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Thesis :

The cheap sallary issue is generally known by the factory employee

even the big factories that produce many famous brand also got that
issue such as GAP, Nike, Adidas, and many more.

Arguments :

Cheap sallary is the most influential issue for people who work in
factory. Sallary that they got is very low and it doesn’t matched with their
work. They can work over their usual work time and even spent their time
for 1 day in the factory. A serious issue they had, but the company or the
factory doesn’t make a big deal about that itself. The impact is the
employees become very poor and their lives at place that we can say
unhealthy. They live near the river but they are very hard to get the
healthy water for their daily lives such as bathing their body,washing their
clotches that used for work, and brushing their teeth. In a humble house
that created from triplex they used to live. Sometimes when it rains, they
must out of the home temporarily because the water is leaks from ceiling
above.And the place that they used to live is inhabitated by the
dangerous mosquito that can even kill a child itself. They started work at
7.00 AM but they must be prepared from 6.00 AM at rail station to wait
the train came. At the factory, the employees can even pushed to work
overtime by their superior and they just do as their superior wish because
they are afraid from getting fired from their work if they complain about it.

Recomendation :

I think government should increase minimum employee salary, so

they could afford a better life. And also they should declare a minimum
working duration per day as some company abuse it and make workers to
work longer then its normal time and also a law so the company who
enfore’ll get punished.

Yohanes Christian

XI IPA 1 / 33

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