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To Kill a Mockingbird Mississippi Burning

Blacks 1. Caring 1. Spiritual

- Calpurnia always treated - There were many churches in
Jem and Scout like her own which the Blacks pray in.
- There were also many scenes of
- Calpurnia cooked Scout’s the Blacks praying
favourite food after her
first day of school. - Instead of running away, the
little boy knelt down and prayed
2. Tolerant to God.
- Even though they knew it
was unfair, they did not 2. Fearful
protest and just carried on - They did not dare to stand up
with their own lives after for themselves even though
Tom Robinson’s trail. they were being bullied.

- Tom Robinson helped - When being a witness for court,

Mayella Ewell even though the black boy wore a paper bag
she called him a nigger. over his face.
Whites 1. Biased 1. Daring
- Hated the blacks and - They lynched the Blacks
treated them of lower whenever they wanted to.
class. As well as calling
them Nigger-lovers - They shot into the FBI’s motel
and burned a cross outside.
Examples: Mrs Dubose,
Aunt Alexandra, etc - They conducted cases of arson
on the Black’s house and
- Were not willing to sit with churches.
them in churches and
named them as coloured
people. 2. Outlaw
- They killed the Civil rights
2. Cruel workers.
- Bob Ewell tried to kill
Scout and Jem after their - They went to ambush outside
Halloween Party. the Black’s church.

- Bob Ewell spat on Atticus.

- They held clan gatherings even
- Tom Robinson was shot 17 though they stated it as a
times when he tried to political speech.

3. Hypocritical
- Miss Gates, she said that
Hitler was wrong in
persecuting Jews but she
herself was bias towards
blacks (pg 250 - 253)
4. Vindictive
- Bob Ewell framed Tom
Robinson, and after the
trial, he went after Atticus
for revenge (pg 177-184,

5. Proud
-Many of the whites were
portrayed as proud people.
For example, Miss
Stephanie was portrayed
as a very proud person
who liked her own views to
be heard and felt. There
were of course, exceptions
such as Atticus who was a
humble man.

Done By: Leonard Goh, Kenneth Pay, Eliel, Gordon Koh

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