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This is a greater virtue than love. As it needs lot of patience to listen and understand other’s
point of view, belief about an issue. However, to a true Indian it comes naturally. In India it is
a common sight to see a Church, a Temple, or a Mosque or a Gurudwara or a Fire Temple in
the same friendly neighbourhood. Indiansbelieve and practice respect for each other’s,
religious beliefs and life style. We Indians believe in the philosophy of “Live and Let Live.”


Humanity is another value imbibed in Indian culture. Indians rise to the occasion, in times of
war and have given a helping hand. A famous example is that of a humanitarian Dr. Kotnis,
who went to China during the war to save the lives of the war time victims during Second
World WSar, and saved many lives and while treating the people there, died. We have many
such heros, who have made us proud.

Self Management

Indians believe that they have to first manage themselves, before they can try and manage
anybody else. Man must know himself first, “know thyself”. His strengths, weakness, his
dreams and desires, his goals and his ambitions. Indian ethos emphasizes on harmony and
integrity between body, mind, emotion and Jivatma or Soul. Healthy body in a healthy mind
is an important value inculcated in our culture.


Divinity resides in every one of us and the journey of Man apart from his wordly duties and
accomplishments is also spiritual in nature. Indians strongly believe that divine grace works
only when a person puts his 100% efforts. There is a saying, “God helps, those who helps
themselves...” It is this inner strength to have faith that god is with us in times of distress that
gives every man the courage and power to overcome obstacles.

Indian Cultural Heritage and the Youth Today

Today’s youngsters are prone to danger – of clouding their conscience by four C’s:


Which has become so severe, that they find it difficult to cope with it? May it be a class
test, an important competitive exam which makes or breaks their career like S.S.C, H.S.C and
entrance exams of Engineering, Medicine or M.B.A. Hence, instead of doing deep study and
get thorough knowledge of the subject, they try to find quick fix solutions and short cuts to
pass these examinations.


This is not intelligence which comes form assimilation of information and insights but
street smartness which makes him a “Smart Alec”. The youngsters today tend to be
presentable and try to “show – off” and can make a short term impact, however they are
unable to sustain this as they do not have the sincerity, persistence of efforts which is needed
for long time relationship building.


Youngsters today want to have things their way and hence always want to be winners at
all cost – even at the cost of others they do not believe in the philosophy of Live and Let Live
but in “Survival of the Fittest”.


Today’s youngsters are confused about many things:

 Core Values

Parents or teachers teach them value which they themselves do not follow. Hence they
feel they are imposed with ideas which can not be implemented.

 Career Goals

These days the parents thrust these on youngsters and as such they many or may not
be motivated to accomplish these.

 Materialism v/s idealism

Some of our notions are either very idealistic or very materialistic and hence
youngsters are not able to Balance the two.

However, if our youngsters follow truly the Indian Ethos there they should imbibe the 4


Confidence means self – within or Atmavishwas. It comes from purity of one’s intentions
and gives the youngsters high energy to fulfill his desires and bring them in to reality. This
purity comes from Dharma or Eternal Rules which even an illiterate understands as your
“inner voice: tells you that a particular thought or action is right or wrong.


Sahanubhuti or able to understand other’s feeling and point of view comes from the Vedic
Mantra “Maad Atma Sarva Bhutama” which means reverence and respect for all creations
including animals, insects and plants.


When one starts seeing others as a reflection of one self then one naturally starts caring
for another who is an extension of one’s self. Therefore we see the mother who cares for the
baby, the elder brother or sister cares for the younger brother or sister, friends care for one
another, etc…

The Western world stresses on competency which comes from skills set, which a person
can acquire whereas Indian value system imbibes competency through the formation of the
right Attitude which comes from Right Sanskars and Karma.

Discuss the impact of Indian cultural heritage on youth today?

Basically all the value systems throughout the world teach similar things. They are as

 Humanity – helping others of our kind

 Humility – be humble to others
 Self development – through social betterment
 Respect – respect fro elder, parent and others

But there have been a surfaced a difference i.e. due to cultural difference. As we have
already discussed the effects of western values is less influence due to which many time
western people do things which are against there values while little is done to imbibed the
value into child during his upbringing, due to which his character is developed of a person
who has to consideration for his character is developed of a person who has to consideration
for his values and it is exactly opposite in case of eastern values.

Value Imbibed in our Indian Culture

1. Respect

Each individual must be given due respect irrespective of work he does, post he holds
or caste or religion he belongs to.

2. Trust

Indians are warm and friendly people. They are trustworthy and trust people. They do
not believe in deceiving others.

3. Work is Worship

Indians believes that the best offering or Pooja to the divine is through their hard work
and sincere efforts.

4. Chitta Sudhi

Purification of the mind with noble thought of friendliness, humility, compassion and

5. Self Discipline and Self Restrain

Indians believe in restraining their senses, emotions like greed, passion etc...
disciplining their self for a strong will power.
6. Spirit of Renunciation and Detachment

The law of Karma is a way of life in India and one of the strong beliefs is do your
Karma and accept the result with a strong beliefs is do your Karma and accept the
result with a Prasad Bhav. Do not attach great importance to the Result. If one works
with this spirit, then one will contribute 100% efforts and be effective at work place as
there is no attachment to Result.

7. Art of Giving

Indians do not believe in grabbing and stealing. They feel Good when they are giving
food to the hungry, educating the poor, etc... on all focus on “Daan – Charity”.

8. Holistic

Indians always while thinking or solving any problem will take a holistic approach.
They would always see the Big Picture, learn from nature and make all round

9. Tolerance

Indian culture is one of the oldest surviving cultures and has assimilated different
cultures, religions, customs and life style. In India, people of various religions co –
exist and respect each other religion and uniqueness.

10. Adaptable

Indians have over the centuries adopted and adapted various customs. Indians are
successful abroad as they adjusted and adopted their style and culture.

America India Japan

Destiny Individuals can create There is no control over Destiny is created

their own destiny. individual’s destiny. through group efforts.
Decision Making Rational and logical Intuitive Brain storming
Conflict Resolution Can disagree openly and Suppress disagreement, High maturity level,
debate to solve a conflicts are resolved by conflicts are resolved by
problem. seniors view. discussions
Respect Self and merit Seniority and elders Seniority
Management Result oriented and Human development Holistic oriented,
Orientation focusing on target. oriented and focusing on focusing on skills
soft, balancing in achieving.
contribution of man and
1. Destiny

According to the US culture, they believe that a person ahs full control on his destiny
and thus believes that one can create one’s own destiny. No matter how straight the
gate, how charged with punishment the scroll; I am master of my fate, I am Captain of
my soul.

However Indians believe that they have no control on their destiny due to the law of
Karma which highlights one is born to repay one’s debt and all the pleasure and pain
one gets is due to the accumulation of the right or wrong action of one’s past life.

On the other hand Japanese culture believes in co – creating one’s destiny, through
group efforts. They believe in synergy which comes from brain storming and belief,
“many hands make light work.”

2. Decision Making

US culture stresses on the left brain thinking, or IQ and on a rational. Logical

approach to decision which is based on facts and figures.

Indian culture has always nourished the right brain thinking which is based on one’s
emotional intelligence. It is based on the inner voice of the conscience commonly
known as “gut feeling” to institution.

Japanese culture on the other hand is based on brain storming where in Quality circles
a common problem in a company is taken up and all participate finding a solution
which can be implemented.

3. Conflict Resolution

In the US culture they believe in respecting each other yet openly disagreeing. This
way they put across their views to each other and resolve any conflicts.

However in India, we believe in suppressing, not communicating our disagreements.

By maintaining silence and status quo we resolve our differences.

In Japan, they believe in having a dialogue when everyone is free to express their
views and thus are able to resolve conflicts in a very mature way.

4. Respect

According to the US culture one is given respect for one’s self and for one’s merit.
They also believe in dignity of labour and freedom of speech. They do not respect
someone just because of seniority.
Indians and the Japanese culture show lot of reverence for elders and for seniority.
Even the promotions in the company are on merit.

5. Management Orientation

Management orientation of the US is based on increasing the bottom line, profits,

reducing costs and all these targets are quantitative which does not consider human

On the other hand in India, it is more based on human development on soft skills and
a balance between man and machine. Similarly according to the Japanese culture
there is a holistic attitude which aims at using effectively all the resources.

Comparing Value System Practiced in Japan, China and America.

Values are called Gunas. They express dharma or divine nature. Values acts as a base of
skills. They are the means of perfection. They are internal, dealing with the internal
development of a person, purifying mind and heart. They bring about excellence and
universal good. They are governed by union, holism and relatedness. They are firm and
enduring. They must form an integral part of management. Let us compare value system
practiced in Japan, China and America.


Success of Japan is based on values familiar to Indians. They use spiritual education and
practices like concentration, meditation, lectures of spiritual leaders, mind stilling,
institution, etc… to neutralize the evil effects of reckless industrialization and to
synthesize human values into management and organization. The organizations inculcate
the spirit of giving rather than taking in work life. The individuals are encouraged to
subdue (control, discipline) their ego, and to overcome to some extent selfishness, anger,
jealousy, greediness, hatred, partiality, etc… Japan has combined spiritualism and
materialism and has adopted value – driven holistic approach in management and
organization. In Japan the basic individual virtue (good quality, good value) is considered
to be Makoto (sincerity). Sincerity means that true words become true deeds; the source
from which beauty, goodness and truth are born. Once the person has the life attitude of
Makoto, his actions and relations with fellow beings would be in conformity of the Michi
(way) which is said to correspond to our dharma. Thus, Japanese people were inspired
more by the spiritual motive for doing good to their nation and world.

Japanese culture believes in co – creating one’s destiny through group efforts they believe
in synergy which comes from brain storming and the belief that ‘many hands makes work
light’. In Japan they believe in having a dialogue where everyone is free to express their
views and thus are able to reduce the conflicts in a very matured way.


Non – violence forms an integral part of value system in China. Chinese prefer to use the
positive form rather than negative and hence they use the word JEN which means ‘love
and friendship’. They believe n truth and non – violence. JEN has a vast volume of
meanings and lot of diversities of interpretations, to some it is to love people, to few it is
to subdue oneself and return to propriety, and to few it is to able to practice five things i.e.
generosity (kindness), gravity (seriousness), sincerity (genuineness), earnestness
(intensity) and kindness everywhere.

JEN is the characteristic element of humanity and the great exercise of it is in loving all
people especially relation. Another value, which is important for Chinese people, is ‘Yi’
which means righteousness (morality, justice, honesty). They believe that JEN or
benevolence is man’s heart and Yi or righteousness is man’s path. Love, mercy and
benevolence are present in Chinese policies. Moreover, charity, selflessness, forgiveness,
fearlessness too form a part of their value system. They also follow values of harmony
peace and love.


According to Americans, everyone has a hierarchy of values that form their value system.
This system is identified by relative importance we assign to such values as freedom,
pleasure, self – respect, honesty, obedience and equality. Achievement, peace, co –
operation, equity and democracy are social values that are considered desirable in North
America. These values are not fixed, but when they change, they do so very slowly. The
dominant work values of Americans are hard work, loyalty, achievement, ambition,
accomplishment, harmony, peace and equality.

According to American culture they believe that a person has full control over his destiny
and thus believe that one can create his own destiny. It stresses on logical and rational
approach towards decision which is based on facts and figures. They believe in dignity of
labour and freedom of speech. They do not respect someone just because of seniority.

As we compare these value systems that are practiced in Japan, China and America we
find that they are very similar to the values system practiced in India. The basic values of
harmony, peace, truth and justice are the same everywhere. Hence, we can conclude that
the value systems practiced are almost the same. It is only the circumstances, which force
people to change their values, or else they are the same.


The role of heredity in the development of personality is an old argument in

personality theory. Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at the
conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex temperament, muscle composition
and reflexes, energy level and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally
considered to be imported either completely or substantially by one’s parent. The heredity
approach argues that the ultimate explanation of an individual’s personality is the
molecular structure of the genes, located in the chromosomes.

The following classification of characteristics is said to be inherited by all humans:

 Physical Structure
 Reflexes
 Innate (inborn, natural) Drive
 Intelligence
 Temperament

Nevertheless; the role of heredity on personality development cannot be totally

minimized. Physical attributes, for instance, may be largely attributed to heredity. Thus,
heredity plays a very important role in shaping of the personality.

Personality development owes as much to environment as it does to heredity.

Environment is a broad term and includes factors such as culture. The methods by which
an infant is fed and is toilet trained, and makes the transition from adolescence to
adulthood are all culturally determined or girls are not allowed to go out at night
unescorted as Indians believe that they need to be protected, whereas boys do not have
any such restrictions.

While growing the child learns to behave in ways expected by the culture of the family in
to which the baby was born. One of those expectations has to do with sex roles. Most
cultures expect different behaviour from males than from females. The cultural sub –
groups exerts its influence on personality. Although culture has significant influence on
personality development, linear relationship cannot be established between personality
and given culture for two reasons:

 The cultural impacts upon an individual is not uniform, because they are
transmitted by certain people parents and others – who are not at all alike in their
values and practices, and
 The individual has some experience that is unique. Each individual reacts in his
own way to social pressures, differences in behaviour being caused by biological

 We term role personality as our role model i.e. someone we aspire to be.
 Role personality has certain personality traits which we try to incorporate in our life
 We try to create SWOT analysis of Role personality and try to fit ourselves in that
 We always try to keep our role personality in focus and act accordingly to his role i.e.
we try to fit ourselves in his / her role.
 Role personality continues to establish themselves as a role model for others and there
is hardly any scope for them to get manipulated


 True personality refers to what we are i.e. it indicates our own personality.
 We always try to bridge the gap between our personality and role personality.
 True personality can be modified and can be improved.
 Sometimes, our own personality keeps on changing due to external control, but in the
end it leads us to confusion.

Qualities required for development of a personality according to Indian Management

Thoughts are:


Self – confidence is one’s ability and belief. It springs from purity of intention and
gives the individual the much needed zeal. It is a must in each and every individual;
‘can do’ must be developed in every individual. Who have self confidence it is the
appropriate level of confidence neither over nor under and this is called Atmavishwas.


An individual must have respect for all creation i.e. nature, man, animal, etc…
according to Indian Vedanta we are indebted to all the living being.


An individual must have the daring to face challenges and accept everything that is
new and sudden whether it is new thought or a sudden circumstance. If he believes in
himself and knows that he is on a right path he will have the courage and
determination to face all odds and deal with them gradually.


‘Slow and steady wins the race’, the attitude of wait must be developed. Results
always take time. A person must have patience. He must not do things in a hurry, as
‘haste is waste’. Nature is a good example to teach us the principle of patience. As we
sow a seed, water it, nurture it for a long time then only we are entitled to its fruits.


An individual must have the power of decisions. A person who has confidence
impurity of its intention. Good Krama and a positive mind set will never hesitate to do
something that ought to be done. An individual must be decisive and not indecisive. A
person must have Nirnay Shakti and Nischayatmak Buddhi.


A person should be straightforward and simple in life. If he wants to develop. A

person must know how to adjust in any situation. A person who is simple in his
conduct is easily approachable as he does not have any ego.


A person must have a big heart and not a narrow one. A person will always face many
challenges prepared for some and some may be unexpected a person must rise to the
occasion and do the appropriate karma such a person who is bigger then his
circumstance is a generous person.


Readiness to learn and curiosity to learn go hand in hand. They help individual gain
knowledge, resulting in the development of the individual.


All the personal self interest are subordinated for higher goals a social cause or for
maximum good of maximum number of people. He must learn to sacrifice personal
interests for a cause. ‘Bahujan Hitay, Bahujan Sukhey’ is the motto of a tyagi person.


Everyone must have sahanshilta if the circumstance is not favourable or the result are
not as per one’s expectation or if some person response is not appropriate in all such
adverse circumstance one must have tolerance to respect others point of view and also
to accept the circumstances.


He must be a constant and a consistent learner.


A person must have the ability to laugh at himself and also act the odd circumstances.
The lighter the mind it creates a joyful atmosphere at home and office.


He must have perseverance and deep – thinking.


He must learn to accept failures just as he accepts success.


He must have love and compassion for all.


A person must learn to appreciate others.


He must be alert about good and bad and must know how to carry his duties and


He must be completely engrossed in his work.

In order to inculcate these values in an individual an ideal must be placed in front of them;
from whom they can learn these qualities themselves. The ideal of Vivekanand was his Guru
Ramkrishna Paramhansa and that of Shankaracharya was his Guru Gaudpadacharya.

They developed the qualities of their ideals in themselves and build up their personality.
Hence we can say that the above mentioned people are great examples of Holistic approach
to personality since all the above mentioned values are imbibed in them.


According to the Sankhya philosophy, there is a Guna Theory (SRT Guna) which also
portrays different types of personalities. There are basically three gunas or qualities a person
may possess one or more qualities and hence predominance of one guna over other.


The chief drive is welfare for all. This guna has love for wisdom and knowledge. By the
nature they are satvik or pure hearted people. They are free from jealousy, envy, greed, etc…
They are lead by power of discrimination. They have a balanced approach towards life. A
diet rich in raw fruits, salads, milk and milk products cultivate the satvik gunas.


The chief drive is passion and good living. This guna has love for power. By nature they
are rajasvik or people who pursue good life. Their dominant emotions are pride, ambition,
jealousy, etc… They are led by rewards and hence rational thinking is dominant. Their
attitude is selfish. A diet rich in sweets, ghee and proteins cultivates the rajasvik personality.


The chief drive is extremely self centeredness and manipulative. This guna has no
direction and is groping in dark. Hence, the word tamas signifies ignorance or darkness. Kind
nature be tamasik person are lethargic, arrogant, heartless and rash. Then are more led by
impulses and moods and hence bhavna is predominant. They have a negative mind set. A diet
of fish, mutton, spicy and pungent food, oily food makes a person tamasik.

According to the sankaya philosophy all these three gunas are inter related in a hierarchical
order, where Sattwa is the highest and the best, the Rajas the mild and the Tamas the lowest
or the worst.
It is further said that this Gunas are dynamic in nature i.e. at a birth a person may be Tamsik
and slowly he imbibes certain qualities and become Rajasvik or Satwik person. This is
possible through a balanced and proper diet and cultivating some of the values and focusing
on the right kind of approach.

Satvik Rajasvik Tamasvik

Chief Drive Welfare for all Passion anf good Extremely self
living centeredness and

Love For Wisdom and Power No direction


Nature Free from greed Pride, ambition, Lethargic, arrogant,

envy and jealousy jealousy, etc… heartless and rash

Led By Power of Rational thinking Impulses and moods


Approach Towards Balanced Selfish Negative mind set


Diet Raw fruit, salad, Ghee, sweets, Fish, mutton, oily,

milk and milk protein rich food pungent, spicy.



The following traits need to be developed by effective managers are:


Authoritarian tend to be rigid in their positions, place high moral value systems, and are
strongly oriented towards conformity to rules and regulations. They naturally prefer stable
and structured work environments which are governed by clean rules and procedures.


Locus of control refers to an individual’s belief that events are either within one’s control
or are determined by forces beyond ones control. These personality traits are manifested in
different behaviours, which are significant to managers.

Machiavellianism, a term refers to an individual’s propensity (tendency) to manipulate
people. In jobs that require bargaining skills or where there are substantial rewards for
winning, Machiavellianism performs better.


Managers with a high need to achieve continually strive to do things better. They want to
overcome obstacles, but they want to feel that their success or failure is due to their actions.


Managers should have a high self – esteem. People with high self – esteem believe that
they have the abilities to undertake challenging jobs. They tend to choose unconventional
jobs than those with low self – esteem. High – esteems are more satisfied with their jobs.


High risk taking managers make more rapid decisions and use less information in making
their choices.


It refers to an individual’s ability to adjust his or her behaviour to external factors. The
high self – monitor is capable of putting on different ‘faces’ for different audiences.
Managers high in self – monitoring can show considerable adaptability in adjusting their
behaviour to external situational factors.

The western view talks about various personality traits, but the personality trait which are
found in Indian managers are:


Emphasis on values like caring, nurturing, co – operating, creating management is not

focused on only achieving results but also long term relationship and a preference for whole
its parts.


Indian Management thought has a deep study of important concepts like motivation,
learning, personality, managing self abnd others and we need not look for answers to the


The saying goes, “Bahujan Hitay, Bahujan Sukhay”. Though we may compete, we are all
inter – dependent and inter – connected and we have to think “Win Win” or else we all lose.

Business is going to be dynamic and ever – changing. The challenges will be great and
the financial and economic systems more complex. We need intuition to steer clearly. We
need to recognize our inner spiritual resources to find creative solutions.


The respect for others as well as elders and youngsters can be figures out as a distinct
personality trait in Indian context

Indians do trust easily and very fast on others.


Indians are very much emotional in nature and feelings easily affect them.


The straightforwardness and simplicity in life of an Indian can be clearly seen a special
personality trait in the Indian context.


This is a unique feature of a personality trait found in Indians and along with it, Indians
have a sense of high and deep thinking.

The quote Dr. S. D. Gupta, in order to be a good manger one needs SPARKLE:

S: Self Disciplined
P: Plan
A: Accomplish Goals
R: Responsibility
K: Knowledge about Company, Competitions and Market
L: Learn the Laws of Cause and Effect
E: Ethical

Personality Development Through Yoga

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means join or unite. It implies
integrating all aspects of the individuals body, mind, and soul to achieve a happy, balanced
and useful life in spiritually uniting the individual (Jeevatma) with the supreme (Shivatma).

Yoga is not something absurd, irrational, or out of nature. It is a verified psychological

science. Yoga means “excellence at work”. It means “evenness of mind”. Yoga means to join
the soul of man with the supreme soul of God. Yoga must be practiced to achieve the highest
goals and to carry out the spiritual work. Yoga means ‘Yam – Niyam – Saiyam’. Yoga cannot
be practiced without Niyam and Saiyam. Yoga also implies that there should be Satatya
(continuity) in work, in a disciplined manner and with full understanding.

Yoga is a spiritual science of self realisation. The Indian sage, Patanjali propounded the
“Yoga Sutras”, 5000 years back in ancient India. It is a psycho – physical discipline with
different practices. The popular physical postures called the “Asanas”, breathing exercise
called the “Pranayama” and “Meditation”.

These days the focus is more on its benefits for improved physical fitness, mental clarity,
greater self – understanding stress control and general well being.

Patanjali has prescribed the Astang Yoga which comprises of:


Practicing righteous living and imbibing positive values in life so as to purify the
Chita is the first step towards the performance of yoga.


Principles of self restrain (control) whereby you further cleanse or purify your
Jeevatma for example rituals like fasting not eating outside food, maintaining maun –
speechless state, etc are some of the Niyamas. This is the second stage of yoga.


Postures which will help the body get physical fitness and general well being. There
are some specific assanasa’s for specific physical disorders. This is the third stage.


Inhaling and exhaling or sustaining energy is taught in Pranayama. In this stage

various breathing techniques depending on different energy level of people is taught.
For example: Surya Bhedhan Pranayama – it gives us vital energy whereas Chandra
Bhedhan Pranayama – calms our mind, Kapalbhati Pranayama helps us to reduce
obesity. There are 20 types of pranayama. This is the fourth stage of yoga.


In this practice we need to withdraw our sense organs and start looking inward. In this
stage one has to give up all attachments to sensual pleasures and seek inner bliss. This
is the fifth stage and the most difficult one to practice.


Concentration of the mind on a object name, sound or any other thing. In spiritual
way of life people do Japa or rewrite the name of their deity (God) several types. This
is done so that their mind should not wander and get fixed on the Nama or name like
‘Jai Shree Rama’, ‘Jai Mata Di’, etc… Even concentration on the sound of “OM” is
also dharma. This is the sixth stage of yoga.


Meditation or mind stiling and having a altered stage of consciousness that brings
serenity i.e. clarity of thoughts and bliss. This is the seventh stage.


This is the ultimate state of bliss where the jeevatma i.e. individual soul meets the
shivatma i.e. spiritual soul. It is the meeting of individual with the SELF. After
attaining this state the person is free from all the bondages and sorrows i.e. ‘Jeevan
Jeevatma Shivatma
Jeevan mukti



Jyana yoga is the process of converting intellectual knowledge into practical wisdom.
It is a discovery of human dharma in relation to nature and the universe. It is
prescribed tradition as a means to obtain the highest meditative state and inner


Raja yoga usually refers to the system of yoga i.e. described in the ‘yoga sutra’ of
patanjali. In this ancient text, patanjali described eight of yoga i.e. astang yoga which
are collectively known as raja yoga. (Write all the astang yoga)


The word kriya means activity or movement and refers to the activity or movement of
consciousness. Kriya also refers to a type of practical practice leading to total union.
The final result of practicing kriya yoga does not curb mental fluctuations. But
purposely creates activity of awakening the consciousness. In this way all the faculties
are harmonized and flower into their fullest potential.

Concept of Man

Human being is a miniature divine being. Man carries with himself, perfect power perfect
wisdom and perfect knowledge. All men have these qualities to become a perfect human
being. It is said that purnatva completeness is mans birthright. If one wants to posses the
aforesaid divine virtues he must discover them, and bring them and by intense sadhana or
practice. He must go in the depth of his being and discover the hidden treasures by:


According to the Greek philosophy, the concept of man started as, “I doubt therefore I am”
and after introspection and passionate study concluded “I am, because I think”.

The ideal man for Greek philosopher is the passionate over of wisdom. All the three
philosophers – Socrates, Plato and Aristotle stressed importance of rational knowledge and its
cultivation. Plato not only places soul far above sense but also wants that the lower parts of
the sense be guided by reason.

According to Judasim, the Ideal Man is the image of God. This divine is respected by love,
mercy and wisdom.

According to Chinese thought the Ideal Man is a sage. He is interested in everything human,
including government. Jen in which means humanity is the highest value.


According to Vedanta, man has 5 sheaths (Koshas) which create a veil of ignorance and as
man through his journey of life uncovers theses sheaths, he reaches his true self which is


The grossest is the first one which is the physical body. This is created and identified by
food or ‘Anna’ hence called Annamaya Kosha. Man tends to be over identified with his body
and hence uses statements like I am sick instead of saying my body is sick as you are more
than just a gross physical Self. The Annamaya Kosha or our physical gross body is created
and nurtured to a great extent by the food we eat – Satvik, Rajasivik, or Tamasik.


The second sheath is called the ‘Pranamaya Kosha’ and is created and sustained by
inhaling and exhaling the vital ‘Prana’ or breathing. Until we are inhaling and exhaling we
believe we are. At the moment this stops, we believe we would cease to exist. This also is not
the truth. Another dimension of this Pranamaya Kosha is the eternal body or Atma which is
more than the physical gross body.


The third sheath is called the ‘Manomaya Kosha’ which is the mind which acts ass veil
with various words, thoughts and tries to create a dilemma and stops a person from reviewing
the True Self. This is also called as the feelings, emotions which are ever changing, dynamic
and comprise of all the different moods.


The fourth sheath is the ‘Vijanmaya Kosha’ or the poweer of the intellect. Sometimes our
rational thinking also hinders our progress.

When we have broken through all the earlier sheaths we reach at the core of our Self
which is also called Pure Consciousness where the Jivatma meets the Shivatma and one
experiences supreme bliss. This is the ultimate sheath called the Anandmaya Kosha.

All these five Kosha together constitute the self.


Sound mental health can be defined as, “that state of the mind which can maintain a calm
positive poise, or regain it when unsettled, for progressively longer durations or quickly, in
the midst of all the external vagaries of work life and social existence”. It is a subjective,
meta – physical state whose attainment ought to be and is the soul of every objective pursuit.
Following are the impediments to sound mental health:

Greed: for money, power, recognition etc…

Jealousy: regarding one’s own information base, resources, etc…
Envy: regarding someone else’s achievement, rewards, etc…
Egotism: regarding one’s own accomplishments, selfishness, etc…
Impatience: springing from the above four
Suspiciousness: springing from the first four
Anger: springing from the above six
Frustration: springing from the first six.

In today’s world there are a few impediments to sound mental health:


This is one of the most dominating emotions at the play in today’s life. We see greed for
money, power for recognition which creates anxiety and imbalance in once mental state. We
are all the time craving and the craving in unstable. One has to control this emotion through
Joy in small accomplishments and nurturing inner peace.


This is another emotion which needs to be curtailed. One is today living in a competitive
world and has started believing in the philosophy, “I should win and it is possible only when
you loose”. However, in the universe there is abundance and everyone has something for him
or her. Hence one should not envy someone else’s good fortune.

3. EGO

In today’s world everyone is ‘I’ specialist and believes that he or she is the most
important person on earth. There is vanity and pride about one’s worldly achievements and
wants importance everywhere at home or office, in society or in his community. Only when
one drops this ego can one realize that how much one can achieve through team spirit.


Everyone has expectations and when there are many unfulfilled expectations, it results in
upset and when upset is not resolved it culminated in anger. One has to understand that one
should not focus on results or one will always be disheartened as sometimes the result would
be as per our expectations, and sometimes result may not be as per our expectations. This is
the root cause of anger.


Today world is the age of the super – sonic, where the airplane breaks the second barrier
and thoughts break even the sound barriers. As Shakespeare says, “How shift is the glance of
mind even tempest lies far behind”. We are all in a hurry to achieve a lot in the least possible
time. This can be checked only by Meditation and mind stilling exercise.



Man has infinite and insatiable needs. The more he satisfies them, the more will be
surfaced. Hence if we understand that joy is not in HAVING but in BEING one will
realise that his pursuit for materialistic achievement will not lead him anywhere.
“Simple living and high Thinking” is the needed mantra.


Pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin. The more an individual seeks
pleasure, the more does pain chase him as man is accustomed to, “Yeh Dil Maange
More”. This is Trishna. The never ending quest which can only be remedied by
maintaining one’s balance and not being swayed by any emotions.


According to Vedanta if one does his daily duties whether at home or office or in
whatever role he has with the devotion of a ‘Sadhak” – with a pure mind, give
offering to the Lord then it would result in composure and peace as the work is not
undertaken to satisfy some unsatiable need but with a spirit of devotion as an offering
to God.


Ethico moral values represent righteousness and practicing it, one acquires divine samppati or
divine wealth. If one follows one’s wants, desires, do no harm to others and leads a life of
friendship and goodness then one does not go through the problem of a weak mind which is

Concept of Meditation

Meditation is a science. Meditation deals with mind in contrast to yoga which mainly focuses
on physical help of a body. It is no religion and hence it can be practiced by one and all
irrespective of the religion they follow. It is a three step process that leads to a state of
consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and bliss. Meditation is perhaps the best treatment
for stress, it helps us to solve two problems i.e. where to get appropriate direction i.e. how to
meditate? And by finding mediation you have solved the first problem and then try to
understand it.

As depicted in the above diagram our normal state of mind is actually quite abnormal. We
bounce from one thought to another and follow our emotional and physical reaction. For
instance, we may see a dog and then start feeling warm and cuddly; physically, we feel very
relaxed. Another time, we may see the same dog and fear it may attack us and start thinking
paranoid thoughts, get fearful and up tight physically.

The above diagram is the first step in meditation and is the start of gaining controls over the
mind and thereby life. The procedure is simple and seems like it would be easy to do but
there are few task difficult to master. The idea is to pick an object or subject to them to focus
exclusively on it without diversion or distraction. What you are supposed to do is witness
your being distracted and return to concentrating on the object of your meditation.
The above diagram depicts meditation. Here we have unbroken attention. Concentration and
meditation can be differentiated with the help of an example i.e. while pouring oil from a
bottle into a bowl at the first oil drips out suddenly this is concentration but eventually the oil
come out in a steady stream. This is unbroken meditation.

Ultimately your meditation would connect you to everything. At this point unity of the object
of your meditation and your mind is shown above. Here we usually are only conscious of our
body and ego and consider ourselves apart from the rest of the universe.

Leadership and Indian organisation

Leadership is the force to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically.

Even the best intellects will not be capable of deciding that what is right and what is wrong. It
is only the Indian Style of Leadership in Veda, which can give us this deep and mysterious

The Vedic Karma Siddhanta that we are the makers of our own destiny by our own
action. Right action is that which takes into consideration the entire society or for that matter
creation. Love, the whole of creation as much as you love yourself. Realize that it is not
different from you. Only then you will be proceeding in the direction of self – development,
you will spontaneously or rather the person who practices in this right direction will emerge
as the best leader. For e.g. Lord Rama, Swami Vivekananda, etc…

Family Managed Business Multinational, Transnational Company

Values and code of conduct are laid down Values, mission is laid down by the board
by karta. Leader is from the same family or of director. Leader or the professional
amongst with kith and hence shares manager has just to follow it. He may or
ideology. may no believe in it.
Employees and all stakeholders are treated There is a hierarchy where there is a
like a family and are taken care of by the superior and a subordinate relationship.
Conservative style of management which Formal style of management. Management
looks at long term welfare of the believes in a policy of hire and fire.
employees and all stakeholders.
Made leaders Born leaders
Centralized decision making and tight Decentralized decision making, more
control achieved by family members who delegation of authority.
are directors.
Most of the time the role of karta is that of Role of a leader is that of a visionary and
conflict manager or arbitrator solving facilitator focusing on formulating policies
family disputes about sharing of profits and and long term planning.
Believe in having a closely held company They are public limited listed companies
preferably unlisted companies and where QIB and FIIs are also participating
believing in internal accruals. Even if it is in equity capital. Also taps global capital
listed company, it tries to keep the share market and is a highly traded script on the
held with public to the minimum. stock exchange. It is widely held company.
Strategic alliances from similar family Strategic alliances are welcome, including
managed business are scouted. mergers and acquisitions.

Duties of a King

 To protect his state and his praja and at the same time enhance their respective
 A King has to maintain the Kingdom’s culture and ensure that the different groups in
the kingdom follow their respective duties entrusted to each of them.
 To unkeep of internal order, the maintenance of the Kingdom hierarchy, authority,
policies, rules, regulations and procedures.
 Special attention to the weak, kings help the poor, widow, disabled.
 Punishment to the wicked i.e. equitable distribution of justice.
 To give charity for the social cause i.e. building school, having women employed,
doing socially responsible work.
The King has to perform his duties as worship. His role has precedence over his staff.
King Ashoka, an ideal leader, expelled his son from the Sangha after receiving
complaints against him and giving him full opportunity to defend himself. History bears
testimony that Ashoka cross examined his son in full public view. This shows the
transparency in the conduct of the leader.
Various Styles of Management adopted by Indian Leaders


In such a style of management a person is not ready to bear risk and he does not want to
accept challenges in life and face them. He has always a backward thinking that he would not
come up and so he never wishes to give it a try also. He is not bold enough to face situations,
as he has never handled any crisis situations, as he has never handled any crisis situation,
which makes him coward in the real sense and he would not be able to handle things in
management nor in real life.


In this style of management an individual is always a risk bearer because if does not
possess this quality then he cannot be a good entrepreneur. He has to be very bold enough to
handle difficult situations such as the demand of his product might have gone down or the
market might be down for a little while, etc… Entrepreneur cannot run away from taking risk
as has to strive in such an environment.


They are intelligent, meticulous and good planners and executors. Such leaders have good
knowledge of all aspects of management and are able to handle complex situation and
overcome all obstacles by their analytical approach. A professional needs not be told what to
do and what not to do, as he his intelligent himself to understand the various aspects of
management and is good enough to handle complex situations.


In such kind of management people tend to be lazier and so their work is affected and
everything is messed up. But it is not the case everywhere, some people are very
professionals and so situations are handled in a proper manner.


In this style of management every individual is important in a group. Every person has the
freedom to express his / her views and they have their own importance. Every individual
affects a group and if anyone leaves it in the half way the functioning of the whole group is
affected. This explains the organic style of management where in each individual plays a vital
role in the group and his / her presence makes a big difference.

Without leadership, an organisation would be what saint Valmiki wrote, like herd of
cattle without a keeper, like an army without a general, like a light without moon, like a
group of cows without a bull. Such would be a country, when the king is not seen.

Traits of Transformational Leadership


These leaders have a connection with their people and empower their followers by a
questionable acceptance, affection and trust of the people. The followers are emotionally
connected with the leader and would ever give up their lives to meet the goals of such a


Like entrepreneurs they are energetic and serve as a model for getting things done in time.


Due to their warmth, they are able to emotionally bond with their followers and they are
very expressive in their emotions.


These leaders are exemplary risk takers and this adds confidence, charm and charisma to
their personality.


They believe in people, empower them and bring about overall change.

 They clearly see themselves as change agents. They set out to make a difference and to
transform the organisation for which they are responsible.

 They are courageous. They can deal with resistance, take a stand, take risk, and confront

 They believe in people. They have well developed beliefs about motivation, trust and

 They are driven by a strong set of values.

 They are life – long learner. They view mistakes – their own as well as other people as
learning opportunities.

 They can cope with the complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity.

 They are visionaries.

Certain things which transformational leader perform and expect other to perform as part
of management integrity are as follows:

 Empowerment development to improve chosen conduct.

 Increase self – efficiency, beliefs and internalized commitment to shared values.
 Expert and referent.
 Moral challenge relationship to instill pride.
 Tends to promote primarily long – term organizational change and improvement efforts.
 Change in institutionalized.
 Followers sensitive to and accountable for internally chosen standards and sanctions.
 Except committed performance in accordance with principled integrity.
 Use power bases and personal moral examples to inspire followers’ moral development
and empowerment that continually improves organizational integrity.
 Organizational integrity.
One of the best examples of transformational leader is that of Indian business legend Shri.
J. R. D. Tata the distinct skills which characterized him as transformational leaders are:

 Anticipatory Skills: Foresight into a constantly changing environment.

 Visionary Skills: A process of persuasion and example by which a person or leadership
team induces a group to take action in accord with the leaders purposes or more likely the
shared purposes of a larger group.
 Value: Congruence skills – the need of corporate leader to be in touch with the
employee’s economic safety, psychological, spiritual, aesthetic and physical needs in
order to engage people on the basis of shared motives, values and goals.
 Empowerment Skills: The willingness to share power and to do so effectively.
 Self Understanding: An introspective or self – understanding skill as well as framework
within leaders understands both their own needs and goals of those of their employees.

In today’s scenario of liberalized economy and global competition. More of requirement

of transformational leaders are required to maintain identity and to sustain ethos of an
individual country especially India at the same time accept what is good for the business.

J. R. D. Tata (Transformational Leader)

Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhai Tata (1904 – 1993) was one of the greatest builders and
personalities of modern India. He assumed chairmanship of Tata Sons Ltd. at the young age
of 34 and his disciplined, charismatic and visionary leadership over the next 50 years led the
Tata Group to new heights of overall development and modernisation and expansion.

Under his leadership, the number of Tata ventures grew from 13 to 80 encompassing steel,
power generation, engineering, hotels, consultancy, information technology, art and culture,
consumer goods, and industrial products.

He pioneered civil aviation in India in 1932, and introduced air transport in the country.

He implicitly followed the ethical business code of his ideal, Sir Jamshedji Tata.

He believed in the social responsibility of business and successfully implemented many

family welfare schemes at Tata Steels and various educational programmes.

Government of India conferred the highest civilian award of our land, Bharat Ratna to JRD
Tata in 1992. For all his great achievements, JRD Tata was a modest, sensitive man for ever
espousing the cause of his employees.

Ratan Tata

For decades, the Tata Group was conservative, honest, and solid but averse to risk handling.
Yet in the past few years the group has been pulled out of the shell of its corporate shyness.

Noticing that India was changing, Ratan Tata made the 139 year old company into a global
big league. He scouted the globe for acquisition to help company expand its horizon. In 2000,
he shelled out $435 million for Tetley Tea, making Tata the world’s number two Tea
Company. Two years later he paid $530 million for a 46% stake in VSNL. India’s state
owned international telecom carrier. Soon he bought $120 million worth of Daewoo’s Truck
unit. And on 31st January 2007, he bid astounding $6.7 billion for Corus, an Anglo Dutch
Steel and Aluminium company to make Tata Steel the 6 th largest steel producing entity in the
world. The qualities which JRD Tata admired in him, were integrity and value based
leadership, an understanding of modern science and technology and a pragmatic visionary
who holds the Tata Heritage uppermost in his mind.

N. R. Narayan Murthy

Mr. Narayan Murthy is undoubtedly one of the most famous person from Karnataka. He is
known not only for building the biggest IT Empire in India but also for his simplicity. Almost
every important dignitary visiting Infosys campus, always says, “The most powerful style of
leadership is by example. Bt walking the talk.”

The beauty about his family is that they believe in sharing their wealth with the needy. He has
brought about India on the world’s IT map and is providing jobs to millions.

Mr. Narayan Murthy was born on August 20, 1946 in Karnataka, India. He obtained his
Bachelor of Electric Engineering (B.E.) from University of Mysore in 1967 and his Master of
technology (M.Tech) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur in 1969. He founded
Infosys in 1981 along with six software professionals. He is the chairman of the Board and
Chief Mentor Officer of Infosys.

He was a member of the operating system team that designed real time operating system for
handling air cargo for Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris. He was the President of National
Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) from 1992 to 1994. Mr.
Narayan Murthy is the member of the National Information Technology Task Force of India
and also of the Prime Minister’s Council on Trade and Industry. He is a director on Board of
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

Qualities Skills and Competencies

Administrative Skills Art of getting things done through other’s effort.

Strong motivation towards achievement.
Exert considerable efforts.
People Skills.

Mental Ability Intelligent or Analytical approach and creative.

Anticipate changes.

Clear Objectives To establish their products.

Make profits.
Render Social Service.

H R Ability Sustained good relations with the customers, employees, suppliers

and creditors.
Communication Ability With customers, employees, creditors, suppliers, etc...

Technical Knowledge Necessary for risk taking.

Learning from Modify their goals on feedback from business environment.

Experience Capabilities testing when opportunity arises.

Hope for Success Motivation and self – confidence about success.

Make attempts rather than accept failure.

Time Orientation Works for the present.

They quote their past failures with pride and learn from it.
High confidence levels in their abilities.
High goals for themselves.

High Expectations Drive their employees to achieve and perform with equal fervor
from Employees

Transactional Leadership v/s Transformational Leadership

Transactional Leader Transformational Leader

Maintains the Status Quo. Maintains “what Challenges the Status Quo. Maintains “what
is” could be”

Manages, directs, and provides a structure Inspires, creates and fosters change
and a system

Director style of leadership. He receives Participative style of leadership, who

goals, redefines objectives and provides nurtures and explores the full potential of
strategies most followers prefer such followers. He gives complete freedom to
leadership styles. followers

Not effective in times of emergency and Very effective in emergency. Exploiting

where there are no challenges and environment for dynamic and complex kind
opportunities. of opportunity, and leading the followers.

Not willing to take risk. Willing to take risk and follow their dreams.

Task oriented and do not bond with their Mission oriented. Bond with their team and
team. empower them to create a world class

Are bureaucratic in nature and follow the laid Are professional by nature and have good
down rules and policies. knowledge of managing an organisation.

It is typical approach used to lead by a person or behaviour, the leader exhibits during
supervision of subordinates is known as leaders’ styles. Style is said to be comprised of two
distinct elements – leaders’ assumption about his subordinate and leaders’ actual behaviour
while interacting with subordinates. This type of style can be divided into four

 Style based on Authority Retained: This style classifies the leader on the authority they
retain versus they delegate to their subordinates, it includes styles like participative,
democrative, consultative, etc…

 Style based Task versus People: This is again one more useful style, here main emphasis
is given where leader concentrates more on task or people. Say if a leader is task oriented
then he will complete target even taking overtime from employee also.

 Style based on Assumption about People: Depending on what assumption leader has
about his follower two styles can be distinguished. This two style is based on McGregor’s
famous theory X and Y. theory X says that all leaders are autocratic and theory Y says
that all leaders are participative.

 Entrepreneurship Leadership Style: Entrepreneur is a person who converts ideas into

business. Both on basis of his personal character and circumstances of operating a
business, many entrepreneur use common style of leadership.


There is also a difference in ways leaders approach their members. There are different
ways of leadership styles which can be related to positive approach and negative approach of
a leader.

 Good Styles: Good leaders in their positive approach uses rewards, such as education,
independence etc… to motivate members. They try to boost moral of the members in
every possible effective way. They treat their members as one and improve on their
performance, appreciate their working and give rewards on their achievements.

 Bad Styles: If the emphasis is placed upon penalties, then the leader is using negative
leadership. Although it has its place in a leader’s repertoire (range, collection) of tools, it
should be used carefully due to its high cost on the human spirit. Bad leaders act
domineering (bossy, dominant) and superior with people. They believe the only way to
get things done is through penalties, such loss of job, days off without pay, reprimand
(warning, scolding) in front of others, etc… they believe their authority is increased by
freighting everyone into higher level of productivity.

Also note that a leader is not strictly one or another, but is somewhere on a continuum
(range, scale) ranging form extremely positive to extremely negative. Leaders who
continuously work out of the negative are bosses while those who primarily work out of the
positive are real leaders.

Leadership is the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group

towards share goals. It is the art of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual
objectives. Leadership plays a significant role in the success of an organisation; infact
leadership transforms potential into reality. Leadership is a part management but not fully as
management as it is getting things done by others by giving orders, using authority etc… as
leaders, guide, consult, and depend on confidence. Without leadership, an organisation would
be what the Sage Valmiki wrote in Ramayana, “Like a heard of cattle without a keeper, Like
an army without a general, Like a night without moon, Like a group of cows without a bull,
such would be a country where the king is not seen.”


 He should be innovative and creative.

 He should be original i.e. he should take initiative.
 He should have good communication skills.
 He should have decision making skills.
 He should have good human relation skill.
 He should have conceptual skill.
 He should be able to focus on people.
 He should be an inspirer i.e. he should have motivation skill.
 He should have long range perspective.
 He should be able to develop his follower so that they can take initiative which generates
a sense of self involvement which is very much necessary in management.
 He should always have his eye on the vision.
 He should always be ready to accept interruptible challenges.
 Leader is not like a soldier, he is a person in himself. He leads and everyone follows.


As per the Indian ethos leader’s duty is only to bring out the divinity in every individual
soul by providing appropriate environment and leadership, by removing all the doubts and
confusions from the mind of the people and by removing hurdles in the way performance.
Since Indian ethos says, “Every individual is born with some special inbuilt quality, it differs
from person to person and so does the behaviour of a person. So in order to lead effectively to
get the work done, a leader needs to change, to change as per the persons as his behaviour
changes. Thus every time a leader is not faced with the same situation, situation changes as
the environment changes and he needs to adjust his behaviour as per the situation in order to
maintain his command over the others.”

Mahatma Gandhi changed his leadership style against British because he realized that it is
love that can get him victory over the British in the war of the freedom. He did not support
violence but gave a new philosophy of non – violence and Satyagraha. The people readily
supported and followed Gandhi and his philosophy. Though we would have won freedom
much before if Gandhi would have raised a call to fight a battle with the British. The entire
Indian population would have wiped the British off.

But the situation was not so and he diverted from violence to non – violence. The Prime
Minister of our country is also a classic and good example of situational leader. There is a
pressure from the people of India, from his own party, from his allies, from the US and other
international bodies. Yet he manages all efficiently. Towards the people he shows his
commitment, towards his party and allies he has his devotion. He takes decision taking a
larger interest into perspective.

A person’s leadership style thus changes from situation to situation. A man plays various
roles he is a father to someone, a son, husband, boss, superior, teacher to another. Hence
when he deals with his family, his manner of leadership is different, because his behaviour of
people is different. These are different motivation drivers for them. And when he deals with
his subordinates, his dealings are different as the work or objective differs so do the
motivation drivers are different.

This situation of leadership depends on:

 The criticality of situation

 The behaviour of individual
 The motivational drivers
 The overall objective to be achieved


Transformational leadership is one of the contemporary 9modern, current) topics.

Transformational leaders are the one who motivates individual more than individual expect
himself to perform. The results of which are not only individuals get benefited but the goals
of individuals gets with that of his team, organisation or larger policy. It also raises hierarchy
of needs from satisfaction towards the self – actualization. Transformational leaders many a
times have a charismatic characteristic in their nature.

Transformational leadership has four components:


Having a clear vision and sense of purpose, such leaders are able to win the trust and
respect of followers. By showing them they can accomplish more than they believed possibly
they can build for future missions which enable them to obtain extra efforts from them.

Paying attention to the needs and potential for development of their individual followers,
delegating, coaching and giving constructive feedback.


Actively soliciting new ideas and new ways of doing things.


Motivating people, generating enthusiasm, setting an example, being keen to share the

Indian v/s Western Approach to Motivation

1. Indian approach to motivation lays emphasis on self – motivation by subordinates to have

creative joy and autonomy. Whereas western approach is based on Maslow’s theory of
need with some modifications.

2. In India, needs are identified in terms of the long term attainment of salvation i.e. moksha
and duties one has accepted in life. Whereas in western approach needs and duties are
identified in terms of short – term objectives.

3. In India more importance is given to values, ethics, karma, and motivation is more to be
internal. It does not give rise to greed and vices. Whereas in western countries more
importance is given to monetary benefits and motivation is more external.

Indian Technique Debt (Rin) System of Motivation

According to Karma theory, Man is borm to repay the “Rin” or Debts of all past lives.
Right from the birth, he is indebted to the following:


Here Deva does not mean any deity but the ‘Pancha Maha Bhuta’ which symbolizes as
Agni Dev, Varun Dev, Vasundhara (Prithvi), Akash Dev (Indra) and Jala Devata or Samudra
Dev. All living beings are indebted to these five cosmic powers for our physical existence
and hence in one’s life we must respect these primodal forces and lead a holistic life by not
causing any harm to them.


It is through the scriptures and wisdom of the great seers that our lives are enriched. We
seek the blessings of these Rishi and Munis who have contributed and empowered our lives
with strong value system. All our endeavours must be to lead a life which would reflect these

Our teachers, acharyas and guru who have taught us different subjects, art forms, various
techniques are indeed most revered. We must dedicate our life and all our actions to the
teachings of our gurus who have dispelled darkness and brought the light of knowledge in our


We are known by the family we are born and brought up in. It is only through the next
generation that the family mane continues. We represent out father and family. The
upbringing is reflected in the sanskars given to us as a child. According to Indian culture, a
son only can perform the last rites of his father and promises moksha and a perpetual
existence to the family name. Similarly, a son also has a responsibility to look after his
parents especially in their sickness and old age. Hence the son’s main kartavya is towards his


Like the father, the mother also cares, nurtures the child and hence mother is the most
revered and respected member of the family. It is by caring and nurturing for others can a
person repay the matru rin. Similarly, mother is the shakti or the energy centre of the family
and she too is to be cared for and looked after in old age.


Man is a social animal and he is inter – dependent on other members of the society. He
has a social obligation to his community which is reflected in bandhav rin. He must be
sensitive to social issues contributing and strive building a strong and progressive society.
The concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ i.e. the entire universe is my family is the
ultimate goal to be achieved, and every man must strive to achieve that.


One also has a debt towards the government. One has to be a law abiding citizen,
believing in working within the frame work of the laws of the country, peace loving and
contributing his very best to the upliftment of his country.

Being kind to animals, birds, insects and all other living forms including trees and plants
is to be studied under this obligation. According to Indian Vedanta, animals and other forms
of existence are also respected like snake is worshipped on ‘Nag Panchami’ crows are given
special meals on ‘shradha’ mutual coexistence and the philosophy of live and let live is
practiced in India.

The Purusharthas or the Missions

According to Indian Culture, there are four fold purusharthas or missions of life, which also
motivate an individual:

1. Dharma

As the name suggests, is the righteous conduct which one practices. It is the basic
value system which must be relived by each generation. It is the true north timeless
principles and all our actions are to be judged in context of Dharma, including satya,
ahimsa and tapasya.

2. Artha
Artha is not restricted to acquisition of wealth, but acquisition of means to the end. The end
being Dharma, Artha or acquisition of material possessions, money, power, and knowledge
all are very important factors to motivate excellence in human endeavour.

3. Kaam
This is not limited to just employment of sensual pleasure, though it is powerful motivating
factor. But it is the passion and zeal in one’s activity, the fun and joy one finds in one’s work
the delight in any creative endeavours. The essence is Kaam.

4. Moksha

It is a state of supreme Bliss where the Jeevatma is free from all bondages caused by
ignorance and is in touch with its True Self. In such a state, Jeevatma is no longer
subject to the efforts of Karma and is liberated from the cycle of life and death. Such a
person, who will be living in this material world is yet free and liberated within is
called a Jivanmukta. This is the ultimate stage of spiritual life.

Concept of Bliss

Bliss or Ananda is not experiencing transient and momentary joy. It is External Bliss
experienced by Jeeavatma. The journey of life is undertaken so that the Jeevatma can
merge and identify itself with Shivatma.

Adi Guru Shankaracharya’s Atmashatkam advise us to lift the Jeevatma form its
association with the various attributes (Upadhis) so that one experiences Supreme
Bliss. “I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor ego, nor memory, I am existence –
Supreme Bliss – Shiva”

This state may last for a few moments, yet motivation all the Sadhakas to put in all
efforts to achieve this.



There is a saying, ‘birds of the same feather flock together’. This is a powerful
technique of motivation by attracting similar sounding values, personalities and life
style usually one sees even today that we are more comfortable and motivated enough
to associate ourselves with people sharing our ideology, beliefs, values, and life


Another technique by which one can be motivated to do work is through Daam or by

alluring people for something that they are attracted to. For example, students are
given sweets so that they study, gifts are given when work is done, monetary rewards
or bonus is given for excellence at work. They are all forms of Daam.


This technique uses force and the stick to get the job done. Any form of force,
punishment system acts as a motivating factor to complete the task at hand. People are
motivated to work out of fear of loosing jobs, fearing of failing in exam, fear of
sickness, and old age that they put in all their efforts.


If the first technique was about association, this technique is about disassociation
‘divide and rule’ policy. Discrimination is created in an otherwise homogeneous
group and thus one team is set up against the other and every team wants to be
‘Numero Uno’ ad give their very best.

Indian Approach to American Approach to Japanese Approach to

Motivation Motivation Motivation

Traditionally Indians Short term needs and The belief in the importance
identify needs for the long pleasures are pursued. of people as individuals.
term (attaint of the ultimate Individuals can influence But dedication to group is
called salvation or moksha future more important than
is the long term aim) and individualism. It is a
the duties one has accepted mixture of Indian and
American techniques.

The Indian managers try to The stress is on setting and Dedication is the main drive
adopt and approach where achieving of goals. The behind motivation towards
all motivation is self carrot and stick approach a group, towards their
motivation. As this is the define the western company and most
only form of motivation motivational approach. importantly towards their
which is long term and Your desire and country.
enduring – self inspiration expectations are exploited
is the aim of Indian and so are you. If you
motivation. achieve your goal, you get
what you want, or you will
get fired. Both ways its
motivation to work.

A person works not because As mentioned above, the They believe that work and
of any reward or expected westerners feed on your results are not ends but
gains but because it is his greed and desires. The means to better productivity
duty to work. Hence a individual knows that he and better quality.
person becomes will get more if he achieves
psychologically strong. more goals. The motivator
knows this too. The
individual s given more and
more external stimuli, each
of which gets a reaction
from the individual, thus
making him work harder.
This causes a lot of mental
stress and therefore
psychological burnout.

You steadily act and For every stimuli that an They believe in reactionful
continue your duties individual gets, he reacts and steady action with their
without any external differently. If he likes it country in heart and
stimuli. Since the aim is to then he reacts differently dedication towards quality
make the employee self than the time when he does
motivated towards his long not like it. Even for two
term goals, he need not stimuli that a person likes,
react to any rewards, the degree of reaction may
continues to perform his vary greatly. For example,
duties and still help the if he is offered a big
organization to progress. promotion on one hand and
a raise on the other, he
would react differently to
both, although both are
fulfilling his desire.
Basically, his reactions
depend upon external
environment; therefore it
can be quite erratic.

The motivation to do any The motivation to do any Contribution to the country

work is perfection. The first work is success. Every is the aim.
aim is to perfect one i.e. individual has his / her own
conquer inner emotions and definition of success, which
inner self. Complete control keeps changing. The end
over oneself is the means to matters more than the
achieve all long term goals. means. This can lead to
unethical practices and low
quality work. For example,
in order to meet a deadline
for a project report,
employees may
compromise on the quality
and fake the information’s;
therefore it can be quite

To have inner autonomy is There is a strong need for Aim is to increase the
the aim of Indian affiliation. People work to output and improve the
motivation i.e. control over be appreciated, quality of the product of
self. acknowledged. Again, they their organization.
want something in return
(although not material
things) for the work they
do. This motivates them to
work better.

Freedom to do what you Bondage to rewards and a Very strong sense of loyalty
want to do and what you given set of motivators. to organization.
want to choose as Bondage to company goals
motivator. leading to conflict between
self and company goals.

Socio – economically Socio – economically Socio – economically

appropriate. questionable. Is it right to appropriate.
exploit someone by taking
advantage of their greed? Is
it right that these people,
who let themselves be
exploited, should get more
money, the very basis of
exploitation is questionable.

Indian motivation leads to Western motivation leads to Maximization of wealth of

work commitment rewards, commitment and country as a whole.
wealth maximization is the

This leads to the belief of This leads to internal Relatively less internal
work is worship of competitive rivalry for competition, co – operation
excellence commitment. excellence. Individuals is the key.
work to be better than
someone else to get more
than someone else this is
because they focus on the
rewards and their greed gets
the better of them.

Leads to mind enrichment. Aims for job enrichment. Expected to lead to both job
and mind enrichment.

Leads to yoga with a Leads to Viyoga Dedication to the nation is

transcendent or higher self. (disaffection) from a the key. Pursuit of wealth is
transcendent higher self. seen as a by product.
Individuals run for petty
material things.

All this is expected to foster All this may trigger Temptations fro unethical
pure means as the core of temptation to adopt practices are lesser as work
inspired idealism or Indian unethical means is essence culture is for macro –
motivation. of mercenary motivation or economic objective and not
western motivation. centered around individual.

Wisdom, experience and The employees have a It is a beautiful combination

decision of the karta or choice of agreeing without of authoritarian and
authorities is final and being disagreeable. participative management.
binding. Elders encourage the
youngsters. Youngsters in
return their elders.

It only works when after the It enables action from Requires convincing by
individual has reached or employees but at the end of higher authorities but has
achieved self actualization the day, the employees are been fairly successful.
stage. This may not be easy not satisfied i.e. there is a
to achieve in case of feeling of emptiness.
workers, whose basic needs
are not fulfilled.

Indian Culture

The culture of India has been shaped not only by its long history, unique geography and
diverse demography, but also by its ancient heritages, which were formed during the Indus
Valley Civilization and evolved further during the Vedic age, rise and decline of Buddhism,
the golden age, invasions from Central Asia, European colonization and the rise of Indian

India’s diversity is visible in its languages, religions, dance, music, architecture and customs
which differ from place to place within the country, but nevertheless possess a commonality.
The culture of India is an amalgamation of diverse sub – cultures spread all over the country
and traditions that are several millennia old.

Among developing countries, India has low level of occupational and geographic mobility.
People choose same occupations as their parents and rarely move geographically in the
society. During the nationalist movement, pretentious behaviour and social service were
promoted while nonessential spending was disliked and spending money for ‘showing off’
was deemed a vice. This image continues in politics with many politicians wearing simple
looking or traditionally rural clothes.

Status of Women in India

Indian has always accorded the highest position to women and has epitomized her as “Ma
Durga”. The Indian civilization has produced great women’s ranging from Bramha Vadinid
like Gargi and Maitriyi to Warrior Queens like Rani Laxmi of Jhansi, Devi Ahilya of Indore;
from dutiful daughter and a ideal wife and a adorable mother she has always been protected
and respected in all Indian homes; first in her adolescence by her father, after marriage by her
husband and in her late life by her son.

Women acquire an honourable status after marriage and marriage was regarded as sacrosanct
and the institution of marriage was considered holy. Marriage was regarded as a social and
religious duty – it was not considered as a contract. The husband and wife stood on the same
footing and prayed for long lasting love and camaraderie. Their basic aim was giving a good
sanskar’s to their offspring’s. Attainment of women in intellectual field is to be inferred from
the fact that some of the hymns are attributed to the female rishis. They were as the same
footing as Men. They learnt the Vedas. They were also poetess, teachers and intellectuals of
the day.


To become good, hardworking and creative we need value. Values are internal compass
which guides our actions. Values are our beliefs about what is right or wrong, good or bad,
desirable or worthwhile. Value system is the way one organizes and ranks or priorities and
makes decision based on these values. They are enduring and permanent. They are the true
principle which guides our life. There are for types of values:


Value which enhances knowledge is knowledge based value. For example: - I value
reading as it gives me great insight into life or I value traveling and meeting people from
different religion and cultures as it gives me more knowledge about our other culture and


Something is values for its beauty. For example: - I prefer classical music as it is more
melodious then the funky music or I value or love pastel shades as they are more beautiful
and pleasant.


Something is valued as it is having or leads to some goals. For example: - I value a
degree in management as that would allow me to join a good organization or I value a
two wheeler as I can travel easily from place to place.


There is a moral judgment and something to support. For example: - I believe it is

wrong to lie as it shows disrespect for the other person or I believe it is right to express
your negative views in front of the person rather then behind him.

All our values whether moral or non – moral are judgmental in nature and hence are
called normative.

Norms in India

Norms govern the behaviour of individuals and help in interaction that takes place between
them. They add some amount of regularity and inevitably to our behaviour. They act as guide
to our behaviour. They help to mend our ways and regulate our lives. No individual can
ignore social norms without incurring the disapproval of others. For example – in a classroom
students are taught how to behave in front of a teacher. When the teacher comes they all stand
as a mark of respect; they have to take permission and then enter inside if they are late, etc...

Norms are indispensible part of our life. In our life, we do lot of work and interact with
number of people. Without the norms, the individual would be faced with the burden of
taking decisions at every moment. The norms can ease our daily work. For example, the
college student gets up early and dresses up as per the norms and goes to the college there
also he follows certain norms to behave when in the class and outside with his / her friends.
He goes for a date or a movie as per convention and thus he has no problem in his daily life.

Social norms are numerous and varied. They assume different forms. They differ in terms of
severity and durability. Their influence and effect on individual and society have not been
uniform. Social norms are both prescriptive and proscriptive. They inform the people the do’s
and the don’ts. They can be for the entire society or for a specific community or locality. For
example – all Indians believe in offering something to their guests as they believe in “Atithi
Dewo Bhava” whereas in some locality it is a social norm to offer some animal as offering to
the God for performing the pooja.

Indian Ethos and Harmony with Nature

Science and technology brought about phenomenal industrialization at the cost of

indiscriminate and ruthless exploitation of Nature. It was wrongly assumed that man is
having a birth right to draw on resources supplied by nature at his will. Under the holistic
approach man and nature are deeply interconnected and independent. Hence, there is no such
right to exploit Nature for purely selfish motives. If exploitation of one person by another is
now considered unethical, we cannot justify exploitation of earth merely to satisfy greed and
not need. As rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi, “There is enough in this world for every one’s
need, but not for everyone’s greed”.
In Vibhuti Yoga (Bhagwad Gita) Lord has said that, “I am present in each and every aspect of
Nature, be it the trees, the seas, the mountains, and everything.”

Nature is one of our greatest teacher. The mountains teach us how to be firm in our life, the
vastness of ocean shows us how vast our hearts should be, the sky teaches us the seriousness
of life and the trees, fruit, flowers show us how to be soft in life.

Our culture teaches us to worship trees. But we do not worship trees because they give us
shade, flowers and fruits. We do not worship them because they are useful but because we
have Atmiyata for them. Nature is our living teacher. Just as we love and respect our teachers
we must love and respect nature. We must have reverence (respect) for all creation.

Man and nature are deeply interconnected and interdependent. Hence, there is no such right
to exploit nature for purely selfish motives. As someone has rightly said, “Man, nature and
divine are one, attack one the other two get the impact. They are three part of a grand cycle.
Hold global vision and do not be greedy.”

Dependence of any business on its social and ecological environment is so complete that very
existence, survival and growth of any enterprise depend upon its acceptance by society and
environment (who provide all inputs of resources). If it out lives its utility to the society and
environment, it has no place and reasons to exist.

The nature has given a lot of things to us but what has human given to nature in return?
Pollution, which only degrades the society. Any industrial activity however environment
friendly, it is bound to create pollution. In today’s world, industry is competing with each
other in order to give best of its products and thus comes up with new ideas and with
innovations which in – turn pollutes the entire nature. For e.g. cars, air conditioners, etc…
these are luxuries which one can do away with, but doesn’t want to do so. Nature is the
greatest teacher as Rutherford has said, “if you have a serious scientific problem look at the
nature, the answer is available”.

Hence one should not be technological slaves but should try to get rid of this. Industries are
like parasites which only degrade the society more and more and in return mother earth
suffers from this. But no industrialist think of pumping back his profit back to nature in ways
like planting trees, treating of waste by constructing an irrigation dam, etc… We can see that
industries are concentrated only in some parts of our state and hence in order to keep the
equilibrium, one should try to spread the industries evenly all over the country.

One should not forget that the river Ganga which is the holy river for the Hindus has been
polluted by humans only. Ganga which has been polluted by the industries who discharge the
waste directly into the water without treating it. Humans are the reason for deforestation, for
creating bombs and nuclear weapons and try to degrade the environment. We try to pollute
the environment by using polythene bags which cannot be recycled; here we have the
alternative of using paper bags which can at least be recycled. Hence it is high time we have
tried to protect the environment. Nature has given everything to us but we are not satisfied by
this and try to get more of everything. One should think of what are we giving to the next
generation and thus should try to improve so that we don’t feel ashamed.

In Indian tradition, the real human wealth is not money and estates but it is character and then
health. If a person is very rich monetarily and materialistically, he is not a rich man. We do
not give much value to physical goods and wealth that one has acquired but to the mental
beauty and pure character which judges a person. Good character produces good qualities.

What are these values which would make a person attain human wealth? The very basic
Indian values are dharma (divine nature), integrity, non – violence, non – greediness, spirit
of sacrifice for the sake of common good and so on. Almost all of these values are taught to
us by nature the beautiful, peaceful, and admiring nature around us has directly or indirectly
conveyed these messages to us.

As the trees around us have always given us some or the other thing like fruits, flowers,
wood, shelter, fragrance, but never ever asked anything from human beings. It has not even
asked water for its nourishment. In this way it sets an example for the human beings to adopt
the values of dharma which stands for the happiness of both the individual as well as the
society. People like Mother Teresa, Baba Amte have all learned the values from nature and
applied them to their lives and this is what made them immortal.

As a bigger tree always protects a smaller tree plant under its shade and helps it grow by
saving it from strong wind, heavy rains, harmful sunrays, etc… Human beings have also
learnt from nature to take care of their small ones. Teach them good values and make them a
better person and see to it that they are not harmed. If done so, the young generation would
develop so much respect for elders that they would do anything for them to fulfil their duties
towards them. Respect and trust are again human wealth in every respect.

Ganga River is a symbol of purity no wonders thousands of people bath in the river to wash
away the impurities of their life. It makes human being realize how vital it is in ones life to be
pure and to be away from filth that makes the character of a person dirty, resulting into
human poverty as well as disrespect in the society.

Sun that has made life possible, has been kind enough to shine everyday in the sky for the
sake of the world as a whole including plants and animals. Though it itself burns at a very
high temperature it make the life possible and comfortable for the rest of the beings. This
value of being selfless makes a person almost God in form of a human being and is
worshipped by others.

Health is no wonder another important aspect of life. It goes without saying that how nature
helps one to acquire in good health through good food, water, herbs and medicine, sunlight
and so on.

Mother Nature helps us to acquire all these values. When these values get manifested in your
thoughts, speech and actions you are called a noble and enlightened person.



Indian management thoughts plays a very vital role in harmonizing the environment and the
human society in the sense the values and culture in India are such that work for the
advancement of both the environment as well as the human society. The Indian tradition is
that it is non – religious, secular in outlook, tolerant of diversity and difference, respectful of
all living beings including inanimate (lifeless) objects like stone, believing in oneness
pervades the entire universe.
The belief in universality and spirituality leads one to be respectful of every element in the
universe, to be protective of the environment.

The orientation towards others is automatic, leading to ethical behaviour and customer care.

Dharma is the essence of the concept of Indian philosophy. It stands for all those ideas,
purposes, influences that shape the character and evolution of man both as an individual and
as a member of the society.

Dharma has taught to do our duty towards the man, life as well as the nature. It teaches us
that instead of asking, what I can get from the environment, the right approach is what I can
do for environmental welfare and benefit? It tells us not to be only takers and grabbers but to
be givers to the nature. I teach us to be selfless.

It is the Indian Management Thoughts that have taught us to be protectionist towards the
nature that is why agitation against building Narmada dam is going on which would lead into
displacement of many tribal’s and up – rootment of irrigation facilities which may result into
disharmony in the society.

The Indian philosophy of treating the rivers, truly holy saves them of being cut by the
unethical people for their own benefit and let the environment grow. It decreases pollution
and paves way for pure air for living beings.

Under the holistic approach man and nature are deeply interconnected and interdependent.
Hence there is no such right to exploit nature for purely selfish motives. If exploitation of one
person by another is now considered unethical, we cannot justify exploitation of mother earth
merely to satisfy greed and no need. Our values and thoughts teach this to us.

Under holism, we treat human beings, nature and God as one. Attack one and the other two
would be harmed and hence our prime objective is to protect all three of them through our
ethico – moral values. It teaches us that ecology is the noble truth, which considers all as

Ethical organisations do not complete environmental regulations, which results in harmony

between human and environment.

Ban on plastic is also one such example as it causes pollution and is also non – degradable. It
is harmful for human life as well as the environment.

The Different Mechanisms of Learning

There are different modes and mechanism through which one can learn. But what one
learns depends entirely on him. Learning is a process of assimilation (absorption,
incorporation) is restricted by ones self, belief, feelings, knowledge, etc… hence learning
differs from person to person. Learning thus can be of different types depending on the
person. Learning can either be satwik, rajsik, tamasik based on the sanskars of a person
attained from previous birth, family, culture, experience, and knowledge gained in this life
etc…Hence learning can either be painful or pleasant depending on the level of motivation
and sense of inquisitiveness.
Learning is a continuous process, it continues from pre birth to the next birth. It is the
outflow of experience, values, morals, ethics, etc… thus learning is associated with
accumulation of information, knowledge and its application regulating in wisdom. On
learning the Indian traditions believes that the teacher only helps the student to learn. The
student is not expected to accept what the teachers conveys, but is expected to apply his mind
and validate the lessons before accepting them. Conformity is not expected. Thus, the
mechanism of learning is totally different from our current practices of learning.


Experience is known to be the best teacher as it has the real touch in it, one experiences
the trials and tribulations of life and then learns to resolve with it. It is as simple as this
‘without getting into the water one cannot learn swimming’ thus experience plays a major
role in learning. If one experiences the good, bad and ugly that life has to offer, one learns the
hard facts of life. Someone you cared for suddenly walks out when you need him or her help,
at such time, life teaches bitter lessons. How one learns the true wisdom depends on one’s
perception and one’s perception and one’s mindset.


One can learn through association, assimilation, exploration, solution of correct

responses. Based on this forms habits which ultimately boils down along with our values to
form character. There is a saying, ‘it is better to be alone than to be in bad company’ as our
associates, colleagues, friends also exert influence on us and one learns good or bad habits
from them. There are some people who are senior to us and have gone through similar
experiences like us – they too can help us by giving insights into the appropriate behaviour
for a given situation.


Ones family, friends are also major source from which one can learn, they are the ones
who have given us values, culture, taught us principles and hence their teachings form an
important source of learning. It is the way we are brought up, our value systems, our
attitudes, our life style all are learned behaviour from our family. Normally the parents and
grand parents give us these essential sanskars which act like light house to navigate our ship
when in turmoil.


Institutions like school, college, etc… which inculcate values in young children also form
an important source of learning. The teacher or guru is given the next place to God as he
instills the seeds of virtues in youth at their maturing stage. Academic institutions also
incubate values in young children and are important source of collective learning. In the
formidable age, they instill discipline and good values which will guide them in their later


Atma Manthan (introspection) is also a source of learning because it gives a chance to an
individual to search within himself what are his core competencies, values, what are his
strength’s, self realization makes a man realize his inner consciousness and helps to deal with
emotions and accept the positive aspects of life. Learning is based on self acceptability and it
is through introspection one knows what to accept and what not to accept. It is a conversation
with oneself when you really probe and know yourself. In the ancient times and even now, it
is widely practiced when some questions remain unanswered.


Another mechanism of learning was repeating what is said, several times so that one can
memorize the same and recall when needed. This technique was used to memorize, slokas
and stanzas of important scriptures.


Another mechanism of learning is listening to many rishis and munis and thus
remembering and repeating and over a period of time memorizing the stanzas.


Another mechanism of learning, when there was no record to write and read the scripture, it
was taught b the guru, to the shiyas only by memorizing it and recollecting and reproducing
the same. There are many stanzas of sculptures which have been handed down to our
generation only through shruti and smriti.


This is not just silence and no speech but it is also a technique which silences all the sense
organs and purities the mind. There is lot of power in silence which leads to self realization.
This technique was practiced more by yogis and sadhak for spiritual development.


This technique helps focus one’s mind on an object and achieve the desired objective. By
meditating on either object or objective, all our energies are channelised to focus and learn in
organized way.

Benefits of Learning

Learning plays an important role as it helps to built up habit along with values to form a
character. Learning helps oneself to know himself better, to understand himself, question his
existence, and understands the purpose of his life. Learning acts as guidelines to behaviour, it
helps in decision making, as it reminds us of our past mistakes and failures. Learning also
forms a source of motivation of excellence in life and work. Learning relates to the
experience the person gains throughout his life thus acting as directors of his karma showing
the path of dharma. Thus it helps to the attainment of the ultimate end called moksha. In our
Indian tradition the real wealth is not money or estate, but character and then health, this is
what learning aims to achieve.
Learning is important not only for organisation but for each and every individual.
Learning comes from experience, practice, etc… it is relatively permanent. The more the
organisation learns, the more it flourishes and grows. Learning is thus given a lot of
importance by organisation today.

Now learning is important because of the following reasons:

 To fight competition
 To grow
 To improve efficiency
 To manage people efficiently
 To gain leadership
 To provide customers better service
 To take better decision
 To increase profits

Benefit of learning to individual

 It is the key to acquiring knowledge and developing one’s potential.

 It helps the individual to sustain himself in changing times by learning new skills and
 It makes the person effective at work.
 It contributes to make life a joyous experience.

Benefit of learning to an organization

 There is synergy at work place.

 All the goals and targets can be achieved by a team.
 It helps in identifying and correcting errors.
 Adapt to changing situations like business restructuring or downsizing.
 Contributes to innovations, by identifying new opportunities.
Benefit of learning to society

 Society survives and thrives on learning.

 Individual and collective learning reinforces the informed, conscious and discriminating
choices that underpin democracy.
 Creates a more fulfilled society.

Today the word competition has gone into each and every organisation. If one needs to
survive he needs to be better than the other in terms of price, quality, delivery etc… Hence an
organisation needs to learn from other organisations who is better than it so as to provide
better service to customers.

Innovation today occupies a central position, one who innovates comes out with a novel
product, captures the market. But to innovate one need to know what are the customer’s
needs and this is possible only if organisations learn from the customers through their various
association with the customer. An organisations product is like a stimulus to the customers
which definitely bring out some response and this is what needs to monitored and learned

Learning should also take place from the employees as they are associated with the
organization for more than a number of years, the organisation is like a peer to them, they
know its processes and hence through their experience they are able to tell whether the
processes can be improved or they need modification.

Learning from other organisations i.e. benchmarking has been a constant source of
learning. Basically a self introspection process takes place; it comes to know what it lacks.
Past failures and successes, as they guide behaviour tell us what to do and what not, thus
saving the valuable resources of an organisation from being wasted.

But today are organisations doing positive learning or not, what has happened to
organizational ethics and values. Many organisations learn technology, products of other
organizations and make a copy of it. The number of duplicate products in the market itself
proves what standard of learning we practice. Learning forms the character of an
organization, shapes its values, but indeed this is not taking place today. Hence we find every
manufacturer today going in for intellectual property right and other piracy laws as soon as he
manufactures a new product. The modern management processes like knowledge
management, artificial intelligence; MIS, CRM, etc… can be encouraged for learning

From the above – cited example we could make out that the response given by the worker
is a natural one, it is a reflex. This reflex was dependent upon a stimulus i.e. visit made by the
top executive.

A more complex form of learning is that of operant or instrumental conditioning. It

stresses that behaviour is a function of its consequences. Behaviour is likely to be repeated
when consequences are favourable and vice – a versa. For e.g. the boss assures his
subordinated that he would be suitably compensated in the next performance appraisal,
provided the employee works over time. However, when the evaluation time comes, the boss
does not fulfill his assurance to his subordinated, through the later did attend to overtime
work. Next time the subordinate coolly declines to work overtime when the boss requests.
The behaviour of the employee is explained by operant conditioning.

Cognitive learning assumes that the organism learns the meaning of various objects and
events and that learned response depend upon the meaning assigned to the stimuli.

Social learning stress upon the ability of an individual to learn by observing models
(parents, teachers, peers, motion picture, bosses and others) they learn by observing their
behaviour and consequence of their actions.

Gurukul System of Learning

Gurus refer to one who dispels the darkness of ignorance from our life. Gurukul is an
ancient Indian concept of education wherein the pupil learnt by residing with the teacher as a
part of his family. In ancient India, after the thread ceremony was performed, at the age of
eight, male child used to leave their homes and loved ones and live at the gurukul for twelve
years to learn at the feet of their gurus.

The gurukul system is based on the concept that the learning from the teacher is not
limited to classroom sessions, but is continuous from his behaviour throughout the day and
night. Gurukul system prepared the young ones in total personality development at an ashram
guided by nature and guru (Rishi), where common codes are encouraged, equal and
appropriate opportunities are given to all sishyas. Major human values including respect to
elders are also emphasized. It is also expected that the student will think about what he is
learning and debate the issues and that in the process, the teacher also may learn.

In those times, gurus did not admit anybody and everybody as their disciples or shishyas.
The guru first took test, identified the capability of shishya and only then imparted them the
relevant knowledge. The shishyas were in close contact with nature. Apart from learning the
shishya also had to contribute in the household chores and give all kind of assistance to
gurumata who took care of them as their mother.

For example, Eklavya was born to Hiranya Dhanu, who was the king of ‘Bhila’ a
nomadic tribe. One day, the young Eklavya saw some of the shishyas practicing archery and
enquired who their guru was. They said, it was the great guru Dhronacharya, who was expert
in archery. However, Eklavya could not become his shishya as he was not a Kshatriya
(warrior). Hence Eklavya decided to learn the art of archery from guru Dhronacharya by
observation as he taught to young Prince Arjun. After mastering the art of archery, he also
gave his right thumb as an offering to his guru Dhronacharya and become shishyotama or the
best student. Even though, guru Dhronacharya never taught Eklavya in person, his learning
was complete, only after giving the guru dakshina or offering to his guru.

This exalted position of a Guru is brought out by Verse; “Guru Bramha, Guru Vishnu, Guru
Devo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Para Bhramha tasmaye Shri Guruve Namaha”.

Advantages of Gurukul System

Disadvantages of Gurukul System

Comparison Between Ancient and Present Education System in India

Learning may be defined as relative change in the behaviour that takes place through
practice, training, experience, etc… It is a permanent change. Learning is not confining to
one’s school, it occurs throughout one’s life. But with the advancement of learning has
changed with the time.

 In olden times their use to be joint family system, where the head of the family use to take
all the decisions. Children use them to learn from the stories said by their grandparents.
This would give them the clear picture of the Indian culture and traditions. The joint
family system provides security, support and flexibility including wisdom bank. But
today in the nuclear family system where mother and father both are working to earn their
livelihood, they are unable to devote time and pay attention to their children. Hence the
children are unaware of their religion. He gets more attracted towards western culture
which is easy to adopt but it takes oneself away from himself.

 First children use to learn from their father, mother at home itself, where the major
foundation takes place. Here the child learns spontaneously and effortlessly. Gandhi was
of firm believer that young children should not be separated from their parents for studies
or any other reason. ‘The education that a child imbibes in a well ordered household is
impossible to obtain in hostels’ he used to say. One must not forget that children from
80% of their mental make – up in the first six years. But now a day’s parents either send
them to hostels or to tuitions due to lack of time. They don’t give time and attention.

 The traditional Indian nature of learning was very ideal. When child completes his
learning in gurukul, he comes out as a perfect and complete man, with all types of
knowledge. Whereas in modern method of learning it is specialization in one field so
student of one faculty will have total ignorance or very little knowledge about other

 Man with traditional Indian nature of learning was confident and was able to adjust in any
circumstances. Whereas today he is not confidant but rather more confused.

 In the gurukul’s guru made no difference between the shishyas. Even king also sent his
prince in the gurukul. He was not favoured or given more attention.

 Time and system of learning has changed. Time of learning has great impact on mind. It
was Brahma Muhurat i.e. early morning to recite and learn. Whereas today students learn
irrespective of time. Sometimes late hours in night. This has very adverse effect on mind
and body.

 Old methods develop the virtue like Vinaya, Vivek. Shishyas always honoured guru.
Guru – shishyas relationship was very holy one. Whereas now – a – days learning and
acquiring knowledge is like contract. Give money and take the knowledge.

 In the gurukul type of learning shishyas were taught in open surroundings with nature
cool and pleasant. Now – a – days it is a compact class of four walls with artificial light
and air. It is a kind of jail like atmosphere in which students feel suffocated.
Thus the nature of learning and teaching both are equally important in shaping the overall
personality of the students and making them confident enough to tackle any problem without
any fear.

Concept of Dharma

The term ‘dharma’ does not indicate any particular religion. Dharma is duty to be
performed in a given situation. Dharma can be defined as truth, non – violence, and
forgiveness. Forgiveness is the root of Dharma. It stresses on fearlessness. It stands for all
those ideals, purposes, influences, institutions and ways of life and conduct that shape the
character and evolution of man both as an individual and as a member of society. Follow
your dharma and it will protect you. Dharma protects the rights of people and looks after their
welfare. The spirit of goodness, courage, fearlessness etc…. are mentioned in our dharma and
character of any person. Dharma does not take which it has not given. It demands right action
i.e. do the right thing. In dharma, not mere action but rightness is given great emphasis. It
believes in dana i.e. charity, tapasya i.e. mediation, ahimsa i.e. non – violence, satya i.e. truth,
krodh i.e. not to lose temper and kshama i.e. to have a forgiving nature.

Dharma does not mean any religion. Dharma is derived from the word ‘Dharana’ which
means to hold, absorb and assimilate in such a way that it becomes one’s nature. The Dharma
of ice is to sooth and cools anything it comes in contact with. The Dharma of fire is to
provide warmth and heat to anything that it comes in contact with, similarly Dharma of a tree
is to give shelter.

Dharma also is interpreted as a path of righteous. Sanatan Dharma or eternal path of

righteousness prescribes various values to be imbibed and some values to be refrained, so as
to lead an ethical and moral life. According to Sanatan Dharma there are three components of


This means complete truth in thoughts, intentions words and deeds. If there is any
discrepancy either in intention, spoken words or thoughts and one’s deed it is not Satya.
Such a man who is a man of integrity who is completely truthful in thoughts, words and
deeds is called a Dharmic Man. He may belong to any religion. Yet he follows Dharma.


It means sacrificing one’s cherished dreams aspirations for a common good. In Yagna
– like in the holy fire, we offer our dreams and aspirations and have full faith in the divine
power. We do this selfless act as we wish to do maximum Good of maximum number of
people. We forsake of our petty and temporary pleasures, as also give up all the negative
emotions which obstructs our development in the holy fire as our offering to the
omnipotent God. If any person does it, irrespective of his religion or caste, he is truly a
Dharmic person.


This refers to sublimation of one’s desires, instincts and passions, leading a

disciplined and disciplined life, purifying the body, mind and the soul. In various
religions practiced in India there are various rituals and fasts observed to purify our body,
mind and soul.

Muslim fast for an entire month of Ramazan, similarly the Jains have 10 days of
Prayushan and Hindus have Sharvan. All these rituals are aimed to purify our heart as the
pure hearted only can be entitled to the divine grace of the Lord.

If any person from any religion goes through these rituals, restrains his instincts and
passions he too is called a Dharmic person. The term ‘religion’ is derived from the Latin
word ‘roots’ meaning taboo. In contrast, the concept of ‘dharma’ is derived from the
Sanskrit root ‘dhrut’ which means, ‘to hold together’, ‘to preserve’, ‘to maintain’, ‘to
support’ or ‘to sustain’. Dharma is therefore that which or whereby universe is held
together, preserved and maintained.

Concept of Adharma

According to King Yudhishtira, there is a very thin line separating dharma from adharma.
This is decided by the influence of particular religion and time. For example: If a lie is told to
save someone’s life or for someone’s benefit then it is dharma. Once a butcher was chasing a
cow because he wanted to kill it, on the way he met a Rishi and asked him if he knew the
direction in which the cow ran, Rishi knew the direction but in order to save the cow’s life he
pointed towards the wrong direction. Hence if does adharma and speaks falsely i.e. asatya he
is saving the cow’s life and hence it is called dharma. Hence the line between the two is very
thin. According to Rishi Manu if dharma is destroyed it will destroy us and if dharma is
protected it will protect us.

Concept of Swadharma

Swadharma means one’s duty based on one’s swabhava and attitude – on the work that
falls to one’s placement in society. It should be carried on for general welfare of society and
as worship of Divine, as our offering to God. It implies one’s duty towards society, nature,
educational institute; etc… for example according to Indian philosophy the duty of a son is to
make his parents proud by his success. Let us assume that the son is not interested in studies
but in sports – cricket. He pursues his passion with all his heart and becomes a world class
cricketer – Sachin Tendulkar. In this case if the parents force him to be a doctor or an
engineer and not to pursue the career of his choice and swabhava that would be adharma.
Hence, swadharma gives the individual a freedom to choose his career and important
decisions as per his swabhava.

Dharmic Leadership

Dharmic Leadership combines ethical decision making and ethical behaviour and it
occurs in both an individual and organized context. Dharmic leadership emphasizes
perfection of the self, through planned self – development, as a whole human being – man in
the manager first and then blending work ethics or karma sadhna. A dharmic leader is
someone who supposedly tells the people the difference between right and wrong, a major
responsibility of a dharmic leader is to make ethical decisions and behave in ethical ways and
to see that the others understand and practice its ethical code.
This combines ethical decisions making and ethical behaviour and it occurs in both an
individual and organizational contact. It emphasizes perfection of self; trough planned self –
development as a whole human being – doing his ‘Dharma Sadhana’.

A dharmic leader is someone who tells the people the difference between right and
wrong. He makes ethical decisions at critical times, walks his talk and sets an example of
conduct for the common man. Such a leader must effectively manage and control his senses
and accordingly mould his personality.

In Dharmic leadership, one places satisfaction and good of maximum number of people
as one of the important goals. This also is based on virtues like love and caring and a genuine
desire to uplift the quality of life for all. In such leadership style, not only the leader but also
the followers have lot of Satvik Guna and everyone wishes to contribute meaningfully in the
progress of organization or society. As Mr. Narayan Murthy, Chairman, Infosys Ltd. Said,
“We have ten thousand hearts working for Infosys but one heartbeat.” Such is the synergy at

For example the eldest son of Kunti, in Mahabharat, Prince Yudhishthra is not
represented as a valorous warrior but is as portrayed excelling in virtues and was called
“Dharma – Raj”. He lost his Kingdom as it was at stake at a game of dice and as s result of
second game he and his 4 brothers were compelled to a exile of 13 years, an d 1 year in total

Concept of Karma

Karma is a natural law in the sense of the term. It is Universal Causation i.e. the law of
Cause and Effect. With the Karma theory, we are responsible for all our actions including
words and thoughts. As you sow, so shall you reap. With this law – there is No Escape. You
will face reactions to each and every action you take in the future – that is guaranteed. With
human system of law and order, some people can get away with murders and crimes, but not
so in the Law of Karma.

If one does good Karma, he is rewarded in the form of good health and wealth. However,
if you have accumulated bad Karma it will result in some form of disease, poverty and
suffering. Practicing good deeds, good spoken words and good thoughts and pure intentions
lead to good Karma. Whereas, practicing bad deeds, speaking lies, having bad thoughts and
bad intention lead to bad Karma.

The reason why some people suffer more than others is that they have accumulated bad
Karma of their past lives, of which they are facing the results. There are some people who too
are suffering in this life even though they are pure hearted, righteous people doing good
Karma, in the present life in spite of the circumstances and destiny. As we know, their
sufferings in the present life are due to their bad Karma from past births but due to the Karma
in present life, they will reduce the intensity of their suffering.

God does not want anyone to suffer but to lead a righteous life and live and let live. In
Indian philosophy, there is a great importance placed to the dying declaration. As based on
your unfulfilled desire at the time of your death, get a new birth. “What you gave to others
during your life time, is your friend at the time of death.” – Yudhishthira (Mahabharata)
According to Indian Philosophy our Karma can be classified as:


The sum total of all deeds by the soul (jeevatma) in various lifetimes. All the total
debits and credits are totaled and a record kept for each jeevatma.


The debits and credits from the sum total which are allotted for this life time
depending on the Prarabdha Karma, one is born in a royal family or poor family. One is
able to lead a good life time and will end only when one goes through this experience. In
this life time one had to enjoy or suffer a s per the Prarabdha Karma and thus exhaust it.


The debit and credit points one earns during his life time, as he uses the “Viveka” or
power if discrimination and chooses appropriate Karma. This is proactive Karma which is
undertaken by the individual depending on the Swabhawa. In every situation and
circumstance, one has the freedom to choose and especially to do good Karma and thus
earn some more credit in this life time. Human beings have power over this Karma alone.

The Law of Karma

Sanchit Karma Prarabdha Karma Kriyamaan Karma

Corporate Karma

Karma is both collective and individual. Collective Karma is the Karma we do together as
a group. Employees and managers of a company are led by the corporate mission – which
tells the world what the company stands for and goals and targets are set up. They cannot be
attained individually, but only through group efforts. This is corporate Karma.

Similarly, over the year, a company builds an image, a reputation which is also nothing
but accumulated credit which is reflected in the books of account as goodwill and brand
equity builds. These are due to the visionary leadership and team spirit and group efforts of
everyone in the company. This is corporate Karma.

In the words of late Shri J. R. D. Tata, “The most significant contribution organized
industry can make is by identifying itself with the life and problems of the people of the
community to which it belongs and by applying its resources, skills and talents to the extent
that it can reasonably spare them to serve and help them.”

Nishkaam Karma

You have the freedom to choose your Karma – but you have no control on the result of its
action. Hence never consider yourself the cause of the Karma and never be attaqched to the
Result. According to Lard Krishna, one has to accept it with Prasad Bhava – this is the
doctrine of Nishkaam Karma. He says, one has the freedom to choose one’s action, but not its
result. According to Indian philosophy to satisfy some unfulfilled desire, we choose an
action. However, one has to manage his desires as every Karma or action will result in one of
the following alternatives:

 Result as per expectation

 Results are more than expectation
 Results are less than expectations
 Results are disastrous.

One does not have any control over the result. It depends on many factors which are
related to present and past lives. When one goes to temple one accepts whatever is offered as
Prasad. One does not feel sad if some other person got more Prasad than oneself. According
to Lord Krishna one can manage one’s desires by doing appropriate Karma and accepting the
result with Prasad Bhav.

Take for instance an example of two students – one who does like studies and one who
does not like studies but sports. When final exam comes, both these students studied with lot
of efforts, and wished to come out with flying colours. Both of them had different
expectations about their results. The sports enthusiast would be happy in getting second class
whereas, the studious student is aspiring for a distinction. Soon the results are declared and
the sports enthusiast gets higher second class and the result is as per his expectation. Whereas
the bright student just misses distinction by 1%, the result is less than his expectation. It is at
this point of time the teachings of Lord Krishna would benefit – to accept the result with
Prasad Bhav.

One more important attribute of Karma is not just actions, thoughts, words or intention
but also includes non doing – or refraining from doing something. Any kind of Karma –
whether action or inaction, whether thoughts or intention is intended to fulfill our unfulfilled
desires. According to Indian philosophy – desires or Vasanas are not bad – but one must learn
to manage them. As without Vasanas we will not have any Karma.

Learning Organisation

Styles of Leadership

Indian Management Thoughts

Indian Cultural Heritage

Indian Concept of Learning

Self Control

Mind Stilling

Ecological Balance

Aatma Manthan

Gurukul System

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Concept of Attachments

Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He is attached with the society. But there
are different reasons for his attachment.

 Man is attached to someone for pleasure

 Man is attached to someone for profit

 Man is attached to someone for principles

In the above mentioned things selfishness is the main motive. But attachment should be
selfless. The attachment which is selfless will lead to divine attachment. There should be only
one attachment that belongs to the lord and to none other.

Attachment comes only where we expect a return. All misery (unhappiness, sadness,
depression) and pain come from attachment. Our misery comes, not from work, but by our
getting attached to something. Hence, actions should be performed without attachment. One
should always remember while performing an action that past is dead, future is yet unborn,
and hence concentration on present can bring out excellence in performance. It is the
attachment that makes us miserable and hence if a person can get rid of it to a single thing,
then he will be on the way to liberation.

Concept of Detachment

In a detached person there is absence of egoism, “I – ness, and my – ness”. He breaks

down narrow windows of egoism.

Detachment is not a dress which can be taken off or worn as when required. It is
development of mind. It is Atmatrupti and Atmanishtha. It is inner development of mind.
There is no selfishness, no name, no fame no yours or mine in a detached person. Detachment
conquers everything.

For example, once a very beautiful lady approached Swami Vivekananda and asked him
to marry her. She also expressed her desire to have a son like him. At this Vivekananda
replied that instead of desiring a son like him, why doesn’t she consider him as her son? Such
was the extent to which he was detached

Holistic Approach to Personality


Concept of Divinity
Happiness, Sorrow and Bliss

Social Audit

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