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Vladamir Chertkov, consultant, Indian gymnastics team

bout 26 million children are born in India each year

Each year, the world loses over eight million children under five years of age. Currently, India
accounts for 20% of these deaths

Since the launch of the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) Programme in 2005, safe deliveries,
particularly in hospitals, have increased from 48% of births in 2002-2004 to 53% 

The CAG report on the scam in 2G has found serious problems with 85 of the 122 licences given.

 now, the absence of institutional funding of politics offers

justification for individual politicians to collect money, of
course, ‘for the party’ .
the 29 US companies whose clothes she wore apparently
earned $2.7 billion because of her patronage, and even the
share prices of European companies whose labels she wore
rose by 16.3%. 

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