the weather conditions if is raining – Noise and vibrations
are also associate hazard.

Q :- Identify four types of emergences that would an organization to have an

emergency response procedure .

Ans :- Evacuation in case of fire is one ERP that organization must have ERP for
major chemical spills. Organization must have ERP for major accidents or
dangerous occurrences such as collapse of scaffold. Organization must have ERP
for natural disasters such as Earthquakes and floods.

Q :- Explain why visitors to workplace should be informed about emergency

prepare procedures.
Ans :- Behavior of the visitors in case of emergency situation can cause more
problems for others so they can react accordingly- It also ensures that visitors by
their actions doesn’t create an obstruction for workers and panic situation can be
avoided – It is also moral and legal duty of employer.

Q :- Contractors are carrying out a major building project for organization out
line How this organization could reduce risk to contractor before start of and
during project !

Ans :-Before Start :-

Employer should arrange an orientation session with contractor and explain
him abut the organization emergency response procedures, safety policy, risk
assessment and permit to work system etc. Employer should check safety policy of
contractor Also the competency of contractor i.e his professional accreditation,
inspection record of his equipments they are they fit to use and previous history of
his incidents / accidents.

During work :-
Regular monitoring of the work of contractor so that they are working safety –
constant communication and co, ordination is required to be done by a designated
person of employer.

Q :- How an accident data within organization can improve Health and Safety
performance ?

- Accident data shows the trend and patterns of accidents that what happened
to whom and why. Where were the lacks, a so that they can be avoided for
reoccurrence. It also shows the patterns of injuries that which types of injures
are frequent – Employer can identify training had of employees that what
training are required if a training program carried out in near past it shows the
efficiency of training program.
B ) Explain two active monitoring methods that can be used when
assessing an organization health and safety performance.

- First pro-active method is the ‘ Safety Inspections ‘ of work place – Daily /

weekly / Monthly inspection can be carried out which shows the compliance
of safety procedures and also deficiencies second pro- active method is the
“Safety inspections” of work place. Daily/weekly/monthly inspections can be
carried out which shows the compliance of safety precautions and also
deficiencies second pro-active method is the “Safety Audit”. Audit is a big tool
to assess health and safety performance, as through audit compliance to
Health and Safety is measured by checking documents, observations and by
interviewing concerned peoples.

Q :- Explain how induction training programs for new workers can help to
reduce risk in workplace ?

Ans :- As new worker joined organization, they do not possess knowledge of the
workplace hazards and actions to be taken in case of emergency. They don’t have
knowledge of safe systems to work – induction training program includes safety
policy of company, risk assessment, permit to work system, emergency response
procedures etc which enable new workers to understand the concept of health and
safety and have reduce risk.

Q :- Explain why it is important to use variety of methods to communicate

health and safety information in workplace ?

Ans :- people are different and they can respond differently to different methods of
communication – some people like written information but some are more
comfortable with verbal communication – some people will respond more efficiently
to information with material – some love pictorial very of communication like safety
posters and signs – use of different methods can cause more effectiveness as over
familiarity is the main cause of complacent attitude of person some people wanis
information through electronic media i.e internet. Different methods can motivate
workforce to five feed back that which method they like most.

Q :- An Organization uses small Quantity of Toxic chemicals.

A ) Identify four possible routes of entry of Toxic chemicals to human body ?

Four possible routes in human body are Inhalation is common method, 90% of
illness are caused by inhalation as lungs effected Ingestion is another route, but it is
rare if a chemical is swallowed accidentally, most common of injection through
fingers with chemical used for eating purpose.

Absorption is another route, when chemical, like toluene effects skin.

Injection is another rule when skin is damaged just like broken glass in hand cause
skin to damage and chemical is glass enters through skin.

B ) Explain difference between acute and chronic Health effects ?

Acute effects an immediate or rapidly produced, adverse effect, following a single

term or short term to an offending agent, usually reversible. It can be serve in nature.
Chronic effect is a adverse health effect produced as a result of prolonged or
repeated exposures, with a gradual or latent but it is increasable, effect that may go
unrecognized for numbers of tears.

C ) Identify Sources of information which could be used in assessment of risk

of toxic substances ?

The sources of information that can be use are produced labels, Manufactures
safety data sheet, Industrial knowledge and audit + P Inspections.

D ) Outline control measures that might be required in order to minimize risk

to inverse.

Monitoring of the workers is the control measures that radices the risk, Isolation is
also another measure so that chemicals should be Isolated, Properly segregated –
proper PPE’S should be provided to workers to minimize exposure chance. The
employed should provide necessary information, instruction, Supervision, and
training to employees so that they can deal effectively with chemicals.

Q ) outline hierarchy of control measures that may be used to prevent worker

contact with dangerous part of machine ?

Ans :- Proper guard ( i.e fixed Guard ) must be used so that worker contact to
dangerous part is almost eliminate. Proper information, instruction and training
should be provided to worker. Trip devices should be used, so That in Case of
emergency they can be used . Proper PPE’S should be provided to worker i.e
Gloves as an additional control measures.

Q :- Identify Four non-Mechanical hazards that may be encountered during

work at wood cutting machine and also explain their consequences ?

Saw dust in the first hazard, saw dust can cause respiratory and lung diseases.
Flying object of woods is another hazard that can cause injuring to worker.
Noise is another hazard, can cause chronic effect on hearing.
Vibration is another hazard; hand arm vibration can be cause or swollen fingers.

Q :- Explain using suitable sketch, the significance of fire triangle.

In order for combustion to take place three elements of fire have to brought together
– fuel, oxygen and ignition source ( Heat ) – this is called fire triangle.
In order to prevent fire one of these element is kept apart, cutting fuel
is called starvation, removing heat is cooling whereas removing oxygen is

b ) List four type of ignition source, with employee of each ?

Ignition source are as :

1 ) Naked flame :- i.e welding flame in flammable environment.

2 ) Smoker’s material :- Discarded matches and cigarette, buds at work place.
3 ) Electric Heaters :- Electric heater near flammess material can cause for.

4 ) Un-attended Burning :- Like cooking , if remain un-attended can cause fire.

Q ) Outline Eight rules to follow when a forklift trick is left unattended during
lunch break.
- Ignition should be stopped properly and keys should be handed over to a
responsible person – Forklift should not be left un-attended with material on it – It
should be properly parked in designated place – The mast of forklift should be tilled
forward with forks resting on floor. It should be parked on firm leveled ground – It
should be parked in such a way that it doesn’t block the emergency routes or gates.

Q ) Outline the factors that will determine their level of supervision that a new
employee should receive during initial period of employment ;

- Ago of the person is very important factor, that if he is young, his maturity level will
be not too high and level of supervision required will be more with companion to a
person who has mature head. His previous experience tolerant to this job- this
education and previous training record – The work or task he is going to perform, if it
is highly risky activity than the level if supervision will be greater than of a activity
which has risk – This attitude and aptitude.

Procedure of spillage control and damage
1 ) Raise alarm and contact / inform emergency services e,g Fire services and local

2 ) Ejaculate the personnel and cordon off area.

3 ) Quickly assess nature and extent of incident.

4 ) Don’t approach liquid if you not know it.

5 ) Raise first aid treatment to those who got affected.

6 ) Isolated the ignition sources.

7 ) Keep all persons away.

8 ) For interual spillage with no fire hazard, open the windows for ventilation and
close the doors i.e ventilation and containment.

9 ) For external spillage, cover all drains so that spill shouldn’t reach drain, don’t
wash spill, in drain.

10 ) Provide suitable PPE’S to workers.

11 Dispose the spill by using proper absorbent material.

Work Environment Conditions

Heating :-
Workers can be exposed to variety of temperature conditions like working
environment is extremely cold than facilities should be produced to workers so that
they can warm themselves – if they are working is extreme hot conditions than they
should be provided place where they can rest and plenty of drink should be
provided. Extreme weather cause patigue and exhaust which can result in accidents.
If they are working outside, the sheets / shelter should be provided so that they can
remain safe from wind, rain.

Lighting :-
Workers should be provided with suitable light arrangements to carry out
work. The factors that should be considered are
1 ) The task [ that which job is being performed ]
2 ) The amount of natural light present.
3 ) Requirement of artificial light, damage of glare.

Noise :-
Noise can result in number of types of damages to each, worker who work in
high noise environment can loose their hearing with passage of time – consideration,
should be taken and proper controls should be provided like barriers and screens..

Dust :-
Dust is very dangerous and can result in respiratory problems, can result on
damage of lungs – It can also create hye problems – The area where there is dust
should be watered regularly to minimize the effect. Also suite the PPE’S should be
provided – u worker.

Possible cause of overturning of Dumper truck.

1 ) Very heavy load overload uneven load.

2 ) cornering with excessive speed.
3 ) Mechanical failure –
4 ) Inadequate tyre pressure .
5 ) Hitting obstructions.
6 ) Driving too excavations.
7 ) Driving or slopes.

Possible causes of overturning of forklift fruek.
1 ) Driving too fast.
2 ) Under inflated tires.
3 ) Driving across slopes.
4 ) Driving with local elevated.
5 ) Driving over debris.
6 ) Driving over holes on floors like drainage.
7 ) Sudden Braking.
8 ) Over loaded.

Suitable and sufficient Traffic route.

A suitable and sufficient traffic route should contain following.

1 ) Clearly marked, signs to snow speed limits and route of traffic,

2 ) Suitable and sufficient light should be provided.
3 ) clear direction sings of story, so that during reversing accidents can be avoided.
4 ) sharp bends and turns should be avoided. But where necessary yellow. White
bands should be used or barriers should be installed.
5 ) Height and weight of vehicle should be considered and strictly marked.
6 ) Separate routes should be designated for workers and vehicle.

Common injuries with manual handling

1 ) Rupture of intervertrebal disc[ slipped disc ] to lower spire.

2 ) Muscular strains and sprains.

3 ) Rupture to lower abdominal section cause Hernia.

4 ) Load with sharp edges causes cut.

5) Dropping load can result in crusting incases and fractures.

Assessment of Manual Handling Risks.

Remember word “ TILE ”

Task :- Holding load from certain distance from body unsatisfactory body movement
and posture excessive movement of load.

Individual: - Height, Strength

Health problems.

Special training, knowledge.

Load: - Heavy


Difficult to Grasp


Sharp, hot.

Environment :- Uneven, slippery surface

Extreme tem pratures


Lifting the load ( Techniques )

- Put the load in between your fees, the leading foot points towards direction of
- Bend your knees, tuck your clime in and keep the back straight.
- Ensure that its plain not the fingers taking load .
- Keep your arm close to your body.
- For lowering, reverse the same procedure bend knees and till forward.

Hazards of lifts and Hoist.

1. List or hoist may overturned or collapse-

2. Lift or hoist can strike the other people.
3. Supporting ropes may fail and platform or café can fell down.
4. lift or hoist can fail at heights.
5. Person get stranded if lift fail in height.
6. Load or part of load can fell.

Conveyors hazard

- Draingin :- Clothes in money part.

- Contact :- can cause cut, Abrasic

- Entaplemt :- with rolls
- Striking: - Falling of objects from high.
- Noise: - Noise of using part.
- Usual Handling :- Packaging etc.

Hazards with Cranes :-

Overturning :- Due to excessive speed, hitting obstruction and exceeding load line.

Overloading :- Overloading can case failure of load.

Collision :- Collision with other craves and over head structure.

Failure of load Bearing part :- If placed on cellars, drain, unleveled ground can
cause caurc loss of load :- Failure / breakage of slings, shackles etc.

Q :- Outline eight precautions to be taken when usage mobile. Elevating plat

form to reach street light :-

1. Inspection of plat form before use, so to check if there is any need of repair.
2. Using only competent workers.
3. Using outriggers and brakes.
4. Erecting warning signs and barriers to avoid collision.
5. Ensuring platform is not overloaded.
6. Avording over head obstruction.
7. Provide PPE’S like harness.
8. Training session before work.

Hand Held Tools

Hammers: - Avoid loose handles and chipped head, make sure handle is secured to

Files: - Always have proper handle, never use them as lever.

Chisels: - The cutting edge should be properly sharpen to angle. Don’t allow head
of chisels to be in mushroom shape – use hand guard on chisels.

Screw drivers :- Don’t use screw driver as chisel, don’t apply hammer on it, use
correct te of screw driver for the specific screw.

Spanner :- Don’t use pipe to enlarge the spanner – use different types of spanners
for different Job – never use splayed Jaw spanner.

Mechanical Hazards

Guide: - Use words “ FISHDECCS ”

Friction: - Frictions burns due to rough spaces- like grinding what.

Impact: - Is the strike by an object not crush cut, like striking by crane etc.

Shearing: - When two or more machine parts move towards /past, a trap is created.
This cans result crush injury.

Drawing in: - When a belt runs around roller an in-running nip is created between
them, this inward movement draws a party of body in – like in conveyors.

Entanglement:-loose clothing, deulevy, long hair while working in moving

equipment can risk of entanglement.

Ejection :- The ejected pieces of machine like of grinding wheal can case injury.

Crushing :- Cause when a part of body is caught in between two more parts of
machine, e.g plat form of hoist cloring together.

Cuttings :-
Saw blades and knives can cause cut.

Stabing / puncture- while using drill machines , if punctures.

Q :- A maintenance worker regularly uses a hand held Grinder and is exposed

to abstains.

a ) Identify symptoms that worker may experience due to exposure.

Ans :-The worker may experience hand arm vibrations . White fingers are result of
this works. Swollen fingers and joints ache.

b ) Outline six control /measures that may be used to reduce risk from vibrations.

- Anitvibration grip can be used on Grinder to reduce its effect . The

exposure time of worker can be reduced. I.e if he is working for its dauly

can be reduce to 6 hrs – frequent breaks ( small ) can be given to worker
during work, so that continuous exposure can be sopped . Proper PPE’s
should be given to worker . Proper information, Instruction, training and
superior is required.

Q :- Identify hazard associated with cement mixer/

b ) for each hazard stated above with its control measures.

a :- There are two types of hazard involved Mechanical Hazards :-

- Entanglement can be hazard while using moving mixer, if loose clothes are
worn or jewhavy – it can remit in entanglement.
- Friction is another mechanical hazard that i.e, produced by the moving
cement mixer.

Non –Mechanical Hazards ,

Noise is the hazard association with cement mixer. Cement dust can result in
eye / respiratory , Jewelry , vibrations are another not mechanical hazards. Contact
with cement in result in skin burn.
b ) control measures are as :
For entanglement use tight clothing, devoid jewelry for friction hazard use proper
For noise hazard, maintenance of machinery is control measure and proper PPE’s.
For cement dust proper eye and respiratory protection require.
For vibrations, people can be rotated in shifts and also main tenancies of machinery.
For contact with cement . Proper PPE’s are required.

Q :- State the rssues that should be included in a typical workplace accident

depositing procedure:
There are two types of reporting procedures i.e interval and external.
For interval reporting procedure, first of all accident book should be completed by
line Manager- It should be defined that the responsible person i.e his manager will
report the accident and also inform next of Kin – Also procedure include training of
person that how to report an accident – procedure should be reviewed / up to date.
External procedure would address external euthanatizes, responsibility should be
defined that Mangers should contact external agencies and law enforcement
agencies to infer them abut accident. Procedure should define responsibility that
who while report on site and offsite accidents. Training should be provided to
persons to report accidents and accident procedure should be reviewed and stay up
to date.

Q ) Identify factors that would help to determine the maintenance required for
an atom of work equipment.?
- Factors involved include ape of equipment Manufactures date, what manufacture
reconcile that how older is equipment – physical condition of equipment- Frequency

of its use that how long it is used per day or per week – Is the equipment operated
by an can peten person previous break down history of equipment. Criticality of the
process in which this , equipment is involved and any regularity requirement.

Non- Mechanical Hazards :-

Electricity – Shocks and Burns
Noise and vibration
Hot surfaces / Fire
Biological – Bacterial and virus
Chemical – Toxic, omitant, Flammable ,
Access – slip, trip and fake
Manual Handling.

Hierarchy of Measures for Dangerous Parts of Machinery.

Guide:-use word “FIAT”

Fixed Guards:- These guards are designed in such a way that it cannot got opened
by normal tools, it requires special tools which are not with operator, A fixed guard
allows authorized person to inspect but when machinery is isolated.

Merits :- They create physical Barrier

No moveable part, so less maintenance of mix. It also covers non-
Mechanical hazard like dust require special tools to open.

Do-Merits :- No-Connection with machine power, so if disconnection, Machine will

not stop, create problem in visibility of operator if enclosed cause of heat up of

Inter lock Guards, same as ficed Guards but it has more abele part that is
connected to machine, if moveable part is open machine will not start.

Merits :- If open, Machine will not start.

Allow regular access.

De-Merits :- Moveable parts so require regular maintenance. – if interlock is in form

of Gate, a person can step inside, and if a person alone gate and car reset.

Automatic Guards :- These are automatic and operates when machine goes
through cycle. They are for low spend machines.

Merits :- effective as it work with normal. Cycle of equipment –

De –Merits :- Limited for slow cycling machine –

Trip Devices :- These are not guards, but are devices in form of rod or cable which
on operation can stop machine.

Merits :-
1. can use as additional control measure
2. Minimize risk of injury.

De-Merits :- It doesn’t stop accident to happen.

Hazards Associated Electricity at work.


V= I XR OR I = V/R

Hazards Shock :- Current flowing through body and interfering with muscles and
central nervous system.

Electrical Burns :- Electric shock resulting in burning of body tissues.

Electric fires :- Overheating of Equipment.

Electric Explosions :- Spark in Flammable Government.

Secondary Injuries :- Person falling from ladder after Electric shock :

Factors influencing seventy of shock.

Voltage :- It is potential difference. Frequency:- It is the current in alternating supply.

Resistance :- If resistance high, low current.

Duration :- How long body remain in contact :

Current Path :- very imp, if current to a person.

Influences between fingers then the effect is less to ht if it is from hand to foot then
the current will pass through body and neat alone.

Protective Devices

1 ) Fuse :- is a simple copper wire used, it melts and the paths is broken, no current

2 ) Earthening :- An earth wire is connected to equipment and to a plate which is

ground ed. This wire has how resistance. If current comes to equipment casing by
any leak it passes straight to earth.

3 ) Reduce voltage system :- One way is to reduce the risk by using reduce voltage
system i.e by transfer on step down voltage from 220 to 110 v .

4 ) Isolation :- Isolation of Power supply when carrying out work.

5 ) Residual current Device [ RCD ]

An Electromechanical switching device is used automatically isolate the supply when

there is difference between current flowing into device and current flowing out form
Such a difference might result from a fault casing current leakage with possible fire
risk or shock to person. RCD can be design at low current and fast response
[ usually ] 30mt ) and 30 sec )And those reduce effect of electric shock.

6 ) Double Insulation :- This is common protection device and consists of layer of

insulation around lire electrical parts of equipment and second layer of insulated
material round this. Commonly casing of equipment.

Fire :-

Modes of heat Transfer :-

1. Convection :- Through movement of hot gases through air , like smoke.

Control measure :- Fire Doors.
2. Conduction :- Through a substance, like a metal bar is hinted and hot surface
is conducting heat.
Control :- use of insulting sheet’s.
3. Radiation :- Transfer of heat through invisible rays and heating surrounding
equipment, like containers in vicinity of Fire.
Control :- Segregate the containers or any source of metal form fire.

Ignition source :-
• Naked plane – cooking
• Smoker’s material – Electric heater
• Un-attended burning - welding
• Static Electricity –

Oxygen source :-

- ventilation – Air House

- chemicals [ oxidizing Agent ]

Fuel source :-

- Flammable liquid like petrol, diesel, Kerosene

- Flammable Gases like LPG, Butanee , CNG.
- Wood, paper are - Plastic,
- Chemicals
- Electricity
- Waste material,

Common Causes of Fire :-

1) Carelessness:-
Just like discarded matches of cigarette buds, unattended burin and poor
electrical connection.

2) Misusing Equipment:-
Overloading Electrical circuits and using fuse of too high rates, Failure of
following instructions failure to repair faulty machinery.

3) Defection Machinery:-
Electrical short circuiting, Electrical earth Fault can cause over heating.

4) Deliberate Ignition:-
e.g insurance fraud, aggrieved persons, political activists.

Effects of Fire
1 ) Human :-
It can cause burns injury to undivided can be fatal.

2 ) Economic :-
It also cost a lot when fire occur.

Causes of Fire spread

1 – There was no alarm system.

2 – Fire occurs in un- occupied area.

3 – Fire occurs after normal duty hours.

4 – People were not familiar with alarm system.

5 – Numerous hot work tasks going on. So smell of burning ignored.

6- open plain office, no compartment.

7 – False ceiling.

8 – Fire colors wedged open .

9 – No extinguishing medium in proximity.

10 – Flammable material not. Controlled, daily stoked.

11 – Boxes in corridor.

12 – Pallets and plastic near ignition source.

13 – off cuts of woods and saw dust lift in work are.

14 – Holes /cut for ducts to provide temporary access to locate/ remove equipment.

Storage of Flammable liquid.

Guide use word :-

Ventilation :- The flammable liquid should be placed in well ventilated area.

Ignition source, should be removed From Flammable liquid.
Containment, of Flammable liquid in dikes, so that and spilled.
Exchange :- Try to use less flammable light.
Separation :- Keep storage away from process area by signals.

Routes of entry of Hazardous

Substances in Human body :-

There are four routes of possible entry of chemical substances in human body.

1 – Inhalation
2 – Injestion
3 – Absorption
4 – Injection

MSDS ( imp )
An MSDS should include Following information :-

1 – Manufacture’s company –
2 – Contents / composition of ingredients.
3 – Fire Hazards
4 – Health Hazards
5 – Precautionary measures during accidental Release

6 First Aid measures.
7 – Handling and storage.
8 – Exposure control
9 – Biological information
10 – Toxicological Information
11 – Ecological information
12 – Disposal consideration
13 – Transport consideration
14 – Regulatory requirement

Segregation if people :-

Segregation is the method to control risk of Toxic substance. It can be done


1 ) By distance is simple method where minimum numbers of workers working

with biological agents are separated From General workforce.

2 ) By Age :- This is simple method to protect young workers, as young workers

are immature and can lead to greater risk.

3 ) By time :- This is the technique where the exposure of workers working at

hazardous environment is reduced by rotating their Jobs.

4 ) By Gender :- This is technique where the consideration must be given to

Gender, as Females can be more at risk in certain Jobs.

Local Exhaust ventilation [ LEV ]

There are three types of hoods used

1 ) Captor hoods :- use for welling Job
2 ) Reception hoods :- Use in furnes /Kiln
3 ) High Velocity systems of low volume system are used such like in Grinding

Factors effecting the efficiency of the Local Exhaust ventilation system

1 ) Damaged Ducts
2 ) An unauthorized alteration
3 ) Process change leading to more contamination
4 ) Poor location of duct
5 ) Filter blockage
6 ) Strength of fan
7 ) Too many bonds in duct
8 ) Leaving too many ports open

“ Sketch of LEV ”

Welfare Facilities :-

Drinking water:-
Employer should provide readily accessible and easy available drinking water
for employee – Tabs should be marked with “suitable for drinking” and vice

Washing Facilities: -
Employer should provide proper washing facilities and where necessary
showers for employees . The washing Facility should have proper hot cold water,
soap and towels.

Sanitary: -
Employer should provide proper sanitary facilities like toilets, considering the
number of workers and gender – They should be separate for male and female
and suitable in numbers.

Eating and rest facilities:-

Employer should provide proper facilities for eating food and for rest if the
long work is carried and if there is chance of contamination of food adequate
measures should be taken – suitable rest facilities for pregnant women and
nursing woman should be provided.

Seating: -
Proper seating, comfortable in nature should be provided to those who works
in standing position for long time and have short time to rest .

Ventilation: -
Proper ventilation systems should be desized for fresh air in workplace.

Heating: -
Level of heating should be appropriate to provide physical comfort. The
workplace such as off shore rigs where people are exposed to old Environment,
Proper facilities should be provided.

Lighting :-
Adequate lighting system as per nature of wok should be provide, it should
be designated in such away that natural light should be available , but if required
artificial light should be provided on such a way that it should not cause Glove.

Noise Reduction Techniques

Isolation :-
Use of plastic sheets/ rubber sheets as source of vibration.

Absorption :-
Use of porous material like foam and wool

Use of Brick wall b/w source and receiver

Damping :-
Mechanical vibration can be converted into heat by damping materials ( like
metals / plastic )

Silencers :-
Pipes / Boxes can be used as silence like at engine exhaust .


Hand Arm Vibration :- Caused by hand held tools results in white fingers hand arm
vibration syndrome.

Full Body vibration :- Cause through buttocks of seating people and also through
feet’s – can results in permanent injury.

Heat / Temperature

General effects

Cold Hot
- Loss of concentration - Loss of concentration
- Reduce power in manual work - Reduce activity rate
- Discomfort cause by shivering - Discomfort by sweating

Non iomization Radiation :-

Possible source

Ultra Violet Infra red

- Sun - Furnance of Fires
- Electric are welding - Molten metals and Glass
- Mercury Lamp - Burning or Welding
- Some lasess - Meat Lamps.
- Insect Killers - The sun

Effects :- Effects :-

Most of them are Thermal effect such
Filler by Ozone as skin burning,
Sufficient Penetrates eyes can be damage
Cause sun burn in cornea
even blindness Electric are and
Ullramiler lamp can cause eye

Control Measures For injection

1 – Reduced Time:-
Job rotation etc.

2 – Increase distance:-
Distance can be increase.

3 – Shielding:-
Proper and suitable shielding for rays.


There are six Reason due to which an individual can feel stress.

Demand :- If the workload is height and also environment is not suitable like high
noise, temp and poor lighting .

Control :- If an individual has little control with the pace of the work stress can be
result in due to poor results achieve.

Support :- If an individual has no support or little support from management and

reasons are not provided.

Role :- If an individual not understand his role.

Relationship :- If relationship is not good with other.

Change :- if there is change in organization and not well communicated.

Effects of stress

Physical Effects Behavioral Effects

- Increased heart rate - Increase in Aiviety
- Increase a sweating - Irritability
- Dizziness - High Alco hot in take
- Headache - High smoke rate
- Skin rashes - Erratic sleep Patterns
- Blurr vision - In-certainty and feeling
- Aching neck / shoulder of in ability to cope with
-Lower Resistance to infection work.

Inspection of Excretion

- At the start of each shift before work stare

- After an event likely to effect strength or stability of excretion
- After an accidental fall of rock, earth or material

Excretion Inspection Report

1 ) Must include name and address of person on which behalf inspection done.

2 ) Location of work place inspected

3 ) Description of work place apart from location if there is any plant, equipment.

4 ) Date and time of inspection

5 ) Details of any matter identified that could lead to health and safety risk

6 ) Details of any action taken against the matter raised

7 ) Name and position of person making report.

Types of Asbestos

Crocidolite = Blue Asbestos

Amosite = Brow
Chrysotile = white

Cause Asbestos and lung causes

- Legonelia = Bacteria causing pnevmaria

- Weil Disease [ leptospirrsis ] = animal (area )] specially
- Hepatitis


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