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DNS Migration Procedure

On the Windows 2003 Source Server

1. Stop DNS by running the following command:

Net stop “dns server”

2. Export the following registry key by running the following commands:

reg export

reg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DNS Server"

3. Copy all files and subfolders under %windir%\System32\DNS (except the Samples folder) to a
location or a (USB) key under the DNS_migrate_system32DNS folder by running the following
copy command:

xcopy %windir%\system32\dns "c:\Documents and Settings\%username

%\Desktop\dns_migrate_system32dns" /s /i
4. Start the DNS Server service by running the following command:

Net Start “dns server”

Because at this time the source server and destination server have different IP addresses, the source
server can continue to service clients and other DNS servers.

On the Windows 2008 Destination Server

1. If the DNS Server role has not been installed do so now by using the Add Role feature.
2. After DNS has been installed stop DNS by running the following command:

Net stop “dns server”

3. Copy the directory and all files within the directory of DNS_migrate_system32DNS from the
desktop of the 2003 source server to the 2008 destination server.
4. Within the DNS_migrate_system32DNS right-click Dns-Service.REG and select Merge from the
context menu.
5. Within the DNS_migrate_system32DNS folder right-click Dns-Software.REG and select Merge
from the context menu.
6. Copy all contents from the DNS_migrate_system32DNS (except the samples folder) to %windir
%\System32\DNS folder.
7. Start the DNS Server by running the following command:

Net start “dns server”

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