Bread - Focaccia

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For the Sponge

Yeast 40 g
Warm Water 180 ml
Granulated sugar 1 tbsp
White high gluten bread flour 225g
1. To make the sponge, dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Add the sugar and high-
gluten flour and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes.
2. Cover and let rise until it starts to fall
For the dough
Warm water 480ml
Olive oil 180ml
Granulated sugar 85g
Salt 30g
High gluten flour 455g
Bread flour 400g
Olive oil 60ml
Herbed garlic oil
Rock/flaked sea salt
3. To make the dough add the warm water to the sponge and then add the olive oil,
sugar, salt and high gluten flour. Start kneading then add enough of the bread flour
to develop a very soft, smooth and elastic dough.
4. Form the dough into a ball and place on a floured surface and cut an ‘X’ halfway
though it. Pull the cuts out slightly to form a rough square. Cover and let rest for
30 minutes.
5. Using 60mls of olive oil coat the bottom and sides of a full sheet pan. (40x60cm -
do not use paper) Place the dough in the centre of the pan. Oil your hands then
stretch out the dough as far as you can. Leave to rise in a warm place until the
dough has doubled in size.
6. Use your hands to stretch the sough until it covers the entire baking sheet. Let the
dough relax for a few minutes. Press your fingertips into the top to mark it with
7. Let the dough rise until it is 1 ½ times its original size.
8. Using your hand very gently spread three-quarters of the herbed garlic oil evenly
over the surface of the dough. Sprinkle the salt evenly over the top.
9. Place the bread in an oven preheated to 246°C, immediately reduce the temperature
to 190°C and bake for about 25-30 minutes of until baked through.
10. Allow to cool and then cut into desired size pieces.

Note – to remove from the pan place a second tray or wire rack on top and invert. This
will keep the bottom of the foraccia
from becoming soggy.

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