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ESL 2: Global Village

Cluster 1 Web Directions
1) Go to <>.

2) Click on “Middle School ESL 1-2.”

3) Click on “Unit 2: Global Village.”

4) Scroll down to “Cluster 1.” You

will see the focus question for
this cluster: “How does our
environment make us

5) Check out the online resources

to preview our upcoming story,
If the World Were a Village.

ESL 2: Global Village - Cluster 1 Webquest
Today, you will explore some sites to get ready to answer our first unit
question, “How do our environments make us different?” Follow the
directions on the front. Then, answer these questions:

Step 1: Watch a video on this site and then visit this site to make the math we will
see in the book less confusing.

1) Approximately how many people live in our world?

If the world were a village…

2) How many people would be Asian? 6) How many people would be African?

3) How many people would be European? 7) How many people live in this village? (Add 1-5)

4) How many people would be 8) How many people are hungry regularly?

9) How many are unable to read?
5) How many people would be Latin American?

10) How many people speak English?

Step 2 Wonder where people around the world live? Check out these houses
Click on the link for each country. Read the paragraphs to find a description of the type of houses they live in.
Write them here:

11) Mongolia 12) China

13) India 16) Togo

14) Romania 17) Senegal

15) Spain 18) Bolivia

Step 3 Want to make a difference? Start by playing this Peace Corps Challenge Game.
Want more of a challenge? Watch thisvideo or read about what you can do to help. In
some countries, there is not enough food or water. Learn more about the
potential water crisis.

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