Lovely Professional University Homework 1 School:Lie-Leet Department: Physics

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Homework 1

School :LIE-LEET Department: Physics

Name of the faculty member: Ruchika Course No. PHY115

Course Title: Modern physics and electronics

Class: B.Tech Term: II Section: H6001 Batch: 2010

Max Marks: 7 DOA: DOS:

Q1. When a plate is exposed to a monochromatic beam of light of wavelength 400nm, a negative potential of 1.1V is
needed to stop the photocurrent. Find the threshold wavelength for the metal.

Q2. Calculate the number of photons emitted per second by a 10W sodium vapor lamp. Assume that 60% of the
consumed energy is converted into light. Wavelength of sodium light = 590nm.

Q3. Find the energy of 700nm photon in eV.


Q4. When a photon is emitted by a hydrogen atom, the photon carries a momentum with it. Calculate the
momentum carried by photon when hydrogen atom emits light of wavelength 656.3nm.

Q5. Find the wavelength of spectral line that corresponds to transition in hydrogen from n=10 state to ground state.
In what part of spectrum is this?

Q6. Why minimum of three levels are required for laser action to occur?

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