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Comprehensive Examination

Maritza Villa

Lamar University

Comprehensive Examination

Amidst the talks and rumors of Texas legislature’s budget proposal regarding educational

cuts and the deletion of the technology allotment, it is important to note that the direction we take

in educating today’s students should not diminish the value of acquiring and teaching 21st

century skills. Regardless of changes in the district’s infrastructure, especially when it pertains to

technology, the responsibilities of educators continue to be preparing students for success and

productivity in a global society [ CITATION Lon06 \l 1033 ].

Position and Leadership Goals

Position Goal

The educational technology leadership program has fully prepared me for my current

position as an Instructional Technology Specialist. I frequently refer back to coursework from

EDLD 5306 when communicating the importance of technology integration with my colleagues.

Marc Prensky explains it best when he writes, “When kids come to school, they leave behind the

intellectual light of their everyday lives and walk into the darkness of the old-fashioned

classroom.” [ CITATION Pre08 \l 1033 ]. It is my goal to change the perceptions of technology in

the classroom by providing teachers with various opportunities to attend staff development that

addresses the use of various digital tools that will motivate students and will permit them to

acquire higher-order thinking skills. Eventually, I would like to lead


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