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What I generally learnt was that language is used for communication but because of

having only linguistic competence and not using it outside we don’t have communicative
competence.Firstly students should be taught linguistic competence ,then they should have
strategic competence to know how to initiate , maintain,redirect and terminate
communication,then they should have sociolinguistic competence and finally discourse
competence they shoul have.Language learning is more than a classroom experience was
said,therefore ,teachers should make students use it outside of the classroom.Apart from these
I learnt that there are lots of factors affecting students’ learning and also leraning is not
memorization and can’t be tought apart from culture.Finally ,matters of who teaches and who
learns,what is the student must learn and teacher must teach,how does learning take
place,when is it acquired , where should it be learned and why are we trying to learn the
second language have a very important place in language acquisition.

Subjects of last week was so clear,so I had no difficulty in figuring out.

I do not suppose I need to focus on more nothing related to last week.

In my teaching, to make my student have communicative competence I should find

different activities leading my student to speak more , to use language appropriately.The
techniques of communicative language teaching also may be used.As long as my students
don’t use language ,they do not know language.

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