The Origin of A Straw

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Do You Know the origin of a straw?
It is said that about five thousand
years ago, the Sumerians tried to
made grass became small pipes,
for used as a straw. unfortunately
a straw of grass was troublesome
as well. Straws were often left
feeling grass with an unpleasant
smell and disturb the tongue
while sipping drinks.
In the summer of 1888, Marvin Stone noticed
the people who sucked up drinks by using hay
grass, needed not to touch the glass. He
rolled up piece of paper, then glue on the
edges, so that it rolls like a small pipe. The roll
of paper dipped in paraffin to be strong
against water. That was the origin of straw
that we know today.
Marvin continued to refine and created
artificial straw and tried to created straw
making machine. He also made provision
that the length of a straw ideally 8.5 inches
with a diameter slightly smaller than a
seed of oranges.
Straws had been developed in the 1930 by
Joseph B. Friedman of San Francisco, United
States, making the straw that can be bent.
Finally a straw much like the current model
we used frequently. There is a large hole,
small, can be bent and others.
For ordinary people, a straw is just a small
object which is used for drinking, but in the
hands of creative people, a straw can be
converted into a work of art is very beautiful
and has a high selling price. Argentina Nestea,
a citizen who can turn straw into a work of art,
want to know how the artwork created by
Nestea from a straw?

Here we show the pictures.


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