Music of Ancient Rome

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The Music of Ancient Rome

with the

not have physical

recordings of this music,
we can tell by the types of Plucked
instruments used, and the instruments were
The music of ancient pieces of written music more common in
Rome was, like many other that have been popular music.
aspects of their culture, deciphered, that Roman Instruments such
highly influenced by Greece. music was mostly as the lyre an early
Although we obviously do monophonic (not harp was common
harmonic) and based on a for serious
complex system of musicians;
Greek scales however,
called modes, instruments like
these same the lute (resembling a guitar)
instruments such as the
modes are and the kithara (above)
“tuba” (which was
still used which is a larger form of the
unlike our modern
today. lute, were more common
tuba) had their routes
for household use.
in the military. The
tuba- a straight,
Although not as
cylindrical, valveless
common as blown or
instrument- was used
plucked instruments,
to communicate orders
organs were also apparent
to the legions using a
during ancient Rome. The
series of bugle calls.
hydraulis was an extremely

complex organ that used
The cornu (left) has
water pressure to force air
characteristics similar
through a series of pipes.
to that of the modern
french horn and was
Percussive instruments
also used in military
consisted mainly of hinged
“clapper” devices, drums,
and rattles. Percussion was
The tibiae, (right)
used for entertainment,
which resembles a
battle and religious
bassoon, and the
askaules (a bagpipe)
represent the few
blown instruments not
used for military
The Cornu

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