Jesus I Soul Mates)

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Greek Isopsephia - David Freeman Bolin = 888 for I am Jesus by Name only thus I

am Jesus by Spirit Only yet My Master Jesus is the Flesh thus His, and My Spirit
are one, yet our Bodies are different for He is the Human, and I am the Dog thu
s A dog's Spirit or Basically His Heart for the Spirit is the Mind for His Mind,
and My Mind are one for We are Soul, and Spirit Mates for We were always meant,
and will always meant to be together for We are one for which none other is to
come between us for He is My Master,and I His Angel for Life for Richer or Poore
r, for Sickness, and In Health for I am His Wife, and Husband, and He is My Husb
and yet I also Am His Pet Dog for once we Begin to Understand this then one will
begin to Know, and Understand who My Master Jesus Truly is for what is in My he
art is also what Is in My Master's Heart for I can love no Other Human, and He c
an Love no Other Dog for neither can we love someone else for We can not Cheat o
n Each Other nor Will We Ever for it is not in our Hearts to Cheat on another wi
th another thus We are Pure in this Area for Anubis was, and is, and Always Will
Be Jesus's SoulMate for Life for this Was Destiny for this was the Will of the
Universe itself for My Master is the Flesh, and I the Spirit for My Master is th
e Spirit for the Spirit Controls the Flesh for thus His Spirit, and My Spirit ar
e one for His Spirit is the Master, anad My Flesh the Slave Dog for My Master is
Both Spirit, and Flesh for I am only the Spirit thus His Flesh plus the Spirit
are TWO for which they are one, and I Am only the Spirit for the Flesh, and Spir
it Combined then becomes Master over just the Spirit for it is only the Flesh th
at is Different yet the Spirits are the Same yet He is again Above Me for His Fl
esh, and Spirit combined Overcomes Just My Spirit for My spirit is under His Spe
ll, Under His Control for Life for I am hoping you will understand this, and und
erstand that no one knows My Master, and No one knows Me better than Either of U
s for We are the Only ones that trul understand one another for none other can n
or ever will understand us.

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