Economical Issues in Computer in Health

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Economical issues in computer in health

Economical is something that is does not require lot of money to operate. For example cars that only use
a small amount of petrol are economical. In addition study of the relation of available scarce means
to supply for a proposed end; economists assume that people have wants and needs, and then
study how societies are organized to supply them, trying to establish whether one method is
better than another. In simply this is an economical issue.

The demand of computers has been dramatically increasing in many fields which contain economical
issues. Health is most important area which contains economical issues in computing and
medicine stands out from the rest.

A computer is a vital part of almost every industry and job today, and sitting in front of a computer
screen for hours on end has become a fact of life. Although the computer allows us to get our work
done quickly and more efficiently, extended periods of time on the computer can significantly increase
the risk of developing one or more computer related health problems.

Working with computer for whole day is not rare nowadays. If it’s an aspect of our work or if we use
computers just for fun, there are certain risks involved with prolonged computer use.

1. Eye Disease
Our eyes are very badly affected by how long you stare at that bright screen. We stop blinking
and start staring which makes our eyes strain and dry out. Make sure you look away from the
screen and close them for a few seconds every few minutes.

2. Musculoskeletal problems

These can range from general aches and pains to more serious problems and include:

 Back and neck pain and discomfort

 Tension stress headaches and related ailments

3. Computer Stress Injuries

Many people suffer from structural problems related to the physical stress of sitting incorrectly,
or for too long in front of their computers. So there are chances you’ve experienced a fair
amount of computer stress.

High levels of stress can kill people, so don’t make these mistakes! Highly stressful workers have
a higher risk of developing heart diseases and even cancer. So we have to make sure that we can
manage our stress.

Although it contains such problems to our life’s some how we can manage these health
problems by following rules and regulations in computer use.

Not only has the negative side of health but also computer contained positive side too.
We live in an age of computer. There is nothing that has influenced our lives more than a
computer. There is no field that is devoid of the influence of computer applications. The
medical field is continuously using the newest technology to better the treatment and
diagnosis of patients in order to help people. There are many different aspects in which
technology is being used to improve the field of medicine or health. This technology aids
in administrative matters, non-direct healthcare, and specialized medical equipment in
fields such as pharmaceuticals, radiology, virtual surgery and virtual medicine.

In administrative matters, computers impact patient billing, online referrals, and

computerized patient records. Without these applications, a physician or highly trained
assistant would have to spend hours writing thousands of claims by hand. One program
called Medical Billing Assistant accomplishes this tedious task. The program receives
input such as dates, price, patient numbers, and medical procedure codes. The software
records the data and produces an output, which can be mailed to insurance companies,
kept for log, or given to patients.

      Computers not only aid in the administration and organization of patient records, but
in actual health care. The Internet has made a huge impact on the health care system.
Health care on the Internet has become diverse and significantly present in the past two to
three years.

These are some economical issues in health by using computer. All the things are with
white and black. As same issues can be good and bad. Computer economical issues in
health also introduce you some heath problems and solutions issues also with computer.
Computer health problems lost money and waist employment time as same as lost health.

But modern computer technology introduces treatments for the most illnesses. Some
treatments can do fully through the computer. It saves the time, save the money and help
to people to live as healthy person in the world.

As a summary computer economical issues in health can be good or bad. We have chance
to select the best way how to reduce bad issues and gain the good issues.

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