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Company orientation towards the market place means the arena in which the company
focuses .there is various concepts which comapany may follow to reach out to customers.

 Production concept: Lifebuoy uses production concept where it tries to

make its product available in all the parts of the country. It has it’s
availability in 50000 villages in India and the part of Lifebuoy soaps
affordable and lowest among all it’s compotators.

 Product concept : Lifebuoy also uses product concept where it has

introduced it’s several products such as Lifebuoy active red , Lifebuoy
active orange , Lifebuoy plus. It has also launched new products under the
brand Lifebuoy such as talcum powder, Shower gel.

 Selling concept : Lifebuoy uses aggressive selling concept via

advertisement, tag lines, etc; because it has to face stiff competition when
Lifebuoy entered the hand wash and talcum powder industry , their were
existing market player who were already established . So as to capture
market share Lifebuoy undertook aggressive selling and promotion.

 Marketing management concept: the four pillars of marketing concept are

Target market; customer needs integrated marketing, profit ability. Lifebuoy
targets the rural; market, where the customer’s needs are goods at lower
cost, lifebuoy considers that and markets its products considering the needs
of the target market.

 Societal concept: Lifebuoy SWASTHY CHETANA is a single largest rural

health a hygiene educational programme ever undertaken in India. Its major
objective is to educate people about hygiene. Lifebuoy became first Indian
brand to have a special postal cover which was released on the occasion of
World Health Day for the phenomenal work done by Lifebuoy.


 Core product: Core benefit that a customer expects from a Lifebuoy product
is to keep them clean after using a Lifebuoy product.

 Basic product: Basic products that Lifebuoy provides are Lifebuoy range of
soaps, talcum powder, Lifebuoy hand wash, Lifebuoy shower gel, etc.

 Expected product: Customer buying Lifebuoy product expects that the

products they use must be skin friendly and not in any form harm them and
the environment.

 Augmented product: A Lifebuoy user never expected fragrance in the

Lifebuoy product he used but now there is various fragrances available to
face prevailing competition.


 Based on tangibility: All Lifebuoy products are tangible PRODUCTS


 Based on functional life: All Lifebuoy products are consumer products since
they are used by the customers on daily basis.

 Based on Price and Quality: All Lifebuoy product as are mass products
since they can be used by one and all they are not only meant for all users, it
does not have any barriers that they can be used only by certain age group or
any particular class.

 Based on Utility: all Lifebuoy products are consumer products since they are
immediately consumed once bought.

 Convenience goods: All the products of Lifebuoy provides convience to


Product mix of Lifebuoy is all the products and items that it offers. The details of the
same are given below:
The width of includes the range of soaps, the Shower gel, talcum powder and the liquid
hand wash.
The product length will include the various fragrances that Lifebuoy offers under its soap
category. These are in the Lifebuoy active gold, Lifebuoy active red, Lifebuoy active
orange, Lifebuoy deo fresh, etc.
The depth of Lifebuoy includes the variants and the sizes of each of the product that it
offers. The depth of Lifebuoy soaps is Lifebuoy gold has only one category. It gives a
variant of 100 gms; Lifebuoy active red gives 75 gms & 125 gms and Lifebuoy clear skin
gives 80 gms & 125 gms.

PRODUCT CONSISTENCY:The new product that Lifebuoy manufactured were talcum

powder, shower gel and hand wash which are all used for sanitary purpose. Thus these
new products were along the line of soaps which they previously manufactured. If they
want to add new product on those lines would be SHAMPOOS AND DEODORANTS.


 Individual brand name :
HUL has different soaps under which Lifebuoy is one of
them. Thus Lifebuoy is marketed under an individual brand
 Family or Umbrella brand name :
Lifebuoy uses Umbrella brand name to sell products such
as Lifebuoy Shower gel , Lifebuoy Talcum powder,
Lifebuoy liquid hand wash.


Brand extension

Brand extension of Lifebuoy includes Lifebuoy liquid hand wash, Lifebuoy

Shower gel, Lifebuoy talcum powder. Lifebuoy liquid hand wash was the first liquid
soap. The company has used the brand Lifebuoy which is already popular among
customers to launch a new product.

Line extension
Line extension of Lifebuoy includes Lifebuoy international plus and Lifebuoy
gold. Lifebuoy total, Lifebuoy active red, Lifebuoy active orange, Lifebuoy active gold,
Lifebuoy cool, Lifebuoy clear skin, Lifebuoy nature.


Introduction stage:

In the introduction stage, Lifebuoy has recently launched the talcum powder and
shower gel which are innovative and different from their regular competitors.

Growth stage:

In the growth stage, they have the liquid hand wash which is just picking up sales
and bringing in revenues for the Lifebuoy brand. Here we may even include few new
variants of soaps.

Maturity stage:

Soaps such as active red comes in maturity stage where it’s sales is gradually
coming to a saturation point..

 Market penetration: Lifebuoy extensively uses market penetration
for its sales of products. All the products that Lifebuoy sales are
affordable by one and all. Lifebuoy products are mainly targeted
towards lower middle class and hence the prices are low. For
example, Lifebuoy clean skin soap Rs. 13 is charged for 75 gms
and Rs 20 is charged for 125 gms. For Lifebuoy talcum powder Rs.
28 is charged for 100 gms and Rs. 68 is charged for 400 gms.

 One price strategy: HUL as a company also charges fixed price for
all its products and from all its customers. Lifebuoy especially
charges fixed price to all it’s customers throughout the nation.
These are the MRP charges.

 Leader pricing: Lifebuoy also adopts leader pricing when it gives

discounts on its products. they also give out schemes such as buy 2
get 1 free, etc. this strategy automatically lowers the prices
attracting the customers to buy the product.


1. Zero level: As a brand of HUL, Lifebuoy also follows zero level channel, where it
conducts door-to-door selling, where it gives free samples of a new product

2. One level: Lifebuoy follows one level of channel very effectively. Here the
manufacturer supplies the goods to the wholesaler who may also act as a retailer
and sells to the ultimate customer.

3. Two level: Lifebuoy follows this channel where it follows a traditional channel.
Where the manufacturer supplies the goods to the wholesaler, who supplies it to
the retailer and ultimately to the consumer.

4. Three level: Lifebuoy’s, major aim is to cover the untapped rural market for
which it needs to have more number of intermediaries to take the goods from the
place of production to the place of consumption. It uses these channel level when
the manufacturer passes on the goods to the sole distributor, who gives it to the
wholesaler who gives it to the small retail shops in the rural areas where the
customers can have easy access to the goods.


Market dynamics means the means, modes and the methods of distributing the
produced goods and services.

VMS (Vertical Marketing System)

1. Administered: HUL as a whole indulges into VMS where in the
company is the sole owner and distributor of the products. The
company alone holds the authority to distribute the products .As
far as Lifebuoy goes it adopts administered VMS system. Lifebuoy
has managed to dominate the soap market for several years now.
Due to this command they hold they can command co-operation
from the retailers as per their requirements.
Lifebuoy as a product uses multi channel marketing for promoting and
selling the products.


HUL as a company uses multi-channel market foe selling it’s various products. It uses
mouth-to-mouth selling when the product is in the initial stages . it sends it’s products to
various distributors i.e. wholeseller, retailers, directly to mall distributors, middlemen,etc.
Lifebuoy the product in it’s initial stages was made famous using door-to-door selling
concept. Lifebuoy is also made available to retail shops, wholesale outlets, malls,etc.
Thus various level of marketing are clubbed for the sale of Lifebuoy.


Intensive distribution : HUL the company extensively uses intensive distribution .

Lifebuoy the product is made available at all possible outlets, may it be the rural , semi-
urban r the urban areas. The manufacturers make sure that the product is available as and
when demanded hence making it available where ever possible.

HUL as a company uses integrated marketing communication. It was all the possible
promotion tools for making it’s product famous. Lifebuoy uses all the promotion tools
available for selling it’s product.

1. Advertising :

Lifebuoy uses advertising extensive for the sale of it’s product , they use
advertising in all the stages of the product life cycle . they modify the
dvertisement as the product reaches the concerned stage.

Modes of advertising :

Broadcasting media
1.) Television : Lifebuoy uses various various advertisement on television which
leave a visual impact on the minds of the customers. These adds value around
keeping oneself clean and healthy just by using a soap.

2.) Radio : they promote Lifebuoy on the radio sponsoring products such as KRISHI
DARSHAN , AAP KA SWASTHYA, a greater number of audience it attracts

Another jingle used by them is

“Tararum pumpum,


Kabhi khusi kabhi gum,

Lifebuoy se nahaya karo.....

Tandrust rahe hum ,

Rajana nahaya karo......!!!”

Print media
1.) Newspapers / magazines : Lifebuoy also uses newspaper for promoting it’s
new products with attractive graphics and catching tg lines.

2.) Banners/Posters : Several banners and posters are put out across the city,
reflecting the products of Lifebuoy with cathcy images and tag lines such

“germs free health ko.....

Tandurushti kahate hain......

Doctors jise recommend karte hai.....

Use Lifebuoy kehte hai......”





2.) Field selling : in the initial stages of marketing Lifebuoy sellers uses to so
door-to-door selling and promotion Lifebuoy.


Lifebuoy uses sles promotion in several ways to targets it’s desired audiences
Lifebuoy being a consumers. And hence consumer promotion tool is extensively used.
1.) Samples: free samples of Lifebuoy soap nd handwash were given in it’s initial
stage of introduction.

2.) Coupons: coupons in newspaper are a common see where Lifebuoy products go.
Recently the coupons printed was on a purchase of a Lifebuoy handwash 250ml u
get a Lifebuoy soap absolutely free.

3.) Price packs : most of the Lifebuoy soaps are sold with price packs. It’s generally
always buy 2 get 1 freeoffer that is available.

4.) Premium gift : recently Lifebuoy was involved in promotion KRISH film. With
the purchase of Lifebuoy soaps a krish mask would be given out free. It was
mainly targeted towards children.

Another method used was that on the in side of each Lifebuoy covers a letter of
the word Lifebuoy would be printed, on completion ofthe entire word , a gift
would be given to the customers.

Lifebuoy uses public relation for it’s promotion of goods. It uses all the tools
which are required for a effective public relaton/

1.) Corporate communication : HUL has a annual report that is circulated among
all it’s share holders on yearly base as to keep the shareholders updated of the
development within the company.

2.) Sponsor events : Lifebuoy was recently part of the film krish the movie

3.) Public welfare activity : Lifebuoy is a part of public welfare activities such as
the ‘lifebuoy swasthyga chetana’ . this was the single largest rural health and
hygiene educational programme.

1.) Gram panchayat

2.) Swasthya parishad

The major factors influencing consumer behaviour :



In India, Lifebuoy had long been advertised using images of sporting success designed to
appeal to men. But new research showed that women in India have the greatest influence
over the choice of soap purchased. And the issue most likely to affect their decision was
family health. From an earlier focus on men, the focus has shifted to family with the
message that Lifebuoy, for the family is for effective protection from germs that cause
health problems. The recent jinlge 'Koi Dar Nahin' came about from the understanding
that a well protected family has no reason to fear anything. Be it the head of the family,
or the house-wife or the kids, Lifebuoy promises protection to all. The germ free message
that is given by lifebuoy makes people feel that they should opt for non other than
lifebuoy if they want a healthy living.



Lifebuoy is actually recognized as a complete family health product. But then have
variants for different kinds of age groups. For instance, Lifebuoy Total is for all those
active kids who constantly fear hygiene threats from germs, Lifebuoy DeoFresh for
young adults, Lifebuoy clear skin for pimple free skin, lifebuoy talcum powder for
getting rid of body odour etc


Lifebuoy products like soaps have designed its soap for people that have a hard life and
have to work for the entire day. Lifebuoy total and lifebuoy care suits the best to convey
the message that people belonging to any occupation need not worry because there is
lifebuoy to protect them from germs and give them a healthy life.


People will prefer products according to the income they earn. Lifebuoy makes products
accessible in terms of price and affordability by offering them in small, low-cost packs.
This brings their products within reach of consumers on limited incomes. If the prices are
say really high then people can not afford and especially not in a country like India where
only handful of people are rich and majority fall under the middle class category.


Earlier when lifebuoy entered into the market its jingle was " thandurusti ki raksha kartha
hai lifebuoy, lifebuoy hai jahan thandurusti hai vaham".their recent jingle is “koi dar
nahi.” Be it any way they main message that they conveyed was a germ free hygienic
protection by the means of soaps, hand wash etc. Such interesting jingles, advertisements
and hoardings around, Unilever motivates people and makes them realize that if they
want a healthy germ free life they must opt for non other than lifebuoy products.


Lifebuoy provides affordable and accessible hygiene and health solutions that enable
people to lead a life without fear of hygiene anxieties and health consequences. But with
different types of varieties provided say in soaps, talcum etc people perceive lifebuoy a
product that not only gives them a protection shield against germs and bacteria but also a
skin care product.


Every year three million children in the developing world die as a result of diarrhoea.
And the majority of these deaths could be prevented simply through access to clean water
and with the simplest and most basic of hygiene measures – washing hands with soap. So
lifebuoy decided that creating awareness among the people is of atmost importance. So
Lifebuoy introduced Swasthya Chetna in 2003. With a new brand vision agreed - 'to
make a billion Indians feel safe and secure by meeting their hygiene needs' – they
developed Project Swasthya Chetna – meaning 'health awakening' – the biggest and most
ambitious health education programme Unilever had ever undertaken.


Mass marketing

Lifebuoy products vision is to provide a healthy living to one and all. So their target is
not only a section of people but a mass be it rural areas or urban areas. Their products
such as lifebuoy total, lifebuoy active, lifebuoy hand wash etc are targeted to the entire

Segment market

Lifebuoy divided the market into segments to cater the needs of different people in
different segments. For example they have lifebuoy active green for those who want germ
free protection through herbs and not chemicals. Then they have lifebuoy shower gel
targeted to people who want style and not just a soap. For teenagers they have lifebuoy
skin care ,deo fresh etc




75% of India's population is in the rural areas; hence about 50% of the soaps are sold in
the rural markets. Lifebuoy’s variants like Lifebuoy plus, Lifebuoy total, lifebuoy active
are specially positioned for the rural market.


For the semi-urban segment, Lifebuoy nature & Lifebuoy fresh, lifebuoy talcum is

Whereas Lifebuoy clear skin soap, Lifebuoy deo fresh, Lifebuoy international (plus
&gold), lifebuoy shower gel are meant for the urban segment.


They have different soaps positioned for different age groups for eg they have lifebuoy
care men and children. They have lifebuoy skin clear for the teenagers, lifebuoy total for
mothers, lifebuoy deo fresh for young adults etc


They had earlier focused their brand only on men. But when they realized that women
have a more command on the purchase of soaps, they repositioned their brand by
including products for women and the family as a whole. They have lifebuoy skin clear.
Gold care for women and lifebuoy total, lifebuoy care for men.


The income factor plays a major role in buying decision of the consumer. Now they know
that in rural areas people will not prefer shower gels and hand washes because their
purchasing power permits them to satisfy only their basic need of having a bath. So soap
prices are the least among their range of products which are really affordable. Whereas a
person from urban or semi urban area will have the purchasing power to buy shower gels
and hand washes. So they give them the satisfaction of their basic necessity with a few
more additions. The prices of shower gels and hand washes will be a little more than the
soaps but now too higher. In any case the main motive of lifebuoy is to give a better
hygienic life to the mass


Benefit sought

Benefits sought by people from different products are different. Lifebuoy active green
makes use of herbal products so its an eco friendly soap. Lifebuoy skin care helps in
preventing pimples and protects skin

User rate

Lifebuoy soaps like lifebuoy care, lifebuoy total, and lifebuoy herbal are used more
among the people whereas lifebuoy hand wash, lifebuoy shower gel are used at a lower

Full market coverage

Since lifebuoy is a product that is made for one and all it enjoys the full market coverage.
They are targeted to each and every segment of the market. Targeting the entire market
leads to mass production, production efficiency and reduction in costs.

Lifebuoy's goal is to provide affordable and accessible hygiene and health solutions that
enable people to lead a life without fear of hygiene anxieties and health consequences.

The brand was initially positioned in the health and value platform. It was positioned by
the jingle " thandurusti ki raksha kartha hai lifebuoy, lifebuoy hai jahan thandurusti hai
vaham." Lifebuoy was previously targeted at the male user with an individual-oriented
“success through health” positioning. During its entry into the soaps market it was also
positioned as having low prices. The new Lifebuoy is targeted at today’s discerning
housewife with a more inclusive “family health protection for my family and me”

Its variants - Lifebuoy Total is positioned for all those mothers with active kids who
constantly fear hygiene threats from germs leading to stress and anxiety for the mothers.
Lifebuoy DeoFresh is positioned especially for young adults who lead active lifestyles.
Lifebuoy active green, on the other hand, which comes with neem and tulsi, is positioned
as a herbal soap. Lifebuoy Gold Care is specifically designed for sensitive skin. Lifebuoy
clear skin, as the name suggests, is positioned for pimple free skin.

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