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Doctors’ Order Classification of Drug Mechanism of Action Adverse Effects Nursing Considerations

Folic Acid 5 mg. once a Antianemics; vitamins Required for protein DERM: 1. Encourage patient
day synthesis and red blood cell  Rashes to comply with diet
function. Stimulates the recommendations
production of red blood CNS: of health care
cells, white blood cells and  Irritability professionals.
platelets. Necessary for  difficulty sleeping Explain that the
normal fetal development.  malaise best source of
 confusion vitamins is a well-
balanced diet with
MISC: foods from the four
 Fever basic food groups.

2. Foods high in folic

acid include
vegetables and

3. Caution patient not

to exceed
dose. Thus it may
cause side effects.

4. Explain that folic

acid may make
urine more
intensely yellow.

Doctors’ Order Classification Mechanism of Action Adverse Effects Nursing Considerations

Ascorbic Acid 500 mg. Vitamins Treatment and prevention CNS: 1. Advice client to
once a day of vitamin C deficiency  Drowsiness avoid taking more
(scurvy) with dietary  Fatigue than
supplementation. States of  Headache recommended
increased requirements  Insomnia dosage.
such as: Pregnancy,
Lactation, Infancy, Stress, GI: 2. Explain to client
Trauma  Cramps that the best
 Diarrhea natural sources of
Unlabeled Uses:  Heartburn vitamin C are
Prevention of common  Nausea citrus fruits such
cold.  Vomiting as oranges,
GU: calamansi.
 Kidney stones

 Flushing

 Deep vein
 Hemolysis
 Sickle cell crisis


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