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Engineering Manual MODEL 818 DIGITAL CONTROLLER EUROTHERM CONTROLS Doc. No. HA133673 Issue 3 RESTON, VIRGINIA, USA CAUTION! Before installing, operating or servicing equipment supplied by Eurotherm Controls Inc, please read the following: INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFE USE OF EUROTHERM EQUIPMENT (Note: These instructions represent good engineering principles and are applicable to all control equipment of the same type, whether from Eurotherm or any other supplier.) OVERCURRENT PROTECTION It is recommended that AC power supplies to Eurotherm instruments be protected by fuses or automatic circuit breakers rated at not more than 2 Ampéres. VOLTAGE RATINGS Care must be taken to ensure that maximum voltage ratings are not exceeded. Unless otherwise stated in the specification of any particular unit, the maximum voltage which may be applied between any two isolated circuits, or between any isolated circuit and ground, is limited to the highest rated supply voltage for that unit. ENCLOSURE OF LIVE PARTS Some metal parts of certain types of Eurotherm equipment can become electrically “tive” in some conditions of normal operation. Unless clearly intended to be panel mounted and accessible during normal operation, all units should be installed inside a suitable grounded metal enclosure to prevent live parts being accessible to human hands and metal tools. Itis recommended that rear terminal covers (available as an option on most Eurotherm units) be fitted wherever possible. WIRING It is important to connect all equipment correctly in accordance with the installation data provided for each type of unit. Unlabeled terminals must not be used as ‘tie points” for other wires (unless the installation instructions mention that this is permissible). Such unlabelled terminals may be internally connected. Any questions conceming the correct wiring of a Eurotherm unit should be directed to the nearest Eurotherm Sales and Service representative. Most connections to Eurotherm equipment require correct polarity to be maintained, and due attention must be given to ensure this. Wiring should conform to appropriate standards of good practice and local codes and regulations. Conductors should be commensurate with voltage and current ratings of the units. OUT-OF-LIMITS ALARMS In applications where excessive deviation of a controlled parameter due to equipment failure could cause damage to machinery or materials, or injury to personnel, it is recommended that an additional separate unit be used to give alarm indication or to shut down the process or both, as may be appropriate. (Note: “Alarm boards” fitted inside controllers may not give sufficient protection in these circumstances). When “alarm units" or “alarm boards” are used they should be checked for correct operation and calibration at regular intervals. (CONTINUED INSIDE BACK COVER) Contents re 1.0 42 14 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 2i0 an 212 213 Et 3.0 40 22 a 44 “5 45 a 48 49. Per) Standard Precautions Guidelines tor safe use of elacronic equipment Overcurrant Prtecion Voltage Ratings Encosure of Uve Pans Wiring Routing of Wiring Eerthing Supply Islatore ‘Supply Impedance Pant ana Personnel Protection Hazardous Atmospheres, Procedure into evant of wouble Technical Specification Inputs ups arms General Communications Logie inputs Aito-Tune Fame Programming Valve Posifoner Prony ‘Sotports ‘Switching Modes Environmental Coding with relationship to Configuration Configuration Configuration changes (General Operating Procedure) Harouare changes (General Operating Procedure) ‘To change the Display Range, Decimal Point or Sensor Type To change the Setpoint Limite Te set or change te Remote Setpoint To chango the Heat or Coo! Output To change the Valve Positoner Output To change the Alarms ‘To change a Retransmission Output ‘To change the Dial inputs ‘© Copyraht Euetha Lente 1968, 41 413 a 418 a6 47 a9 420 421 422 423 50 60 52 63 ea 70 74 72 3 7 7s 75 27 78 80 ‘To chango te Digial Communications ‘To change re Secursy To change te TrackHold faciity To change from Normal to Fast Sef Tune To change te Ramp Functon To change te Programme Funcian on a model 818/415. To change cont! of Second Setpowt ‘To change th scaling of the Prosorsonal Band ‘To change the integra! and Derivative terme To change unis ofthe Calltraton Trim ‘To change the Bandwidth of tho Measured Value Input Fier ‘To change Dual P.. tity Moemonics with constant valuos Configuration Parameters and thelr Ranges Digital Communications Communications Protocal ASCII B-Syne Communications Protocol Commuricasons Mnemonics ‘Status Worcs Calibration Calibration Procedure Caltraton of Votage, Thermocouple and Pyrometer inputs Caltraton of Cold duncson Compensation (CJC) Calbraton of Resistance Thermometer Calbraten of Remote Input Calibration af to Revansmission Output Calbration of Valve Postion Potentometar lear Contguration ‘Spares List Chapter 1.0- Standard Precautions Chapter 1.0 Standard Precautions ES When designing any control syst itis ox sontal to consider what ‘wil happen f any individual part ofthe system mallunebons. In a temporature convo! appicaton, for example, the danger is tat for some reason fo heating sysem remains permanenty swiced This could happen it 11 Thermocouple oF sensor becomes “dotached” from the systam {eit no longer measuring the actual temperature achieved 2. Thermocouple or thermocouple wiring becomes shor ores 8. Component failure within te contrer in such away as te leave the ouput switched on 4. Microprocessor or software fare in som ‘5. Faiz of valve movement or va linkage. 6. Remote setpoint to contol is faulty 7. Operaton by unauthorised personne 20, (2) Convo tn Manual wit igh output power set {@) Setpoint set oo high 8. Any lack of maintonence in sercoable pars and many other unforseen situations {leaving the heater on all the time can cause damage ether to ‘the plant Iiaelf or ta contents, then an independent protection 5000hms 0-20mA (max) at 12 vos mi, ofsets provided as sofwaro ‘options fe 4-204 Contgaraton ‘Seipant measured valve, eer, or output power excludes Use of channel 2 or as revansmiesion). 126i any r ‘Bate han 0.5% under load condone which aro within specifeaton Digital Protea Ternat PSERE or STEMS ‘protocol ANS X 3.28 (1976) 2.5 A, or Modbus ATU or ‘bus® ATU at baud rates variable frm 300, 600, 1200, $2400, $600, 4800 and 9600. Sama ee ‘Bavwoen communeatons Ink ad all ober inputs and ‘outputs meets IECS48, UL 1092 ,VDE 411 and BS4743 ‘Ranaarde at ‘Star bt- coven date bits - even panty bt- one stop bit (ANSI x 3.28 (1976) 2.544 Protoco), "Star bit it binary data Bs, oFe sop bt ( SBuSe [ATU and Mocbuse ATU). (The J-Bus and Modbus can ‘have an covenal oven pay ba). Two np Overrides, the cig communications link and holds “Roylock and ‘parameter securty abled. Logic inputs (2) (Standard on all Instruments). Pld p+ vats ret te ms bo plod dom volt wit an impedance of <10Gohms to actvete, isoiaton= Logie inputs not isolated from one another, oF measured ‘lus input, but lolaed fom al other inputs an ous 0 160348, UL1092, VDE411 and 854748 standards. 27 ———— ‘Tagger: ‘Allare love riggered except sof une and skip curent segmant which ar edge tagered. Auto-Tune ‘Sof tune (ST) and Fast Set Tune (FST)"= ‘Operation ‘A single shot approach, which exercises te ouput in an ‘rofl mode, measuring the response ofthe measured ‘ale and healing values of PID, cyte, raat cool (98h aneunder certain condéons, cutback. During the ‘outne the ouput is tured of and on force the sl tne ‘ote into a single cycle of eectaton. The fast sol une 8186-3 Chapter 2.0 - Technical Specification 28 29 Limitaton:- ‘Asaptve te wil operate on al seooints but wil automt- ‘aly be inoned for operation wis! the setpowt is ‘mowng such as a programmed ramp. Ramp Faro eis stint oh, ts bing Contoured te arama setware, ine gee te ‘Sree i poner pee doce por poston te depay co thon bob ‘Decimal Point Positon of Display T rm | oe em 4end 001 too raa00 Limitations: The ramp isnot operatve whist remote, SP2, sothune or programme are enabled. When a hgh resoltion Ramp Spec the daca! point is moved one place fo te left ‘on the above Ramp rates. Programming (81P, 818P4 and 818P15) Number of programmas:= ‘One (818P) four (816P4) or ftoon (81815) rogramme length Maximum of 16 segments in xed Fp potegs evens ene eters — "Normal rape set as rate : variable rom 1 max. Display incoment’ min or bow. ‘igh resolution ramp set as rates: variable rom 0.1 to max. ‘Dsplay neremenvmin or hour ‘Aram setings also have ‘stop’ none’, and ‘ond inser ‘Dw Settng= wre vanable fom 0.1 ¥ 998.9 mins or hours, pt O= no well and ond. Programme cy Maximum of 999, we Can be configured for whole programme eitor as deviation igh, low, er band. Variable Rom off 0. ceplay range (Operaton by toggle acton of font pushbutton er by Cconkgured dighal nput or via the ital communications link RuniMok-doita-n switch open to Ru, cle to Hold Hoke ur eigtalin swich open fe Hol, oso © un peratve throughout the programme of atte ‘estate, Enabled by pressing tho ‘up and ‘down’ butions together or by a confgred cal ret ae Spal commun. tons. Programa paramaters= Can only be changed when the programme i reset orn Tole. Elapsed tme for vols can be varied by vowing to elapsed tine wit) Holt enabled and scoling Using te 1p" and ‘down’ butons. Sispenson ‘Switching to manual ‘whist a programme is running wil ‘enable Hol. Nok wil romain set whon auto agai ‘abled The Yun button must be pressed 0 restart programme. Limiaons:- ‘Fur’ cannot be selected when Yom, manual S°2 roonsbid Powe re ‘running programme wil be poco into Holton power falre. Rove, on r-strg te power, wl be a3 folows: 2a) rang sro saat th rap at 8) Indo - sve sat ramping at previous ‘ogment ramp rate (Tine remain a Scerenont rom oinsiarg power 1 ack’ SF Win heck sot te remain et ot Stet doveren int mosssod wae an aback vate of vel ove) ©) Wo-oack st working som wi Pack measured ah mans and power ae om Oe or ot alms vs ouput 2 canbe ven fom Saamonts fe prowanme, a: even roars iin: haproranmers (81804 and 818018) may have Ba pogranmes nkad tegebar On complen ofthe caret Dogramme te rot programe sated and rn 2.10 Valve Positioner an Ovputs The output stage 1 rive te valve open is instal in ‘iter te heat of cool channel. The other channel ten tose spat sage ae he va cose ‘Tho valve positoner loop doesnot require a motor positon ‘potontometer, but fone ie fited it provides links fo the ‘valve Yavin avo and gives inccaton of valve positon. CGrauiry te accept the motor positon potentometr input, when fte. is installed n place of alarm 2 ouput, therefore ‘alarm 2 cannot dove an ouput stage. Priority ‘Moet unctons ofthe instant canbe switched tom three sources. fe ron pushbutton, configured ota Inputs ory the fal conmonieatos nk. Prot of {ese sources area tows A) Digital inputs have the highest priority untess these have boon lockod out bye apd communications ioe 1 Fron pustourans and he ital conmuntaos ik have eva pron excop whore fo font pushbutons ‘havo boon locked out by Be eel conmancabons link (©) Operation rom the cipal inputs ar level-viggered and ‘wl therefore overce te front pushbutons. The only ‘exception His i se tne’ and skip segment which fare echo triggered. 818E-3 Chapter 2.0- Technical Specification 2.12 Setpoints Inruments can operat on on ofthe flowing setpoint: ‘Sevont Lev Enebing perro P1 Fuod (cofauty sre Foe Dig input or Sgt comms Programmer Variable Fn buton gia input or ital comms Ramp Vasabe Fon burton gta input or Stal coms P | Fad oF Variable emate bute gal input dial corms (SP + nP Fad o Varese Femee buen gal input o tal coms. “The curenvalue of he aeincid setpoint is displayed agai! the legend SP inthe short sa 2.13 Switching Modes Nox Neds Tow todo Curent Modo (als Sitting) {tnvald Swictng)| 1). Vas on it eucont mode was va va Selected va fon pael Busan or Puibaions | ary means cons jesingat_ | or Beta Coes 2) Wa salt mot neg fon fhe mana mode Marval ao ‘Ase Pn Fun 3) Arable ny alin Rome 2 | Remot (2) contre for HOLD ACTIVE | Poe Po? 52 Sr 4), rab oni gia not sr st | Contoured or RUN ACTIVE re at \ | Sar Remote Notrenew "| Notvomet(1)| Run (ae) Manvel Manual sre ra a st sat Programmer wold Hol @) Remote ont Reset Roset sre | Marca Manvel st Po? Pipe sar a Lar Programmer Rn un (@ Ferew (Hoi Poset Reset | See Soauming Marwal Ment =| Sr programme Poe Poe sat ween Pun & a at | ioe’ ‘ame Remo Rorow (aio) Manuel Marval | Pie Po? | st st at ar | sat sar | Faaee Pa Nos? nose) | Aun (ato) Maral Manvel omen a” a” sr Sar | st Nest worst) | Fan (dito) Manual Maral Remote at a Spe aT NovaT NotATCD) ut) Fon fun Fomeom Romo Marva! Marval st st | sar sar J S18E-3 5 Chapter 2.0- Technical Specification 2.14 Environmental ‘Supply Vatiage = 35. 266V a0 Beate Power coneumpion= eS wane VDE 0871 specification, curve A for conducted EM! in ange 150K Hr © SOM He. Creepage:- | Clvarances conform to IEC 348, UL 1082 and VDE 411 | ‘20d BS4749 stancarés Folatve hurt: o-c0% ‘Operating tomporatr: Ose. ‘Strago tomperaures eidemree Panel sealing ‘Tho instrument fascia meets IPS4 when mounted into @ cutout ae speci Electrical safety | TEC 348 class 1 (250 Volt max), UL 1092 (3mm croopage ‘and elearanca) and VDE 411 and BSA74S standards Sisters comeceons ne Saat — ‘Screw tarmnals wih terminal cover teston an option) ‘Ambient tnporature count Typicaly 50 ppm?C of instument input span, Excluding iC on themocouple Instruments. ler op ote 0.5% of splay range (rom 1 to 30 mins) Supply voliage coaticent “0.1% of esply range over fl. . Mounsng Plugin with pane! mounting sleeve. Panel cutout 2 x 2mm + 08-0.0nm to DIN 43710. Weight= (26s) edn slave and Givos elacrical sfoy to rar teminals | B18E-3 Chapter 3.0- Coding Chapter 3.0 Coding with Relationship to Configuration Instruments ae conigurod to the customers ardr before leaving the factory. Confematon ofthe insted configuration is bythe ordeng code pritod onthe side {2ver ofthe instument. | ‘To estabish tho features that ae included in he instrument the ordering code onthe sce cover of ho insbument may be intrproted using the casing chart onthe next page. Moditcations required tothe inerument that can be identfed wit a change to the model coding, can be sccomplahod by reference to the paragraph numbers highlighted in the folowing pages of chaplr 2.0. 818E-3 1 Chapter 3.0 - Coding ‘Bavle Product (Conroe Sage Prog. seer |convoterna Poo Se = lepers Benaten ae mw ‘Sonera Pro, ($5 pogammes) [fase Conroe Tm | = — fe |S Es root mp now hn Tiitoccuansemsconnene | Recon” Outputs OubavPra[ Ova Secu scong owe 5 ‘Communicatior | ego Rtttnen s ie cnes = Motor ve Controler wee Wan acces 00 ; ‘B18E-3 ‘Chapter 3.0- Coding Input Coding ieee brent Brie Prema Fee 0 Prometr FPP Shama FPtr PremeuFPr Frome FSP Software Options yt ate Me [Trmessnoaass Tencecoomee | ammumrangee | Frais eoeeoaty Serco ns | fay | scurace) Na). ares ‘Option Digital inputs Dovtave Soe Serco ine Bie we 2 sou Sormaten See Po Sey coat ss snaho [sen Tee] en ton amp incon 818E +3 Chapter 4.0 - Configuration ‘Tho 818 contol is microprocessor based and harooro ‘most ofthe changes tothe input, ouput, alarms and ‘options are performed in sofware (configuration). Some of {hese sofware changes are also accompanied by hardware (printed aout board or switch ink) changes. Changes tthe contiguration are under the socunty of hardware switch, However, the coniguraton can 80 road wahout operabng the switch and whist te insument {Bt conteling ‘Toomer the Toad only mode’ ofthe configuration, serail down trough the long sof und to mriomoni "Sb" ‘appears onthe splay. With te ‘sok bution stil depressed ato depress the ‘dwn’ buton. Tho fst of he ‘onfigoraton maemone “CI wil appear on the wer ‘splay. To raveal the rumrial value of "CP depress ‘thor the Up or ‘down buton. ‘The seol button wil index through the configuration ‘mnemonics. Use the up’ or ‘down’ buton to reveal the ‘numerical value of any mnemonic. ‘Vales or mnemonics in tho configuration let wil me out in the same way as the long sco ‘Acomplots Est ofthe configuration mnemonic with thir fuetion is given below: MNEMONIC FUNCTION TOO OS C2 VB. PID er enof. outputs and power teodback. SS Mam sens C4 Digital inputs ADC and security dation C5 Communications 25____Contaer options Cr —— tonsa 0 aE RBIS —— 68 Programmer options in Output hardware deftion as Low tof spay range ash SPL Ph sa High mit of eaplay range Low ent of main igh Init of main sefprnt {Low ii of second setpoint Chapter 4.0 Configuration NNewontc FUNCTION Tae paramere assoc with ‘ealbraton and no atemt should be made ‘toe tom witout fret oloring t chapter 70. Motor positon potentiometer Input calration (VP ont) dears error fags and sat systom ‘These mnemonics above are not nckided in the readonly configuration scr Ret. Functions which are only avaiable wit specie versions of ‘sofware ar incicatod by the folowing kay 5 20 and below 07 a HE 4.1, Configuration Changes (General Operating Procedure) ‘To change te configuration oan insrurnnt iti eeeral thatthe fotowing procecut is folowed exactly. in any ‘doubt, contact your local Euotberm engineer 1. Safich off power tothe insrument and remove it rom tof second sero is vow Sat High litor second 2. Enable tho configuration switch as shown, ‘Ana Alarm hystrwaieALZ -— tan sent ‘Add Instrument saeross ‘CiL_—~Low callbraton of vipat 1 when analogue ( Cth High catrabon of output 1 when anaolgue C2L—_Low eabraton of output 2 when analogue ete G2h High ealbraton of output 2 when analogue C3L_——_Low eabraton of output 3 (alarm 1) when fo revansiisson o igre Tala T whee analogue rovansmisson OL Low calbraton of analogue comms ouput Oh __High calibration of analogue comme ouput Sao gar th___ High kit f retransmission ouput (Eng uns) TL ——Tew Frito remote analogue input (Eng On fh High iit of remot analogue input (ng nits) Notex ‘This operaton can be simple by using & ‘configuration key, part no. J8022111, in which case itis not necessary to move tho instrument rom ts aleve, only 0 1am the power of whi tho Key i bing Inert. ‘3. Retum the insrument tits sleeve and swich on the power. Notes In this made the instrument no longer conto, the conv ‘ouputs are disabled. a18E-3. Chapter 4.0- Configuration 42 4. The upper deplay now reads CONF’ and he lower Seplay the rat connguraton rmnemenic C1 ‘Troup’ or ‘down buttons enable te curant value t De shown and't may be adusted as required. Hote: ‘Tho valve of °01"1o C8" appear in the form of a4 charactor umber rofored to 0s "ABCD" 2) There is no "emo oUt in his mode, the parameter walromain on te cepa und! he ‘soo bution is rested aga. 1) an invalid code is entered an“ wil be displayed ‘when the scrol buton Is pressed to move w the ‘ex parameter. The same vi romain ‘on the lower capla, press fv up oF 'down button {Drouin tothe cove and ro-enor a vad code. ©) Tone dgit ofa configuration word isto be ‘changed say ©, tis essential tha he ofter tree, RB and O are rememborod as they wil have 10 be re-entored. 5, The scroF bution has an avto-ropeat facity and ‘enables other conbguraton paramators t be selected; thoy may be adjusted as above. The RUNHOLD button operains as a roverse scroll button butt does ‘ot auto-ropeat 6, any output medules or communications boards have ‘boon ced or changed then scroll the parameter nt and press the Up’ and ‘down butons together. ‘Ths is essential fo secure the now hardware arrangement in ho inetument 7. When the necessary changes have been made sori to the last parameter, “OL, and press both the Up! ‘and “down! buttons together. Note ‘This essential t secure the new configuration inthe ‘nsrumert 8. wich ofthe instrument, remove kom the sleeve and ‘open the confguraton swish. (S00 2 above). 9, Replace the inebumentin the sleeve and power up for ‘normal operation. Hardware Changes (General Operating Procedure) 1. Remove the Inseument rom its soove 2. Place the instrument face down on a fat surface 23. Release the catches of the boar retainer by inserting 2 sorowatver inthe sts ofthe square cut out on (ech sie of he instrument ‘4. Push n towards the contro ofthe instrument and wit the board tans depressed side them towards he ‘5. The edo chooks can now be removed by hnging them about the edge nearest the bezel 6. Once released the retainer canbe si ff ofthe rar of the printed creat boards by hand 7. The daughter board be removed can be withdrawn {y pug away fom te bezel who pushing the remaining daughter boards into the bez 18, The dagram below shows the locaton ofthe various ‘duput modules and tho communications boards i he instument. 1 any of thce boards are changed its ‘necessary t enor configuration as described in 4.1 ‘above, sol to “id” and push he pan own butons together, Then sero onto the mnemonic, CL, and again push the up" and ‘Sow’ bution together. Note: Ii postbl w road what boards are fted in an insrument by reacing parameter "cn" as described in 4.1 bowed elring is table, p= "ABCD" 8 & 5 A.B.C, D willbe set the number coreeponding the ‘Ubi ype fied as shown in the table bolw. Code Number Function 8. Toreassemble the unit carry out he above procedure nreveree,enaurig that fhe bight etl stp on fe ‘i chooks fs posttoned athe botom ofthe insbument Note: - ‘Tha retainer is handed. When raassombing the insrument ‘neue thatthe connocor on fe retainer age withthe ‘Bakas on the boards, SI18E-3 Chapter 4.0 - Configuration 43 To Change the Display range, Decimal point or Sensor type Hardware No changes are requ‘ed wihin the lnstrument whan changing the display range, decimal point or sansor ype Ihe play units are to be changed, he labo inthe top righthand corner ofthe bezel should be changed. (Sip of espay unit labos. PartNo. GACZIE35 ) Insbuments wit mil-amps, pyemater or valages sgroator that SOnV into the main input, terminals 25 and 2s, are fted wih an exta block mounted onto the reat of the elowve. ‘The par numbers ofthese blocks ae given below Input into roar terminals Par no. of Block 0-5 vols oF 1-5 vols ‘La021419U008 2-10 vols or 2:10 vets Laoate19u005 (0.20 mA or £20 mA aoa 1419003 ‘Optical Pyromeyer C008 or Qoos | LAdZi¢18t008 pica Pyrometer VOL OT, DIVO, FPrGPt0, FPIGPIt FPIGP 12, FP/GP20, FPIGP2A Lao2r4 94005 [All ober pyrometr, thermocouple, resistance thermometer Corlingar inputs have the Input wired decd whe sleeve terminals Note: For the above changes itis NOT necessary to scrof ‘rough the configuration Isto “ida” and enter Bus change Software ‘Sensor Type. 1. Cary out the procecure in paragraph 41, changing mnemonic, C'", charactor ©" and a8 given he table below, cr (C&D) op) = 04 on = ot Jon. (02) 2 ek (03) DoT (04) 2 oR (0s) 05s (0s) D8 (03) 2 o7 wow26enc (03) = 08 waw2senc a loe (2) = 30 Proworns fe) five a) 212 Reowonn (5) 18 Platina 11 (22) 14 WIW26%Ro (29) “35: NING 18% Moly (33) 216 wawasuen (25) 247 wanw2ss0c (32) 248 Nit (as) 1 (© & Dycontinued) = "22 Gos 7] = 23 a007 (58 So 2 ATI00 (7) 26 Linear amv [Roa 28 Linear 50 mV 27 Unoarto 200 29 Unear to amVizoKote) 2) ie) (St a] | a {33} ‘30 | | t 50 Ferae 20 ‘es I fe Fora {es Number in brackets are Eurotherm input code. Not if pyrometer inputs are configured, ensure that afer leaving config, the emis (ES in ong sero isis set 0 1100 ora ule va, Note: For ranges using a thermocouple asa sensor he cold {junction compensation must be selected by eeting "of mnemonic C1" as flows, 1 22 : Trim GV) [eit Gie pv Steer eng ORY 5S Emomal OFC PV Ofet (Eng Unis) 6 Emomal 45°C PV Oftt (Eng Unis) 7 Extomal 50°C _PV Offs (Eng Unis) For al non thermocouple inputs any value of A" may bo sot Only CAL TRIM is sot by ts charactor, Ranges using ther thermocouples, resistance thermometers or pyrometers, as sensors must have the display unis set by mnemonic C1" character’ as follow * $ and i in secs Band in secs Sand in secs and ei mins and ei mins Sand td in mine Rada4d Note: For al other inputs the seting of has no sigrifcance ‘excapt for sating the integral and decvaive times. Setiwar Key | (= 205 and below | | 5 2oranaabove SS Sit ans above | TEE 411 and above 818E-3 Chapter 4.0 - Configuration os ‘Decimal Point Positon. A 0 XOX al Ty sooxx Jor LT \Linaar or = 2 XK | square 23 OK [Root Display Range. | Again se the pocede given in paragraph 4.1 ange he maemonc WSL: Saplay ower bit $3 | and doh, splay higher ii. The values of ese ‘mnemanics aro in display units. The maximum and tminimom span ofthe display range is shown in tho | fable botw= |. Recommended 81 Fekonst(O1N}L 0¢ w 6006 NiCeNIAK 250 w 12000 cuconT “2500 te 4006 PEi% RIVER ‘OC w 16006 PLIOMANPES 0¢ wieo0e PrOO% RIVPIEN RB 0¢ w 1800¢ Ww 25% Ro (00 w 23006 Wm RoW 20% (C w 23006 Ni Cron E (C7800 Peto RvPuox Rh | 2000 w 18000 W59 RalW 26% le C (06 w 23006 Pao% ANPUDK Ah (90 w 20006 Plano! 11 (00 w 12000 WIW 25% Re Cw 22006 NINIT6% Motyodenum | OC w 11006 Wa% RerW 29% Re D (00 w 24006 Wins 5% WIRD 26% ‘00 w 20006 NieroeivNist 00 w 13000 rT00 ohm at 06 2006 te 8500 yom (2004) Land) | "800 to 15500 Pyrometr (2009 ‘700C w 14000 Pyrorwtor AO 25 | 100 8000. Pyrometer VDT 10006 w 25000 Pyrometer OT 12000 t 28000 Pyronetor OTI10 $5006 t 30000 Pyrometer RO 23 ‘8006 t 17000 Pyromstor FRIGP 10 '500C to 9000 Pyrometer FPIGP 11 | _700C w 13006 Pyrometer FPIGP 12 | 10000 w 18500 PyromatorP/GP 20 *4000 to 7500 Pyrometer FPIGP 21 | 500C w 11000 near “8000 9 19008 Se, 00t ‘sooo te teo08 | * Noo:For Linear and square root inputs sensiviy must at bo less than SaVCigt. Rater also to ‘Secon 420 “Calbraton Tem ‘Seeton 412 Security, Secton 417. Second Setpoint Seeton 44 Setpont Limit 4.4 To Change the Setpoint Limits Hardware ‘There are no hardware changes associated with the setpoint ens. Software ‘SPL | Cary out the procedure in paragraph 4.1. 'SPh | The lini of tbe working setpoint are set by ‘SPL, lower iit and‘SPh, higher iit. The working ‘etpont eth curent sabpint which can be einer ‘SPI, SP2, remote sapoint or programme ‘setpoint. Tho its apply to all heve setpoint. ‘The vals of those mis ae in ceplay une. "SP!" can be set any value higher or equal to “SAL and ‘SPh canbe set any aloe lower & aul to 28h ‘sat, | The tits of sespoint 2, (SP2) which on contsin ‘Sah | coniguratons becomes LSP ar sat by the mne- ‘ones S21" ang'S2v. Tho values of te its ‘on dsply units ‘Those fis can be sett any value within the complete range of he insoument Lo. - 9000 10 | 19099, torso to Section 45. Remote Inputs Section 4.12 Securty Section 4.17 Second Setpoint To Set or Change the Remote Setpoint Hardware ‘A romoto input isan analogue signal brought into the rear terminal va a de. input boars ‘Tis can ether be part ofan analogue communica one board fied io the communications sft on tho insrument or va. « remote input board fied into ‘ouput (alarm 2) postion. Insta one ofthe above ‘tons and cbcervo paragraph 8 of section 42. Cas must be set on these boards to he rango of the inpute eer a 10 volt ora 1 vot span. The t vot pan fe uted for current input. 2 50 ohm resistor being fed across the rear trminals, These inks are shown bolow REMOTE INPUT BOARD ‘Sect ink 1 fora maximum span oft vot 818E-3 Chapter 4.0- Configuration fo ‘Sect nk 2 fora maximum span of 10 vats ANALOGUE COMMUNICATIONS BOARD Max 10V input Select xB sand KA for High Vesage rot Span of 10 volts ig between 5. and 100 vot) Max range of 10 volts Input lying between 5.0 to 10.0 vols (Remote Setpoint) Max 1V input ‘Select LKA, ‘and LKB for High Voltage Ingut (raxur span of 10 vats ing Demwoon 5.0 angst BEE Bhar OR Max range of 1.0 volts Input fying between -0.5 to +1.0 volts “The ofr hardware change that may have 1 bo ‘mada isthe inclusion of the 50 ob resistor t2aose the rear terminals ite ramet inputs @ 20mA coment signal ‘The par numba of this resistor assembly is ‘With aston terminals ‘AHo21678U002 Sofware Using the procedure in paragraph 4.1 (CXC) | Soro to mnemonic 63" character ‘Cand sot {Wada remote input board is plugged ito alarm 2 positon. (6710) | Scol to mnemonic C7 charactor‘ and set oT i an analogue communications board is lugged | int the commanicatons board poston (65(8) | Soro to mnemonic ‘C5 character B and sat the [ype of remote setpoint reid as shown nthe tabte below: tg non ot etn * = 0 No Remote 'SP2 avaiable [5 Remomstocal SP $P2 Notavalable (SPyFrenvRean) = 2 Remotostocal SP —SP2 Notavaable (LS°yRoar Oni) = 3 Remow only fonttoar) SZ availabe 14 Remote ony (rear only) SP2 avaiable 5 Output power imi ‘5P2 avaliable (hoanirear oni) = 8 Output power tit ‘Pe avallabie (coolyRear Only) Note: - ‘Soting 21 of 7 gves a working sotpint ofthe remote ‘gnal pls the local setpoint LSP Setting 9 oF gives a working Sotpit ofthe remote signal ony. A'S oF 6 set utes the romoto signal set the ouput Powerit ethr into heat or cool channel “vw mmo“ and cart rae ogres Tha pene rede be arn oo ae ek | Dalat roca the cabo pote Garces ee conan stoter orate ‘efeitos lt rs npaegagh 3° orange ous Sup 10D ee Se remot npr board an 0% 100% orb ‘Sbpe communion bord Note Wt standard 20% offsets 0.15 volts, 2-10 vot, 4:20mA oF 2:10mA are set using the procedure in () above, no ‘Setacton ofan open crt input (zero miliaris or vols) is provided. [sewer | | 205 and below 5 2or and above (Remote Setpoint) T1511 ad ave | FEED iene B18E-3 5 ‘Chapter 4.0- Configuration | tepen eruit detection ofthe remote input circuits requred set mnemonic C5" charactor ‘D toa (¢5(0) | The memoric icl'in (i above should then be calraned with zero input. For al ther values of ‘input set C5(0) to ze. Note W.€5(O) ie set to and tho input falls bolow 12% of ‘maximum the ouput power wil automaticaly be switched {5 tho senior break valu (Str) unt the input runs to a value > 12% of maemum, | Setmeamonie and he eas its ‘at. | Brdsplay unis, corespencing tothe range in Mik extemal signal. TL is te display valve when the | iput sats calibrated low. "ni isthe deplay | valve when the input is atts caltrated high ‘Note: “Tim values are obtained by seting ait a small regaive number and nt a smal posiive number. 11.5 (8) is sot oa? or 2" thon ‘S2L and ‘S2H" ‘sat_| have t be sett Be mis of th range ofthe local S2h | setptt (LSP), ‘SOL iste lower value and 2h" |e the higher vate, Note: ‘local tim ean bo tt by seting ‘S2L'to a small negative umber and 'S2h" to a small postive number. Fer ao to Section 6.12 Security ‘Section 4.10 Digital Inputs Section 419 Track Hols Psion of links for Curent Output Relay Output Board pavarnress — a a 3 ei a poo sate nen (nh niin scene ener 4.6 To Change the Heat or Coo! Output D ATOR EST a Hardware o ‘hahaa chane)and col Chana 2) evput meds Ie sad on te powe supply ed pions bors a respecte. The rode gion paogreoh 42 should che S ‘be followed if eithor or both of these require changing. Tr S Mange co chal may sso etl tng an optone bOOF omits not aedy ales om. Eira part umber fe ouput moles ans Suber newark (100 ofme ress in sr wih 0.0224F plone bau can be ond chap 8 ‘pacte) sors may dove crac ay Linke ae ed on i fe put mes, Nowe tag versions sna nse mst bo comecty sat Forth valve posisoner version of fe inezument on of Sot sling tam no the marument a shown {re au motes, ceuly chanel ined open he ow ‘ave and chara 2 dose he val (ena te oer vied) D.C. (Output) Board ant 7 ‘Software — EL ‘Cary out he procaine in paragrach 4.1 and srl to qf fe ‘momen CF sting caracers RBC and fel bau oun» ometetomectoen 1 (caste ror sve} a F = 1 Capit? eqns Oval * co | O S a 7 Gaur an sop L a - oto ls footage Cup * Nt aaa on ave poser vrsons 6 818E-3 Chapter 4.0 - Configuration Note:- Sering 0'or 2" ensures that ouput 1s érven by the heat ‘anal and output 2 ie driven by the cool signal. Selocing a ‘Toray ensures that both ouput 1 and ouput 2 0 civen withthe heat signal and te coo signals not ured 6218) = 0. No power foodback, reverse acting 1 Power foodback, reverse acing = 2 No power feedback, direct acting 3: Power feedback, drect actng Note: Seting 20 oF givos roverse acing whilst 2 or ‘es dct acting as shown in the chagram. Explanation of NormaVinverted and Direct/Reverse a aes te [oF a & oa Now Sating a0’ a2" wil gve Power toodback on output 1, the heat output Powo feedback isnot operative for vaio potisoneeingbuments and de outputs. 62{C) = © Output t-norm ouput 2normal(P:.0.) Output 1 raise, output 2-lower (VP) (Output 1- normal, output 2inveriad(P.0) ‘Output 1 aise, output 2 tower (VP) ‘Output 5 inverted, ouput 2-narmal(P 1.0.) ‘Output 1-lower, ‘ouput 2- raise (VP) ‘Output 1 invert output averted (P .0.) =2 -3 7 OSes oeeeee 2 Ves oveutt-twer, Sopazrmes | —------» asymotic valve iVP)} This charactor sots the normal o inverted output as shown, in the diagram above, On the valve potion versions of sofware so the raise and lower ouputs. 210) = © PrOneat 0.oat It Pio peat FiO col (LINEAR) 22 Pioheat ID coal (NONLINEAR) 3 PiO heat ONOFF coo! 24 ONOFF hoa — ONOFF cool 25 ONOFFhea — noceot ES tae mre 27 caren "Sef ag an Ce Be Eacaey | —— ee Note: (Character sets each output channel to ether give On’ (Of o¢ PID contol. The (NON-LINEAR) PID cool should be used on water cooling systems where the water is Kkly to be lashed off stam, For al othor cocing syste ‘he LINEAR version should bo used. 47 Note: - Seting a6’ ot'7 on anon valve postion version of he inatnent wil cause the mor Seplay ‘C2E pon: CAL, [Scot an he memoria CAL: CA C2 Gan (a can’ wc ae Und fort cstraton of cal, locus. ca Now: Fr output 2 (coo) use parameter in racks Serolts ‘C1L'(C2L) and st the valve to represent te ‘mioimum output as folows:= (0% for OmA oF 0 Volts 20% for de oF 2 Vos oe ‘Sel to ‘Cth (C2) and st the valve to represent he ‘maximum ouput as folows:- 150% for TOMA o 5 Vols 100% for 20mA or 10 Vols ete. ‘Tho acta! % output used can be adjusted about these nomial valine to give a more accurate sting, by monitor. ing he ouput wit a D.V.M.and adjusting the valve ro: ‘ured with the and own’ buts, Note: Wits non-de. output stages fined the value set in these mnemonics i ignored by the instrument. Feral to Section 47. Valve postioner Section 49 Retransmission To Change the Valve Position Output Hardware “Two versions of valve poslioner conta exs. One usas «a potondometer driven by the valve motor tindcat valve positon and sop the deve to the motor before the motor ‘ic swiches operate, The ther does not use the {oodback powntomotr a all “Tne version without the positon potontometar uses the ‘samo hardware as tho PLD. version ofthe contol. ‘Won using he positon potentoreter a dierent version ‘ofthe options board must be fted. This pig into the ‘pions positon onthe mother board and has sie for ony ‘tro modules; one output and one alam alarm 1). The ‘comect ouput modules must Ben be plugged into te ‘Utpu sits. A change of option board eventhough the ‘uput and alarm mocules are the same necessitates perionning the reutne outined in paragraph 42: namely. ‘Slt an and press the up and ‘down’ buttons. Then terol 6 “CL and again pross the up" and ‘down’ buts Now Eurotherm part rumbors forthe options boards and output ‘modules can be found in chaptr 8. 818E-3 Chapter 4.0- Configuration Sofware Using te procedure in paragraph 4.1 scroll to mnemonic "2 and eat charctor ‘Dt ether 8’ FT, depending Upon the type of loop required, soe table below = 60) = 0 PID heat no cool 24 Pid heat ID ooo! (LINEAR) = 2 Pid heat PID cool (NON-LINEAR) PID heat ONOFF cool ON/OFF heat ONOFF enol ONOFF heat no cool ‘Valve positoner £7. Vato positon PID heat Hote: - ‘Values of and 7 for C2 (D) are only possible on a base valve positoner metument, se third eld of te erring ‘ode Section 3. Foor alto to = Section 46and 4.7 outputs 4.8 To Change the Alarms Hardware ‘The alarm output modules are stated onthe opsons board. The PID and valve positoner witout feedback potentiometer versions have posions fortwo alarm mod- ‘les whereas te valve positoner withthe feedback poten- ‘iometor can only have one alarm output board Iti possible to configure an alarm without an output ‘module as 8s0f alarm which wil only indicat the alarm ‘on the front spay or be itrrogatad via the digital com- ‘muncations ink. A de rvansmission module may be Inetaled into output 3 (alarm 1) positon #reransmission is recur. (ooo section 43). "A de remote input module may be instal ito output 4 (alarm 2) postion for a rea Input eignal. In all casas carry out te procedure outined Inecten 42 before extng afr a change ALARM - RELAY OUTPUT: Fitthe linkin the required postion onthe relay module: OTST E Ss os ‘Snubber network (100 ohm resistor in soros wit 0.0224 apactor) seross normally closed contacts of relay. Flay - De-energied in Alarm Note For relay energised in alarm tthe ink inthe NO positon 400 05 F RETRANSMISSION (ALARM 1):~ Fit the links in the required poston inthe D.C. Output (Retransmission) Board q a = “FE (on J oS Poston of is for votage ouput REMOTE INPUT (ALARM 2):- Fit the linkin the required postion in the D.C, (Remote Input) Board Psion of ink fora maximum span of 1 vol (used for cament input) Psion of ink fora maximum span of 10 vols. B818E-3 (Chapter 4.0 - Configuration Software Cary out he procedure cutined in paragrach 4.1 scroting tomnemonic CS and seting charecirs Band C whe ‘value indicat in tho table low. Character B daines ‘alarm 1 and character C dofines alam 2. 63 (B0rC) = 0 No-larm (otansmission possible on channol 3 oF Femot inout possitie on channel 4. + Dr (ovaton High) 2. DL (Deviaton Low) 3 0B (Dewaton Band) 4 FSH (Ful Seal High) 5 FSL(Ful Seale Low) 6 Digital ouput Programme Reet Sao, 7 —Bigtal 0 on 10. er tm cnc wnt nse Note = ‘Soting a6 gives eves to he alarm relays ftom segments ofthe pregame, Set also character'D'of C3 as shown inthe flowing ‘able arm Rey Sates exo) De = 0 At and A2 do-energjsod in alam. 21. At do-enorgeed AZ energised in alarm. = 21 energised A2 de-energsed in lar. 3 Ai and A2 energised in alarm ‘Notes U0" of ie sat or C3 (B 0) ten the value given in C30 i Ignored by the controler. ‘AhY | Sot maamonies ‘Ant and An to the hystreis of ‘Anz | alarm and alarm 2respactvely These tmnemonios have a range of 0.1 2 10% of tho splay range, Fler also: Section 49° Revansmission Section 45 Remote input Section 4.12 Seautty To Change a Retransmission Output Hardware ‘One retransmission output only may be obtained tom the inseument. Ths ouput is avalable fom eer - ‘Output 2 (Cool) for Output (Alarm 1) ‘or The analogue communication boar. 1) Focraransmission signals rom output2 or 3, fade. revansmission output module ino the relvant ste Note. orothorm part numbers of the ouput modes are given in chapter 8.0 ‘Sotho links on his board to give the ype of output required ie, cument or vohage, as dagram below. D.C. OUTPUT (RETRANSMISSION) BOARD pb oS Psion of inks for voage ouput {tthe ansiogue commuricatons board (Part No, SUS- ‘SPARE ANALG-COMM BOARD) let be used for retransmission tis must be plugged into the ‘communication board positon. Set he inks on this board to give the output required tether coment or voRage as shown. ANALOGUE COMMUNICATIONS BOARD Votuge Output (Gotrnemiasion) B18E +3 Chapter 4.0 - Configuration Link positon for cuent output Current Ouput (Botransmission) i CCamy out the procedure in chaptor 42. inform the insrument of he change, Software CCany out the procedure in chapter &jinsering the follow- ing momen cayay |!" 2 1 (coo) isto bo used or rranmission the A) | mnemonic ‘C2 charactor ’A’ must be sett other a C2) or a:2" and C2{0) must be set to ethora 0 ora ‘5-as shown inthe table below. 621A) = 0 ouput 1 and output 2 separate C2L | Calbraton of retransmission cups is achioved (Cah | with ‘C2t "and Cah for ouput 2 (ooo) and “CSL! {nd C3h fr output 3 (alarm 1). C3L_ | The rango of hoce scars ls 6-100%. ‘C3h | 100% for voltage outputs = 10 vot 100% for curent ousputs = 20 mA, rol. | For calbraton of rovansmission trom the analogue toh | communications board use To and rah. The ‘ange of these scalrs are 0-100% on eurent and “50% to +100% on voliage.. 100% for voltage = 10 vos 100% for cumont = 200. Note: In all cases the scalrssutfxed with: sot the lower end ot ‘he range whereas those eulfxed with hy’ eat be higher one On instruments fad with software vortion below 18.11 the ful range of te roranemisson curent or ‘yltage wil represent ethor {he fl span range ofthe setpoint, of {he fll span range ofthe Inear measured valve, or ‘tho fill span range of measured value fer erro (0.100% power (on beat ony instumen), © 100% to + 100% power (on eatlood! instruments) TL | On instruments food with sofware versions 917 rth | snd above the range of setpoint, measured value land emor can be limita bythe mnemonics and ‘nh. Set toa value which roprosants te min {cowate oor eer) trum evarsmason geal end eta woe = + Sopa? sq un © ‘then eprsers fe asrnon revnsnsion oat are a Sora =F Sip cpt pa 3. Supa exale ouput 1 eg —eae t ‘Set mnomonic'C5* character ‘C’ as in the table below:- Lo tains Prien) | ANALOGUE RETHANSMESION Not available on VP versions C20) = © neat ——nocoat 3 Pheet Piece CUNEary = 2 Pore eas (HORLNEAR) = 3 Phe Queer een! Tt OMOEF neat ONOFF cx 5 SNorrrest — focoa 2b Ste peetener 7 Vane poset wit poston a ree ace —-- ene cage)" 8 1 is tobe used for eransmision thon ‘mnemnonk'C3' character‘ mutt be eet to © ln aso anno bus be ed a eruurtoaoy copa ter eperse oF $F chance 8 met atte wns pee trston st we he comet copa essen erate tobe [ANALOGUE COMMS RETRANSMISSION TYPE, e7(0) = 0 Curent 1 Vohage COMMUNICATIONS HARDWARE. E70) = 0 Digital 21 pnabgee setpoint PV ‘ouput power invented sopoint invened PV inverted error ‘invented output power Foor ao t Section 4 and 4.7 Outputs Seaton 48 ‘Aare 10 Chapter 4.0- Configuration 4.10 To Change the Digital inputs Hardware No hardware changes are required © change or implement this tuncton. Software Cay out the procacure given in section 4.1 changing the mnemones C4" characters K, "Cand D'as shown nthe {able below: ‘Supply Frequency and Digtal Input 2 CAA) = 0 80 2H2 and 60 £0.3Hz 1 eos zz BER mem ESOT] 23 60x 2he and dig n2 = PID 2/ PIO [2 4. S022 andl in 2 = Prog no. monitor’ | Les cosazandegin2 «Progra. mona! | —---------™ For GAIA) «2, 3,4 0 itis necossary to set C4(C) Dita input 2 exe) none utormanual remote analogue input enabo sere Fam function ‘nol (programmer 818P/4/15 only) holdrun (programmer 816P/4/15 ony) second setpoint ‘kip Current Segment (programmer sions ay — “5 “again ‘Seal input 2- down key (C4(C) ignores) 7 parameter modieabon = 8 Shop Curent Segmentsiprogrammer 818P/ ‘415 ony), = 8 Second Setpoint Note In versions provious to 4.11, C4(0)« has the function reset ony. Rotor also t:- ‘Section 417 Second Setpoint ‘Section 45. Remove Input Seeton 412 Socurty ‘Section 414 Normal and Fast self tune ‘Secion 415 Ramp Section 416 Programming 4.11 To Change the Digital Communications Hardware amy out the provedie asin section 4.21 instal he ‘data communications board Eurthorm part no. SUB- ‘SPARE-OIGCOMM-BOARD. This is plugged ito the ‘communications board poston on the methor board. “The Ink onthe back ofthe sgt communications bard shouldbe soto the communications standard, ‘RG282 or RSAZZIEBS as own in tho cagram below:- DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS BOARD Unk positon for RS 282 communications Unk posion for AS 4221485 communications S18E-3 " Chapter 4.0 - Configuration Software Cary out the procedure in secon 4.1 1 amend the flow. ing mnemonic = ‘Set mnemonic ‘C7 character 0’ to zero as shown in he ‘able below: COMMUNICATIONS HARDWARE G7) = 0 digital 1 analogue. ‘Set mnemonic C5" charactor ‘Ato select the baud rat of ‘he communications as thown in the tbe baow= DIGITAL COMMS SPEED C5(A) = 0.9600 Baus = 1 4800 Baud 2 3600 Baus 3 2400 Baus 4 1200 Baud 5 600 Baud 6 S00 Baus ‘ote: A soting of (200 Baud) isnot porissble for ‘S-bue of Modu ‘Set mnemonic ‘Ads to the required adeross for tho ‘Add | partcular instrument. The valve ofthe adoross can be varied or 0.0 9 99. ‘Sat th below moomole ‘C8 character 0" at shown in thelist ‘CONMUNICATION TYPE ex) oi BS 4.12 To Change the Security Hardware (One fature ofthe socuty, making certain valve in the commissioning lat red ony, car ba enabled by a eich ‘onthe rea ofthe microprocessor boars, 200 agram below. Atemanvy enabled by a igi input or via ctl oor, Software ‘Cary out he procedure in section 4.1 to amend the flow ing rmramnonics Salo the commissioning valos that are require tobe road only by seting mnemonic 4 character in tho fable botow PARAMETER MODIFICATION SECURITY CyB) = 0 nomodiicaton of any parameters possibie Inodication of SPY, SP2 only ‘modiicaion of SP1/SP2ALIAL2 only arametors ‘modticaton of SP1.SP2, ALLALZ and programmer or ramp rat parameters ‘= 5 allparameters may’be modiied ‘Sot mnemonicA’ charactor “O° the valve given inthe {able below. This selects igtal input 1 switch eter the ‘Yeylock or the ‘paramoter mocicaton securty featur, Seer in) above. DIGITAL INPUTY C0) = 0 none ‘utomanval ‘emote analogue input enable adapbve tune edocs Florveset (programmer 818P/4/15 ony otal input 1- up key dail input 2- down key (Cust bo sotto 0 if Bis option selects) 7 8 tip Cunt Segment ° = 8 Second Setpoint * Sofware provious to 4.11 funtion is only rst. ‘The automanual switching facity can be dzabied by ‘seting the mnemonic C8 character ‘8 shown below. ‘AUTO MANUAL. SELECTION REMOTE ANALOGUE INPUT AND SECOND SETPOINT 65(8) = 0 Noremow ‘SP2 avatable = 1) rama + lca! setpoint SP2 not aval (SP) cémnveae) 2 remot «local setpoint SP2 not aval (CSP Licear ant = 3 remot oniy(Eronufaad $P2 avaiable = 4 remom onl 3P2 avaiable = 5 ouput power init Heat) SP2 avaiable (roar oni) = 6 ouput power mit (Coal) SP2 avaiable (roar ony), “The auto tne faites can be disabled trom the front push boutons by seting the mnemonic ‘C7 eharacter'S as ‘Bown below. R Chapter 4.0 - Configuration 4 Sear a font and rear Nomal |= 6 FastSttontandrear | no on ere | increments = 7 font and rar we fest maconky | oot = @ FantSeand Atmacanl | channat “The tunel bution t operate the ramp facity can be . ieee | aos et ae Snes :: et |= eat 14 818E-3 Chapter 4.0 - Configuration 4.19To Change the Integral and Derivative Terms Hardware No hardware changes ae necessary to modiy tis fear, Software ‘Cary out the procedure in secon 4.11 amend the ftow- ing mnomencs ‘Sotthe mnemonics ‘0 charactor’ as shown bolow- CHB) = 0 “CH and in soce 1 PS and ein sock 2K dandelin secs 3 Tov and win mine @ “Pi andtdin mine 5K Sandidin mins ‘Sat the mnemonic’ charactor‘ as shown below: 2A) = 0 ouput t andouput "Derivative civen 2 soporaio | by enor signal 1) ouput 2 takes same | Pomanlope | ‘ [= 2 Settee pare 6] = Soperat by process = 3 ouputzequale | variable eupet 4.20 To Change Units of Calibration Trim Hardware No haroware changes are necessary to moths featre Sofware Cary out the procedure in secon 4.1 to amend the flow ing memories: ‘Sethe mnemonic C1" character‘ as shown below way ° 1 2 3 4.21 To Change Bandwidth of the Measured Value Input Filter Hardware No hardware changes are necessary to moc this fate Software ‘Cary out the procedure in section 4.1 to amend the fllow- ing mromenics: ‘Set mnemonie ‘C4 character’k as shown bolow:- ‘Supply Frequoncy and Digital Input 2 eMay 30's iz and 600. eos one 50 2H2 and dg in 2= PID 2/710 1 {60 2Hz and din 2 = PID 2/PID 1 50 2iz and ig in 2 = Prog no, monitor! step = 8 602 2H and digin2 «Prog no. mont! ‘9p For CAA) «2,3, dor S itis nacossary to set C4(C) 4.22 To Change Dual PID Facility “Tie fait, whon configured, gives a second st of ‘commissioning paramore. (P2, 82,152, t2, C2 and ‘AP? as applicable). Hardware ‘No hardware changes are necessary to modi this oat, Sofware Noto this fact is only avaliable in inruments fitted with {otware 21 and above and i protocid by a secur ‘ode, Use the configuration prosedure ouined in chaptor ‘£7 to change the folowing mromorics and select dual ‘commissionng parameters. Set the mnemonic “C3 character’ as shown below: Proportional Band 3A) =O prop band ‘Single set of percent commisonng = 1 propband paramotors fn islay its =F prop band Boa ear In percant commissioing = 2 propband parametors In say its Normaly the second st of comisionimg parameters is solocted simultaneously when selecting second setpoint This ie achieved ether via gal communications, or by configuring dgta inputs “The active setpoint may be selecod by cit A, bit 13 of bo ‘Stas Word (SW). (0 chapter 5.0) “The active setpoint may sao be selactd wit a digital input by coniguing Ca (Ca(0) = 910 select second setpoint wih Dig int or (04 (0) = 7 select second setpoit wih Dig in 2 (600 210) ‘Sofware Key | 5 205 and below | 5 207 and above Sy atandatove CEEI 4.11 and above 818E-3 15 Chapter 4.0 - Contiguration In adtion to this above sratogy instruments wit sofware version 411 of lator may bo conigured to switch setpoint tnd commissioning parametors ncependenty. This wil ‘tow, for example, he second commissioning parameter {eto be solectod while a programme is running. ‘Again the tality may be activated either via gal ‘communications, or by configuring ig! inputs. ‘Via igtal communications, seting digit , it 4, ofthe Extonsion Statue Word (XS), enables setponts and ‘commissionag parameters to be ndependenty selected ‘The actvo setpoint may be selected by digi A Bt 13 ofthe Stans Word (SW). ‘The active commissioning parameter sot may be selected by dig. bt of tho Exaunsion Status Word (XS). (Gee chapter 5.0) ‘As bolore the active setpoint may also be selected with 2 Digital input by eonigurng C4 (C4(0) = 9 select second setpoint with Dig in 1 or CA(C) = 7 select seeand setpoint with Dig in 2 (00 410), “To selec the active sat of commissioning parameters with 2 Dial input, configure C4(C) = 9 (Refer o Digit A), 4, Digi Ai thon configured 1 dain the function of Digital imeut 2, ‘Supply Frequency and Digital Input 2 CAA) = 0602 2Hz end 60 20.942 1 60x aH 2 80% 2Hz anddgin2~ PID2/ PID 3 602 2H2 anddgin2=PID2/PID1 & S02 22 and dg in2 = Prog no. monitor ep = 5 60 2H2 and dig in 2= Prog ne, mentor! tp For CAA) = 2, 3,4 or Sitis necessary to set C4(C) = 9, olor sso 1: Section 4.10 4.23 Mnemonics with Constant Value: “The following mnemonics are abways sett the same valve ‘as shown below. GTA) Mnemonic C7 character ‘Ais aways set o 0 [GA(A} [8185]. Mnemonic" character ’A'in 8818S conor i aways tf 0’ 16 818E-3 (Chapter 5.0 - Configuration Parameters Chapter 5.0 Configuration Parameters and their Ranges 5.0 CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS AND THEIR RANGES C1 INPUTS AND UNITS (C1) = ‘ABCD’ c2 PID AND OUTPUTS (C2) = ‘ABCD’ = 0 inal xe Df Siemaoe | cate cae. 22 female | Nave Po 25 great soe tral Semmes | cALTRM ¢ Steraiae | NENGUNTS. 3 Seomasoe | @ = 0S tenstsin sees {SP anatain eect 2 danatain secs vars 3S danawinmns Dt SF saneisinmns TS Fe sinetinmne = 0 9 o Zot Som (2) toe & () loa ft (os oR (25) oS ‘e9 oe 8 9 oF Wwasenc (00) 8 WawaseNG (1) Io ua to Prowrns 3) PUT noe WE 12 Rawont fas) 21 Pier Ge) Tot wwaenhe — 11S Ninoy f= ie waweseh G5) 17 Wawa | f=) 218 (Gone ‘on lo» priieeo ie | 2B Gos {gh 2 [oes (en | Roas = 2 [Romeks2s 60 | Soe (aa) 2s Rrvco 0) 29 beerto Brv(20% often DS Inari soma own 1 St Inman soma ote 2 2 suger ~ 55 Squaeroot 20% ofeeg (82) 35 NBL co [2 36 fapi fe > oR been a 36 Foari2 ft) Form i) do eae Eurotherm input code (0X) ‘Sofware Key (= 205 and below 5 2or and atovw S811 and above CEE] 4.11 and above B18E +3 Chapter 5.0 - Configuration Parameters c3 ALARM DEFINITION (C3) = ‘ABCD’ Propariana Band ab prop and in prcont _popbena i ese te ‘pop bene prc pop ben nly nis rave ste; PID, Man, Reset, Rl Cal Gln an ‘Sige stot orvmasiring vies ‘conmanonng valine co soroneh ‘am ® 0 slur 1keranaizson posi on ouput) ‘Deltcowason gh) seater ow 8 (ovation band SH (lacie aM) FL (hl eae ow) (pal utp (pours segment ve) (tal ouput conta wa cos) arn? o ska 2 root ip posse on chan! 4) ‘etcousaon igh Di taanason ow) 1 (cova band) FH (seal gh) FSU (laste ow. {ial ovo (pagar sagen rie) (pal apa (coal va comms) c4 | DIGITAL INPUT ADC & SECURITY DEFINITION (C4) = ‘ABCD’ ‘upp Frequency and Ogi nt 2 wo "daar ocr woppy & te OE empty (ela) Gore oe woe + Sots at anddigin2= PD 2/PO 1 > ete wate aneagn2=PID2/ PD Ett“ and i m2 = prop no. ontop ts v.2ta and ign 2 prop. ormoN + Dgt(c) muse st Parameter Modtcaion Sec eo ‘no modieaton any parerataris poste Irciaton of SPs, SP2 on ‘escaton ol SP", SP2, At AL on frovscaton ot SP1,SP2, an pograrmer or ramp rie pares oafentn ot SP1 SPRAL1,ALZand proganmer or amp ‘parameters maybe modted (CHO) deena haw mary of he st pares maybe eed wren ‘he seat acess alow ve Sy sac en te meoprocensor boards oF, 2 Negi noe 1's congures OND) = 7 ard gin tis 0. 43) Toe igi commorcatons has egeged Oe leatze DiGmTaL PUT 2 © ‘one manu emote analogue pst able faldron (popanmer B18P/5 099) ojofeen =e tn sohwar versions prevous o£ 11,C4(0) = Shas he Reson rset om 818E-3 Chapter 5.0 - Configuration Parameters cs COMMUNICATIONS (C5) =‘ ABCD Remo Analogue put and Seca Seton = 0 roremoe ‘See avaasle ‘enot sical sapene — SP2vetavaabie Sona (Pye ery) ‘remota onrerstea) ‘emote aro) ‘ut power feces (coanveer ena) ‘S2rot avaible 2 walaie She melanie ‘Po valae Seu ne contguaon oe input he analogue communication ‘ouput 203 ‘Analog Revanrisson (Gon orone eon iv out power ‘ered tepart rane Pv ‘Ses ne neten of ne reransission irl om ee analogue conereaton boar r out 203 ome Anioque input et (y= 0 anaogue ro wno ott TS Shalgue input win 20% oer cé CONTROLLER OPERATION (C6) = ‘ABCD’ Decal Port Posten BO BIR ramen) Tor] war 2 ocx soa 13 cox or ‘ese decial pit poston for bom upper and wer days ‘Sor value of 0 working span when ne insane iste 2 ‘aru an aso Pe vale f SPI when owached io eots. Trace {pon an eta roman ate vn mary ere (OLD or ke he ‘te of he wong supa or be measured vase (1 Communiatons Type (yee 0 Ase BSyreh comm Ci ae ae 2 soe fopey eran D3 Moun Srenpaty ger oy Dt See" Senay inmge oo 25 Meee Tope fremuten 26 See! copy resent 17 Nun Semper eaten Ta See" Sen pary tt reonten 818E-3 Chapter 5.0- Configuration Parameters c7 COMMUNICATIONS INPUT/OUTPUT (C7) =‘ ABCD’ wee Set ant Adaptive Tune (7 0 paw avalane Stand Avaraabe ort and ear Sttontard rw Aros ony itontand mu Steear ny Siang Ata’ SON Atala Foran ra Rea we | BtSttontand rar Atreon jon nevronis ‘Artontand arte Seat ony fw col chara fant rang Arear ny ‘Ansiogo Communicaion Rararamasion ype (re 0 caret 74 voce (onset CCommuncaton Harare Ost aoa Tt etalegue ce PROGRAMS AND RAMPS (C8) = ‘ABCD ‘ ie Hokback noma resouson ramp re tind cov hldback formal rete ramp re Fgh dev ridback normal eeolaon ramp re [ow dev roiback oral reson rang wee 2 3 <7 roaback gh esSuon ramp rae 3 ‘rd ev edb gh reo ramp rake Tigh dev hla igh reouen ramp be low dev kde _ igh ese rao re (nn mics) {Goa mates) {Gratin hurl {oret nha) (reat rormreny (feet Fone) (reat re oom) (teste oom) Idn Output Hardware Idn = ‘A,B,C,D,’ ou (Harz) = 9 vane nd 1 row nos sor! 16 We Ronen oe Geen = 0 nom Dame y= 0 roe {oy 2 ie a te ta a It ner Dis rig B18 -3 Chapter 5.0 - Configuration Parameters RANGE LIMITS Moemoric Function Detaut values when shipped from factory Comments a = aia ow ut ag Ha aT op S| LESS Arie aol ‘Maxemum range - 9999 10 19098 ‘remiss i ana Protos ae Ines ewarkag age ote anes ost Ee aacwalagea ‘SPL |= setpoint 1 / workeng setpoint iw ler ee oie et tno ean ‘sPh setpoint 1 / working setpoint high mit Fe eet ne De 1 no setpoint Ne Maairmum range 9999 1 19998. t t Ganda ron ono ca | comport nt ‘essord separ pwr 2 [is Nes range a0 100 = re r Tag ai ew TTT any | as rss Srpoyed ranch pos aa _ iieetis ged a om row ge far cpanel ade Te ine at roo : fae 00 a Te cae coor oa ara REST ct | soup on caleaon, be uu as O10 wats OTA. Tass | ao | Ritnare ens terre ctv pe ino a veomu2 bw carton \ | Sestseame arr oumaronicn STS ratowen | | Soe eee ar clnemnnen om ves team yw et | sonia cn botany re unog ee | 2eeaztaum von cain Sch ein omearong be to ue wih = Seb am 1 Ban ao Save cosa new" Eanes ' | Fare’ vt ouputequrner ste hgh | fei caer o Soe abe on ge ae | | s | | Fo azn ouput mason st gh fargo scaars 10 tn bo ge see 9 se vl) saraarasen oe ouput cabaion foal teary wo _| Htincbcawarareeran mea 2 oo + - 7 rs tm dpa oan de Fi = revaramaton ow cil sat Iiwenaongnewercae | sree T Date ba gerne Samy win Pe | Shr abe nnn sk samo pt ane sae san | on | Drone Nee | a7 | erseoar re Pa potent ow caltraton ~, Pech “= povertiometer high eafbration 00% a18E +3 Chapter 6.0 - Digital Communications Chapter 6.0 Digital Communications 6.1 62 ‘The 818 controllers designed to operat with either S282 or RS422(485) digtal communications. Many of tye modes of operation hat can be sat by the push buttons on the front of the inetuments or fe dtl Inputs atthe rear of he insrument can akoratvely be ciated by the digital communication ink. ‘nist te commuricatons ink e ative afogend on the clsplay wil be lluinated. ‘Acooss othe facies, keylock and paramtor ‘mediicason, va ital communications can be disabled by losing a ink o the mioroprocessor board (08 412). ‘With the link open these facites ae avatabe. Communications Protocol ‘) MODBUS @ ATU" For the instruments that leave the factory configured or \JBUSS ATU and MOOBUS® ATU a soparata protocol booklet, part number HAG24SO, is included with tho Installation informabon | For this reason ony the ASCII BISY".CH communications ‘Systom willbe doatt wih inthis secton, Only avaiable on instuments Shed with version 3.11. software and above, ASCII BI-SYNC Communications Protocol Message Structure REQUEST FOR DATA (EDTTUNIT ADDRESS GY] WNEMONE [ENG 818 reponse (STXT MNEMONIC (2) [DATA (3) [ET | BOC (4) Hos efter repeats ransmision message ‘or ACK’ (lor paling mnemonics fst) ‘or NAK (fr repeat of mnemonic with latest value) REQUEST TO CHANGE VALUES son eaten [Fount Appess 9 [STx] WNEMONIC 18 mage ste ‘ACK. (Change has taken place) OrNAK (Change has been aborid) DATA @) Hos ether repeats ransmssion messag0 ‘or or furher changes inthe same insrument: ‘SIX [| MNEWONIC [DATA @y]ETx] 860 @) Note(s) Unit Adress out charactors long, consisting ofthe insrument adress, ‘appearing under the coniguraton mnemonic ‘Ad, with, (ach digit repeated. For example an instument access of "52° would give a unt address of 5533. Note 2 ) Data Format Fie or sx charactor aro assigned to data. Data can be ‘thr fre or fixed format set by bi, 0 of character ‘D of tho stan word "SW Fixed Format In his format aS charactor poston must be fla, and for ogaive values, the docmal ports replaced by a minus son, ‘Theretore «53 can be entored as (5.300) (05:0) or (0053) snd 53 can be entored a (5900) (05-30) (005-3) ‘This eystom has the advantage that you have the same resolton for positve and negative numbers. Free Format {nhs systom al six charactor postions need not be fod. ‘Anragatve numbers designated by a negative sign in font ‘of he number, a vale of 13.9 can be antred in ary othe following form (oo1a9 ) (139) (1390) (139) ‘ad -2.0an bo onto as: 0 Bee a8 « c i i re i i ‘Again 5 charactor ar usod but the fat charactors always €2°5 sign sony that the other 4 charactor inte data 818E-3 Chapter 6.0 Digital Communications Note (a) BOS. | Binary checksum, a verifeation code which is generated Mnevowwc] PARAMETER maar] by tkog the exatve OR ofthe ASC! values of al tho Characters wanamited ar bt ercuing (STX) up to and Ho | Maxie reer we PO Sade en. {S| Maxon Serrotewin PD cot Fi | Romo Heat int | Sorat cemow a es | Cer) For ther infomation raring te protocol nd | it LO BO cao | ‘mnemonics used in the digital communicatons link, refer to ae cat {De communicaton inetucton book part number ee Sear a Raoeoter tS | Sebont mame ‘vay eraabe (BO) | watin: | Seomnt 2 masmon rt. epee 80) Ein | Stzons mon Sorts copoaar 0) a" | ear wpomuworam | Cortguaten separ | | 8 ie | Senaeon send St — Rao a Smee ‘Setevne cere 6.3 Communications Mnemonics | 3 | Bene Mee Geneounon dependent “The order ofthis ables that wich woul be obtained ta || Whe ponesenes. {as pal was performed commencing rom messed Valo 2° | Ppa be Moreccorpoee {EV Only parameters appabl to he parca | titewime | oe ‘nezomont are clave n Pot 3D | Beran ore Moran cogoed Renae ames ee | 8 Seteatheh Pea contrat Re waned Vane vay avai 2) — o_o a teats Se | wena Sabor ape sessbe RO) FE Roporboa band iD hae corigred | Sao mare wateoe | | inal ee ‘hea congue Sh | Sata wed 9 ‘apes | Re | Mana eee) Sook Pa BO caval 2S | Sarma wos [sees | Ameya alee Be | Bere ane Phen contours xs __| enonge Stans Wor wes sale | ee. ie aot aap] ia | Awe | Gongunsen coerce an ee | ter Sivape wae (0) ce | Se | Loca sepore se) gon apore $2 | Seana era Senigrton separ @ at | tee ee Srogsaion spent eV eae Gomgoane WO} | ow | Reno nt Renae YP Covgued bat ge | tesnPonertme(@o) | | [7 | Sima Ware Programmer coraqaes tr | Sitwees | Be | Seaeee fe te — Bane woes — pores TH — TY remaining is carest” — T Programmer extingared pope mere eavoganne's | Senger Gren cogvedane | | iwoue ar — hips remanng er arer — raga” Ga SL | Biapay miner ‘aheays ealabie (RO) | popenne fees poyarme's [_1_[oscuynimen _| Ae reat 1_} | npr a | ans 3 of ESTER) roe cotees * Meamonice used fo loa n, | Ramptove! CRETE) Pam sae Gniyavalabe on sftrare version 3.11 2 | Besta area cortgted ; @ wp rate 2 or FIRE TS TargeT 2] Programmer contgured Noto 1: The true limit of PV are 1H + 10% of (1H = 11) 19, 2 | Beet ane 2 Poparee exepaee ho ey 8 evan Now 2: RIO Peas Ony S| Bestanes Peparanereogaes | Ramon to Peper comers | 2 | Sept terereern pee aa || Rokpeme SocpeasTEGSH] Poganne contpred | 8 Betas Progmrew cones 3 Racginn CRETE poems craoes 5 Bete Beyer entgures a | Dw me 7 Programmer configured S| Rivotand o[TETURTA| ver corte: || Rapier Pope erigaed 2 | Gtsme Boyer congue | fo | Rotaeck ave ogee: eoagaed 2 error | | ee Tete 2 S18E-3 Chapter 6.0 - Digital Communications 6.4 Status Words Extension Status Word (XS) Dips ABCD are ASCH characte ropreseting & Fomal (ABCD) veel gt (9, heracacmal gt 08, AP) (BEB Roce | a TS 1 Status Word (SW) t > | | Sarane aw | Oto 1 su or PP een Ss 8 | 2 | Some | oan] Be [Rein pnd Sart 1 BLE Bes — 5 mmm | | 8 8 |actwPbm | AW PDIPD2 | Pelee ems SE BRITE, RN a 8 | 5 [femme | Aecewercaee | LC LT [spe | | ie 6 | § | Pararanar enarges | IW | Nov Yes For programmers the numerical valve of cit 8 i ea eee B Tile csd so or mone Be ive eis ie penne nonbe. SE Rerzeaw RO [oro | DB] Finn ae] Bk Messe | no | one - Hn mses ao maar aan Tor) | Bio 4 | Stabe Powers ne | top ina — ae Seg Briss | Hieereewmmers, | Ry] AN eset | Rt ea ere | eee LA | 16 | tai rese einen Fr vate postiones he sues val of gt A (8 12 iis vats cont or manor he raise ar lorer Optional Status Word (08) Sut Fomat (24800) — [aT Res Foc rogrammer he numeral aia of gt ts 03) |; — es Fas ue fom 0 ndesing be pogamme si. reo Sama STR | ___ ALL | iSecigrer ie | Rw a a3 | Boake | fi Pe ee ——] Ach | eosin Lie D0 Rewinopanwevane | aw bit we = Nate a ple of minum on 82h) Rh seganne sane | aw 8:5) eve” |e |253) Remain | 8 Diatal Output Status Word 1 (01) Bis) pogemnocek | RO Format (ABCD) ~ Ae cooing arp asd ev fan Ph stuns of oust dung each segment ty oat SSS ecto (ak [BF | Segre] Rina =p SS t } Be omeizews | Rw | ten scnescne < [= eadeees | RO | Sornanad 8) |Seseaes | Rw [Anemone | S/o eee em | BG | Seno 8 |i |mggecess | oN veers € 1 § |Riead 7" | Ro |renmont 2 | |SesEaR | fw Aen erence SS Bereta | Ri | Eels g | $|SRgeSees | RM [Me | $a € |S | SSeIESRs | iw [Men acrenene oS | sedemene ve $$ |SmLSamAs | Bw |i scnenene 8 | ao | Sognrens | 2 |Seseames | aw jnmecwecne git Sasa | SESESEES | Rw [ttn screncne SH Se aero fo smemamus | AW | Nonacowncre | | ei Rl messeets | Rr |iacwene as [SEBS na | onven Be SesBeess | Re | Nerecweee Sean 3 | Soireamas | Rw [Nenacroncee a | |SeBidas | no [oven | 1) SRIERES | [Aen actocene a [is [Bestest 88 [sis US| SRsSSSE8 | mw |Aenscwwncre Note = {ySepmont umber nibble having th vale 1 8 eae 2) Bi tad 19 are normaly RO. la vos 4.11 er Fehor ny oecene Pea ial cupel 22 Ie enigues wo crtohed va conmunisona Gay=7ore0)=7 — [sae | Teese | Ciera ator | Sit ena SE] 11 above eee e108 -3 3 Chapter 6.0 Digital Communications Digital Output Status Word 2 (02) [7 ~ “Digital Output Status Word 5 (05) 7 Format (-4800) | Format A8CO) I ‘Status of output 3 at ond | ‘Siatis of output 2 coring each segment | Biot | i] Segment [awoues| CearSar | || (Dak Bt | (Reibies| Carer 3 [0 | Ewan | AW | Novena | Bie www | ten scance | 1B |S | Soue ; Scmcive 8 2 | Se ye )e | fw | Novacnescre |! oye Spee ile fa | Bw | Nenecweacwe || é [ssi ie |t Bw | Nevseseacre |) gis | See ie fat | tenscnese || Le 17 | Spee 5 ; 5 | Shessame2| Rw | Novacowacwe se) ee Wi =| Sie | 8 | fo | See scone aii i] 3 fw | Non achescme ae We me | sewer |! a Sao a fiw | Non acwence i a | Bw | Non schesce LA_Lis | see A fw | Nensemescne || | | ! | Digital Output Status Word 3 (03) | Digital Status Word 6 (06) | Format (ABCD) | Fomat (ABCD) I ‘Status of ouput 4 during each segment | ‘Status of output 2 at end | [Dit | Br | Segment [arsibutes | Olear'Set_ | || [Digh | Bt | Segment [Aributes| ——_CiearfSet_ || fe) | mprwamae) aw | nramwsme | Ifo 1 8 |S | Setimapue | hw | tnscwenne | (1! 8 | 8 |b) MpsSamts | Rw | heaaeme | |) 8 | I B [8 | Gealzmomue | Rw | Menschen 8 | | ee fw | Novecwencme | ||| & i é [8 Baw | Non echrensine é I els fav | Novecwenene | (L| § eis fw | Nenacwenens | ||| & | ! 5 3 Baw | Non ectoncis | | 8 3 fw | Novsckencee | |] | ! ‘o Bw | Nenecrweewe | || 8 | i BR fw | Non ecwossns g A |e fw | Non sctveactve a | Boe iy | feussecme | |t) 4 I ia fav | ton echescie a As faw_| Nenecwenne | ||| A | Digital Output Status Word 4 (04) Format (»ABCD) ‘Status of output ¢ at ond Bat _[ BE] Segment vous] Garter 2 | 0 | Enmowme | RW | Nonscmwacne | 8 it | Sie | 8 | 2 | Sa B13 | Sie | eit | See € | s Stee é FE | Se Je [3 Sie fs je | oS 8 is | Ss | bo | Seas bn ge | a ome | a sae “ oe | ‘Sawa Key a = 205 and below | | SS 2or ans above | a it ecace 411 and above B18E-3 Chapter 7.0 - Calibration ‘The 818 contollar can be calltrated whit insta in ts sleeve it he rlavant wing can be rerouted to the cara tion doves andthe inetument snot configured fora py- rameter, high level voltage (grater than GON), oF curent Input. Atemetvely the iezument can be removed from is ‘Soove ane calrated ona bunch, in which case ican ‘iter be plugged ino an adsttoral sleeve pat rmbor ade 24d (aston connections) or LACZI347 (screw Connection), oF be fed wit a numberof eval Connector blocks which are used inthe make up of the Seve. A set of troe of those blocks, LADTERAT (stan are) LA02"248 (Input and LAOTEEH (mains) i required to calbrate the instrument fly ‘Te cary out the complete calbraton ofthe 818 controler a umber of netrumonte is roqived. Those ar std below 4). A sultable stable mivolt and voltage source wit he ‘bli to ete tin and ‘out some means te compensate fort cold junction of frermocauples.. The Eurotherm ca trator model 239 ls sutable for ts purpose. b)_ length of compensating cable suitable forte thermo- ‘couple fo be Used wit tho controler o pe K ©) A.decade ratistance box capable of being sett $0.00, land 250.00 obms with an accuraay beter than «0.01 ‘ohms. Aemaly wo precision resistors of tis accuracy may be used, 1) A digta velmetse capable ot inicatng a maximum \eitage of 10 volts DC with an accuracy ofbottr than ‘0.05% and an input impedance high tan 5 Megahms. ©), A digital current mater capable of ncicating a maximum ‘of 20mA DC with an accuracy of beter than 005% ancan ‘put mpadance of oss than 400 ohms. ‘nen the 818 instument is despatched trom the factory it has beon calibrated forall thermocouples, RTDs, pyrome tors, volage and curent inputs and ia remot input of retransmission has boon speci in the ordering code ‘hate wilalge have boon calibrated ‘When reconfiguring the instrument rom one sensor pe to another or one range to another its not necessary 10 Tecalbrate the instrument. providiog Nat tefl caltration has not been corupteg ‘The recalibration procedure can either bo performed forthe configured input and ouput ranges ony, o ral ranges. Note 1:- ‘The ful ist of maomencs that wil have 1 be seroled ‘rough 10 got 1 (i) i shown bolow. C1, 62, €3, 64, €5, C8, 07, 8, dn, dSL dh, SPL SPH, Si, Sth, Ant, And, Add, CIL, Cth, C2L, C2h, CL, CaM, roL toh, mh, fl and Note 2- ‘tor calibration folow the clear configuration operation in paragraph 7.8 TA Chapter 7.0 Calibration Deen eee el “The labo below shows which mnemonics have to be selcted to calibrate apartcular range and input “The congo range of ho Seaced inevament bong extra Nemo Byronwtrorvotage nots whore | ‘roa pan em | Pyrometer or votage inputs wore | 20 Phutepanie> Bi ani <200V Pyrometer or votage inputs whore | 60 Input span is > 20m and is < SOV “Zero Tem (may be used wit all inputs) | tr “Thermocouple inputs where input | 8 &CIC spanis <8mV ‘Thermocouple inputs where input | DA. GC spanis > BmV andis< 20mV ‘Thermocouple inputs whare input | 150 CJC ‘span > 20m andi <60mV TD Inputs anh ‘Analogue remote inputs ict Bich ‘Analogue raransmission ouputs | roL 8 roh Motor valve potion potontomator | Pel Poh ‘To calbrat a single range use ony hore pars of he procedure containing the mnemonics inthe above table, Calibration Procedure “To aher the calsraion of he Insrument ty. configuraon mode has to bo entorod 1) Remove the instument from the slaeve and make the lower of tho two swiches on the rar of th microboard (600 paragraph 4.1). 2) Replace the insrument nts sleeve, or connect the terminal blocks. 3) Now connect te inswument asin dagrams 1. 2°, ¢ oF Saas appropriate, Power up fe insrument an the caleator 4) Tae upper ply wil now read CONF andthe lower splay wil read "Cr. (C1 isthe fst mnemonic in the ‘conspiration let and isnot required for ealbraton. '5) Poss the scl button repeated unl the frst emonic ofthe calbraton procedure is incest (i) 6) Leave powered for at east 20 minutes belo proceeding B18E +3 Chapter 7.0 - Calibration 7.2. Calibration Voltage, Thermocouple and Pyrometer Inputs 18 Catoraton Procedure Ceatoration Tim 1). Prose the serol button un 8s aplyed. Sot the $1) The mnemonic Tris provided w alow a zr tim ofthe 229 calibrator ouput e BO00nV and be compensator input ealbraton. This may bo vsti to alow calibration of wich gett mV. the cantor (thermocouple or RT). Data seting of calraton Sis zr 2) Press the wp and ‘down’ buttons together. 12) The tm maybe conigured be stern mero ots {Tho i wil eappear and the tp dato he least, {config word C1(A)« 003) arin spay unis (ong word ania dit (LS) wl aah or approxmataly 1 H(A) = 8 7) 500432 Seconds. 19) Press he ‘srait burton ut (or i) is payed 4), The capi wi now indicate a mV rwading of 8.000. A Sit of more fan a ow i's ats roaing in 30 seconds +14) Use the updown buton 1 st this valet the desired ‘ncatos tat te calbraton procedure wat unsuccess rombor of Vor daplay units of zoe oft 2.9. the thermocouple calbraton shows that ts outputs 15) tunsuocesst check the carat. srumant and 2.V above to able valve sol is wm valet -20,V ‘mereonnoctons 15) thie fat eno going tobe use it must be st 6) ross the vp’ and ‘down’ butons together ropet he 200. calibration 7) te roading is tobe accepted press the ‘sr but, {20 Calloration Procedure 8), Pross the scrl bulton uns! 120'is dspayed. Repost the procedure in paragraphs 117 above for 8 20.000nV input 150 Calibration Procedure 9), ross the srl buon und 150" is spayed. Repost ‘he procedure n paragraphs 112 7 above fora 5.000m inp 10) no futher cafbraons aro requires leave configuration 1s desorbed in 78. he Pew | ge El coal] memo see crenenn | | Soe: 1 “a Qe mete oar Fe hel i J ) Diagram 1. Instrument connections fori, i20 and 50 Calibration procedure. 2 818E-3 Chapter 7.0 - Calibration 7.3. Calibration Cold Junction ‘Compensation (cJc) 1) The leads between the calibrator and tw insrument should now be changed for compensating cable, see Sagram 2 2) ihe inerument has boon configured fora thermo- ‘couple input te compensating cable should be fr tis thermocovple yp. 23). tte instrument has been configured fora pon-thermo- ‘couple Input og. RTD, pyromoer, milivls o curent, {han the compensating cable should be ype K. 14)_The componsaton ofthe calbrator shoud be soto the Same type the compeneating cabo from the ealbrator ‘the nerument. 5) Sethe output of he calbratoro a value that ropre- fants 25°C forte Prmacouple type to which the insrument has boon calbeaied Te. ype K, hen sot valve fa 1 000nV. 6) Press the scroff buon unt! ‘ois ceplayed 17) Tho'vp’ and ‘down’ butions should now be pressed together and the ‘ee’ will disappear. 18) The top dot of he LSD wil fash fr approximately 15 ‘seconde, 9) The display wil now road the torperatire in °C a8 250. 10) fhe roacing ets by more than a tow rons ofa

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