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Kelas XI
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogs or questions spoken in English. After listening
to a dialog and the question about it,you must read the five possible answers and decide which
one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan guru:
Man : Whose book is this?
Woman : It’s mine.
Man : May I borrow it? I do really want it to read.
Narrator : What is the man interested in?
a. Buying the book
b. Lending the book
c. Reading the book
d. Discussing the book
e. Explaining about the book

2. Percapakan yang diperdengarkan guru:

Boy : Mom,may I go to the cinema tonight, please?
Woman : Why don’t you go tomorrow afternoon?
Boy : I can’t. Today is the last day of the film showing.
Woman : O.K , but don’t come home late.
Narrator : What is the boy going to do tonight?
a. Seeing a film
b. Studying togrther
c. Watching television
d. Doing window shopping.
e. Hanging out with a friend

3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan guru:

Girl : Good afternoon,Sir
Man : Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
Girl : I’d like to return these books Sir.
Man : O.K Can I have your member card?
Narrator : Where do you think the dialog takes place?
a. In a parking lot
b. In a laboratory
c. In a library
d. In a classroom
e. In a canteen

4. Mark your on your answer sheet.

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan guru:
Man : it seems that you need something.
Woman: My computer doesn’t work well.
May I use this computer?
Man : _____________
a. My computer is at home
b. I don’t have a computer
c. My computer is Sony Vaio
d. Sorry, I have’t finished typing my document.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan guru:
Man : I have finished doing the assignment. May I leave now?
Woman: _________
a. Not before the bell rings
b. It’s agreed
c. You’d better finish it now
d. Of course I do

6. The tex tells us about __________

a. Where the igloo is built
b. Where the Eskimoes live
c. How the Eskimoes find their food
d. How and where the Eskimoes live
e. Where the whole family sleeps together

7. Why do the Eskimoes use a walrus ivory knife? Becouse________

a. It is easy to cut the food
b. It is sharp enough to cut the animals
c. It is more comfortable to find some food.
d. This kid of knife doesn’t stick to the snow
e. This kind of knife is useful to hunt for food

8. The purpose of the text is _________

a. To entertain the Eskimoes family
b. To describe how the Eskimoes live
c. To describe how the Eskimoes should their for food
d. To tell why the Eskimoes should hunt for food
e. To tell the traditions of the Eskimos

9. Why are permanent settlements useless to an Eskimo hunter? Becous _____

a. They have to untilize the snow and convert it into a snug.
b. Their permanent settlement are made of stone or earth
c. Their permanent house are made of ice and snow.
d. Their temporary house are made of ice and snow
e. They me to take long distances to hunt for food

10. “……Comfortable shelter for the Eskimo family.” (Last Sentence)

The undelined can be replaced by ___________
a. Proper
b. Prescious
c. Convenient
d. Perfect
e. suitable

Woman : All of them will be seven hundred thousand Rupiah, Sir
Man : Can I pay with a credit card?
Woman : I’m sorry, Sir. You should pay in cash.
Man : O.K. Here is the money
How should the man pay for the articles he ought?
a. In cash
b. By check
c. By transfer
d. By a note
e. By credit card
12. Man : Would you please turn off the TV?
Woman: Sorry. It is my favorite program.
Man : But, it is too lound. It’s really annoying me. I can’t concentrate on my work.
What does the man ask the woman to do?
a. To turn on the TV
b. To concentrate on her work
c. To watch TV
d. To turn off the TV
e. To return the TV to the shop

13. Man : I’d like to borrow this book, please

Woman: O.K
Man : Anyway,how long can I borrow it?
Woman: one week,please.
Where do you think the conversation takes place?
a. At home
b. In a canteen
c. In a library
d. In a laboratory
e. In a school hall

This text is for question 14 and 15

What are house in cold climates like/ let me tell you. In cold climates,there is
more rain and snow than there is sun. So the houses have steep,sloping roofs, so that
snow can slide down from the top otherwise there is a risk of the roof breaking under the
The windows are small, to keep the warm air inside,and the cold air out. The
walls are large and painted, to absord as much as heat as possible. Rooms are small and
the beds are often four-poster. In Russia, the beds are often mounted on big,ceramic
When it is cold,there are also fewer of the daylight hours which bring valuable
heat from the sun. this is why,until quite recently, the kitchen was the main room of the
house, getting heat and light at the same time.
Today, the house in many cold countries have central heating and electricity to
give light all through the day. But not long ago, to read a book in the warm whilst it
snowed and rained outside seemend like a miracle-not only at home, but also at school.

14. Why do house in cold climates have small windows ?

a. To bring valuable heat from the sun
b. To absorb as much heat as possible
c. To keep the hot air out
d. To give light through the day
e. To keep the warm air inside

15. What is the main room of the house according to the text?
a. The bedroom
b. The livingroom
c. The kitchen
d. The bathroom
e. The dining room

This text is for question 16 and 17

Hundreds of home in the south west Jakarta have no electricity after the strong winds
and heavy rain. In Karawang,an old big tree fell on two houses. Fortunately,nobody was
at home.
16. Why is there no electricity in the south west Jakarta?
a. Because of hurricane
b. Because of thunderstorm
c. Because of landslides
d. Because of strong winds and heavy rain.
e. Because of light which struck the power plant.

17. “……after the strong winds and heavy rain”. The opposite meaning of the underlined
word is _________
a. Fat
b. slim
c. Thick
d. light
e. Thin
Thin text is for question 18 and 19

To : Ivan,OSIS Chairperson
From : Mr. Hananto ,OSIS Advisor
The monthly OSIS meeting, on Saturday, August 7,2010 is canceled because of the
Principal’s absence. The meeting is rescheduled on Monday, August 9,2010 after scholl
in the OSIS room. Please be informed.

18. What is the memo about ?

a. The meeting result
b. The Principal’s absence
c. The OSIS advisor’s absence
d. The meeting cancellation
e. The place and time of the meeting

19. Which of the following statements is Not true according to the text?
a. The memo is written by the OSIS advisor
b. The OSIS meeting is held every week.
c. The meeting is rescheduled for the following day.
d. The principal cannot attend the meeting as scheduled
e. The memo is addressed to the OSIS advisor.
This text is for question 20 and 23
Let’s talk about English accents which vary from one English speaking country to
If you live in a country where English is spoken widely,but is not the native
language, you will have an accent that is easily recognized by people innative English
countries. For example , if you live in India, Pakistan ,Bangladesh,China ,etc.,your best
interest to listen to native speakers of Western countries and try to imitate their accent.
American TV and radio stations often hire Canadians as news readers and
announcers because the Canadian accents tend to be more flat and more easily
understood by practically everyone American accents tend to be regionally distinctive.
When imitating native English speakers, be wary of people who live in New
Zeland (they mangle the vowels) , Australia ( their English is full of low-class Cockney
Slang” Fetch us a coldie, luv), USA ( Strong drawl),certain eastern states of the USA
(North Carolina, Tennessee in particular have very strong drawls, sometimes
Incomprehensible to other) , Newfoundland ( very strong accent, different vocabulary).
A “ drawls”is a way of speaking that drags out the world, changing the vowels, such
as”oil” become” ahl”,”five” becomes” faaav”.
20. The text is mainly about ________
a. American accents
b. Australian accents
c. English accents
d. English countries
e. English speakers

21. Native English speakers recognize whether someone is not native from his/ her ______
a. Voice
b. oral ability
c. gesture
d. accent
e. speaking

22. Why do many news readers and announcers in American TV and radios come from
Canada ?
a. Because their accent tend to be regionally distinctive .
b. Because everyone has difficulty to understand their accents.
c. Because they have very strong accent and different to others.
d. Because anyone can listen to and imitate their accents easily.
e. Because their accent is more flat and more easily understood by most people.

23. What area has a very strong drawl?

a. Tennessee
b. South Africa
c. South Carolina
d. New Zealand
e. Australia
For questions 24 and 25, chosee the correct words to complete the dialog.
Rizka : (24) ___________for the presentation tomorrow?
Andri : Yes, I have. But I don’t know how to present the material. There are many
things to say.
Rizka : Just chose some which are important. And it’s better for you to make a summary
Of the material. (25) ___________mine already. You may have a look.
Andri : Thank You.

24. a. Did you prepare

b. Have you prepared
c. Will you prepare
d. Had you prepared
e. Do you prepare
25. a. Summarized
b. had summarized
c. have summarized
d. will summarize
e. May summarize
This text is for question 26 to 30
The Sekaten ceremony is usually associated with the royal house of Yogyakarta
and Surakarta. For now let us talk about the sekaten tradition of the Yogyakarta Palace.

Sekaten is annually starting on the fifth day of the Javanese month Mulud. People
from Yogyakarta palace and villages around the city still believe that by celebrating
Sekaten,particularly by listening to the east of the gamelan music, they success at work,
good health and prosperous future.

The first day of the ceremony starts at midninght with a procession of the royal
servants, called the “ abdi dalem”. These people are marching in two rows bringing two
sets of gamelan named Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Gunturmadu. The magnificently
uniformed palace guards escort this procession, leaving the Ponconiti Hall, to the Grand
Mosque, Masjid Agung. At the Grand Mosque, Kyai Nogowilogo is placed in the northen
Pagongan. These two sets of gamelan are played simultanaeously untik the 11 th day of
Mulud. On that day, the two sets of gamelan are brought back to the palace again at

It is worth knowing that several days before and during Sekaten,an exhibition is
always held at the north square called Alun-alun Utara.

26. What is the text about?

a. Yogyakarta Palace
b. Surakarta Palace
c. A. Sekaten ceremony
d. Tradisional events.
e. Javanes gamelan

27. When does the Sekaten ceremony start?

On the ________day of the Javanese month.
a. 4 th
b. 5 th
c. 6 th
d. 7 th
e. 8 th

28. What are the names of gamelan ?

a. Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Gunturmadu
b. Kyai Nogowilogo and Pagongan
c. Kyai Nogowilogo and Ponconiti
d. Kyai Gunturmadu and Pagongan.
e. Kyai Gunturmadu and Ponconiti

29. According to some people’s belief,what will they get if they listen to the gamelan music
during the Sekaten?
a. Better living and happiness
b. Prosperty and happy future life
c. Better future, wealth and happiness.
d. Good health, peace and prosperity.
e. Success at work, good health and prosperty.
30. What is always held at the north square when.
a. A parade
b. An exhibition
c. A gamelan concert
d. An art performance
e. A traditional game

31. Boy : Do you mind feeding my cat when I’m out,Lina?

Girl : Of course not. It’s my pleasure to help you.
What can you conclude from the dialog?
a. Lina cannot feed the cat.
b. Lina is willing to feed the cat.
c. Lina objects to feed the cat.
d. Lina is reluctant to feed the cat.
e. Lina is not able to feed the cat

32. Boy : A new dictionary,huh?

Girl : Yeah.
Boy : May I borrow it ?
Girl : Of course . Here it is.
What is the boy going to borrow?
a. Novel
b. A workbook
c. An English book
d. A magazine
e. A dictionary

33. Woman: I’m going to make a chiken curry for our dinner. Will you buy me some spices,
Man : No big deal , Mom
Who is talking ?
a. A brother and sister
b. Two friends
c. Te neighbors
d. A mother and a son
e. An aunt and a nephew.

This text is for question 34 and 35

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. it is 228 million kilometers from the Sun
and has two moons. A year on Mars is 687 days, while each day lasts for 24 ½ hours.
Mars is a small planet, about half the diameter of the Earth and one tenth of its
weight. It is often called the’ red planet’ because the iron oxide or rust in its soil.
The Planet is a desert with the exception of ice caps found at each end. On its
dusty surfsce you will find boulders, huge extinct volcanoes, giant canyons and what
appear to be dried up river beds. Strong winds can blow up big storms of red dust. These
make the sky look pink.
The atmosphere on Mars is thin and consists mainly of carbon dioxide.
Occasionally, the surface temperature may rise slightly above 00 C. However, the average
temperature 1s -500 C and may drop to 1350 C at the winter pole.

34. How many hours is a day on Mars?

a. 22 ½ hours
b. 23 hours
c. 23 ½ hours
d. 24 hourse
e. 24 ½ hours
35. What will happen if strong winds blow up big storms of red dust?
a. It will create some big dunes.
b. The river will be dried
c. Yhe sky will look pink.
d. It will form giant cayons
e. The weather will become very hot.

The Tex is for question 36 and 37)

Fire officials say the blaze that ravaged the federal records storage facility in Selma
Valley is now under control. More than 40 firefigters battled the flames that erupted late
Wednesday night. TV-3’s John Jacobs asked firefighters Jennifer Carry ir the blace may
have been the worl of an arsomist. Because the fier involved federal records., the FBI has
been called in to investigate. Earlier this afternoon TV-3’s Sandra asked bureauchief Tim
Ray about the FBI’s Involvement.

36. What is predicted as the cause the fire?

a. The work of matches
b. A gas leak
c. A bomb explosion
d. A hot temperature
e. The work of an arsonist

37. Why was the FBI called in to investigate the fire?

a. Because it was very mysterious.
b. Because it involved federal records.
c. Because it had killed many people
d. Because it was a terrorist attack
e. Because it brought a grat impact.

This is fo questions 38 and 39

To : Mr. Aryono , Vice Principal
From : Reno, the Committee Chairperson
Date : August 3, 2010
Subject: Invitation
We’d like to invite you to attend the OSIS meeting today at 2 p.m. in the school hall to
discuss the inauguration night of the new OSIS committee. Please be informed. Thank

38. What is the agenda for the meeting?

a. Electing the new OSIS committee
b. Discussing the coming OSIS meeting.
c. Informing the new OSIS committee.
d. Forming the new OSIS committee.
e. Discussing the inauguration night of the OSIS committee.
39. What should Mr Aryono do according to the text?
a. He should ignore the meeting
b. He should come to the meeting on time.
c. He should keep the information for himself
d. He should come after the meeting begins.
e. He sould host the meeting well
This text is for question 40 and 43
The Indian Peafow l
When it bugles in its high-pitched voice, the male Indian peafowl spreads its tail
feathers to form a giant fan-fit for a fashion show! Living in the wild, this cousin of
the guinea fowl and pheasant is constantly on the lookout. Danger is never far in the
tropical forests where it lives. Leopards and tigers eat peafowl for dinner! At the
slightest sound ,the peafowl trumpets an alarm that echoes for almost a mile.

The Indian peafowl generally files only when it is danger. If frightened, it will
noisily flap its wings and rise into the treetops.

Peafowl are creatures of habit. They sleep roosted in tree and trumpet at the same
time every day,as if part of a ritual.

During courtship, the male peafowl (called peacock) shrieks,”lee-YOW,lee-

YOW”. Then , with great showmanship, he spreads his magnificent blue-green tail
features into a fan and perfoms a mating dance.

The female, or peahean (Whose feathers are grayish and who has no fan), easily
falls under the charm of thw male-and who can blame her? Besides being ggod-
looking, he’s a talented singer and dancer!

40. Where does a peafowl live?

a. In a desert
b. In tropical forests
c. In seashore
d. In a highland
e. In a cold area

41. What will the peawolf do when it is in danger?

a. It willrun fast.
b. It will change its body color.
c. It will pretend to be dying
d. It will hide behind a big tree.
e. It will fly to the treetops.

42. Which is the characteristic of the female peafowl?

a. It is good looking
b. It can sing and dance
c. It has grayish feathers
d. Its tail has blue –green feathers.
e. Its tail feathers can form a big fan.
43. “ At the slightest sound, the peafowl trumpets an alarm…” (Paragraph 1)
The opposite meaning of the underlined word is _________
a. Hardest
b. thinnest
c. Softest
d. Slimmest
e. Smoothest

44. Dion : Keyra, did you see Anne?

Keyra : No. I _______her since this morning.
a. Do not see
b. Did not see
c. Won’t see
d. Haven’t seen
e. Saw

45. Andi : When will you finish your assignment?

Sonya : it ________tomorrow.
a. Is finishing
b. finished
c. Will be finished
d. Will be finishing
e. Will finish

This text is for questions 46 and 20

The Ocean at a Glance Earth’s surface is convered by about 140 million

square miles of acean. 81 per cent of the Southern Hemisphere and approximately 61
percent of Northen Hemisphere are convered with water. The oceans are interconnected
bodies of water including gulf and seas.
The floor or the ocean is commonly divided into four main parts. The firs
is the continental shel which slopes gently outwards from the shore of the continent. It is
about forty miles wide and four hundred feet deep at the end of the continental slope. At
the base of this continental slope is the sediment which forms the floor or the sea beyond
the continental rise, the deep seabed. On the deep seabed are strings of mountains known
as mid-oceanic ridges, isolated mountains known as seamounts, deep valleys or deep sea
trenches and plateus or guyots.

46. Paragraph two is basically about _______of the ocean.

a. The self
b. The slopes
c. The bottom
d. The mountains
e. The main parts

47. According to te text, the following statements are true , except _________
a. The ocean in the Southern Hemisphere is large than that in the Northen
b. The continental shelf is as steeps as the continental slope.
c. The floor of the ocean generally consists of four parts.
d. The deep seabed of the ocean has a number of guyots.
e. The ocean comprises bodies of waters.

48. It is stated in the text that ___________

a. The continental shelf lies under the continental slope.
b. The landmass of the Southern.
c. The continental slope rises gently from the continental shelf
d. The continental shelf lies above the continental.
e. Mid-oceaninc ridges lie on the continental shelf.

49. “ The firs is the continental shelf which slopes gently outward …” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is best replaced by _______
a. Drastically
b. Gradually
c. Regularly
d. sharply
e. Steeply

50. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe a particular thing.
b. To entertain the readers.
c. To explain how something is created.
d. To describe something in general.
e. To persuade the readers that something is the case.

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