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Well first of all, I would like to thank my family for the T.L.C. (Tender Loving Care) and
support that they have given me from the first day of my OJT until the completion of my
practicum. Also, a big thanks to my block mates who have accompanied me in my training.

To my professor and adviser, Mr. Roel S. Ramirez for the patience and guidance that he
has given me and to my instructor, Ms. Maui Tendenilla-Gonzales, for the understanding and
tips that she has shared to us, THANK YOU PO! 

I would also like to thank Mr. Carlo San Jose for accepting us in GeiserMaclang to have
our training there; Mr. Virgilio Maclang and Ms. Jules Veloso for guiding us and teaching us
everything about Media Monitoring and also for helping us do our task.

II. Introduction

At first, I have chosen this course to be able to socialize more with other people since I
know that Mass Communication deals more with the public and that is composed of different
kinds of people. Also, during my 1st year as a Mass Communication student, I became interested
in learning more about the Philippine media - Broadcasting to be more specific. Then the
following year, I felt like I wanted to have a job related to Advertising because I thought it would
be fun and use my creativity there.

But then when I reached my 3rd year as a Mass Communication student, I became more
interested in Public Relations, Corporate Communications and Communication Campaign. I’ve
realized that I excelled in those subjects and I thought to myself, “Maybe I can work in a
company that specializes in those kinds of stuff since I fully understand the job that they do.”

When I reached my last year as a Mass Communication student, I also became interested
in TV Production. I’ve realized how tiring it is for a production to actually work but I’ve also
realized that once you have completed a production project, it is all worth it. The late hours, the
hassle moments, but in the end, the effort that the whole team have put in have paid off.

So basically, what I’m trying to say is what’s good in this course is that there are a lot of
different field of work under Mass Communication where you can test yourself, your ability and
talent to see and know where you excel and maybe have a future job in. And as for me, I am
hopeful that I can be a part of a successful company that specializes in Public Relations,
Advertising or even Marketing.
III. Company Profile

Name of the Company: GeiserMaclang

Address: 6/F Cambridge Center Bldg. 108 Tordesillas corner Gallardo Streets, Salcedo Village,
Makati City

Contact No.: 403-4357 to 58

Contact Person: Mr. Carlo San Jose

Company Vision, Mission, and Values

Our Vision

GeiserMaclang Marketing Communications, Inc. will be the preeminent/preferred

transformative marketing company in the Philippines.

Our Mission

We commit to:

 Delight our clients by advancing their brands, maximizing existing resources, helping
them realize their untapped potential thereby creating opportunities for greater growth.
 Empower our team members to achieve personal, professional and financial growth.
 Provide business opportunities and build sustainable relationships with our business
 Delight our media partners with customized care and quality, media-friendly content.
 Use linkages with clients and business partners to promote social causes and community
 Increasing shareholders' value by creating high-value output.
Our Values

We commit to:

 Passion for Excellence (Being Exceptional, Efficient and Innovative)

 Respect (Valuing Oneself and Others)
 Optimism (Adopting A Positive Attitude)
 Commitment (Malasakit sa GeiserMaclang)
 Proactivity (Initiate... Don't Wait!)
 Teamwork

Company history and background

Amor Maclang and Brad Geiser are more than just the heads behind GeiserMaclang
Marketing Communications, Inc., they are also the leading social marketers in the Philippines.

Founded as a market research/consultancy firm, GMCI gradually evolved to offer Public

Relations services, with Brad and Amor leading the company to venture into social marketing as
early as 2005. By tapping the online community and conceptualizing leading local
groundbreaking campaigns, GMCI became known in the country for pioneering exceptional
social marketing and PR strategies that can be applied across different industries-from young,
niche brands to well-loved market leaders.

We developed the campaign that earned Toblerone the Global Best Practice in Marketing
from Kraft Foods Worldwide-a first win for Asia Pacific and a first for a PR-led marketing
program. We are also the first Filipino member of the Word-of-Mouth Marketing Association in
Chicago and is recognized by various award-giving bodies, both locally and globally. Recently,
we played a critical role in developing the viral social media component of the Lola Techie
campaign for BayanDSL, which won a slew of awards including the Gold Award in Shanghai,
China for the Most Effective Use of Interactive Marketing in the Asia Pacific Advertising &
Marketing Effectiveness Awards.
Nature of business

Our Strategic Marketing Tools

We create imaginative marketing solutions using various tools, from brand building and
assessing risks to influencing trends and building effective online and offline campaigns.

As a pioneer in word of mouth and social marketing in the Philippines and in light of
recent talks surrounding bloggers and online marketing, we feel that it would be good to share
the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA)'s guidelines on ethical marketing here.

Positional Advocacy

While most companies "do good" only because they did well, Positional Advocacy is
about "doing well by doing good." This approach uses social trends or issues to draw attention to
the brand as it focuses on the brand value, creating a strong positive image that is attractive to
key influencers and the media.

Strategic Public Relations

PR works by influencing beliefs. More than just getting exposure through the usual
writing and submitting of articles, a close collaboration with the media and a concrete
understanding of what influences readers are more compelling than merely getting mileage.

Online Interventions

The online community has significantly evolved over the years as it has now among the
most recognized marketing influencers. GeiserMaclang has discovered an intrusive-permissive
approach allows brands to reach out and actively engage with the different niche communities.

Promotional Engagement

The only known version of viral marketing that can be replicated and is able to monitor
impact on marketing goals. This shifts brand promotions from simple bribery to social

Buzz & Viral Activations

Online or Offline, we want people to have the ability to share your brand to their friends,
family and the people around them. Effective Word-of-Mouth empowers your brand
ambassadors to find your market for you through viral communications. Geiser Maclang
Marketing Communications is the first Filipino member of the global Word-Of-Mouth
Marketing Association (WOMMA) based in Chicago Illinois, USA.
Experiential Marketing

In organizing events, whether for the media, trade partners or the public, it should be
focused on what idea we want our participants to take after the event. This idea should be able to
change or enhance their perception about your brand.

Market Research

Before communication programs are developed, we need to first identify what

perceptions exist and why. Our non-traditional research methods intend to gather behavioral
insights, enabling our clients to fully understand how their brands can participate in their
consumers' social environment.

Influencer Management

Credibility is necessary in brand building. Identifying key organizations to form strategic

alliances or partnering with niche groups like health experts, mommy groups, restaurateurs,
chefs, students, industry titans, young professionals, or fashionistas are valuable to up the impact
of the stories.

Communication Training

Before walking into an interview or any press event, GeiserMaclang ensures that its
clients are able to respond to any question, to focus on the topic and to deliver the key
communication points of the brand.

And prior any campaign launch, we see to it that all communication touch points of the
brand are aligned and properly cascaded to the sales force/promodizers. A good concept can only
be great if executed excellently.

Issues Management and Communications

Assessing risks and protecting your brand-- We help identify and effectively prepare
against potential issues that may arise during campaign implementation, train the spokesperson
and the organization in handling different scenarios and adopt strategies to be able to turn crisis
into business opportunities.

Divisions of department
 Accounts Department
 Creative Department
 Concept Development Department
 New Business Department
 Media Monitoring Department
Picture of the company

IV. Observations

What I have observed is that GeiserMaclang’s competitive advantage is that they are
already well known and they have already won many awards from various competitions.

The strength and challenge of this company is that they only have a small number of
employees. I see this as both strength and a challenge - strength because they are all familiar with
each other which can create a harmonious working relationship and build trust and teamwork
easier; challenge because they are undermanned. Meaning, they are in need of more employees
to do the other jobs like if they need more people in accounts since some of them are already
handling multiple accounts.

I think the best practice of GeiserMaclang is social marketing and incorporating it with
Public Relations. Another practice that they are now doing is that they are giving importance to
the Word of Mouth Marketing.

My over-all observation in GeiserMaclang is that the employees are already familiar with
each other. They work very harmoniously, boost one another to do their best in the task given to
them, give their advices or opinion on how they can improve their work and what I have noticed
is that some of them do not treat each other as colleagues but as family or a friend.

During my stay there in GeiserMaclang, the facilities and softwares that we have used are
the photocopy machine, scanner, printer, Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint and Word.

V. Periodic Reports (daily, weekly, or monthly)

What we do daily are the following:

 Filing of the newspapers

 Getting extra copies of the press releases
 Scanning of the press releases, FYI’s and advertorials
 Uploading the scanned press releases, FYI’s and advertorials in Flickr
 Updating the grid (Media Value computation)
What we do weekly are the following:

 Blog search of a certain event or product

 Searching of an online news about a certain event or product

What we do monthly are the following:

 Monitor the magazines or glossies

 Scanning of the cut outs from the magazines

In my whole training the GeiserMaclang, I think there were only 2 problems that I have
encountered – 1) When I was about to use the computer, the mouse and keyboard were not
working; and 2) While I was doing something, there had been a brown out for like 2 minutes.

Overall, my experience in GeiserMaclang was really great. The people there were very
accommodating and hospitable. They would really teach you everything you need to know about
a certain thing. I have learned a lot and I was able to know what it feels like in the real world
after graduation.

VI. Appendix

Performance Evaluation Report

Certificate of hours worked Resume

Practicum acceptance form Certificates received

Others documents Pictures

GeiserMaclang GeiserMaclang


Southville International School and Colleges

Southville International School and Colleges

Southville International School and Colleges

Name of the Company: Southville International School and Colleges

Address: Munich St. corner Tropical Avenue, B.F. Homes International, Las Piñas City,
Philippines 1740

Contact Nos: (632) 825-6374; (632) 820-8702 to 03

Fax Number: (632) 820-8715

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

The SISCAA is an organization of alumni who are active partners of the school in
helping SISC students make a difference in the SISC community, the country, and the world.

Vision Statement

The SISCAA is an organization committed to promote and support the Vision and
Mission of Southville International School and Colleges by establishing a mutually beneficial
relationship with the school through relevant activities, meaningful programs, and excellent
services thereby enhancing the personal and professional life of its members and enriching the
school community.


Southville International School and Colleges formerly Southville International

School (SIS) is a community of learners, achievers and movers of society. The K-12 program is
internationally accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), U.S.A.,

Other educational institutions in the tertiary level that are  WASC-accredited schools in
the U.S.A. are Stanford University, Pepperdine University and University of California.  We are
accredited and recognized by several institutions.

International Basic Education

We use an international-based curriculum. For Pre-school to Upper School, the

curriculum is mainly based on the McRel International Model (Mid-continent Regional
Educational Laboratory, (U.S.A.) standards which offer a comprehensive guide to assessment
standards and benchmarks for state and local educators. S.I.S.C. offers international K-12
curricular programs that integrates the IB (International Baccalaureate) program offered with the
same rigorous standards in 120 countries.
College Programs

SISC College Division prepares its graduates to be competent, ethical, and globally
competitive through an industry - relevant, technology - driven curriculum and competent faculty
steeped in industry experience within a safe and caring environment.

For college, the competencies  of the various offerings are  benchmarked against  global
standards while  adhering to CHED CMOs. Business subjects such as Personal Finance
Management and Essentials of Investment, Capital Market/Securities, Financial Investment
Management, Entrepreneurship are integrated across all college courses curricula. SISC
has Capital Market and Entrepreneurship Center which generates online stock trading
facilities for actual placement of stocks listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). English
language instruction, acknowledging English as a universal language necessary in a globalized
economy is emphasized. Linkages with industry have been forged to ensure relevance of
knowledge and skills in the workplace. International examinations such as the SQL Server
Database Microsoft IT Certification, Amadeus Tourism Certification are integrated with a 100%
pass rate in 2010. For courses with board licensure exams,  Nursing and Education pass rate are
the highest South of Manila.

Multi-Dimensional Curriculum

While academic rigor is emphasized, success in  work and life require other dimensions.
Courses on leadership, achievement drive, EQ, interpersonal  sensitivity, values on ethics,
integrity, global citizenship and nationalism are likewise emphasized.

Southville is committed to develop and equip learners with the 5 Cs: COMPETENCE,
through a relevant, innovative, challenging  curriculum and instruction, with a strong empirical
research orientation within an enriched learning and caring environment.

International Affiliations

Apart from being W.A.S.C. accredited, SISC has been recognized as a School of the
Future by the Department of Education, an International Baccalaureate (IB) authorized world
school and an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2000 certified.
The institutional instructional programs are deeply committed to helping our learners achieve
their educational and character goals. We work closely with business and industry to develop
educational programs relevant to today's workplace. We form linkages with foreign academic
institutions to ease our students' transition to a world setting. We develop values that enhance
leadership and global citizenship.
Cutting Edge Technology 

Southville is also meeting the challenges of the information age by constantly innovating
and updating with the latest technological trends. Southville International School is the first
advanced Microsoft IT Academy certified partner in the Philippines. Southville also offers e-
learning (online notes, assignments) thru the Moodle system. Southville continuously innovates
with new technologies to systematize operations such as Online Enrollment and Payment

Social Responsibility
The progress of a nation depends on the kind of education it provides its people. Today,
education is not only seen as a pivotal factor in the people’s national identity development; it is
now seen as the main component of a nation’s advancement. Southville International School and
Colleges recognizes that an educational institution is largely responsible for the future of its
student but other students as well. SISC’s social responsibility efforts focus in education as a key
to alleviate poverty.

P.O.U.C.H. Program

The Save a Poor Urban Child (P.O.U.Ch.) program that started operation in February

1992. is an outreach program that addresses the daily nutritional and schooling needs of poor but
deserving school children. The program provides beneficiaries with tuition subsidy, medical and
dental assistance, school supplies and feeding program. The kids are treated to gift giving during
Christmas. Each level from grade 3 to grade 11 SISC holds a special P.O.U.C.H. day where each
student adopts a P.O.U.C.H. for a day and interacts with a beneficiary.

On its 20th year, the Save a P.O.U.C.H. of SISC has helped about 300 students every
year totaling to around 16,000 children from adopted schools.

Adopt a School Program

In conjunction with the Save a P.O.U.C.H. program, SISC has supported the Adopt a

School Program of the Department of Education. The school has adopted three public
elementary schools in Las Piñas namely CAA Elementary School, Daniel Fajardo Elementary
School and BF Learning Center and one public school in Parañaque, Masville Elementary
School. This has earned SISC a national award from Dep-ed in November, 2007.
SEED Foundation Academy (SEED)

The SEED Foundation Academy was established in 1999 by a group of outstanding

academicians and industry professionals of SISC to operate an educational institution and
learning center that shall promote courses of study in post-secondary, non-formal technology,
vocational, office management, and entrepreneurship. It is the aim of the academy to provide
highly competitive programs in Information Systems to students who wish to pursue computer
and office management courses that are not only academically excellent but affordable as well.
The courses are offered in the evening to accommodate working students and professionals who
would like to learn IT.

Other Programs

Other outreach programs of Southville are integrated in the curriculum of the National

Service and Training Program (NSTP). The activities are anchored on the vision and mission
of the school, and are geared towards strengthening the values and character of our college
students through involvement in community projects.


I have observed that the competitive edge of Southville is that they are internationally
known. I think that means that students that will graduate in this school can have more
opportunity to work in other countries or companies who have international clients since they
have already a base or training ground in communicating really well with foreign students.

The strengths of Southville is that they have a good curriculum for their students that can
eventually help them find a very good job that will suit them and the school’s environment is not
that big so students from different courses are very familiar with each other, and I think this will
help them build teamwork easier especially when they belong in different school organizations.

My over-all observation in Southville is that the different departments are well-

coordinated. I have observed that when a certain department needs something from a different
department, they can easily call them and communicate with them. And I think that is very
important in a company because I believe that before communicating effectively with other
companies, you should first be able to communicate with the people inside your company.
Periodic Reports

During my stay in the Business Office of the Munich Campus, what we did was to
answer the phone, assist Ms. Rap Ching when there are visitors in the office, help her to manage
the children during their dismissal and not let them play rough, and photocopy papers for her
when her assistant was absent.

The only problem that we have encountered was when Ms. Rap had an emergency at
home. She left the office early in the morning so we were the ones who manned the office. There
were instances when her assistant was not there in the office with us. So when there are visitors,
sometimes we didn’t know what to do especially when the students were already dismissed, the
yaya’s and sometimes the drivers are the ones who pick up the children. We called Ms. Rap
immediately to ask her what to do and she instructed us that we need to call the child’s parents
first to confirm that their yaya’s or drivers are the ones who will pick them up or ask the yaya’s
or drivers for a letter confirming it.

My over-all experience in the Business Office was great. I’ve learned a lot like how to
answer phone calls properly and politely and how to assist visitors. Also, I had a lot of fun with
the kids during their dismissal.

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