Amino Acids

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John Paul E.


Essentials Amino Acids

- amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body on its own and this need to be acquired
through your diet.

1. Isoleucine is an amino acid that is best known for its ability to increase endurance and help
heal and repair muscle tissue and encourage clotting at the site of injury.
2. Leucine works with the amino acids isoleucine and valine to repair muscles, regulate blood
sugar, and provide the body with energy.
3. Methionine is an essential amino acid that helps the body process and eliminate fat. It
contains sulfur, a substance that is required for the production of the body’s most abundant
natural antioxidant, glutathione.
4. Lysine is an essential amino acid that is well known for its antiviral properties. It helps
prevent outbreaks of herpes and cold sores, and is needed for hormone production and the
growth and maintenance of bones in both children and adults. 
5. Phenylalanine- is needed for normal functioning of the central nervous system. It has been
used successfully to help control symptoms of depression and chronic pain, as well as other
diseases linked to a malfunctioning central nervous system.
6. Tryptophan- is necessary for the production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a key
brain chemical that helps establish feelings of calm and well being.
7. Threonine- promotes normal growth by helping to maintain the proper protein balance in the
body. It also supports cardiovascular, liver, central nervous, and immune system function.
8. Valine- branched chain amino acids that works with other two BCAAs, isoleucine and
leucine, to promote normal growth, repair tissue, regulate blood sugar, and promote the body
with energy.
9. Histidine- used to develop and maintain healthy tissues in all parts of the body.

Non- essential Amino Acids

- are those that your body can produce, specifically by the liver, without any outside help.

1. Arginine- has numerous functions in the body. It helps the body get rid of ammonia.
2. Alanine- plays major role in the transfer of nitrogen from peripheral tissue to the liver.
3. Asparagine- is necessary for the synthesis of many proteins.
4. Aspartic acid- is thought to help promote a robust metabolism, and is sometimes used to treat
fatigue and depression.
5. Cysteine- can be found in many proteins throughout the body.
6. Glutamic acid- is an excitatory neurotransmitter that increases the firing of neurons in the
central nervous system.
7. Glutamine- is present in plant and animal proteins.
8. Glycine- is used to help create muscle tissue and convert glucose into energy.
9. Proline- needed for the production of collagen and cartilage.
10. Serine- derived from tha amino acid glycine. It is important to overall good helath, both
physical and mental.
11. Tyrosine- helps regulate mood and stimulates nervous system.

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