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It has been an exhausting day, my back ached, the palms of my hands were raw and my coat

was threadbare. The limitations of this body were starting to aggravate me.

Just wished I could stretch my wings.

I had enough energy to arrive in the middle of some icy road in Nebraska (according to the
obnoxiously bright green guidepost) I walked a good twelve miles before spotting the familiar sign,
smiling to myself as the words ‘Black Bear Bar’ glowed over the unusually large roof of the lonely
business. I walked inside, feeling like I had just arrived home and then-

-everything was red and shimmering with silver glitter…


Stanley was behind the counter, scrubbing the wood clean; he looked up as soon as he heard
the door and smiled his usual smile.

“You look horrible.”

“I am aware.” I replied bluntly as I looked around, pushing one of the heart shaped decorations
that hanged from the ceiling. “What is all this?”

“Tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day, dad thought it would be good for business.”

“Valentine? As in the saint…?”

“Not exactly, we humans made it a bit more commercial- you know, hearts, candy, cupid.”

“I personally know Cupid and he do not look like that.” I walked towards him, sitting down on
one of the rotating booths and placing my hands over my knees as I noticed the giant baby hanging from
the ceiling. Giving a toddler a bow and an arrow doesn’t seem very safe.

“So, what are you doing for Jordan?”

“What do you mean?” I looked at Stanley, taking the glass he had pushed towards me; he knew
what I liked to drink by now.

“It’s Valentine’s Day, man. The day of romance, girls expect you to be all cute and give them
gifts and be all beautiful and freaking romantic.”

“Oh…” I furrowed my eyebrows; didn’t I try to please here every day? I didn’t understand how
February 14th would be any different but if it was what she was used to it didn’t hurt to try my best.
“What do you suggest?”

“Beats me, I’ve never had a girlfriend.” Stanley looked at me for another moment before
laughing again. “But I guess I can help, I watch a lot of movies y’know?”

And then he smirked at me, like if he already had a plan.

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