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Date 1st – 5th March 2011

Duration 1 hour


Write down your Name, School, Date of birth and Class in the multiple choice
answer sheet.

Answer all questions and read the instruction given on the answer sheet.


The maximum mark is 50.

This question paper consists of 50 questions and 9 printed pages.
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Answer all questions.

1. An anxiety disorder is ___________________________________.

A. disordered thinking
B. an excessive or aroused state characterized by feelings of apprehension,
uncertainty and fear
C. an emotional state identified by panic attacks
D. an emotional condition classified by excessive checking

2. Exchange of gases in higher plants takes place through __________________.

A. stem
B. lenticels
C. roots
D. stomata

3. Energy appears in two forms. What are they?

A. Potential and kinetic.

B. Stored and active.
C. Thermal and light.
D. Kinetic and electric.

4. Coughing is caused by ____________________________________________.

A. too many Homo sapiens in the vicinity

B. irritation of the trachea by bacteria and dust particles
C. alien forces, which pull the fast-moving air right out of us
D. irritation of the nasal passages by dust particles

5. If waste materials contaminate the source of drinking water which of the

following diseases will spread?

A. Malaria
B. Scurvy.
C. Anaemia
D. Typhoid

6. Which one of the following helps in pushing out waste materials from the body

A. Fiber.
B. Eggs.
C. Butter.
D. Wheat products.

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7. Biotic factors refer to __________________________________.

A. Fossil fuel
B. Living organisms
C. Nutrient-deficient soils
D. Gases produced by industries

8. Stability of ecosystem depends upon ________________________________.

A. number of consumers
B. number of producers
C. primary productivity
D. interchange between producers and consumers

9. Which of the following would you expect to increase the rate of photosynthesis?

A. Increasing the oxygen concentration.

B. Increasing the carbon dioxide concentration.
C. Decreasing the duration of exposure to red light.
D. Decreasing the intensity of exposure to red light.

10. When we breathe in, we inhale many gases, including oxygen. What happens to
the gases that the body can't use?

A. They are changed into oxygen by the lungs.

B. They are absorbed into the digestive system and used to create energy.
C. They are exhaled.
D. They circulate through the body and are disposed of later

11. Deficiency of proteins in a child in the age group of 1 to 3 years causes ______

A. dwarfism
B. gigantism
C. marasmus
D. kwashiorkor

12. In normal adult man, the blood pressure is __________________.

A. 120/80 mm Hg
B. 90/150 mm Hg
C. 150/90 mm Hg
D. 80/120 mm Hg

13. Sound travels in air as __________________________________.

A. matter waves
B. electromagnetic waves
C. transverse waves
D. longitudinal waves

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14. As a result of rising global temperatures following two major impacts are
expected, namely; _______________________________________________.

A. increased water levels in lakes and streams and comparatively larger

B. relatively long summers and drier winters
C. rise in the sea level and regional climatic changes
D. increased water levels in water bodies like lakes and streams but more
consistent flooding patterns

15. Temperature is a measure of _______________________________________.

A. total potential energy of molecules

B. total kinetic energy of molecules
C. average kinetic energy of molecules
D. average potential energy of molecules

16. Sublimation is defined as __________________________________________.

A. the process in which a gas transitions into the liquid phase

B. the process in which a solid transitions directly into the gas phase
C. the process in which a liquid transitions into the gas phase
D. the process in which a gas transitions directly into the solid phase

17. How many satellites does planet Mercury have?

A. 0
B. 8
C. 21
D. 30

18. The apparent daily path of the Sun changes with the seasons because ______

A. the Sun rotates

B. Earth's distance from the Sun changes
C. Earth's axis is tilted
D. the Sun revolves

19. Which branch of science is concerned with the functions of different body

A. Linguistics.
B. Neuroscience.
C. Physiology.
D. Anatomy.

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20. The fluid found in the brain's cavities is called _______________; this
principally protects the brain from ____________________.

A. blood; infection and external pressure

B. ventricular fluid; external pressure
C. cerebrospinal fluid; infection
D. cerebrospinal fluid; external pressure

21. Why is blood that flows from the lungs to the heart bright red rather than dark

A. The lungs add a pigment (dye) to blood as it flows through them.

B. The blood contains oxygen content which makes it red.
C. Carbon dioxide makes it red.
D. Gastric juices produce the red colour of the blood.

22. The weight of a body is at its maximum at ____________________________.

A. Mount Everest
B. Tropic of Capricorn.
C. the poles
D. the equator

23. The apparent rising and setting of the Sun, as viewed from Earth, is caused by

A. the Sun’s rotation

B. the Sun’s revolution
C. Earth’s rotation
D. Earth’s revolution

24. What would happen to people who have an open wound and whose blood did
not clot naturally?

A. They would have to take special clotting drugs.

B. They would have to take regular doses of plasma.
C. Nothing. Clotting is not important.
D. They would bleed to death.

25. The individual units of corolla are called __________.

A. stamens
B. petals
C. pistils
D. stamens

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26. Which nutrient helps in the formation of bones, teeth and blood?

A. Minerals.
B. Fats.
C. Carbohydrates.
D. Proteins.

27. The radiation in the sunlight that gives us the feeling of hotness is __________.

A. ultra-violet
B. red
C. infra-red
D. visible radiation

28. From which stage of silk moth is silk obtained?

A. Adult.
B. Cocoon.
C. Caterpillar.
D. Pupa.

29. If the fins of a fish are damaged, which of the following activities would suffer?

A. Locomotion and excretion.

B. Speed and respiration.
C. Locomotion and respiration.
D. Speed and changing direction.

30. In biology, the term respiration means ________________________________.

A. a procedure used to revive a person who has stopped breathing

B. releasing energy from carbohydrates by combing them with oxygen
C. the release of energy from food substances
D. the act of breathing

31. A stick partially immersed in water appears broken due to _________________.

A. refraction
B. reflection
C. dispersion
D. total internal reflection

32. The final image produced by a simple microscope is _____________________.

A. real and erect

B. virtual and inverted
C. real and inverted
D. virtual and erect

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33. Which of the following application does not need ultra-violet lamps?

A. Aircraft cockpit dashboard lighting.

B. Car lighting.
C. Blue print machines.
D. Medical purposes.

34. The magnetic field lines due to a straight wire carrying a current are _________.

A. circular
B. elliptical
C. parabolic
D. straight

35. Which of the following processes represents a decomposition reaction?

A. Excretion.
B. Digestion.
C. Reproduction.
D. Circulation.

36. A water-filled paper cup held in a flame will not catch fire. This is because ____

A. water is an excellent conductor of heat

B. paper is a poor conductor of heat
C. the paper cup cannot become appreciably hotter than the water it contains
D. the inside of the paper is wet

37. The silver coating on the glass surfaces of a Thermos bottle reduces energy
that is transferred by ____________________.

A. convection
B. friction
C. conduction
D. radiation

38. The cooling effect inside a refrigerator is produced by ____________________.

A. proper insulation
B. vaporizing the refrigeration liquid
C. an electric motor that converts electrical energy into thermal energy
D. compressing the refrigeration gas into a liquid

39. Diabetes insipidus is a condition in which ____________________________.

A. sugar level in the blood decreases

B. sugar level in the blood increases
C. no urine is passed out
D. very dilute urine is passed out

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40. The microorganism used in production of biogas is ____________________.

A. nostoc
B. methanobacterium
C. saccharomyces
D. chlorella

41. The longest bone of human body is ____________________.

A. limb bone
B. backbone
C. skull
D. femur

42. Which one of these is not a nutrient?

A. Water.
B. Minerals.
C. Vitamins.
D. Fats.

43. The water cycle can also be called _________________________.

A. hydrolysis
B. aqua cycle
C. hydrologic cycle
D. hydraulic cycle

44. One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is _________.

A. burying
B. recycling
C. burning
D. dumping

45. A valid concern about the genetic modification (GM) of food crops is that GM
crops are likely ______________________________.

A. to cause plants to produce a larger yield

B. to introduce new diseases
C. to cross pollinate with other plants
D. to cause the food to rot more quickly

46. Which of the following wastes cannot be decomposed by bacteria to form

compost ?

A. Plastic and polythene bags.

B. Bodies of insects living in the soil.
C. Kitchen wastes.
D. Dead plants.

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47. Which of the following is not an important characteristic of the Green


A. Mechanized agriculture.
B. Slash and burn.
C. Monoculture.
D. Hybrid seeds.

48. The radiations emitted by the sun and responsible for the cause of skin cancer
are __________________.

A. micro-waves
B. infra-red
C. ultra-violet
D. X-rays

49. Which one of the microorganism is used for production of citric acid in

A. Aspergillus niger.
B. Rhizopus nigricans.
C. Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
D. Penicillium citrinum.

50. Acid rain is formed due to contribution from the following pair of gases, namely;

A. methane and sulphur dioxide

B. Carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
C. Oxygen and nitrous oxide
D. Methane and ozone

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