Complete Test As Per April 2010 Paper Except 1st Question-Audit

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Questions 1 and 2 are compulsory and answer any two from the remaining

of questions
1)(a) What is Window Dressing ? What is auditors duty against
Window Dressing ? (8)

(b) How would you vouch the following :

(i) Cash Purchases


(ii) Travelling Expenses


2) (a) Select the appropriate option and rewrite the following

sentences : (6)

(i) Goods purchased but not recorded in the purchase register


(a) To reduce profits (b) An error of omission (c) An error

of commission

(d) Affect on agreement of trial balance.

(ii) For interim dividend auditors conduct

(a) Internal audit (b) Balancesheet audit (c) Interim audit

(d) Final audit

(iii) Working papers are the property of the

(a) Client (b) Auditor (c) Client and Auditor (d) Equity

(iv) Which of the following documents is not relevant for

vouching of sales

(a) Daily cash sales summary (b) Credit Memos (c) Delivery

(d) Sales dept attendance record.

(v) For an appointment of auditor of govt companies requires

(a) Passing of resolution by the member at AGM

(b) No objection certificate from the govt

(c) Appointment made by comptroller and auditor general of

(d) Membership of the Institute of Auditors of India

(vi) The full form of AAS is

(a) Auditing and Accounting Standards

(b) Accounting and Auditing Standards

(c) Auditing Assurance Standards

(d) Auditing and Assurance Standards

(b)Match the columns and rewrite the sentences- (6)

Column A Column B

i.True and Fair view (a)Compile the A/c

ii.Internal Check (b)To collect audit evidence
iii.Accountant (c)Statutory Auditor of a company
iv.Audit techniques (d)Includes copy of MOA
v.Report to shareholders (e)Gross total income
vi.Permanent file (f)Special Resolution
(g) Voluntary Audit
(h)Disclose all material facts
(i)Work of one person is checked
by another person

3) (a) Discuss the Audit Techniques in brief


(b) What are the qualities of auditor ?


4) (a) What is internal audit ? What are its objects ?


(b) How would you verify the following :

(i) Cash at Bank

(ii) Sundry debtors

5) (a) Explain “Current File “ Give example of its contents.

(b) Elaborate the factors to be considered by an auditor while

preparing an Audit Plan (6)

6) Write Short notes on any three of the following :


(a) Appointment of First Auditors of the Company

(b) Internal Check

(c) Removal of Auditor other than First Auditor

(d) Continuous Audit

(e) Methods of Selecting Sample Items

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