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Prince William is Jesus, and I am Catherine Elizabeth Middleton for Our lives ar

e Completely the Opposite for this world is an illusion so thus Whilst Catherine
Elizabeth Middleton will Become Princess/Queen for She Never will Be yet Jesus
Chose Me just as Prince William chose His Poor Wife Jesus Chose His Poor Wife fo
r I am Poorer than Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, and Jesus is Richer than Princ
e William for I am Sicker, etc yet in the End I will get to Be Queen, and She Wi
ll Never Get to Be Anything for She will Be Destroyed along with the False Jesus
forever for Prince William is the Ultimate Jesus Imposter which Brings forth De
ath to those Who Follow William, and His Bride, etc For she is the Ultimate Impo
ster of Me the True Jesus's Wife for Again this Is the Ultimate Sin which Brings
Forth Death.

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