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Lewis Creek Watershed Physical Characteristics

Landscape Slope
Elevation in Feet Landscape Slope
0 - 500 0 - 5%
501 - 1,000 5%- 10%
1,001 - 1,500 10%- 15%
1,501 - 2,000 15% - 20%
2,001 - 2,500 20% - 30%
2,501 - 3,000 30% - 90%
3,001 - 3,500
Watershed Boundary
3,501 - 4,000
4,001 - 4,500

Watershed Boundary

Geology - Soil Parent Material Erosion Index

Geology - Soil Parent Material Erosion Index
Glacial Till Highly erodible land
Fluvial Gravel Outwash Potentially highly erodible land
Glacial/Dense Till Not highly erodible land
Dense Till Watershed Boundary


Watershed Boundary

Elevation: Generated from USGS

Digital Elevation Model, 7.5 minute Quad

Slope: Calculated from USGS

Digital Elevation Model, 7.5 minute Quad

Soil Parent Material: Derived from The Soils

of Addison County, USDA-NRCS, 1971, and
USDA State Data Table 'TOP20', April,2002.

Soil Erosion Index: Derived from The Soils

of Addison County, USDA-NRCS, 1971, and
USDA State Data Table 'TOP20', April,2002.

Funding partially provided by the Kelsey Trust

and the Autumn Harp Foundation through a grant
from the Vermont Community Foundation.

Additional funding from VT Agency of Natural

Resources, Water Quality 604(b) funds.

Th is m ap in ten ded for plan n in g pu rposes

Addison County

0 1 2 4 6 8

ACRPC 6/2002

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