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Please highlight your responses and use a different coloured text while

responding to questions.

Name: Aparna krishnamurthy

Age: 18
Sex: F
Designation: chennai

1. Do you smoke?

• No

• Yes

• I used to smoke but I quit

• Occasionally

2. If you do smoke, what prompted you to start smoking?

• Peer pressure

• Curiosity

• Advertisement

• Everyone around me smokes

• Other (please specify) …………………..

Don’t smoke

3. Tick the statements that you believe are true.

• Tobacco advertising promotes consumption amongst existing


• Tobacco advertising encourages non smokers to begin


• Tobacco advertising does not influence anyone.

4. Do you believe that smoking is ‘cool’?

• Yes

• No

5. Do you believe that depiction of smoking in films should be banned?

• Yes

• No

6. Do you believe that surrogate advertising of tobacco products is


• Yes

• No

• It is no more harmful than advertising the product outright

7. Do you think that the current ban on advertising tobacco products on

television in India is justified?

• Yes

• No

8. Do you believe that advertising of tobacco products influences the

consumer to purchase the product?

• Yes

• No

• Maybe

9. Do you believe that anti smoking campaigns can help reduce

consumption of tobacco products by existing users and successfully
discourage non-users to even attempt to use them?

• Yes

• No

10. In your opinion, is second hand smoke:

• More harmful than smoking

• Equally harmful as smoking

• Not harmful at all

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