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Travel Ideas
Create Some Fun with Your Travel Photos!

Are your vacation photos boring, with picture after picture of someone standing in front
of a familiar attraction? Before you go this time why not learn some fundamental or
advanced photography techniques and have a little fun. For example, doing something as
simple as changing your camera angle can result in more-dynamic pictures. For the best
results, use a camera with a large, bright LCD screen, which will make it easier to
compose your shot.

Have you thought about what kind of camera to take along? Should it be a digital camera
or on that uses film? That's a personal decision that I'm betting you've probably already
answered. Once you have chosen your equipment, make a checklist of accessories you
might need to pack in your bag. You will be rewarded later, I promise. I can't tell you how
many times a checklist has saved me. When you're a thousand miles from home you want
everything at your fingertips. No one wants to be thinking about where to buy some new
batteries or an additional memory card right in the middle of their vacation? There is no
worse feeling than running out of film or seeing that memory card full signal during a
golden photo opportunity.

Vacation photography does not have to be full of frustrated co-vacationers or missed

shots. Here are some great ideas to keep your vacation photography on the right track.
Most important, you will want to take along a small pocket notebook to jot down what is
happening each day. At times I have even taken along a small ipod or voice recordable
device to capture details about each event of the day. One thing I learned when the kids
were small was when I first arrived at an attraction or landmark I better immediately pick
out a good spot, maybe the entrance, or something with a good background to take a
photo of the kids now. Before and after pictures can be quite humorous. Our kids may be
little darlings in their matching vacation outfits for the moment but after three hours of
walking in the sun they will look more like messy little playground kids rather than our
photogenic angels. Try to make photos that are interactive whenever safely possible take
images that show your family interacting with your surroundings, or show there reactions
to something they have just seen. This will bring life to otherwise standard snapshots.

As soon as you arrive home take out your daily notes and create a new, clean, journal of
your daily events. It will help you create those important captions that help make your
vacation photos a story worth telling to friends and relatives. Please don't count on
remembering everything later, remember to jot down notes while you were on your trip.
Don’t forget to put in your notes times when you were taking multiple shots of the same
scene at different exposure settings. It is a good idea to choose the highest quality setting
that employs a low-level JPEG compression. But don’t forget to take plenty of memory
cards with you. You can always reduce the size later. I also recommend that ladies pack
their ID and other essentials from their purses in their camera bags as well. Not having
the extra strap of a purse on your shoulder is a real relief at the end of the day. Also, no
one will be putting stuff they don’t want to carry in your purse!

Travel Ideas
Finally, as soon as you get home take the time to upload or download your images or take
them to be printed. Leaving your images on your memory card or as undeveloped film
when you get home will not help you remember your trip at all. Whether you use digital
or film cameras have your images saved onto CD for your computer. We will be talking
about the many things you can do with them later in my next article. Also, if you shoot
with a digital camera a lot, consider purchasing a portable hard drive to keep all those
travel photos on, one specifically for digital photography. When you learn these few
simple techniques I’m almost certain you'll want to take lots more photos now no matter
where you go!

Joy Hooker

Coming Up Next…Learn how to add some action and music with a photo slideshow!

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