Major Project

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Team Member 2
Technology used PHP as front end and My Sql as backend

Aim To conduct all competitive examination online. There is limited Questions to solve in limited
period of time and result is calculated automatically after the completion of test.

This project titled “ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM” is designed using HTML for Client Side and PHP for
Server Side which helps in understanding different technologies. These exams covers almost all the
concepts of technologies such as C, C , C#, DOTNET, Java, SQL, Oracle… such that it would be helpful
for the users. This project assesses students by conducting online objective tests. The tests would be
highly customizable. This project will enable educational institutes to conduct test and have automated

Goal of this project is to explain the “structures ” using data structures. This project involves the
showcasing of various data structures and their working represented graphically. The project is made
with the help of C programming language. It is an interactive menu driven software where the user can
communicate with the application by selecting options from the menus and observe the various data
structure operations being performed. Software used in this project:-
 Development Software : TURBO C (


Duration Sept-2010 to Nov-2010
Team Member 2
Technology used PHP as front end and My Sql as backend
Aim To conduct all competitive examination online. There is limited Questions to solve in limited
period of time and result is calculated automatically after the completion of test.


Duration Jan 2010 to May 2010
Team Member 3
Technology used Based on C++
Aim The objective of our project is to explain the “structures ” using data structures. This project
aims to efficaciously tutor the intended student in the fundamental of data structures and its
working graphically..

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