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NARBERTH CO- '.I.· ...

:·I 1TY L ll3RARY


Vol. 3D-No. 24

Health Board Lifts PgJ,ip Bani

Will Cautions
Sons to Always W dM

· C h I n
Fi,·st Post Of
'Amvets' Formed
Garbage Complaints Reach
For Children Under 16~ ears;
Do Right T hiny
Kill dIn
Schools To Open Here Monday
One of the grl!atest gifts of a
father to his sons was contalOed
In the will of John M. Irvine,
Lower Menon, '\\ho died Sept. 4,
It F

· as PIane Cras

The first post of "Amvets".
national organizatIOn
World War II veterans. was or-
ganlzed in Montgomery County
Tuesday night.

It will be known as the Potts-

High Mark in Past Month;
D Ies s
Health Authorities Will Permit Football
at Lavalette, N. J.
Mr. Irvine had real and per-
sonal holdmgs valued at mOre
than $12.000 and all thiS he bl!-
queathed his Wife, Elslc A,
I n Cal·f
1 0
rnl· a
Lieutenant Flank H Dean, Jr
town Post of Amvets.
The organization meeting in
lobe Varsity Club. Pottstown, was
attended by 75 veterans of
World War n and serVice men
Appeal to Bonding Company ±
Game on Sept. 22; Two of Paralysis Irvine.
To Ius sons. Samuel \VlImer
554 Hansell Rd Wynne\\ ood. was
killed \\hen a Cosan fighter plane
on furlough.
State Commander Norman Studies in France Chairman of Committee Says Collector
and Chestcr A. Irvine, he gave Clock, ReadlOg, was present. He
Victims in Same FamiIy "a father's love and a prayer
that the~ ma:\' always do the
he \\as pllotmg Clashed on FrIday
near San DleRo Cal
spoke on the state confclence to
be held in Readmg on Septem- Is Not Even. Living Up to Terms
The han all 16-\ ear-old chJlch en congl egatJl1g "as hfted rl/:,ht Hung as thl!Y have been The plane Clashed m a l'eslden- bel' 29 and 30.
• enon T own-
in N arhel th Borough this" eek bllt JI1 1.,0\\ f'r 1\1
The \\111 ,\\as written Feb. 26, tlal district just Eas
f S
The Amvets has posts in 34
states. 20 of thcm are 111 Penn-
Of Wartime Agreement
ship, "hel e ne" cases of Il1fantlle pal'al~'sls \\ ere reported, 1934. Diego'S shealedItoffdemolished
Cltv llnuts
t\\O gal ages. palC of a sylvania. Garbage complaints in the Borough of Narberth reached
the In schoo}::; "Ill rcma1l1
Lo\\el Mellon authOl-~
health closed.
Fire Prevention
otary R CIubH e a r s !house and then
yalds aclOss contmued
a canyon stIUck 500
an Ad PI F
r more ans or an all time high of 131, accordmg to the monthly report of
Robert Cameron, chairman of the water, light and he!lth
ItWS lepOI ted SiX nr\\ casps and 111
Ha\elfOld Tm\nshlP fi\p 111'\\
cases de\eloped One of tlw the
new ca'cs In Ha\elfOld died He
Week Oct. 7 to 13
R C IDawk·
ar Ins
embankmenC and explodf'c. No
one \\as mlUred m the housf>
Lt Dean, 23. was gladuated
N Le - H
ew glon orne
commIttee, presented at t e
h B oroug h CounCl'1
~M:onday night.
on rnee~mg
\\as Fled WillIam Benrkel JI Announcmg that FIlP Ple\entlOn.
Manoa a Ha\elf01d semol High Wpek \\ould be obse1\ed flOm Oe-
School slucirnt and the son of an tobel 7-13 bv plodamatlOn of
flom WOOdlOW Wilson High
ISchool. Long Beach Cal. and the
HERE AND CamelOn told the CO\H1Cnmen
the the Borough had written nu-
• Allm Mcdlcal COJPS (aptalll
Plesldent Tluman Fue Malshal
Bpnson Wednesela\ called upon 1'\-
M"Inlster S tresses IU S. Naval Academ~', class of
1943 Follo\\lIlg gladuatlOn flom
A • A • W a lker N arne d THERE melOUS letters to John Neuoert•
The 01 del Isslwd b\ GpOl!!e B elY cItizen to Jam III the annual
Suplre 11eflllh officel In N:lIbelt11 C1usade a!!amst file
Need for Ser'''I'Ce the AcadCimy he sel\ed on l\ poT
" p o a t m New Gumea fO! 16 months
I OUt 0 PPOSI·t·Ion Pelkasle. Pa. who IS under con-
tlact to col1ect the garbage. com-
lead File cic\asLated Japan' File To Others and \\as awalded the Sllvel Stal For Commander by BETSY-ANN plaming about hiS work but with
'BY acl10n of the Nal bel th Mau;hal Benson said but fe\\ aftel lus boat destloved 10 Jap • -
BOUld of Health the ban on at- seem to leullze that \\e at home landlllg balges on July 20. 1943 no results
tendancc of all c!lIlc1lel1 undel 16 cUllentl\ ale \\agmg a lOSing fight The Rev Call Da\\kms a mem- He leCmned Co the Umted States Plans mss be discussed for a It \\as proposed that Solicitor
\ cal s 01 age al all pI 1\ ate and agamsl thiS enem\ \\ ho ne\ el fOJ - bel of the Uppel Dal b\ Rotan m Malch. 1944. fOl tiamlllg as a ne\\ and lalgel Amellcan LegIOn MIS J Raymond Felguson. 335 Hemy FrY wl"1te a letter to the
publH schools theat I PS c!ltltcl1es sakes OUI commul1It\" Quotmg
Sunday sc hools publl, anel Pi 1- statlstl( s I erenll\ released b\ Che 1 Club told membels of the Bala-
Lt Deall's
\ ate meelmp; places \\ III be llfted NatIOnal Fue PlOtectlon AssOCI- C\l1\n d-Nal bel th club on Tuesdav FI ank H Dean IS a Naval officer
father Captalll
home m Aldmole tOl1lght at a
meetmg of Bullock - Sanderson
L M Chauman
CountlY company under WhICh Neubert
Fn'l hela SundaY Septembel 9th '\\as bonded complammg of poor
SatUl cia' Srptcmbcl 15 atlOn sho\\ mg a sl1al p mCI ease III t'lat the \\ olld \\ ould be a bettet on duty at the Philadelphia Na\ y The annual electIOn of officel s :,t Polt Roval fOl the benefit of the gal baR'e collectIOn. In thiS way
'All publlC ?nd Pll\ al e schools I fil e lo<oes he I epOi ts tllat eU1Y I place III \\ hlch to 11\ e If thele ,\ el e Yal d He IS also stU vlVed by hiS Will take place aC the same meet- Pfc GeOl ge Buckley son of No' tnel n Home fOl Chlldlen re-I the BOIough hopes to avOld more
In tl1e BOt ough ot Nal bCI th \\ III da\ m t he United States thele ale
open Monda\ Srplcmbel 17 PIO- 1800 fil rs \\ 11Icl1 take a toll of 28 bellel coopel atlOn
b mothel a slstel MIS Guv C Lea-
et\\ een the \ III \\ ho mall led one of Frank.
vlded no admtlOnal cases of pollo Ih es Dall\ fil e also attacks 1000 home< schools and the CIViC sel- IJI s classmates, and a blotl1el.
mg Nommated Without OPPOSI-
tlOn fOl the vacancies ale A A
Walkel fOl commandel Dl D
MI and Ml s Ealle A Buckley POl ts neally 2,000 attended the dl astlc actIOn.
Ovel!llll ReI .Bala-C~ m,yd IS pilau thiS yeal and the receipts
~~\~~~~~~g :oAic~;\n~~(~~cceo~I~~ aPPloxlIl1ated $4000
Under the conti act Neubert was
to collect galbage throughout the
de\elop befOlc that tlmc !lome< 130 stOll'S 100 factolles 7 \He clubs IRIChald MacFal1an fOI semOl \Ice-com- Theil' \\ele 25 classes enteled- Borough two days a week durmg
Health alltholltll~< 111 Lo\\ el (htll chrs 7 schools and 3 hOSPItals ~~yS1CR~t ~;~l~~elll~ns~~I~~:~ pony classes. huntel s jUmpel S the Wmtel and t1llee days a week
MellOn TO\lnslllP said schools
\\ould lemam closed until thele
IP ----.---
tI Ad-
He pomted out that PllIladelpllla
naa ploduced thlee men \\hlch up- I
held the clced of the RotalY Club
---.-- -

ease s
etLi Of mandel W W Helzel fOl finance
~ffiT:na~lIaN fo?I~~ISg:~~t~~l~\a~~:
Lt Com. J G Armstrong for
L FIance
tlnee gaited saddle hOlseS and dUlmg the Summer. After the war
nve gaited saddle hOlses The Ibegan Neubert presented certlflca-

IS an abatement 111 the cases
It IS undphtood the, \1111 pel- II
a man

F dbed
a m s \\ Inch believes m SCi \ Ice to Ot!l-
CIS befOle self TI1e tlllee men
1.c named \Iele BenJamm Flank- Sid chaplam and Dl G G Basset
fOl 11lstollan eagn
t St
rllamplOn m Che saddle hOlse class tlOn that because of tires and gas
\,as \\on by
am elg s
"St 1 I b
a - latlOnmg gal age co
uld nl b
0 Y e

mit a Lo\\ Cl Mellon Hloh School
football game to be pla\ed on Sl']1-
tembel 22 If the polIo ban IS sul1
on at thaI tll11e no 16-\cl\-0Id
chlldlen \\111 br a 11 a\' pel to attend
ete y o m r a e s PIe Cltv s f~mous store and Dl
1111 John Wanamakel foundel of
• '
Russell COl1\ull foundel of Tem-
}:Ill Unl\elslt~.
ummer n octees Fm the executive committee'
R J Campbell. JI G.R Glaham
H M Halman. E J Helm. Jl A
G .Jensen R D Klstlel W W
McCall and DI S B Sturgis have
Dri F 0 F d

or un s
p;ht' ..
The champIOn In the collected tWice a week durmg the
hunCel class \\as E S. Kmdlan s Summel
qal" \\as leSel\e champion
Councilmen accepted
Ilene Randall s 'M~ thIS explanatIOn at that tune.
However Neubert judgmg from
Many 10\ ely donatIOns IVele laf- the complaints. said Cameron.
Health autllDlltles hall banned p )'. H Twenty-Seven Are
The meetll1g on Tuesday \\as been nommated fled off Among the luck" \\mneIS hasn't lived UP to hiS contract
the sale of food and dll1lk at tile ICe onor
0 Called I'n Last
kllo\\n as Uppel Dalby day and The Plesent Amellcan Leln0n 1I1 the ,Iclmty \\ele the Denms even fOI the two-days-a-week
The To\\nslllp Bomcl of Hralth
C II eague Wh Serve d
0 0
18 guests flOm that RotalY Club
Three Months
\\ele Plesent at the meetmg Kall
110me lS at 125 Sutton Rei Ald-
mOle DUling the past \ear the
l\1f B Z St
.irs. . raw b'd ge
eJ. n
IR\anS of MOieno Rd Wynne\\ood :ichedule dtllmg the Summer.
tlle T Calvm PillIOns Chauncey 'Complamts flom Narbarth house-
~~tCJF1~~~~hDl:S~0al~~'ol\~~~E~I g~~ 132 Years on Force
1 ~n:~I~~~~c~ftl~~es~~~:~I~~I~I~ecJ~~ ~;t~a~~soia~~~IJnw~~un~mbel To Head Campaign
of ~cl Se;ln v~~e\ ~~c\;~~re~ede~d~ ~g~~~~sh~~es::gwn to large pro-
opelllng of pm ollllal 0\ PI 1\ ale Tlle Bala-C~ n\l yd-Nal bel t h \\ el- A llst of Summel mdurtlons In- Inci eased membel ship and the Committee IM~\ 10~1 S Also at the meetmg the build-
schools \ml11 lullI'rl nol1re In Sal1luel S Aelams 66 a member comed a ne\\ membel on Tuesda\ to lhe Aim' Na,y and Maline need fO! mOle lecleatlOn faclhtles • Thele \H'le gifts fOl sale cake< mg eommltlee repOlted three
addltlon cllllmcn tll1ael 16 \\ PI e of the LOI\ el Mf'llOn To\\ nshm po- Hc IS Fl ank Humcs a fO! mel COl PS \\ as. I eleased thiS \\ epk bv l,a\ e mfiuenced the LegIOn mem- I ot dogs cand~ soft dunks and I bUlldmg pel mils Issued dunng Au-
O1deled by the bOllCI to lemam hce fOlre fOI 32 ,eals, \\as guest II embel of the Haltlsblllg dub the Selectl\e Sel\lee Boale!, for bels In plannmg fOJ a new home Thf' Lo\\el Mellon TO\lnshlp r' fmm table' offelmg buttel, gust and 25 buildmg lI1Spectlons
a\\ av flam S\\ lmllung pools thr-
alles (hUlch and Sundav school O,f hanOI at a pUll\ . gl\en last
\\ ho IS no\\ 1eSldmg 111 Nal bel th
\ISltOIS at lhe meetmg besl(]es I AI dmol e and Nal bel th Sevel al sItes 111 AldmO! e aheadv Leagup of Women Volel s 111 COOP-I hees and \ egelables A' White made.
The hst sho\\s tl ele \\ele 12 m- have been Inspected as a pOSSible elatIOn \11th tl'e Leaguc ~ Ea<telnl~le h:~nt table offeled all ::'OltS
as \\ plI as all pubJlc 01 Pli ale 'I Inn soa\ milhl to malk hIs letl1 e- till' Uppel Dar by guests \\ el e Cpl ductlons In August SiX mducllOn< IlocatIOn fOl the Post LeglOnnal1 es DI\ ISlOn of Penns\ 1\ anm \\ III open 01 ~lck-nacks Don t miss It next '101aClons fO! the month. two auto
I The police repOlt seven traffic
gathelIng< menl flom the fOl ce Cllalles StuPp, \\ ho has lUSC 1 r- I m July and nme mauctlons In \\ ould lIke to bUIld neal the cen- a finan(lal dll\ e on Septembel 21 'e~1 It s 101 a \ en \\ 01 thy cause aCCidents. one house broken IDto
1'I1:ea11\lllllp SIX 1l( \\ cases of 1 he The pall\ \\ as gl\ en b\ W('st t UI ned hom Itah 0,( al Funk I,June I tJ al Al dmole sectIOn If an ade- I al a lun( Ileon m the SheI aton n'e1 e\ e1\ bodv enJo~ s It II esultmg m $9 damage Three
cllsease \\ PI (' I p]lOI trd 111 tlle tO\\ n- M I C t Cl N L .lm Ehzabethto\\ n Ben Hllble\ FollO\I mg IS a llSt of those In-I Quate bmldmg 01 site on \\ hlCh to Hotrl Phlladclppl1la II a Ml I a'l sulll\ an son of MI Ipel sons \I ele bitten by dogs dur-
SlllP blll1glllg Ihe total smre Janu- on gOl11rl \ 011n \ 1aptrl 0 "nd WIllIam Chme from PllIladel- due ted el ed a bUlldmg can be found MI s Tnomas Kane PI rSldcnt of "d cMI e Paul I Sulll\ an 1261 Ing the past month
al \ 1 to 22 ncath doublr tIle num- 28 Fl atel nal OIClcl of Pollee pl1lu Cliff Rogel s Ralph sm Inp;el .Tun I' 22-Armv . Genelal plans al e to constlUct the League m enumPI a tmg some I V?OOdSld~ A\'P \\ ho \I as stI Icken The counCil voted to bill resi-
bel of (ases I rpol t ra mn mg lhe \\ hasp membel shIP I11cludes the F PIPPin Dick PllIllIps and Jamrs Hel bel t Le\lls 210 Shpa s Tel -I 01 buy a home thaL \\ ould PI oVlde of the past af tl\ ItlPS of the League t I Polo e\ el al \\ eeko ago IS nents of Sl1adv Lane for $4-7 for
ent 11 p 12 monlhs of 1944 Lo\\ PI Mellon poll( e depal tment TIlellle flom Aldmole Clalen( e 1 ace Al dmOle Waltel F Clal k all the 1eCI eatlOnal faclhtles tnat said 111 a lett el to membel s I \da ~II d 1 lmpi 0\ ement He Ilepall s made on the street over
The ne\\ Lo\\ CI MOlOn '1((1111S
ar~ I
Adams \\ 110 11\ es at 62 S Wal- Hili of the ClIfton-Ald p n-Spl mg-.l1 1346 N Conestoga st W I the I etUlmng vet el an would \\ ant . Onp of OUI I ecent sel \ Ices IS
6 103 Holland I l'l Ale Bl\n Ma\\l \\as appomt- field dub and Gcolge Baines, an Philadelphia Ralph W Vlguels I The Plesent meetmg hall IS no the ISSUllln- of the VOlel s GUIde
t b 1:n I1~~O\ ed fl om BI~ n Ma\\ 1 Il and above th(' $600 aheady paid
H's petal t Cluldlen s Hospttal bv the lesldents for thiS work at
A 0 ~ p~ GIlmore pd a paC! olman 111 1913 and IP- 1l0n01 an membel of the club 114 WoodSide A\ e Nal bel til. longel lalge enough to aceommo- 6000 of ~\\ hlch \\ el e dlstllbuted 13~t 1 ~d ~a1l1budge 8t fOI fur~ the estunated figure
\8 usan
Ave AldmOle. .
am our.
3 110 Cllcket til e'l on pension on August 31
Nt'Xl \\ eel;: the (lnb \\111 have as Halold M FIschel 312 W Lanras- date the mel eased membelshlP m thiS tO\l nshlP and 20000 mOl e t i l C tm n t '
ItS ~Deakel DI. MOII1S \Volf \\ ho tel A\ e AldmOl e John W Wm- which IS the largest m the 111StOly thloughout the countv Such In-
He IS the filst man to be retned IS head of SOCial sCUdles m high tels 505 Rock Glen Dl. Wyr,:Je- of the Post
I fOllnatlOn as thiS \\111 be espeCially
fleI I a e 1 WOlk Room at
The Red C oss u sd' e\en1l1"
39 F TheIS Area rom
•• ~ - - -

IdEhR~et{V Kleltler d 6 1316 Hlll- flom the LO\\el Mellon fOlre on SU10CI at Guald College and \\ho \\ood. A glOUp of \lounded \etelans valuable to letUlnmg sel\lCemen flm !fall I~ 10~~npT l\~ a-thele al~
s e \ nne\\ 00 ~ a pensIOn although the Police c'oe Ldltollal \\ ork fm the SOCIal June 22-Navy flom Valley FOlge Hospttal IS ex- 1 • Anotllel sel \ Ice to the com- I 10m , un I
Cl~l~nM~"'\~\I~ga:Jce.14 94/ Rock PensIOn Fund has bel'11 In c:,ost- Stad.l~ magazl11e.- He \\ III speak. Wlll1am N FIav,]ev 3J1 Ha,t,a- pecLtd 10 attend tOl1lgllt S meet-I mUlllt\ \I as Oul open Ina.,s mel' 'ng t\ o~~"n~oFof ('~ PHd se\
C~laJlc II ~d~n ~\\ 1 S P 0 ('nce fOl 22 \ eal 5 He \\ as also the on The UllIted NatIOns Cl1altel \1 a\ Lane W~nnew ood Challes B mg The U S 0 Will plovlde the on Dumbal ton Oaks at the Lo\\ el i at Lt dl1~d ~~~~ JO~rfIEa Oatis 200
I q 9 < 1eeded
) Re T0 US • \. t
Rd A d S ' .
EI I l~t~ I 7
I IZ3 b e 1 O H . 2
\ e\\ Rd Aldmolr
131 G d penSIOn smre tile pa<sage of a bill
I an - b\ the last sesslOn of the Legls-
'Iatme "Imil plo\ldes that a por-
SgtHI k- t
223 ... Inl S n first man m the State to I rtll e on and the Plall1 CItizen'
- 0 -
Atlee JI 133 st Paul s Rd AI d- entel tamment
mOle. Michael J Talle\ 720 Buck
:Lane Ha\ el f01 d AI tina B Smith.
261 Kent Rd W\nne\\ood. N dWk F . Refleshments \\111 be selved
-----0- - -
Mellon Sel1lOl High School on I
ApllI lIth attended by mOle than S Na\belth A\e tflebl~~el\}ng
1200 people
congl a ulallOns on 1e 11 l o a
KJ10\\ YOUI Candidates '-on bOln Septembel 8th at BI~n

8 Main Liners Get

Jack cJI~~n~~~A~~vGleenfield Bl\n Ma\\1 College when bo~h fOllnel Bettv Glace Lt Oaus IS I
TIle SIX (hl1cllpn \\Ple all aanllt- tlOn of all automoblle InSlllance aw ns e ee or ers o r meetll1g \\as I1rld on Ju'ne 11th ct Ma\\1 Hospital MIS Oatis IS the
tee! to Blln Ma\\1 Hospllal Tile \\lllten b\ ollt-of-slate compa-
~llmOl1\ (]llld \\as eilagnosfd on l1les sltall bp allocated 10 ealh po-
eptleml)C!K4 as tll( Rannolll (hlld IIcp depal tmenl \\ hlch has a pen-
lh e III P 1(1llrl gill on Sept em- 0lOn fund
pOS th A d •

umons war JI13~4

A\e AldmOle Hallv A Mankm
AllJolclale Rd 0\ el blook SU g· ID · DemorlaUe and Republican candl- ,laUoned at AlamgOldo, New
datesI s\JOke d I k 1,1eXICO
Ne\\ books fOl thIS '\eek-
Discharges. Others
For ReaSSIgnment

bel 7 thr Me"aJ ~ee and Hat (on r e s s l n g s to :ll~t:l\a~~ 1~1~~~~1I1~0!~lS~I~sS~g~ Bal mgton Ed\\ al d Tatum Wal-
u I

:)O~t on I Sr]ltrlllbel 9 and Ellza- Tllp pall\ fOI Adams \\ as held

All Members Attended ManOl WillIam Y AI chlbald 165 r lea
I SImpson Rd Al dmOl e and arllOn m 1 he \ Ital Issues of I"ce A SOl C of snapshot album of The follo\\mg- M:am Line seivlce
)e 10\( on Septrmbel 8 lat the Bullork Sandel son An1PlI- P I H S .luly 23-Na'" til(' da\ Stllclv thele \\as ne\el ,mall lo\\n Amellca m those eally men hflve been dlschulged rom
Cllalles H,llwn s blOlhpl Jamrs (an LegIOn POst home Sulton Rd urp e eart ent Hem vB Helson Laneastel A\ e M ' I' B h a tlme \\ hpn It \\ as mOle ImpOl tant 11900 aa\ S of Cll111Ch suppels and the al med fOlces thiS week:
was taken 111 \\ 111l lIlfatlllle pal<-ll\ _ , Al omOl ( <lal tlllg at 830 P M T H' P t and Remmgton Rd W\inne\\ood. aln ..Ine ranc to do thl- om' Speakel s Bill eau lJugg\ Ildes \1 hen the \\ mCels \\ el e Major Harry C. Tilly, III, Bala-
'~~11a<t \\Ilrpk makllJl g Ill!' second I ana lonlmumg past mldl1lght so 0 IS aren S II a L Lonesome 135 Walnnt A\ e '1 'York Rooms Are IS glad to pi 0\ Ide mfOl med speak- I a 1\\ a\ s coldel thal1 the\ al e toda \. C\ mud
I al1ff' lls\CaJ\\lelet\\OCase~lth.1l all membels of the fmce I Cr Trd AJdmOle elsfol "IOllps land \lhpn the lest of the \\olld MajorElhottLevin,M:erion.
ha\ e ocrUIl cd m tile snme fanl1l\ 111I,"ilt ha\ e an OPPOI tunlt v to a t- In) n" ) .Tuh 23-Marme Corps Listed In o;del to <ont lI1\le these sel - ,eemed unlmpoltant and \ el y fal' Lt Robert P. Hart, Cynwyd.
----Q-- - - Iflllc1 "hen then \\olk \\as fin-l
ls1lC'd I ---- QUinto J Rossetti 243 Hamp-
MI and MI sHall' L Ha\\ kll1s. den A\ e Nal berth
\ICes It IS necC~alY fot us to a~kla\\a\
tl\lbllr spu Itrd Cllizens fOl finanCial' Song of the Dl11epel Zfllman ht Lt. Jean Flanlgen, Bryn
Wlll1am I CaJ 1m PI f'fildrnt of 316 Kent Rd C\l1\\ \d last wef'k August 2.f-Al'm~ MI S ,Joseph H Collll1s chalr- SIiPPOI t " I SnlleOll1 Hel e IS a lust\ lull Ma\\ I Th 8 M t
the (haplel act ed as mast el of J[ rpl\ ed posthumousl" on behalf Albcl t W Ross JI 112 CIOS'- man of ploductIon fOJ the Mall1 MI s Ben lamm Z Stl a.\I blldge IS bloodpd 10bWi no\ el man\ peopled U John Somas, 56 on-
A r d m o r e Women
(el rmomes ann speakel s II1cluded I of then son Sgt PhilIp D Ha\l- hIli Re! Call oU Pm k Fl'ed H I Lme BI anch of the Amellean Red chan man of the dll\ e and the ,l11d llch II tells the slOlY of gO~:~i. ~~seepj;l~:b~~~110rn, 8 Mer-
E\an L James To\\nslnp Mana- killS the Plllple Healt fOl mlllta1\ Sluhadel 125 Alnold Rd Alel- ClOSS IS tilgll1g \\OIkeiS to give at captams ale I :3hklm the small Russlan-Je\lISh
e ecorate Club gel Samuel W Geal hall Super- mCllt and fO! \\ ounds 1ecelved m mOl e Robelt E CI alg JI
lIltpndent of Pollre and FI ed C act IOn I esultmg m I11S death
MrCallum State Plesldent of the
327 'MIS Alphonse A Blunnel MI s \lllage on the banks of the CUI bU- Ion Rd Mellon
Auble\ Rd W\l1newood Howal d least one daY a \\ eek at one of Alf1 cd C Coopel MI s PIlll1p P I lent Dmepel ,\ hel e t! adesman
Sgt Hawkll1s lecelved the An Hallman 823 PO\\del MIll La. the \\OIk looms In oldel that tbe Hepbllln MIS E Clatk Kustelel 111e\\-llch and old-poOl Il\e the AV;fe.BF~~~~i:v:~Ugh,934 Mont-
Capt Algernon Roberts, Belmon

Flalelnal Oldel of Pollee Medal July 16 1944 and latel the O\elblOok Hills Wmfleld R Cal- lalge Quotas assumed to the Ml~ Leon W Melchel MIS Dan-I teemmg eXistence that matches
Receives T\\o GiftS PI€-Identlal Umt CitatIOn He was <on 112 Bleddvn Rd AldmOle. blanch may be leached. lei Mungall MIS John POI tel Scott tile lestlessness of the lI\el gomelY A\e Natberth
To Open Doors For DI Flank P K Balkel Plesl- lepolted mlsslllg m actIOn August Judson L Ihllg. Ha'clfOld Col- She pomted out that tl1ele l~ an and MIS Robelt W Wlll1ams I StOlm Tide' Ellzabeth Ogl!\le Selvlce men who r-etUlned for
Meetings of Other aenl of the Lo\\el MellOn To\\n- 19 1944 aftel 41 miSSIOns as an lege Ha\elfOld. mCleasmg demand fOl surgIcal Ml' Robelt Bennelt of West A sequel to HIgh Tide at Noon '. le1~flo~~ent:~~enee W. Earle,
'hlP Boald of CommiSSIOners ne:lal gunnel Volth lhe 15th All August 24-Na'" dlessmgs fOI tlle hospitals III the Chestel IS PubliCity Challman "\ lo\e stOlY of the Maine coast.
The \Voman s Club of AldmOlP to One
made the plesentatlOn of t\\O gifts Felice On August 19 1945 the Wal Wilham G Baldlldge Pll1ladelphla alea and Just be- MIS TI oma.s L Kane IS challman
to Ad,ams 111 hon,01 of 11Is sel\'lCe Depal tment Issued a plesumptlve HillSide Rd Wynne\\ood Hem\' cause the \\al IS ovel IS no leaSOn of the S\1eclal GIftS Commltt2e and ,e\
thl ccmmunlt\ fmomg of death W Doughten 3d 710 AI g\ Ie Rd \I hy thiS phase of Red ClOSS wOlk the committee Illdudes MI s Ho\\ - Engllsh seaSide to\\ n m one of IOn Rd Mellon StatIOn
The WesC Wmdo\\ • L P Hal t- Gley s La Havel fm d.
A Quamt backglound of an r
~~~: ~I~~: *~~i~~,I~~oM~:.:
\Ias a rmg beallng a re- The cltallOn acCompanymg the W\nnewood StanleY E BaYlls should stop aId Longstleth MI"s GeltlLlde El, tne eal!\ untloubled summels of Pfc. Wallace M. Litchfield, 126
\\111 step out thiS Fall \\ Ith a le- pl1ca of the WOIklOoms In the Mam Lme MIS HallY E Kohn MIS James ~l1IS centmy unfolds lhe dlama of
decOlateel club house a lalgl'l club badge the insIgnia of the Fraler- If'"d In glateful memOlV of Staff Chal1es Callahan. JI . 69 Holland Blanch ale as follo\\s Al1 Samts' Lynd MIS Jel\IS Blmton and Eustace nme and Hilda hiS pas- Conway Ave Narbe~h.
To\\nshop police medal f10m Plesldent TlLIman 231 Slmp!':on Rd AldmOle.
ChUlch W~nne",ood Tuesdav 10 MIS Rowland E\ans qonate possessl\e dau~htel
bUlJetm and open theu dom s as a nal Oldel of Police and_the \eals Se1geant Phlllp D Hawkms who Ave AldmOle S/Sgt. FenWick . Sheppar,
meetmg plare fm OthC'1 olgalUzR- the of hIS sel\H~e 1913-194::1 Instde dH:O m the sel\ICe of hiS countly Au"ust 24-Ma1Jlle Corps A M until 4 P M Blyn Ma\\1 ----.--- - ----.- - - cynwyd till Ard
Img \\as engul\ed "Plf'sented 111 the Medltellanean Rlea He .. C t B M T d T/5 Theodore S wagon, •
tlOn s b\
P 11membels
De altofn the t Lo\\el
S pc mb 1 6 I stallds 111 the unblOken lme of pa- Iona
Mellon Challes
A\e \VNmbeltl1.P FltzpaturkRobelt 238
M 10ommul1lA M until y Iyn,
4 P MaWl and 8ues
P M ay M a n S e n t e n c e d t o Servi-ces Held F o r mOle
Capt .Toseph F. Gnffith, Menon
o c~ ~e e

2 M th J I Ca CLCI J
Th(' Ma 111 Line Ch,1l11bel of p. 1 en e tllOCS \\ho hfl\e daled to die that BUlgess. 3 Maple Teuace. Ald- until 10 P M MellOn Tllbute
Can1Il1C'1 CP IS one of the local 01- 1945 1 1(f'C01l1 might Il\e and glOW and mOle House Mellon Tuesdav 10 A M Galden Apts Mellon
ga'llzatlons \\lllch Ims a trnlatl\e
The olhcI gIft \\as a lalge easy 1I1Clease Its bleSSll1gs Fleedom' ••- - - - until 4 P M Nalbelth WOlkloom. 3~0
Lt Arthur P. 1\'Illler, Llan-
ng)('ement to 111ert 111 Ill(' \\oman s chan and m,ltrhmg footstool
Ill\(' and t1uough It he Il\es-111
The COll1l11lttee m chalge of the p \lav that Immbles the undeltak-
Soldl'er's ReUll1'On Nalbelth Monday Tuesda\ Wed-
nesdav ThUlSday. 10 A M untll
on s I-n al· pt
• ••
r dullo Rd Cynwyd
Pfe. LOUiS A. Prudmto, 822
Last \ pal Ihe basement of the pall\
cit'), housc al 106 Aldmolf' A\e tlOlmenl
(ompllsrd the follO\\lng pa- i Illg,- of most men '
.John Bo\d I
challinan: 0___ _ In Prance Fai I s 4 P M
Newto\\n SQuale WednesdaY 10
Wynnewood Rd AI dmOle.
T/5 Robert K. Kelso. Ardmore.
\\ u, used by Ihe Tern Age Club a Ed\\md PC'tels John Spalks Bla- GI orla. CI rke Now A 1eUl1l0n by t\\o local soldlels A M until 3 P. M Penn Wynne. Ch ar Ies V'Iguers I POII'O VI'ctl'nl Passes Pfc. Claude W. Waters, Nar-
°OCll1] glOup of Lo\\cl !VIl'lton Srn- dy Ulz Wilham Hamilton and Al-
101 High School ~tudents Thl'y fled Mueller
MUSiC \las plo\lded b~ Blady
St a t'lone daAt Rh elms
. m Gelmanv lecentlv \\ent a\\1\ WednesdaY 10 A M until 230
much to
Isappomtmen P
t M V II
St MalV s I aRe C 1U1C 1,
1 I Sentence d on H't 1 -
I n H a II oran H OSPI't a I bellh
T/4 Thomas F. Volplnl, Ardmore
met on Fllda\ I1lghts Ofl1('PI s of Ull: and hiS HIII-BlIl\i Band MISS Glolla S Clalke daughter COIpOlal ChaJles Slaw Jl \\rote tAlnldtlml°31e pweMdneSadnadY' M93aOInALIMne Pfc. William H. Wolfe, Merion.
the \Vol11an s Club saId thiS \\ ef'k
- ... - of Ml and MIS Nelson A Cial ke, Sla,,, of RIghtels Md1 Rd ~ Penn Blanch Aldmole Mondav tluough
hIS palents MI and MIS Challes Run Charges On Saturday Sgt. Joseph F. TobIn, Merion.
tlw v did not know \1 hethel tlte
te~n age gloup \\ould contmue lVlain Line Y. M. C. A. 406 Wmmele Rd w\lnne\\oOd Valle\ that he bOllowed a Jeep ThUlSday 10 A M until 4 P M
nas lecently ann'ed at t 1e Amer!- and \\as given pel misSion to dllve .____ Challes H Vlguels .JI' 49 114
sel\lces for Captam AldmOle
Pfc. Hubert A. McKown, JP-.,
their meetmgs In the basemcnt
To Hold Discussions can Red ClOSS Club at Camp Bal- 300 miles Staltlng flom paIlS, Brother~ Meet WOodSide A\e Nalbelth. who last I CUltls Llvmgston Cla~, JI . son of Lt. Arthur W. Attm, Bryn Mawr.
A~ tl L ttl to APll1 \\as convicted m Common I MI and MIS CUl tiS Llvtngston Othel sernce men who have re-
Reno\atlOn of the clUb IS bemg
financed tlll ough the enl,tl ged A DISCUSSion G10UP m • Funda- tlmOle neal Rhelms FIance \\hele he IS statIOned the cOlpolal M d M
clUD buIJetm \\hleh \\111 callY ad- mental Economics and SOCial Phll- MISs Clarke has been aSSigned planned to 10tUney to RheUlls and I an IS I lUI 1 e n. h t CI ' f 123 V 11 Rd A d tUlned to the States durmg the
Vel ilsmg ft om local mel chant s osophv" \\111 be conducted bv the wOlk as a staff assistant She Jom hIS fuend and fOlmel nelgh- of 24 East Ne\\field Way Cynwyd, IPleas COUlt m NOlllstO\\n on 1 - a~ 0 a ey , 1 mOle, week ale
The new bulletm \\ 111 be SIX b\' Hemy GeOlgC School at tile M:am \Iutes that the \\olk IS mtensely bOl Pfc Ed\l111 Millel. of Acad- have lealned lecently that thell lun chalges has been sentenced \\ho died at HallOlan Geneul Hos- Pfc. Elzle W. Smith. 163 stone-
nm£ mches and ha\e flom 30 Lme Y M CA. 116 W LancasCel mtelestmg. \elY much \\Olth emy Rd Bala-CynwYd. t\\O sons. EnSign John E Littleton. by Judge Danneho\\el to selve pltal Staten Island NY. of In- way La, Bala-Cynwyd
page~ upwal d It \\ III conI am a !1st A\ e AI dmOl e Pa once-a-\\ eek \\ hlle and that additIOnal \\ olkels He 1eached RhelnlS lUst aftel USNR Executive Offlcel of the t\\ 0 months 111 the County Puson fan tile pal alvsls on SatUl da' wele S/Sgt. Walter A. Harinl, 312
of all club membels \\1 III then fOI ten \\ eeks begmnmg Tuesdav ,i1 e needed m all the clubs Mlllel llad mO\ ed on but made LCS <L) (3) 64 and EnSign Fled- hela at 2 P M at St MalY'S CIIcket Ave. Ardmore
telephone numbel s O(tobel 2 1945 flom 81010 P M MISS Clalke IS a fuaduate of hiS tllP palt!culally eventful by ellck C N. Littleton USNR Na\l- Vlguels a plOml11eni leal estate ChUlch on Tuesday BUllal Sel\ICeS pfe. Edward J. Trill, Jr., 216
The 111 tel 101 of th(' club hOllSP Post-\\ al Const! uctlOn demands Lo\\ el Mellon HlgII School Ald- \ ISltmg the loom \\ hel e the tleaty gatol of the LST 1085 met on July opel atm \\ as auested Jan 28 oy \\ el e pi IV ate Cllcket Ave. ArdmOle
has bepn pamtt'd and papelt'd 1:(1 eatel unclel standmg of the eco- ,nO! e and the School of HOI tlcul- \\ as Signed endlllg the Emopean 6th 111 tile \ IClmty 01 Okl11a\\ <1 Lo\\ el Mellon Pollee the day aftel Captain Cla\ 26. \\ as mducted Capt. John W. Walleigh, 110
unctel the dllectton of GeOlP;e K nOl11lC f01CPS that p;6\ em socIety tIl' e Amblel pa PlIOI to hel \Val Slaw \\ ho expects to 1 etmn Both ha\ e been SCl\U1g m the Wilham P Hall IS 84 of 305 N mto the Alll1\ as a pI 1\ ate In Au-I Llnwod Ave Aldmore
Tile pumal \ causes of the WOlld Red ClOSS appol11tment she \I as home ShOl tly ad\ Ised hIS pal ents Paofilt fOI some months but ihls Nal bel th A\ p Nal bellh \\ as foune! gusl 1941 and was commissioned PCc. Wilham J. Connlngham, 'rl'7
Wals ale strll opelatmg atomic unplO\ed aC the Umvelslt~ of also that 011 one tllP he paid $15 wa.s the first time they had secn !\mg on 'l.he load neal hiS home a second lieutenant 111 the Ordn- Cricket A\e Aldmole
Trautwpm. mlellOI decOlatol and
The Al dmOle club season Will bomb not\\lthstandmp; We ale m Penllsy!\al1la fOl one dinner each othel smre lea\lng the States \11th a blOken leg and othel m- an(e Depaltment at the Abeldeen Pfe. Hubert A. McKown, 30 W. ,-
open on Octobel 5 al 1 P M WIth these \laiS belause people of cdu- Juues P10\mg GlOund Md m June Athens Ave AldmOle
a luncheon sponSOll d b\ the II1tel- <atlOn anel people
natIOnal )( latIOns UIOUP Modeln \\OIld-the <lutltollt\-aS
cultllle t!llOUghout Chp
ILFISt VllFlevelopeFl Ct."v A PIJrOaC1
\\lth pO\\l'l and
as the m f
l s
s e s
Taken to Blvn Ma\\1 HOSPital 1943 Aftel Sel\Il1R as an mstruc-'
Hailles hO\eled bet\\een life and 1 101 at an offlcel candIdate school
death befolp he finally lecoveted COl t\\O yealS he \\as named 111- mOle
Sgt. GeOrge W. Kalch. Ardmore.
Sgt. Chal!es F. Thomas, Ard-
Chll1ese Women \\lll bp tllP lopu' ha\e been IgnOlant of caUses •••
rf the guest-speaket l\I1< Cath- Kno\\ ledge not opllllOn must gO\ _ Jfl est Chester P,ke Aftel flndmg the 1n1l1lecl man fOlmatlOn and educatIOn
police stal ted Rn 111\ pst 1[:(,,1 !On fOl lhe Np\I YOI k POI t of Embalkfl-
offlcel of Lt. Clarenee H. Griffis. Narberth.
Capt. John R. Allen, Bryn MaWl·.
at lUI' Hpndel son ex('culn l' dll ec- eln mOl\ldual a(tlOn to\\ald the tl1f' automobIle thp'i bellr\ed had tlOn He \\as a gladuate of EpIs- Sgt. Charles M. Cleaver. Menon.
The IOl/olllllQ letter adtocating thp I1ItprotC1llcn~ and tndelll1lg 0/ West Chester Ptke nos wntten by lun lllln do\\n A s~stematlc ,cal(h copal Acarlemv and Hal\ard Um-
rOl of the Ull1ted CIllna Rehrf tI1
Phlll1df'1pllla MIS Hendelson \\as peace desued ____.__ _ \\ as made of all gRI dgeS m thl' \ 1'1 Stty (lass of 41
S/Sgt. Donald A. Brown, Nar-
bel th
ll1lsed In Pekmg and Shanghai Dr T"oma~ Ke'ly, 110 LlandaD Rd. Lla1lerclz amt sent to Joh1l U Shroyer secretary 0/ the State HIgh- \ ICl11lt\ and flnallv thev leached Sill \ IVlllg bestdes hiS palents. Pfe. EdWin Boyd. Aldmol'e
MiS E A Jennmp;< \\ III smg . A
Chmese LUl1aby' and WIll be ac- License Suspended way Depardment VlguelS place Rnd found hiS auto- 1 al e Ius \\ Ife. the COl mel Vidal DaVIS
mobile \\ Ith a damaged headlight Stall of Chestnut Hill, a son, Cur- Ma\\l
Sgt. Robert T. ThomPlion, Bryn
compamed by MIS Ha~w.lId The Blileau of Hwhwa\ Safety West Chester PIke IS the last ummplo\ed main coIn Hlgh\\ay Route 30. at Gap, Pa When auto- and fendel m the gauge tiS Ll\mgston 3d, t\\O SIStelS MIS. Major !\Iatthew C, Dittman. Jr.,
Johnston Thew w1l1 be an exillbl- has le\ioked the dllVmg license of
tlon of Chinese m t and statuUlY. Scanley Dacle Nash of Blyn Mawr load entellng Phl1adelpphla. FlOm Highland Palk mobile ploduction reaches Its Pie-war level the of The the police
VlgUers pal home
ked m and the \iIClmty
finally. WIlliam
\lyne andWMIS. Lukens
Robelt Jr.C ofWatson
Glad- Blyn M:aw!. - - -......- _ .
loaned by the Umted Chma Re- \\ ho \\ as auested charged \\lth West\\ald It IS the same load that has been m ex-
lief and the Unusual Shop of Ald- dlUnken dllVmg The hcense of
Lmcoln Hlghwpy IS expected to become more con- when the defendant appealed, of Blyn Maw!. St. Mary's Choir
mure The co-chauman MIS W. Don L Lambelt of Bryn Mawr istence for the past 100 yeals For a conSiderable ~ested than evP.r, espeCially through Wayne, Bryn they plared lum under Rnest. -.
H. Emlet and MIS R F Daven- '\las suspended because of mtoxl- distance Wes~ oC Llanercll passengels allghtmg Mawr and Ardmore. cmg Judge Danneho\\el.
sentence 111 plOnoun-
told VlgUels he was BI·shop to Speak Begins 52nd Year
pOlt Will be aSSisted by MIS. C B catIOn and the llcense of HallY flOm the South Side of the tlOlIeys are dlSchalged
Turnel and MIS Wayne DOnalChy. M Jenkll1s. Blyn Ma\\l. Stanley on to the mam hlgh\l ay. The danger of crossmg
Development of West Chester Pike as a four- awale that the latter had paid At Preachers Meeting The chOIr of boys and men or
lane lughway would lelleve the present congestIon HaUlS $1 000 for Ius mJunes but
1tence Bishop Fled PIerce Corson. resl- st mOleMalY'S
Ave, Episcopal
Ardmore. Church, Ard-
will begin Its
art and gal den chanman C Bel gel and AllClllbald H Ehle uld t uspend sel
A Flowel Show and Auction of Mellon StatIOn had then h- IS further mCleasp.d because many motOllSts do of the pike as well as proVIde an altelnatlve loute tl d~~t 1l~ cOthe nSoel:SOuslless of the dent Methodist leader. WIll speak 52nd season of consecutive activ-
given by the gmden and eonsel- cense 1 estored
vntlOn glOUp will be held October
12 at 2 P. M.
$3,584 For Hospital
not stop when trolleys all' dlSchalgmg paSsengelS.
Five yeals, prpcedmg the wal. '\\hen tlafflC was
to relieve Lmcoln Highway. By bypassmg West ChalgeS agamst him.
Chester and Parkesburg thIS four-lane highway ---~-----
and pleslde at the tkst meetmg Ity next week The famous chOir,
delphiathe Methodlst
new season of the Phlla-
Preachers Meet- under the dIrection
Allan Dash smgs atof the Dr, regular
--_.--- at a peak, thiS tWO-lane 11lgh\lay \las consldeled
Montgomery County Commls- one of the most congested th010ughfaieS m the
\\ould plovlde a sholter loute to Phlladelpphla H ld M ee t lng
0 mg to be held m the Bala-Cynw~d 11 oclock Sunday service.
Tea Next Tuesday flom the Gap The Woman s Club of Bala- Methodist Church. It \1'111 be a Rehealsals for the boys are held
SlOnel s Fl ed C Petel S Al dmOl e East It \\as not uncommon dUllng the rush hours All of these tmplOvements Voould gleatly ease C\nwvd heldseason
lts filstFllda\'
boald mOlTI-
meet- Holy
MiS Helen K Fllcke 417 Tle- Fostel C Hillegass and Ra\ mond Ing of the BIshopCommulllon
Will be aSSisted Service
bY the foUtThe bo~ on sThursdays at 430 P.
and men together on M. and
galOn Rd Cvn.... ~ d \~ 111 gn e a tea K Mensch announced then an- to find automoolle< backed up for squales near the flow of motor tlamC between philadelphia and mR at 10 at the clubhouse on district supellntendents the pas- at 8 P M. Boys and men wishing
next TuesdaY to the mothels of nual apPloPllations to Montgom- 69th Stleet 61lbUl ban pomts. A~ the same time it \lould le- Levellnll MlIJ Rd and Bala Ave tor Dl Flanklin Duncombe. and tor join the choh ale Invited to see
her pUPIls at the Woman's Club el v County hospitals on Wednes- meet D Dash at the church immediate-
From 69th SHeet this hlghwav, rum through lIe~e subulban restdentlal and shoopmg aleas from B a Ia- C yn\lv d a t w h lC h t Im e pI a ns the officers of the mlnistels -
of Bala Cynw\ d If restrictions III I' da\' Hospital will receive for the coming yeal were formu- ing The Rev RIchard Wnght. Iy before a rehearsa.l or after a.
cancelled. her schOOl w11l reopen Blyn Mawl West Chester !lnd Parkesburg and joins the Lin- congestIOn and annoyance of heavy motor tuffic lated. Darby, IS president. Sunda.y serVIce.
on Wednesday. September 19th. $3.584.

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