Ball Hockey Rules PSG 2011

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  and  Womens’s  3on3  Ball  Hockey  Regulations*  






*These  rules  are  not  final  and  are  subject  to  change  closer  to  the  tournament  
date.  These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  
Section  1:  General  Rules  (all  sports)  
A)  Personal  and  Team  Conduct  

1. Participants  are  required  to  represent  themselves  and  their  respective  

schools  with  respect  and  dignity.  
2. Any  team  or  individual  involved  in  destructive  or  negative  behavior  at  
Post-­‐Secondary  Games  2011  events  or  venues,  including  hotels  and  
accommodations,  will  be  ejected  from  the  tournament  at  the  discretion  of  
the  Advisory  Committee.  Spirit  Deposits  may  also  be  forfeited.  
3. The  PSG  Committee  reserves  the  right  to  disqualify  any  team  based  on  the  
behavior  of  any  given  team  member  of  that  particular  team.  
4. Alcohol,  smoking  and/or  other  banned  substances  are  PROHIBITED  and  
are  not  to  be  consumed  or  used  in  the  dressing  rooms  or  anywhere  in  the  
gyms  or  surrounding  areas.  Failure  to  comply  with  this  rule  will  result  in  
the  expulsion  of  the  player(s)  from  the  Tournament  and  possible  
suspension  of  the  team(s).  A  referee  may  eject  a  player/team  if,  at  his/her  
discretion,  he/she  deems  the  player/team  to  be  under  the  influence  of  
alcohol  or  illegal  substances.  

B)  Starting  of  the  Game  

1. A  representative  from  each  team  (coach/captain)  is  required  to  check-­‐in  

at  the  score  table  prior  to  each  game.  Here  they  must  fill  out  game  roster  
sheets  fully  and  accurately.  
2. It  is  recommended  that  both  teams  be  dressed  and  ready  to  play  10  
minutes  before  the  scheduled  start  of  their  game.    All  games  start  at  the  
time  published  in  the  schedule.    
3. A  late  team  will  be  given  a  grace  period  of  five  (5)  minutes  past  the  
scheduled  start  time,  which  will  be  deducted  from  the  total  playing  time.  
4. Any  team  without  the  required  number  of  players  within  5  minutes  of  the  
scheduled  time  will  default  that  game.    If  any  team  member  is  in  doubt  
about  their  eligibility,  they  should  speak  with  their  team  captain/coach,  
the  Scorekeeper,  or  anyone  on  the  PSG  committee  immediately.    
5. If  both  teams  are  late,  both  will  default  and  no  points  will  be  awarded.    
6. Teams  defaulting  a  game  for  any  reason  will  have  half  their  Spirit  Deposit  
7. If  players,  team  officials,  game  timekeeper,  etc.  show  up  for  a  game  in  a  
condition  which  in  the  referee’s  opinion,  render  them  unable  to  take  part,  
the  referee  may  default  the  game.  
8. With  respect  to  dangerous  playing  conditions,  the  decision  of  whether  to  
begin  or  continue  a  game  is  solely  the  decision  of  the  referees.  The  
Commissionaire  shall  reschedule  a  game  postponed  for  any  reason  at  the  
earliest  possible  time  prior  to  the  end  of  the  round  robin.  If  more  than  one  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  

half  remains  to  be  played,  then  the  entire  game  shall  be  replayed.  If  less  
than  one  full  period  remains  to  be  played,  then  only  the  unfinished  
portion  of  the  game  shall  be  played.  

C)  Coaches  and  Captains  

1. Each  team  must  have  a  designated  Team  Captain  and/or  Coach.  

2. It  is  the  responsibility  of  each  Team  Captain/Coach  to  ensure  that  all  
players  of  their  team  are  fully  eligible  to  participate.  
3. Each  team  must  identify  their  Team  Captain  and/or  Coach  at  the  
beginning  of  each  game.  If  the  captain  is  not  present,  the  team  will  
nominate  a  player  to  be  acting  captain  for  that  game.  This  person  will  take  
on  all  duties  and  responsibilities  as  the  actual  captain.  This  person  will  be  
identified  as  the  acting  captain  on  the  score  sheet.  
4. ONLY  THE  CAPTAIN/COACH  should  be  speaking  with  the  referees  during  
the  game  time.  Players  who  wish  to  discuss  any  issue  with  a  referee  must  
ask  the  Captain  or  Coach  to  speak  on  their  behalf.  
5. It  is  the  responsibility  of  each  Team  Captain/Coach  to  fill  out  the  game  
roster  sheet  fully  before  each  game  and  sign  it  to  affirm  the  eligibility  and  
information  of  each  player  on  the  roster.  
6. Team  Captains  and  Coach  are  expected  to  know  and  understand  the  
general  and  specific  rules  for  their  sport.  They  must  abide  by  them,  and  
ensure  that  their  team  is  aware  of  them  and  their  consequences.  If  there  is  
any  confusion  regarding  the  rules,  please  contact  the  PSG  committee.    
7. It  is  the  Team  Captain's  and  Coach’s  duty  to  know  his/her  duties  and  
responsibilities  before  the  game  begins.  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  

Section  2:  Specific  Rules  (3on3  Ball  Hockey)  
A)  Teams  and  Players  

1. A  team  must  have  a  minimum  of  4  players  (including  the  goaltender)  

dressed  and  ready  to  play.  If  at  any  time  a  team  has  less  than  3  players  for  
a  game,  ie.  due  to  penalties,  the  game  is  a  default.
2. It  shall  be  the  responsibility  of  the  away  team  to  make  alternate  sweater  
arrangements  when  there  is  a  conflict  between  two  team  colours.  
3. Each  player  must  wear  matching  colours  to  be  eligible  to  play.  
4. If  a  goaltender  is  replaced  through  injury,  then  a  one-­‐minute  warm-­‐up  
time  will  be  allowed  for  an  alternate.  In  this  situation,  if  no  alternate  is  
dressed,  2  minutes  will  be  allowed  to  dress  a  new  goaltender.  
5. If  a  goaltender  is  ejected  from  the  game  with  no  substitute  dressed,  the  
team  will  be  permitted  up  to  three  minutes  to  dress  a  substitute  and  will  
be  charged  with  a  time  out.  No  warm  up  time  will  be  allowed  in  this  case.  

B)  Equipment  

1. Helmets,  facemasks  and  protective  gloves  are  mandatory  for  all  

players  including  goaltenders  and  must  be  CSA  approved.  Hockey  gloves  
must  provide  adequate  padding  and  protection.  The  use  of  thin  cotton  
gloves  and  bicycle  gloves  are  not  allowed.  
2. Sticks  must  strictly  conform  to  CBHA  standards  (Composite  and  wood  
sticks  are  OK).  Sticks  with  plastic  blades  must  be  attached  with  a  screw.  
There  must  be  a  knob  at  the  top  of  the  hockey  stick  to  prevent  the  end  
going  through  another  player's  face  mask.  
3. Proper  gym  attire  must  be  worn  to  participate  (no  jeans  or  pants  /  shorts  
with  zippers).  Proper  athletic  footwear  for  the  sport  is  required  (Running  
shoes  with  non-­‐marking  soles  -­‐  no  street  shoes,  boots,  dress  shoes,  bare  
feet,  or  sandals  etc).  
4. No  jewellery  (unless  properly  taped  down),  non-­‐elastic  head  bands,  or  
hard  support  braces  are  allowed  during  game  time.  Captains  will  be  
warned  at  the  beginning  of  the  game  to  have  all  their  players  remove  such  
items.  During  the  game,  players  found  with  such  items  will  be  asked  to  
leave  play  until  the  item  is  removed.  
5. All  players  must  have  a  pinnie/jersey  with  a  defined  and  separate  number  
on  it,  and  must  be  in  contrasting  colour  to  the  opposing  team.  Pinnies  will  
be  provided  if  necessary.  
6. To  preserve  the  floor,  no  coloured  plastic  blades  or  tape  are  allowed.  
Clear  hockey  tape  is  allowed.  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  

7. Goalies  must  wear  proper  goaltending  equipment  (blocker,  catcher,  pads,  
goalie  stick).  
8. Shoulder  pads  or  prohibited.  
9. Optional  equipment  include:  
-­‐  Elbow  pads,  which  if  used,  must  be  worn  under  the  sweater,  

-­‐  Hockey  or  soccer  shin  guards,  

 -­‐  Mouth  guards,  internal  or  external,  
-­‐  Kneepads  (volleyball  or  basketball),  

-­‐  Protective  cup,  which  must  be  worn  under  the  pants,  
-­‐  Hard  shin  pads  that  run  down  the  leg  must  be  worn  under  the  
sweatpants  or  socks.  

C)  Game  Lengths  

1. Round-­‐Robin  games  will  consist  of  two  halves  each  12  minutes  in  length.  
Quarter-­‐Finals,  Semi-­‐Finals  and  Finals  will  consist  of  two  halves  at  15,  15  
and  20  minutes  in  length  respectively.  Stop  time  will  only  occur  if  the  
game  is  within  3  goals  with  less  than  two  minutes  to  play.    
2. Game  Mercy  Rule:  Game  will  be  stopped,  if  there  is  a  10  goal  spread  at  any  
point  in  the  game.  
3. Round  robin  games  finishing  in  a  tie  after  regulation  time  will  go  into  a  
shootout.  Teams  will  select  three  shooters  each  for  the  shootout.  If  tied  
after  3  shooters  an  additional  shooter  from  each  team  will  shoot  to  break  
the  tie.  Players  cannot  be  repeated  until  all  players  in  uniform  for  that  
game  have  shot,  at  which  point  the  shootout  order  will  roll  over.  The  
winning  team  of  the  shootout  will  receive  2  points;  the  losing  team  will  
receive  1  point.  
4. Playoff  games  finishing  in  a  tie  after  regulation  will  go  into  a  10-­‐minute  
overtime  period.  If  tied  after  the  overtime  period,  the  game  will  go  into  a  
shootout  with  identical  rules  to  a  round-­‐robin  shootout.  

D)  Gameplay  

1. Game  play  consists  of  3  players  a  side,  with  one  goalie.  There  are  no  
offside’s  or  icing.  The  whistle  will  be  blown  for  a  faceoff  only  after  a  
penalty,  goal,  injury,  goalie  freezing  the  ball  or  if  the  ball  is  put  out  of  play.  
Game  play  will  not  be  stopped  if  the  ball  returns  into  playable  area  on  its  
own  (i.e.  hits  the  roof,  wall,  etc..)    
2. Quick  substitutions  will  be  allowed  during  stoppages  of  play  as  long  as  
neither  team  uses  it  to  their  advantage.  (i.e.  to  catch  their  breath)  The  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  

referee  reserves  the  right  to  call  a  delay  of  game  penalty  on  one  or  both  of  
the  teams  if  this  right  is  abused  and/or  not  allow  any  further  
substitutions  on  stoppages.  Substitution  may  also  be  done  on  the  fly,  on  a  
goal,  when  a  penalty  is  called  or  in  the  event  of  an  injury.  
3. Ball  out  of  play:  If  the  ball  is  shot  out  of  play  a  face-­‐off  will  be  held  at  the  
closest  face-­‐off  point  from  which  the  ball  was  shot.  If  the  ball  is  shot  out  of  
play  intentionally  by  an  offensive  player  in  the  offensive  zone  however,  
the  face-­‐off  will  be  brought  back  into  the  defensive  zone.  
4. The  ball  must  be  kept  in  motion  at  all  times  of  play.  The  referee  may  issue  
a  two-­‐minute  minor  delay  of  game  penalty  for  intentional  “ragging”  or  
“freezing”  of  the  ball.  
5. Time  outs:  One  30  second  time  out  will  be  allowed  per  team  per  game  
6. Three  minor  penalties  in  one  game  to  one  player  constitutes  a  game  
7. A  goal  is  when  the  entire  ball  physically  crosses  the  goal  line.  In  the  event  
the  net  is  moved  and  appears  to  be  'off'  the  referee  may  allow  the  play  to  
continue  if  the  play  is  close.  If  the  goaltender  accidentally  or  deliberately  
moves  the  net,  and  a  goal  is  scored,  the  goal  will  count  (within  reason).  At  
all  times,  referees  are  responsible  to  ensure  that  the  net  is  at  an  
appropriate  angle.  If  the  net  is  moved  and  the  play  leaves  the  defensive  
zone,  the  referee  is  responsible  to  move  the  net  back  to  its  appropriate  
angle.  Once  again,  if  the  net  is  moved  by  a  player  and  a  goal  is  scored,  it  is  
totally  under  the  referee's  judgement  to  allow  or  disallow  the  goal.  

E)  Defaults  

1. If  a  team  fails  to  appear  with  a  minimum  of  five  players  within  five  
minutes  past  the  scheduled  start  of  the  game,  they  will  default  the  game  
to  the  opposition.  Defaulted  games  will  result  in  a  one  point  deduction  
from  the  overall  team  standings  per  game  defaulted.  
2. The  winning  team  in  a  defaulted  game  will  be  given  2  points  and  a  1-­‐0  
victory  or  the  score  that  stood  at  the  time  of  default  if  the  non-­‐defaulting  
team  was  ahead  at  the  time.  The  goal  and  the  shutout  will  be  counted  in  
the  team’s  statistics.  
3. The  team  awarded  the  win  for  the  defaulted  game  may  use  the  remaining  
time  and  facility  for  practice  purposes.  Members  of  the  defaulting  team  
can  remain  on  the  floor  only  with  the  permission  of  the  winning  team.  
4. Defaulted  games  shall  be  counted  in  the  duration  of  a  suspension.  
5. All  games  must  start  on  time.  A  team  will  be  given  five  (5)  minutes  grace  
period  past  the  scheduled  start  time,  however  if  a  team  chooses  to  use  
this  grace  period,  they  will  be  charged  with  a  2  minute  delay  of  game  
penalty  at  the  start  of  a  game.  A  team  can  start  with  five  (5)  players  at  the  
scheduled  start  time  with  no  penalty  being  assessed.  If  the  team  is  still  not  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  

ready  to  start  after  the  five-­‐minute  grace  period,  then  the  team  will  be  
required  to  default  the  game.    
6. If  both  teams  fail  to  start  on  time  and  use  the  five-­‐minute  grace  period,  
then  coincidental  minors  will  be  assessed  to  both  teams.  If  both  teams  
end  up  defaulting  the  game,  both  teams  will  incur  a  1-­‐0  loss,  and  
one-­‐point  deductions  from  their  overall  team  standings.  
7. Defaults  and  Suspensions  may  result  in  a  loss  of  Spirit  Deposit.  

F)  Tournament  Standings  

1. In  round  robin  play,  standings  shall  be  decided  on  the  following  point  
-­‐ 2  points  for  a  win  or  shootout  win    
-­‐ 1  point  for  a  shootout  loss    
-­‐ 0  points  for  a  loss  
2. Playoff  games  will  follow  the  playoff  bracket  provided  and  will  be  single  
3. Tie  breaking  procedures  will  be  used  whenever  necessary  –  in  
Tournament  Standings.  These  procedures  are  as  follows:  
1. Points  
2. Total  wins  
3. Record  between  teams  (if  applicable)  
4. Goal  percentage.  (Goals  for/goals  for  +  goals  against)    
5. Least  goals  against    
6. Most  goals  
7. Shoot-­‐out  
i)  Three  shooters  from  each  team.  The  highest  over-­‐all  score  
from  the  five  shooters  wins.  
ii)  If  there  is  still  a  tie,  the  remaining  players  shoot  for  a  
sudden  death  win.  

G)  Penalties  

1. All  penalties  are  covered  in  the  CBHA  (Canadian  Ball  Hockey  Association)  
rule  book.  Players  receiving  three  minor  penalties  in  a  game  are  ejected  
from  that  game.  
2. In  the  event  of  a  goal  a  penalized  player  may  return  to  the  floor  only  if  he  
is  causing  the  team  to  be  short  handed.  
3. Minor  penalties  are  served  for  2  minutes  straight  time.  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  

4. Offsetting  minors  result  in  a  3  on  3  play.  Penalized  players  may  not  leave  
the  penalty  box  until  a  stoppage  in  play  after  their  penalty  has  expired.  
5. Minor  penalties:  
o High  Sticking  -­‐  any  contact  with  opponent  above  shoulder  height  
o Delay  of  game  -­‐  the  goaltender  may  not  freeze  the  ball  while  he  is  
fully  out  of  his  crease.  No  player  may  freeze  the  ball  or  
intentionally  shoot  it  out  of  play.  
o In  the  crease  -­‐  no  player  is  allowed  in  the  opposing  team’s  crease  
preceding  the  ball  and/or  to  interfere  with  the  goaltender  while  he  
or  she  is  in  their  crease.  
o Bench  minors,  boarding,  cross-­‐checking,  elbowing,  holding  
hooking,  interference,  roughing  tripping,  unsportsmanlike  conduct  
-­‐  all  as  per  CBHA  rulebook.  
o Broken  Stick  -­‐  must  dropped  stick  immediately.  
o It  is  of  the  referees  discretion  to  assign  minor  penalties  for  
unnecessary  behaviour  such  as  the  use  of  profanity  and  causing  
6. Another  player  from  the  offending  player’s  team  must  serve  the  5  minutes  
for  the  major.  Major  penalties  can  never  be  considered  offsetting  and  
must  be  served  full.  
7. Major  penalties:  
o Any  minor  penalty  which  results  in  the  offended  player  being  
8. Three  minor  penalties  in  one  game  to  one  player  constitutes  a  game  
9. Any  player  who  is  ejected  from  the  game  must  leave  the  surface  and  
bench  immediately.  Failure  to  do  so  can  result  in  a  tournament  
10. Fighting,  unnecessary  violence,  and  2  game  ejections  of  the  same  player  
will  result  in  tournament  ejection.  
11. The  referees  are  at  their  sole  discretion  to  assess  any  penalties,  as  they  
deem  necessary.  The  Tournament  Executive  will  have  no  say  to  the  
penalties  administered  by  the  referees  during  a  game.  All  referees  will  fill  
out  an  incident  report  form  after  an  altercation  involving  fines  and  
suspensions.  This  report  will  be  the  primary  element  used  in  determining  
the  player(s)  final  outcome.  
12. All  disciplinary  action  regarding  suspensions  and  tournament  ejections  
will  be  conducted  based  on  a  review  from  the  Waterloo  PSG  committee.  
All  actions  are  final  and  no  appeal  process  will  be  allowed  upon  final  

These  rules  are  accurate  as  of  March  1st  2011.  


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