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Department of Agricultural Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical and Agricultural Engineering

College of Engineering
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Course Brochure – Agricultural Engineering

Putting scientific knowledge to practical use

Agricultural Engineering is the application of engineering principles to the solution of problems in
agriculture to essentially remove drudgery. Agricultural Engineering has several components including
agricultural mechanisation, power and machinery, soil and water engineering, food and postharvest
engineering, agro-environmental and biological systems engineering. The Department of Agricultural
Engineering is one of three departments in the newly created Faculty of Mechanical and Agricultural
Engineering in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. Faculty
members have been engaged in the areas of teaching, research and service to the community in various

Brief History
The Department of Agricultural Engineering was established in 1961 as one of the component
Departments of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University, offering courses in Agricultural Mechanization
to students of the 4-year Honours undergraduate programme in Agriculture.

There was then no Institution in Ghana that was training professional Agricultural Engineers, and the few
Ghanaian professional Agricultural Engineers then had to be trained in Overseas Colleges and

In 1971 however, following the acceptance of proposals submitted to the University, the Department of
Agricultural Engineering was charged with the responsibility of running a 4-year undergraduate degree
programme to train professional Agricultural Engineers additional to its commitments to the Faculty of
Agriculture. The School of Engineering was to be the degree-awarding body for this professional
engineering programme. This gave birth to the Department as it exists today.

Until recently the Department was handled academically by both the Faculty of Agriculture and the School
of Engineering through a Joint Board of Studies composed of the Faculty of Agriculture and School of

The Department is active in application of engineering principles to agriculture in the areas of:
1. Design and manufacture, application, evaluation, maintenance and repairs of agricultural
equipment and machinery used in:
 Agricultural farm land preparation
 Crop maintenance
 Irrigation of farm land
 Harvesting food crops
 Processing Agricultural produce
2. Post Harvest Technology – Includes, drying, storage of agricultural produce, Materials handling
and Food processing technologies

3. Soil and Water Engineering – Includes, Meteorology, soil and water management; hydrology,
irrigation and drainage

4. Rural Engineering – Includes, Renewable energy systems utilisation (e.g. Biogas Technology);
Rural sociology.

5. Environmental Control and Farm Structures

Mission Statement
The mission of the Department is to promote teaching, research and extension aspects of Agricultural
Engineering and Technology for the well being of humankind.

Programmes Offered/ Duration

The Department currently offers only an undergraduate Programme leading to the award of BSc
Agricultural Engineering degree. The Department has adopted a four-year duration for the pursuit of this
degree after which BSc (Eng) degree would be awarded provided the student has satisfied the minimum
number of credit hours required to obtain a degree.

Programme Aims and Objectives

The objective of the programme is to provide training in Agricultural Engineering to meet the demands of
agriculture, industry, and rural development.
The programme aims to develop students’ technical knowledge and skills by giving professional and
academic training in the broad areas of Mechanisation and Farm machinery, Soil and Water Engineering
Post harvest technology, Farm structures and Rural Engineering

Entry/Admission Requirements
 Credits in FIVE (5) core subjects at SSS level including English, Mathematics and Science
 Passes in THREE (3) subjects taken in science option III – Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry;
 Total aggregate score of less than 24.
 Credits in FIVE (5) subjects at GCE ‘O’ level including English and Mathematics, and
 Passes at Advanced level in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Assessment Requirements
End of semester examinations of at least 2 hour’s duration is normally required for all courses. The end
of semester examination is weighed 70% of the total marks and the continuous assessment is weighted

The examinations and the continuous assessments may take the forms of thesis, essays, seminar,
workshop/laboratory practical, open book and take home examinations, oral presentation and written
reports on industrial work experience.

Graduation Requirements
A student can only graduate when he/she has:
 Obtained a minimum of 140 credit hours,
 Passed all required courses with a minimum cumulative weighted average (CWA) of 45%.
 A minimum of 14 weeks Supervised Industrial Work Experience (SIWE)
 Completed Supervised Project Work in the final year.
 An Individual thesis presentation and oral defence
 Submitted reports on all Field Trips and Industrial Attachments.

Course Content & Structure

YEAR ONE - Semester One

Course No. Course Title T P C

MATHS 151 Mathematics I 4 1 4
ME 159 Technical Drawing 1 3 2
ENGL 157 Communication Skills 2 0 2
ME 181 Principles of Material Science 1 3 0 3
CE 155 Environmental Studies 2 0 2
EE 151 Applied Electricity 3 1 3
ME 195 Engineering Technology l 0 4 2
AE 153 Agric. Meteorology & Climatology 2 1 2
17 10 20

YEAR ONE - Semester Two

Course No. Course Title T P C

MATHS 152 Mathematics II 4 1 4
AE 162 Basic Agriculture 2 0 2
ME 160 Engineering Drawing I 2 2 3
EE 152 Basic Electronics 2 2 3
ME 162 Basic Mechanics 3 1 3
ME 196 Mechanical Engineering Lab II 0 2 1
(Basic Mechanics & Workshop
SE 154 Intro. to Information Technology 1 2 2
14 10 18

Year One – Long Vacation

Engineering Technology – To be run for 6 weeks during vacation
YEAR TWO - Semester One

Course No. Course Title T P C
MATHS 251 Mathematics III 4 0 4
ENGL 263 Literature in English 1 0 1
ME 259 Computer Graphics 2 2 3
ME 251 Fluid Mechanics 3 0 3
ME 255 Strength of Materials I 3 0 3
ME 265 Thermodynamics I 3 0 3
ME 295 Mechanical Engineering Lab. III 0 3 1
16 5 18

YEAR TWO - Semester Two

Course No. Course Title T P C

MATHS 252 Mathematics IV 4 0 4
ME 282 Principles of Material Science II 3 0 3
ME 262 Theory of Machines 3 0 3
GE 286 Principles of Land Surveying 3 3 4
ME 296 Mechanical Engineering Lab. IV 0 3 1
EE 250 Applied Electronics 3 1 3
ENGL 264 Literature in English 1 0 1
17 7 19

Year Two - Long Vacation

SWE I - Supervised Industrial Work Experience

YEAR THREE - Semester One

Course No. Course Title T P C

MATH 351 Numerical Analysis 2 0 2
AE 351 Soil & Water Engineering I 2 3 3
AE 353 Agricultural Materials Handling 2 2 3
ME 355 Strength of Materials II 3 0 3
ME 365 Thermodynamics II 3 0 3
AE 373 Machine Design I 2 2 3
14 7 17

YEAR THREE - Semester Two

Course No. Course Title T P C
AE 352 Soil Mechanics Application to
Mechanisation 1 2 2
ME 366 Heat Transfer 2 2 3
ME 376 Introduction to CAD/CAM 2 2 3
AE 356 Farm Power and Machinery II 2 2 3
AE 358 Renewable Energy Systems &
Management 2 2 3
AE 360 Rural Engineering 2 1 2
Machine Design 2 0 3
13 11 19
MATH 353 Statistics 2 0 2
ME 374 Machine Design II 2 2 3

Year Three - Long Vacation

SWE II - Supervised Industrial Work Experience

YEAR FOUR - Semester One

Course No. Course Title T P C
AE 451 Irrigation and Drainage 2 2 3
AE 471 Farm Structures 2 3 3
ME 491 Industrial Economics & Management 3 0 3
AE 453 Environment Control & Livestock
Housing 1 2 2
AE 457 Crop Processing 1 2 2
AE 459 Advanced Farm Power & Machinery 2 2 3
AE 497 Project I 0 4 3
11 15 18

YEAR FOUR - Semester Two

Course No. Course Title T P C

AE 452 Soil & Water Engineering II 2 3 3
AE 482 Farm Machinery Design 2 0 2
AE 458 Crop Losses and Their Control 1 3 2
AE 460 Maintenance and Repairs of Agricultural
Machines 1 3 2
AE 464 Crop Storage & Storage Structures 2 2 3
ME 498 Project II 2 0 4
ME 492 Management & Entrepreneurship Dev. 0 8 2
10 19 18


For Third Year Programme

Course No. Course Title T P C

AGEC 254 Rural Sociology 1 3 2
AGEC 354 Experimental Design and Analysis 1 3 2
ME 270 Manufacturing Technology I 3 0 3
ME 370 Manufacturing Technology II 3 0 3
ME 374 Machine Design II 3 0 3
ME 370 Manufacturing Technology II (incl. 2 2 3

For Fourth Year Programme

Course No. Course Title T P C

HORT 460 Post-Harvest Physiology 2 3 3
AE 479 Post-Harvest Technology 1 3 2
AE 482 Properties of Biological Materials 2 3 3
ME 492 Management and Entrepreneurship 2 0 2
ME 474 CAD/CAM 2 2 3
ME 470 Production Engineering Techniques 2 0 2

Course description
The first two years of the BSc (Eng) programme besides special courses in agricultural meteorology and
basic agriculture are devoted to fundamentals of basic engineering sciences in Electrical and Electronic,
Civil, Geodetic, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer programming.

In the final two years, more focus is given to Agricultural Engineering, as in the application of engineering
principles to design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of agricultural systems in the fields of
mechanization, post-harvest technology and soil and water engineering.

The course consists of lectures and laboratory practical in the various courses, supplemented by tutorials,
and field excursions. all final year students must carry out individual projects and thesis writing in which
they work under the direct supervision of practicing engineers/lecturers to solve practical problems. The
project is intended to develop the student’s inventive and creative skills, the ability to apply acquired
knowledge to solve problems and to offer training in independent work.

Course Content

AE 153 – Agricultural Meteorology & Climatology (2,1,2)

Definition; Importance and practical applications of agro-meteorology measurements and climatological data
processing and analysis.

ME 159 – Technical Drawing (1,3,2)

Introduction to drawing instruments and materials; Geometrical construction; Principles of Tangency; Loci
of Points; Projections – classification based on distance of the source and number of views.

ME 181 – Principles of Material Science I (3,1,3)

The structure of metals and other materials: Elastic and plastic behaviours.

ME 195 – Engineering Technology I (0,4,2)

Introductory lectures on Industrial safety, hygiene and metrology. Standard systems and uses of
conventional measuring instruments; Familiarization tour of mechanical engineering laboratories.
Equipment identification in the laboratories; Electrical wiring systems; Domestic and Industrial set-ups;
Foundation, Cement/sandstone mixes, steel reinforcement, concrete foundations and columns; Land
surveying, parallelism, use of theodolite for machine installation; Bench work; filing, marking out, tool
grinding; Machine tools; Drilling and Shaping.

ME 160 – Engineering Drawing I (2,2,3)

Methods of development, Intersection of surfaces; Sectioning, dimensioning; Tolerances; fits; Detail an
Assembly Drawings.

ME 162 – Basic Mechanics (3,1,3)

Fundamental concepts; Newton’s laws of motion; Force systems and characteristics of forces; Moment of
a force; Vector representation of forces and moments. Basic statistics: Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two
and three dimensions. Structural analysis: The method of joints and the method of sections. Friction:
Simple machines; Basic Dynamics of particles; Basic dynamics of rigid bodies; Simple harmonic motion.

ME 196 – Engineering Technology II (0,2,1)

Study of Hand tools, fitting tools, power tools, machine building exercises; Lathe work an milling machine
work: exercises to involve working drawings and use of metrology instruments; welding: Gas and electric
arc welding exercises: Sheet metal work: bending and rolling exercises.

EE 152 – Basic Electronics (2,2,3)

Nature of atom; the vacuum valves (diode, triode, tetrode and pentode). Basic concepts of
semiconductors charge carriers, effective mass, mobility, conductivity life, and recombination, continuity
equations, flow-equations, Hall effects, P-N Junctions, choke; Configurations; the transistor and switching
devices (ac-dc load lines); small signal amplifiers.

CE 155 – Environmental Studies (2,0,2)

Humans and Nature; Introductory Ecology; Electromagnetic/spectrum; Ozone and Global warning;
Natural resources; Pollution; concept of Environmental pollution: Noise, Air, Land and Water pollution;
Impact of Engineering projects on then Environment, and control measures; Environmental laws and
regulations in Ghana.

MATH 151 – Mathematics I (4,1,4)

Algebra; The set of real numbers; relation of order in R; principles of Mathematical Induction; Complex
Numbers, Vector algebra and it’s implication.
Analysis: functions – Odd, Even, and Periodic functions, Hyperbola functions and their graphs; Co-
ordinate Geometry; Conic sections in rectangular co-ordinates, polar curves; Differentiation; Rolle’s

theorem and the mean value; Taylor’s theorem; Repeated differentiation; Applications for differentiation,
Intermediate form.

MATH 152 – Mathematics II (4,1,4)

Algebra; Matrix algebra – Determinants and their properties, application to systems of linear equations,
homogeneous, eigenvalue an eigenvectors; analysis; series convergence of series of real numbers, tests
of convergence, series of functions and power series, convergence of power series; integration: the
definite integral; definition: the remain sum; techniques of integration including advanced method of
substitution, partial fractions, by parts and reductions formulae, applications; improper integrals:
convergence partial differentiation, total derivations.

SE 152 – Technical Report Writing (1,2,2)

Abstract; Introduction; Literature Review; Theory; Experiments; Results; Conclusions; Recommendation;
Documenting Sources (Referencing); Project Proposal writing (Technical and Financial); Inception
Report; Preliminary Report; Trip Reports; Draft Final Report; Final Report.

SE 154 – Introduction to Information Technology (1,2,2)

Introduction to computers; Windows and word processing; Spread Sheets; Electronic Mail and Internet
Facilities; Computer Hardware and Software; basic programming Languages.

AE 162 – Basic Agriculture (2,0,2)

Crop Production – principles and practices of arable and plantation crops. Factors affecting growth and
production of corps. Soil/plant/water relationship. Technical and economic aspects of farming systems.
Agronomic/farming practices and principles of surveying them.


ME 259 – Computer Graphics (2,2,3)

Computer drafting with Auto CAD, Application to the following technical surface measurement, methods
of examination and specification, hardening; joints and world forms, specifications of weld.

ME 251 – Fluid Mechanics (3,0,3)

Fluid and its properties; Fluid statistics; Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow. Introduction to study
incompressible flow in pipes, ducts, an open channels.

ME 255 – Strength of Materials I (3,0,3)

simple stress and strain within elastic limits; Thermal stress; tensile bending and Share bending of
beams; torsion of circular shafts; Torsional stress an strain; Strength of solid and hollow shafts; Theories
of failure; Compound stress-strain (Mohr’s Stress and Strain circles); Fatigue failure.

ME 262 – Theory of Machines (3,0,3)

rotary balancing, Mechanisms; Definitions and terminology, velocities, velocities using analytical methods,
Instantaneous centre method and relative velocity method; accelerating in mechanisms. Transmission of
rotational motion: Gear trans (including Epicyclic trains), Belt, Rope and chain drives; Free and forced
vibrations of one degree-of-freedom systems with and without viscous damping; Introduction to torsional

ME 265 – Thermodynamics I (3,0,3)

Fundamental concepts; First and Second laws of Thermodynamics; properties of pure, simple
compressible substances; Introduction to gas and vapour power cycles.

ME 295 – Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (3,0,3)

practical section in ME 255 Strength of Materials I, ME 251 fluid Mechanics I, and ME 265
Thermodynamics I

ME 282 – Principles of Material Science II (3,0,3)
Study of selected materials; heat treatment of steel and Cast Irons; Surface hardening methods; Alloy

ME 296 – Mechanical Engineering Lab II (0,3,1)

Practical Section in ME 262 Theory of Machines I, E 270 Manufacturing Technology I, ME 282 Principles
of Material Science II, and visit to local manufacturing Industries.

MATH 251 – Mathematics III (4,1,4)

Analysis III: (Pre-requisites: - Algebra I and II, Analysis II), Differentiation under the integral sign; multiple
integrals – line; surface; volume integrals; triple scalar and vector products; differentiation of vectors; Vector
fields; Differential equations: (Pre-requisites: analysis II) Ordinary differential equations; first order differential
equations; second order linear differential equations; Systems of linear equations with constant coefficients;
Laplace transforms.

MATH 252 – Mathematics IV (4,1, 4)

Analysis III: (Pre-requisites: - Algebra I and II, Analysis II), differentiation of implicit functions; Extrema;
Gamma and Beta functions; functions of complex variables; Conformal mapping; Contour integration;
Differential equations (Pre-requisites – Differential equations Solutions in series; Fourier series; classification
of second order partial differential equations and reduction to canonical form; Solutions of simple boundary
problems by separation of variables.


AE 373 – Machine Design (2,2,3)

Principles of Engineering Design, Engineering Materials and their properties, Engineering Ethics, Design of
machine elements: Shafts, Axles, Power screws, Joints, and Fasteners,.

ME 355 – Strength of Materials II (3,0,3)

Struts, Beams of small radius of curvature; springs (helical, spiral and flat), strain energy method
(Castighliano’s Theorem); Bending under plastic conditions; Torsion under plastic conditions; Thin walled
pressure vessels; composite shafts.

ME 365 – Thermodynamics II (3,0,3)

Vapour power cycles; Gas power cycles; Refrigeration cycles; Theory of mixtures; Mixture of perfect gases;
Psychometrics; Reciprocating expanders and compressors.

ME 366 – Heat Transfer (2,2,3)

Conduction, convection and Radiation heat transfer, Applications to Thermal Design of Heat exchangers,
Heat pipes and solar energy collectors.

ME 374 – Machine Design II (2,2,3)

Design of machine elements: Bearings, springs, Clutches, couplings, brakes, belts, wire ropes and chain
drives. Design for manufacture, machining forming, and cost reduction.

ME 370 – Manufacturing Technology II (Includes CAM) (2,2,3)

Material removal processes; Machining operations (turning, drilling/boring, etc) and related machine tools
(including elements, structure, feed movement, methods of handling and controlling work-pieces); Assembly
processes; support functions in manufacturing (Metrology, production planning control, inventory control,
manufacturing and capacity requirement planning, etc); Introduction to computer aided manufacturing.

AE 351 – Soil and Water Engineering I (2,3,3)

Soil Mechanics: Concepts and application in Engineering and Agriculture; Hydrology as applied to
Engineering and Agriculture.

AE 353 – Agricultural Materials handling (2,2,3)
Material handling systems; Processing of tropical agricultural products systems Material handling as a
system: principles; design and selection of engineering.

AE 352 – Soil Mechanics Application to Mechanization (1,2,2)

Review of theories of strength; shear force failure of soils; Coulomb’s and Micklethwaite equations; basic
cultivation and earth moving operations, earth structures; Soil/implement mechanics; Force predictions and
cultivation operations; Implement design, selection and operation.

AE 356 – Farm Power and Machinery (2,2,3)

General sources of power, main sources of power in Agriculture: human, draught animal, and mechanical
power: application in farming operations, Economic considerations; the agricultural tractor as a power source.
Principles and theories of construction and operation of farm machinery; applications in crop and animal
production and materials handling.

AE 358 – Renewable Energy Systems and Management (2,2,3)

General Engineering; energy systems and their potential; fundamental theories, conversion and utilization;
Cost benefit analysis; Energy needs for farming, crop processing and for village communities.

AE 359 – Rural Engineering (2,1,2)

Rural sociology; Rural infrastructure planning; rural transportation; resource management, rural project
planning and management; concepts of appropriate technology.


ME 491 – Industrial Economics and Management (3,0,3)

Introduction to management (Definition and introduction to the main functions of management);
Engineering economy; accounting and cost accounting; Project management.

ME 492 – Management and Entrepreneurship (2,0,2)

entrepreneurship and free enterprise; Business planning, product and service concepts for new ventures;
marketing and new venture development; Organizing and financing new ventures; Current trends
(Internet commerce, e-commerce); Business law/Law of Contracts

ME 474 – CAD/CAM (2,2,3)

The design process and the role of CAD; Techniques for geometric modelling; Principles of computer
graphics; Finite element modelling; Design Databases Standards for Computer aided design; artificial
intelligence and Expert systems.

AE 451 – Irrigation and Drainage (2,2,3)

Irrigation: Soil/Plant water relations, weather demand and crop water requirements, Irrigation systems,
design, costs and management; Drainage: Reasons, drainage systems design and management.

AE 471 – Farm Structures (2,3,3)

Farm Buildings: Choice and preparation of site, layout, and design; materials and construction; theory and
design of structures: types of structures, loading systems, frames and stresses, elementary stress
analysis of structural members; maintenance and safety of farm buildings; cost of agricultural structures.

AE 452 Soil and Water Engineering II (2,3,3)

Agrohydrology – definition and importance; hydrological cycle; precipitation and evapotranspiration;
infiltration, streamflow and groundwater. Soil conservation – definition and importance; mechanics and
agents of erosion; types of erosion; erosivity and erodibility, soil loss prediction, USLE; principles of
erosion control – agronomic and engineering methods.

AE 453 – Environmental Control and Livestock Housing (1,2,2)
Heat and moisture production of animals; environmental control as determined by physiological principles.
Restricted and unrestricted movement of livestock; feeding systems and effluent disposal; heat and mass
transfer; air distribution and circulation within buildings, Insulation; equipments and systems for crop
storage, fans, Refrigeration

AE 457 – Crop Processing (1,2,2)

Post harvest treatment of corps of major economic importance in sub-tropical and tropical regions,
including beverage crops, rubber, oil-producing crops, sugar cane, fibres, stimulants and selected crops
of secondary economic importance.

AE 458 Crop Losses And Their Control (1,3,2)

Introduction to the stored products environment: temperature, relative humidity, moisture content, equilibrium
relative humidity, and water activity. Agents responsible for losses: water, bacteria and fungi, insects and
mites, rodents, birds, animals and humans. Loss assessment methods and their relevance: techniques,
equipment and sampling. Loss control and prevention methods. Nutritional and health aspects of crop losses
or deterioration

AE 459 Advanced Farm Power And Machinery (2,2,3)

Crop harvesting: cereals, root crop, cotton, cane sugar, vegetables and tree crops. Farm machinery
costing. Field capacities. Traction theory. Mechanics of tractors and implement. Agricultural machinery
testing. Selection of field machinery. Land clearing. Earthmoving in agriculture.

AE 460 Maintenance And Repairs (1,2,3)

Definitions. Concepts of planned maintenance, Decisions relating to maintenance, Planning and
organising the maintenance and repair functions, Manufacturing and repair accuracy, Repair materials.
Basic repair operation. Replacement parts supply and management. Workshop safety.

AE 482 Farm Machine Design (2,0,2)

Revision of basic engineering design principles and theories. Factors affecting choice of material and
manufacturing processes. Stability and dynamics of tractors and implements. Hydraulic system in a tractor.
Use of JIC symbols. Selection of prime movers. Elementary theory of lubrication. Bearing materials and

AE 497 – Project I (0,4,2)

Supervised research project by individual students as part requirement for graduation.

AE 498 – Student’s Project II (0,8,4)

Continuation of supervised research project by individual students as part requirement for graduation.

AGEC 254 - Rural Sociology (1,3,2)

Fundamental concepts in Rural Sociology, rural society, rural organisation, rural people and culture,
elements in the structure of culture, origin and nature of institutions with particular reference to the rural
agricultural system and the sociological implications in extension work.

AGEC 354 - Experimental Design and Analysis (1,3,2)

Criteria for selecting designs for field experiments, principles of experimental design and analysis of
experiments involving, CRD, RCBD, LATIN SQUARE (LSD), FACTORIAL and SPLIT PLOT designs.
Simple linear regression revisited through the Analysis of Variance concept.

ME 270 - Manufacturing Technology I (3,0,3)

Introduction to manufacturing; Mechanical and physical properties of materials; Casting; and moulding
processes (metals and plastics); Fundamentals of welding: arc, resistance, oxy fuel gas welding, and
solid state welding processes.

ME 370 - Manufacturing Technology II (3,0,3)
Material removal processes: Machining operations (turning, drilling/boring etc.) and related Machine Tools
(including elements, structure, feed movement, methods of handling and controlling work pieces);
Assembly processes; Support functions in manufacturing (Metrology, Production planning control,
Inventory control, Manufacturing and capacity requirement planning, etc.); Introduction to computer aided

Production Engineering Techniques (3,1,3)

Tool design methods, tool making practices and tool materials and heat treatment; Jig and fixture design;
Design of drill bushings and clamps; Design of press and forming tools; Design of materials handling
systems; Design of inspection gauges; Metal finishing techniques.

HORT 460 Post-Harvest Physiology (2,3,3)

Physiological processes contributing to the post-harvest deterioration of fruits, vegetables and floriculture
crops and the relationship to practices involved in harvesting, packing, transit, storage and marketing of
marketable produce.

The Department has two academic support units, namely, a mechanical workshop and a mechanisation
unit for teaching and research and the provision of services to the community. A standard agro-
meteorological station is available for the provision of weather information not only for departmental
research but also for the support of research of other departments of the university. The Department has
a 4-ha land at Anwomaso near Kumasi for teaching and research in tillage practices. A tractor and
accessories are available for training and demonstration. Equipped laboratories for soil and water and
post harvest engineering are also available to support teaching and research. In addition there is a
computer laboratory for student use.

Job/Career Opportunities
The graduate Agricultural Engineer will be suitable for employment in many areas such as
a. General Engineering
b. Agriculture
c. Manufacturing Industry
d. Teaching and Research
e. Consultancy
f. Sales and management
g. Banking and Investment
h. Food processing industry, etc
i. Private enterprise
j. Rural Development Projects.

Income generating activities

Fabrication of Agricultural Machinery and implements
Provision of crop drying services for the university community
Consultancy services to public and private organisations by academic staff
Provision of services by the departmental workshop to the public

Links with the public

The Department has links with the Agricultural Engineering Services Directorate of the ministry of Food
and Agriculture and the National Board for Small Scale Industries

Contributions/ Services to the community
The Department has continued to receive a lot of students from senior secondary schools on excursion to
see practical applications of science.

The Department also started some collaboration with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
(INBAR), the Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Engineering at Potsdam-Bornim in Germany and the
Swedish Institute of Agriculture (SLU).

Agricultural Machinery Engineering Group

Members serve on the following committees:
Technical Committee on Conservation Agriculture set up by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
University Food Office Committee set up by the Vice-Chancellor to produce enough food to feed the
university community and beyond.
Executive committee of the Ghana Society for Agricultural Engineering (GSAE) and the West African Society
for Agricultural Engineering (WASAE)

Members continue to render consultancy services:

- in plant and machinery asset valuation,
- to the FAO on issues of agricultural mechanization.

Members serve as External examiner for:

- the Technical Examinations Unit of the Ghana Education Service.
Mr. J. Aveyire is a facilitator for the course ME159 Technical Drawing for Computer Engineering students
of the Faculty of Distance Learning, Kumasi and Accra. He is also a member of a committee that
presented a Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Mechanical and Agricultural
Engineering and Technology Consultancy Centre in February, 2006.

Soil and Water Engineering Group

Members have been involved in consultancy services:

- to the Kwabre District of Ashanti Region on rural sanitation
- to the Offinso north District on rural water supply
- in irrigation private and public institutions
- in water resources
Members serve as External examiner/assessor for:
- the University of Cape Coast
- the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),

Dr. E. Ofori continued his involvement with the Development of National Climate Change Adaptation
Policy Strategy/Framework as part of Phase II of the Netherlands Climate Assistance Programme
(NCAP). The Department successfully provided engineering and practical expertise to rehabilitate an
agricultural processing plant for the Department of Animal Science at the Mampong Campus of the
University of Education, Winneba. This project was led by Mr. Joseph Aveyire. Dr. E. Ofori and Dr. N.
Kyei-Baffour assisted with the writing-up of a new Guide for Agro-Meteorological Practice (GAMP) for the
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) for which they have been highly commended by the WMO.

Post-harvest Engineering Group

Members have been involved in the following activities:

 Resource Person, Agricultural Engineering Services Directorate, MoFA, Annual Strategic

Planning Meeting, December 16-20, 2002. Fumesua, Kumasi.

 Workshop Coordinator and Participant, Postharvest Technology Curriculum Review
Workshops 1, 2 & 3
Production of Manual on Post harvest management for Maize, Sorghum, Soybean, Cowpea
and Groundnut for the Food Crops Development Project of the Ministry of Food and
Agriculture. September 2002 (Darko, J. O., Akoto, V. C., Oti-Boateng, C., Armaah, E., Osei-
Bonsu, K.).

 Documentation of technology packages on the processing and utilization of Maize, Sorghum,

Soybean, Cowpea and Groundnut for the Food Crops Development Project of the Ministry of
Food and Agriculture. November 2002 (Darko, J. O., Oti-Boateng, C., Oti-Boateng, P., and
Plahar, W. A).

Members serve as External examiner/assessor for:

 School of Agriculture, University of Cape Coast
 University for Development Studies, Tamale.

Structures, Environment and Agro-Waste Management Group

Members have been engaged in the following services:

1. Design of Appropriate Slaughter Houses and Slaughter Waste Treatment System with Biogas
Generation and Utilization for District Capitals in Ghana: Sponsored by the Ministry of Local
Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation
(GTZ) for the bilateral project Promotion of District Capitals (PRODICAP). After Ejura in the Ashanti
Region, Kasoa in the Central Region is the next to benefit from this project.
2. Construction of a Baffle Septic Tank for Royal Park Hotel, Kumasi. This design of continuous flow
septic tank is for areas with high underground water table, where soak-away systems do not function.
The Agricultural Engineering and Biological Sciences Departments of KNUST, and the Kumasi Office
of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are monitoring and conducting scientific analysis on
this project.
3. Provision of hygienic milking technologies for small holder dairy farmers around Ejura
4. Consultant to the Energy Commission for evaluating proposals for projects on Renewable Energy
generation from organic waste and biomass.

Members serve as External examiner/assessor for:

 University for Development Studies, Tamale.
 Tamale Polytechnic.
 University of Cape Coast (External Supervisor of PhD thesis)

 Agricom (Ghana) Ltd at Atonsu in Kumasi
 Agyabeng Farms Ltd at Agona Swedru
 Afarco Farms Ltd in Accra
 Hevag Feed Processing Factory at Tema
 Kwagyasko Food Complex in Sunyani
 Still Waters Farms at Appiadu
 Raboah Farms at Ejusu-Krapa
 Santinos Meat & Sausage Products
 Asamoah & Yamoah Farm in Kumasi
 The broadcasting Gari Processing Association at Asafo in Kumasi

List of Academic Staff

Prof. S.K. Agodzo Associate Professor Soil & Water Engineering
Dr. E.Y.H. Bobobee Senior Lecturer Farm Machinery Engineering

Prof. N. Kyei-Baffour Associate Professor Soil & Water Engineering
Dr. K.A. Dzisi Senior Lecturer Food & Postharvest Engineering
Dr. E. Mensah Senior Lecturer Soil & Water Engineering
Mr. A. Bart-Plange Senior Lecturer/Head Farm Structures and Environment
Dr. J.O. Darko Senior Lecturer Food & Postharvest Engineering
Dr. A. Addo Senior Lecturer Food & Postharvest Engineering
Dr. E.D. Aklaku Lecturer Biogas Engineering
Mr. J. Aveyire Lecturer Farm Machinery Engineering
Mr. S.H.M. Aikins Lecturer Farm Machinery Engineering
Dr. E. Ofori Lecturer Soil & Water Engineering
Mr. F. Kemausuor Lecturer Energy and Environment
# Mr. J.B. Okyere Technical Instructor Farm Machinery Engineering

# On Contract

Prof. S.K. Agodzo and Dr. K. A. Dzisi are currently on sabbatical. One of our staff are on contract. Thus,
with the introduction of the graduate degree programmes, the academic staff strength has been found to
be inadequate. Therefore, efforts are being made to recruit more lecturers to the Department.

List of Administrative Staff

Mr. Prince Acheampong, Typist Gd. II
Ms. Philomena Koomson, Administrative Assistant
Mr. Kofi Atuah, Cleaner
Mr. Richard Oduro, Cleaner

List of Technical Staff

Mr. Victor Boamah Darko, Chief Technician

Mr. Michael Adusei-Bonsu, Principal Technician

Mr. P. C. Wilson, Chief Draftman
Mr. Yaw Donkor, Senior Technician
Mr. Kwame Owusu-Ansah, Technician
Mr. Yaw Kwarteng, Technician
Mr. Emmanuel Tunyira, Assistant Technician
Mr. Samuel Oppong, Assistant Transport Officer
Mr. Kwaku Kyeremateng, Driver Supervisor
Mr. Anthony Anaba, Tradesman GD. I
Mr. Robert Owusu Ansah, Welder GD. I

Financial aid:
The following assistantships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Only Ghanaian
citizens are eligible to apply.

SSNIT Loan Scheme (automatic) for all Ghanaian applicants
Otumfuo Educational Fund (for NEEDY students)
National Educational Trust Fund (for NEEDY students)


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