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The P.L.U.G.E.

W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1

 The Annual

Annual Telethon Raises Over $4,000

raised over
$4,00 dollars

 Safeway
ticipate in games of Twister,
brings com- cal therapists were inter- Plinko, a bean bag toss and $1
munity mem- By: Taylor Brooks
bers together
viewed. raffle for prizes donated by lo-
Thanks to the success of Cable
cal Pullman and Moscow busi-
 Local busi- 8 annual telethon, Alex Reister Hosting the telethon were nesses. Student musicians, Ian
nesses are a -- a two year old boy with Peter Wagner and Kelsey Skavdah, Cassie Correlle, and
huge help in
cerebral palsy – is now able to Hodgin in Murrow Studio Brodie Peterson & Zach Whit-
the telethon get the wheel chair and physi- A, and Evan Burns and Ve- man entertained the crowds,
cal therapy equipment neces- ronica Marcelo in the CUB. drawing further attention to the
sary for him to attend pre-
school in the fall. The broadcast was a mix-
ture of interviews with “No one could deal with cere-
The events and donations in Reister’s family and thera- bral palsy better,” expressed
the CUB on the day of the pist Chelsea Flesher, cou- Casey Stahlhut, Reister
telethon raised $400 dollars pled with live events from mom.“Even though Alex faces
INSIDE making the grand total over the CUB lair. In the CUB more obstacles than other two
$4,000 with money donations students help raise money years old he keeps at it. He is
Telethon 1 still coming in. The telethon by participating in various crawling and talking well and
Wrap up was hosted live from the CUB games and listening to live has strong spirit. He has a will
and Studio A located in the performances from WSU
Thanks to 1 to want to walk and be like
Businesses Murrow building. students. every other child. I believe he
Safeway Event 2 will be walking in the next 3-5
While the CUB was fun and Gift cards to local busi- years and will be going to
games Studio A added a more nesses were given away as school next year with other
personal touch to the telethon. prizes and everyone had a kids his age.”
There Reister’s family was chance to win the grand
interviewed along with physi- raffle prize of $100 in cash. See Telethon on Page 3
WSU students came to par-

A Special Thanks to Pullman Businesses

By: Kaitlin O’Connor The fundraiser raised The events included a fundrais-
Washington State Students, money for Alex Reister, ing drive at Safeway, a raffle
Pullman businesses and the of Pullman, a two-year- and game event in the Compton
old boy with cerebral Union Building and a telethon.
community came together
to help support Cable 8’s palsy.
telethon and fundraiser. See Businesses on Page 2
Businesses: Bring Community Support

Continued from Page The telethon raised said. “All of the busi-
1 over 4,000 dollars, and nesses made very valu-
exciting figure with able contributions, we
Dissmores IGA, Safe- more than monetary are so thankful for the
way, Panda Express, value. outpouring of support.”
Café Moro, Basilios,
Fireside Grille, South Danielle Gilbertson, The fundraiser has been
Fork Public House, Cable 8`s Vice- a success, bringing Ca-
Alex Reister working The Village Center President of Marketing ble 8, Washington State
with physical therapists Cinemas, Gamma Phi and Alumni Affairs led and the Pullman com-
at Early Learning Ser- Beta Sorority, Delta the fundraising efforts. munity together for a
vices. Gamma Sorority, Pull- She was proud of the worthy cause. It could-
man Building Supply efforts of her team and n’t have happened with-
and Residents Hall thrilled with the back- out the generosity of the
Dining Facilities all ing from the businesses Pullman Community.
gave to the fundraiser and community.
through prizes for
games and a raffle, “It was a rewarding
“To catch the monetary donations, experience to see the
and supplies. campus, businesses and
reader's the community, all
attention, place come together for one
cause.” Gilbertson
an interesting

Raising Money with Hotdogs

sentence or

quote from the

story here.”
By: Ashley Guest selling hot dogs, chips help support a good
and soda for two dol- cause.
In preparation for the
annual telethon, Cable “Everyone was really
Throughout the day, generous with their do-
8 put on a hot dog Cable 8 staff, WSU
event outside of Safe- nations and showed
students, friends and their support for Alex
way. family of Alex and and his family,” said
other community mem- Vice President of Mar-
The event was a huge bers stopped by for a
success and showed keting and Alumni Af-
cheap lunch, a lot of fairs Danielle
how supportive the them paying well over
community members Gilbertson
two dollars for their
are. Cable 8 staff stood hot dog lunch each to
outside of Safeway See Safeway on Page
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 3


Telethon: Wrap Up
Continued from Page 1 Stahlhut said. “Danielle vice president of market-
Gilbertson, Vice President ing and alumnae affairs. “I
of Marketing and Alumni was excited to see all of
Talking more about her Affairs, has such a big the Cable 8 staff, student
son, Stahlhut shares, heart and we are so thank- volunteers and the Murrow “He has such a
“He has such a sunny ful for all of her effort and college come together to sunny spirit. He is
spirit. He is just an amaz- organization.” make the event such a suc-
ing boy with such a big just an amazing
cess. We started working
heart; everyone that meets in preparation for the tele- boy with such a
him enjoys him so much. thon in September 2010,
big heart;
You can be having such a and it feels good to see it
horrible day and he bright- all play out and to make everyone that
ens your day and makes such a difference in Alex’s
meets him enjoys
you happy. Even through life.”
all of his struggles he has him so much”
never once complained.” If you are touched by
The donations from the Reister story, donations
While in the studio the au- community and WSU stu- can still be made out to
dience got to experience dents are so vital in Reister Cable 8 and will be greatly
Reister interact with his growth and development. appreciated by the family.
family and see his wonder- With the purchase of a
ful smile and joyful spirit. wheelchair and physical
therapy tools, Reister now
Stahlhut notes that one of has a solid chance of suc-
Reister’s fascinations is cess at pre-school next
with toy balls. year and in his continua-
“We are just so thankful tion to lead a normal life.
for Cable 8 and for the
support of the Pullman and “Overall the event was a
Moscow community,” success,” said Gilbertson,

Safeway: Helps Community Raise Money

Continued from page 2 proved her to be successful penny that community
in this task. members donated.
“I really enjoyed cooking
General Promotions Man- Another key player in the the hot dogs and working
ager Laura Minch ex- event was Show Promo- with the rest of the Cable 8
plained that part of her job tions Manager Spencer staff for such a great
was to bring people in and Kabelac. He was in charge cause,” Kabelac said.
get their attention. Her of making sure the hot
enthusiasm and commit- dogs were worth every See Safeway on Page 4
ment to helping Alex
HEAR FROM YOU! Send entries
of your experience working with
Cable 8 to Lizzy Teitzel
Cable 8 Productions
Lizzy Teitzel
Cable 8 productions is a student-run
Edward R. Murrow College of
television station where team members
Washington State University
write, produce, and direct original pro-
Pullman, WA 99164-2520
gramming. It was founded in 1986 to
Phone: (509) 335-5219
equip Washington State University
Fax: (509) 335-1555
broadcasting students with practical
E-mail: television experience on a local cable
station serving the Pullman and Mos- cow communities.

Safeway Event Continued

“Safeway was really helpful supportive the community
Continued from Page 3 and made this entire event members were for such an
successful by donating all of amazing cause. The dona-
Gilbertson, Minch and Kabelac all the supplies and by promot- tions from everyone has
expressed that the event was ex- ing the event with flyers and helped Alex and his family
tremely rewarding and they are all announcements to all of the tremendously, a big thank
very thankful to for the donations shoppers throughout the you to everyone who came
from Safeway and the Community. day,” Gilbertson said. out and supported this
Everyone at Cable 8 hopes
to have the opportunity to
put on such a great event
next year and is very thank-
ful for the support of the
community. Gilbertson,
Minch and Kabelac and the
rest of the Cable 8 staff are
very proud of how well the
event turned out and how

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