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MORTAR Tactics in Open Terrain

Mortar fires are inherently inaccurate. Mortars are an area weapon. Mortars are best used for
suppression, not destroying point targets.

Bad Targets Mortar Smoke

Do not fire mortars at Mortar smoke provides more
invulnerable targets: obscuration at greater range
• Buildings. Blasting through than grenade smoke. Fire
ceilings with mortar fire is a mortar smoke:
waste of rounds. • To blind the enemy during
• Bunkers and an attack.
entrenchments. • In front of a distant enemy
• Tanks and armor. Mortar fire that is firing on you.
can only button them up and • In front of your position
slow them down. when pinned by the enemy
to permit withdrawal.
• To deceive the enemy by
misdirecting his attention.

Infantry in the open are particularly What’s He Doing?

vulnerable to mortar fire, especially
when combined with direct fire.
Enemy Mortars
Good Targets
Pay attention to the enemy’s
Fire mortars at vulnerable mortars.
targets in the open:
• Infantry in the open • If you are under mortar
• Infantry under trees fire, you are under
• Infantry behind one-sided observation. Move.
defilade like walls or hills • If he is saving rounds, he
• Stationary soft vehicles probably doesn’t have
Mortar smoke blinds the enemy and
• Stationary crew-served many to waste.
reduces the accuracy of his fire.
weapons, especially heavy • If he is using smoke, he’s
weapons that cannot be Don’t Waste Ammunition hiding something. Fire
moved quickly into his smoke.
Rounds are limited. Save
Mortar suppression is not rounds for lucrative targets. When you are pinned down in
destruction. Suppression Mortar rounds are heavy to the open by enemy fire,
needs to be combined with carry and consumed rapidly. expect to be mortared. Use
other weapons. Limited rounds Don’t waste rounds on: bounding overwatch to
limit the duration of mortar
suppression. • Unobserved targets avoid being fixed.
• Bad targets
Enemy infantry in the open • Distant targets that do not Find and attack his mortars.
should be attacked with a support your mission. Select Study the terrain for potential
combined arms mortar and targets carefully. positions. Listen for mortar fire
direct fire attack. to determine his location.

McBreen 2001
MORTAR Techniques
Mortar Units Security. Mortar crews
provide their own security.
Mortar crews are valuable They should stay close to
support units. Do not use the units that they are
mortar crews to assault or supporting to minimize
engage in direct fire security needs.
Communications. Light
Light, Medium or Heavy? mortars should stay within
signal range of the units that
Light mortars move faster they are supporting, even
and are more responsive when connected by radio.
than medium or heavy Mortars are difficult to adjust
mortars. Medium and when visibility is poor.
heavy mortars move Medium and heavy mortars
slowly, and their operate almost exclusively
ammunition is heavy, but by radio.
they are more destructive.
Heavy mortars usually Shifting Positions
need vehicles to move on
the battlefield. Once they are set up, avoid
moving guns unnecessarily.
On the Move Defilade mortar position supports both the Moving mortar ammunition
primary and the alternate platoon defensive
positions without moving tubes or ammunition. is much more difficult task
While on the move, than moving the tubes.
mortars are an infantry Mortar Positions
commander’s most Planned Targets
responsive and immediate The best mortar position is a
fire support available. A compromise between defilade, In stationary positions, plan
mortar unit’s ability to set security and communications. and register targets. Target
up and fire quickly is dead space, choke points,
critical. Defilade: and Final Protective Fires.

MOUT • Provides protection from enemy

direct fire weapons
Mortars are valuable in • Minimizes the requirement for
MOUT because of their security
high rate of fire, high angle
• Helps the unit avoid detection by
of fire, and short minimum
the enemy
• Avoids trees and overhead cover
Positions in existing
But... light mortars are more accurate
structures and narrow
when firing at targets they can see.
alleys provide maximum
protection for minimum
effort. Avoid rooftop
positions for mortars.
Observers should use tall
buildings to control fires.

McBreen 2001

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