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Assignment -2010


Maths 3(Discrete Maths)

Part – A
Answer the following questions 4 X 5 = 20

1. For any three sets A, B and C, Prove that

(A – B) – C = A – (B U C) = (A – C) – (B – C)

2. Prove that ((P V Q) Λ ¬ (¬ P Λ (¬ Q V ¬ R))) V (¬ P Λ ¬ Q) V (¬ P ∩ ¬

R) is a tautology.

3. For any two sets A and B, prove that

_____ _ _
(i) AUB=A∩B
_____ _ _
(ii) A ∩ B = A U B

4. Prove by mathematical induction that, for all positive integers n≥1.

1+2+3+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - + n= ½ n (n+1).

Part – B
Answer the following questions 4 X 5 = 20

1. If R is an equivalence relation on a set A, then prove the following:

(i) R∩S is an equivalence relation on A
(ii) RUS need not be an equivalence relation on A.

2. Define: (i) Planar Graph

(ii) Rooted tree
(iii) Hamilton path
3. Let f be a homomorphism from a group G1 to a group G2. Prove that
(i) If ℮1 is the identity in G1 and ℮2 is the identity in G2, then f (℮1)
= ℮2 .
(ii) f [a-1]= [f(a)]-1 for all a єG1.

4. If G is a simple graph with n vertices and k components, then prove that G

can have at most (n – k) (n + k + 1) / 2 edges.

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