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Cardozo School of Law

Office of the Registrar_________________________________________________________

55 Fifth Avenue, Room 1034
New York, NY 10003-4391
Tel: (212) 790-0295
Fax: (212) 790-0341

Faculty Authorization for Student Writing Credit

Name of Supervising Faculty Member:________________________________________

Name of Student:_________________________________________________________

The above-referenced student has completed a significant written project under my supervision. The
project was designed to enhance the student=s abilities in research, analytic reasoning, and clarity of
written presentation. In particular, the student:

1) Obtained my approval of the subject of the student’s writing,

2) Provided a draft of the work to me for comment, and

3) Completed a revised draft of the work which was responsive to my comments.

The work was completed in connection with (select one):

□ My course: ______________________________________ _________________

(Name of Course) (Semester/Year)

□ Independent Research on the topic of: _____________________________________________

□ Moot Court Honor Society

□ Cardozo Journal; the student completed additional requirements for writing credit through a
journal note as follows:
1) Topic proposal was approved by me before November 1st, and
2) Final approval of the completed journal note was granted by me before September 15th of
the academic year following the date the proposal was approved.

__________________________________________________ ____________
Faculty Signature Date

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