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CPNI Corporate Certification

CPNI Policv Statement

(Required to be updatedAnnually)

I, Fred Mclaughlin, Operations Coordinator, am a corporate officer of Standing Rock

Telecommunications. Pursuantto 47 U.S.C. $ 222;47 C.F.R. $64.2009of the Communications
Act, I herebystatethat I am responsiblefor companycompliancewith the FCC's CPNI rules and
have personal knowledge that Standing Rock Telecommunicationsis in compliance with the
rules. StandingRock's complianceis demonstratedin this CPNI Policy Statement.

I attestto the following:

l. Our company utilizes an employeetraining program with a supervisoryreview processto
ensurecompliancewith CPNI rules and regulations.

2. Our companymaintains recordsof compliancefor the minimum period as required by FCC

rules and regulations.

3. Our company has a supervisory approval process in place for any proposed outbound
marketing requestfor CPNL

4. Our company has a notification process in place to alert law enforcement,the FCC and
effectedcustomersin the eventof a CPNI breech.

5. Our company has a notification process in place for on-line authenticationto provide
immediate notice to customerswhen a customer initiated password or back-up for forgotten
passwords;an on-line account;or the addressofrecord is createdor changed.

6. Our companyhas a formal processin place to certify that CPNI protectionpolicies have been
instituted by our applicable vendors, service bureaus and wholesale carriers. Standing Rock
Telecommunications has no Joint Venture Partnersor IndependentContractorsat this time.

Dated7- /' l/
FifedwithFCCon 7 ' /' / /

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