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Alcohol Facts


 Alcohol can do damage to your body, mind, and life

 The danger level is even greater for teens than adults
 So…remember the dangers and resist peer pressure

How it works:

 1) Alcohol enters bloodstream and circulates entire body, 2) It reaches the brain, affecting
judgment, emotion, and coordination, 3)It is broken down and eliminated by your body
 Drink to fast and you will be intoxicated
 Binge drinking can lead to poisoning and death


 Long Term Physically->liver disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, muscle and bone
weakness, an enlarged heart, cancer of the mouth/pancreas/etc, brain damage
 Long Term Mentally-> blackouts, depression, hallucinations, memory problems, loss of mental
 More-> slow reactions, affect athletic ability, increased chance of infections, keeps teens from
maturing, adds stress, loss of friends, low self esteem, family problems, bad behavior, abnormal
sexual behavior, bad academic performance, legal problems since you have to be at least 21 to
buy, drink, or have possession of alcohol.
 More-> car crashes, AIDS/STD’s, addiction to alcohol, increased risk of falls/drowning/etc.

Why Is Alcohol used?:

 To be popular
 An escape from problems
 To forget loneliness
 Just to try it out

To Drink or Not to Drink:

 NOT everyone drinks

 It is illegal (before 21) to buy alcohol, drive after drinking alcohol, consuming alcohol, having
 Breaking law results in license suspension
 Resist by practicing how to say no in a non-cheesy way, don’t argue but leave if you’re being
pressured, trust why you are saying no
What to do in your spare time?:

 Enjoy other forms of entertainment that don’t involve harming your body, become an active
participant of your school and community, relax using techniques such as meditation/deep
 Feel Good about yourself->find a skill you have, volunteer for something you love, be a role
model for the younger generation.

More facts:

 Alcoholism is a disease, but can be treated.

 Anyone can be addicted to alcohol, whether that person is good or bad
 The more you consume alcohol, the more likely you will begin using other drugs

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