Proposed Agendafor August 2008 TCD

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Proposed Agenda for Meeting of

Thurston County Democrats

25 August 2008

I. Opening 7:00 pm

Call to order
Pledge of allegiance

II. Adoption of agenda

III. Review and approval of 28 July 2008 meeting minutes

IV. Introductions

Welcome new members

V. Brief updates

PCO election results

Primary election monitoring

Campaign for Change

Gregoire Campaign

Other campaigns

Burger Booth

VI. New business

Campaign Services Committee Recommendations

- Terry Bergeson, Supt of Public Instruction

- Michael Powell, LD 2 - Position 2

- Sam Meyer, District Court Judge

- Jodi Erikson-Muldrew, District Court Judge

- Greg Rosen, District Court Judge

VII. Good of the order

Date of next TCD meeting Æ Monday - 22 September 2008 (room 152)

VIII. Adjourn 9:00 pm

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