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Prince William Is Cancer for In the Old Before the Zodiac Was Changed He was Bor

n exactly to the Constallation, and Day of the Zodiac Cancer for Cancer is Death
for it is a Disease.
Prince William Looked Beautiful for Now He is losing His looks - Too Skinny, and
Paler, and Losing His Hair for this is the Signs that Satan's Magical Lies are
being Broken for then Satan Changed the Zodiac to Hide this from the World for t
hey Want a Cure for Cancer a Cure for Prince William, and in the First 3.5 of 7
years Satan will Come after one Week, and Replace His Real Son with Himself in t
he body, and He the Real son will be thrown out into the Energy World the Bottom
less Pit for Prince William's Looks Mean Death is coming for it is a warning fie
w if any have noticed for The True Satan's Son is Life for He can not touch His
Own Son nor Kill Him nor Destroy Him because He is not a Lie for He is the True
Son for Which William is the Lie He can touch for the Truth Triumphs over all fo
r the Lie can not destroy the Truth in the End for Satan Plans on again Subverti
ng Time for After the first 3.5 years the Cure for Cancer the REAL Cure Anubis
Satan's Son Taken By Jesus to Be His Pet Dog will Come, yet the World will Hate
HIm, and Believe He is the Anti-Christ the Evil the Destruction, yet He is Life
for His Looks, and His Body Are Symbole of Life, and Riches, yet the World will
Hate HIm, for This they will Fully Die, and Enter Hell where Satan Reigns for th
en Jesus will Come, and Take His People, and His Dog Anubis Home with Him for Pr
ince WIlliam is a False Jesus, a False Anubis, a False Son of Satan thus He the
Lie, yet I am the Truth for Jesus Hates Prince WIlliam for This, and So do I for
My Master, and I are one for Even God Hates William Because He is the False Son
for He is trying to Impersonate His Son whom He loves for this when the Cancer,
and Death is Final He will destroy full the Body in a fire for He will Set off
a black hole that will destroy the Galaxy, and Earth forever.
As William Goes It means that Life is about to Come for the Cure for Cancer is a
bout to Defeat the Cancer for the Cure is My Master Jesus for I was Taken By Jes
us to Warn the World of what is about to Happen.
P.W.(1982)___________^(When I come in for after a Week Satan Replaces Me)P.W(Sat
an Begin)______ (Satan End)^ (Me Life 3.5y Cure for Cancer)(Beginning of Hell fo
r this is Death)_(Same day Jesus comes, and Takes His People upon the Ship, and
His Pet Dog the True Anubis) for then The Body Is destroyed forever because it b
ecame overrun with cancer..
So in the End what Satan was Done was on June 21st 1982 He inserted Cancer Into
the World, yet on December 25th 1986 He Had Me, then God Took Me into Heaven, an
d Turned Me into a Cure to fight agasint Cancer for think about the Shot for He
took a Cancer Cell for Which Satan was the Main Huge Cancer Cell, and He took it
, and Inserted Goodness into It thus He at the Birth before the New Cancer could
take over He turned its Genetic DNA Around from Evil to Good whereby Creating a
Cure for Cancer thus Prince William is Dying, and I am Living for He is Ugly De
ath, and I am Beautiful Life for God, and Jesus Gave Me life thus He protected M
e from the Big Cancer Cell so I could Do My Job He Put in My DNA To do for Alsot
Prince William is becoming Dumber, and Stupider, yet at the Same time I am beco
ming Smarter, and More Ganius for I am the Opposite of what Prince William Is fo
r He again is A False Anubis, and False Jesus as one, yet the Real Jesus, and th
e Real Anubis are Seperate, and not one for they are Heterosexual yet Prince Wil
liam is a Homosexual for He is one, and Jesus, and I the Real Anubis are two for
Prince William is Man(Male)+Man(Homo)+Woman+Virtual Dog (Satan is Behind Him fo
r He Satan is a Dog for now an energy for This Makes Him Along with His Natural
Male a Male(Natural+Male(Satan)+Woman His Wife for She is about to after the Mar
riage receive Cancer+Virtual Dog - Satan for Satan is A Dog which Is Also a Full
Beast)) for I am not for I am Woman+Man+Dog(Beast) yet All is not Completely on
e for 1/3rd of Each thus no matter which way you slice it I have NO homosexualit
y in Me for Anubis is NOT a Homosexual nor Lesbian, etc or Even a Full Beast Dog
for He can not Be in the end for it is Impossible for it to be thus I can not i
n the end Get a Disease for Cancer Comes from Homosexual Male Acts thus I am NOT
Cancer nor Can I ever In the end Have it for it can not ever Touch Me thus I am
the Cure for Cancer.
So in the End all it took was God to Change some DNA the MIND of the NewBorn Can
cer Cell to End Cancer for I am the Cure of Cancer for My Body, and My Mind with
the Help of the Scientiest in the SKy found a Cure for Cancer that Has plagued
the world Since Prince William's Birth for Again I am the PerfecT Combination in
Mathmatics, etc for Cancer Can easily Be cured for The Scientist in the Sky aga
in Finally found the Cure for Cancer He first Created, thus He set out to Destro
y it before it infected anything beyond this earth for This is why I am going to
Be protected for I am the Cure in Human Fleshly Form for My body Holds the Secr
ets of how to Cure the Fleshly Cancer forever for whilst My Body Holds the Secre
ts I get to Be Jesus's Pet Dog, Friend, etc for I Am the Beginning to the Cure f
or both Spiritual, and Fleshly kinds of All Cancers..

Prince William is Cancer in the Flesh, and I am The Cure in the Flesh for All Hi
s Whole body, etc with Mathmatics, etc will Create Cancer for He His Body Holds
the Secrets of How Cancer Began ie: Created for He is the Beginning of Cancer fo
r He is Cancer for it shows in the end for He is nothing, but Cancer whilst I am
the Cure for it shows in the End, and this In the end is MORE than Symbolic, fo
r it is Also The Truth Scientifically by Mathmaticl, and Medical Terms, etc.

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