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Questionnaire for Customer Satisfaction

1. Name : ________________________________________

2. Gender : Male Female

3. Age : Below 23 24 - 35 36 – 45
46 – 55 above 56

4. Occupation : Business Professional Government Employee

Private Employee Others
5. E-mail : ________________________________________

6. Phone : ________________________________________

7. What brand comes to your mind when you think about paint?

a) Nippon paints

b) Asian paints

c) Nerolac paints

d) Others __________________

8. Have you ever user Nippon Paint? yes no

9. i) If Yes. Which product of Nippon paint have you used?

Nippon satin glo Interior emulsion Acrylic interior emulsion

Nippon matex Sumo exterior

Nippon 3 in 1 Pylox

Weatherbond Multipurpose primer

10. ii) If No, What other Brand have you used


11. What do you think is the best feature of Nippon Paint?

Stain resistance

Scrubbing resistance

Change in gloss

Resistance to sticking

Fade resistance inside

Resistance to dirt

Rate the Following:

Excellent Good Average Bad Terrible

12 Price

13 Prevention from fungal and algal attack

14 Finishing

15 Overall

Mention the Satisfaction Level:

5 4 3 2 1

16 Availability

17 Color Variants

18 Stain resistance
19. What do you feel is the best about this Brand?


20. What do you feel is lacking in the Brand?


21. Are you aware about the launch of Wood coatings by Nippon?

a) Yes b) no

22. If Yes. How?

Friends & Relatives


News papers

Others specify _________________________

23. Would you recommend this product to others?

yes no may be

24. What do you expect to be the best feature in the new product?

Color development

Flow and leveling

Stain resistant

Scratch resistant

Water Resistant

Others _______________________

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