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The growth of tourism as an industry produces significant benefits to a country's economic development

in a number of ways, including income generation, employment opportunities, and social and cultural

Governments should look to package tours that is tours with quality and low price and also by
publicizing the country by building up an attractive and interesting website + exhibition booth  also by
encouraging internal tourism and improving public facilities.

The customs and charm of a particular tourist spot or a whole country can be magnified and made known
through the right media. The government should look to the development of suitable advertising and
marketing campaigns to create awareness..

Advertising and marketing can hugely impact an audience's perception of a certain area or community.
For example, someone unfamiliar with Montserrat may know the place only as a chaotic, poverty-stricken
country, and may never even conceive of traveling there for recreation. However, when promoted as a
country that offers a variety of attractions and other wonderful stuff , that person may be more inclined to
explore Montserrat.
Governments can create awareness and altering an audience's perception of a certain place through a
consistent advertising and marketing campaign, desire is awakened and stimulated. The specific target
market is more likely to want to travel to the area, explore its promises, and gain a unique experience that
they can treasure forever. An important task of advertising and marketing is to constantly stimulate this
desire, creating a sense of need for the target audience to travel to the area and soak up its diverse

The minister of tourism should look to the increasing of attractions to tourist thus allowing the country to
make more income from tourist visits.

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