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The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-1

Volume - III, No. 2

INSIDE February, 2011
NOTICE I chhiar tur te Page No.
SO-a tihchhuah tur thu (eng column Eng nge in sawi........................................ 3
ami pawh nise) in thawn reng rengin
hengte hi hriat reng nise: Edu News................................................... 5
1) Hawrawp uluk nise.. Chhemdam................................................. 6
2) Zirlaite chanchinbu anih angin Students’ Voice........................................ 9
in hminglem in ziak anih pawhin CURRENT AFFAIRS
Institution hming ziah lan ngei
International................................... 12
nise... Institution hming a lan
hian tarlan a nuam bik \hin. National........................................... 15
3) Midang sawichhiatna leh Persons in News ...................................... 18
timualpho thei thawn loh nise... Hringnun Zirna ....................................... 19
4) Institution hming chiang taka Career
ziah lan ni thei se. GHSS-te hi
Psychology Subject.................................. 20
khaw hrang hrangah a awm a,
chuvangin GHSS, Lunglei, Home Science Subject............................ 22
GHSS, Aizawl, etc tia ziah thin List of Council of Ministers.................... 26
nise. Khaw hming ziah tel loh Nobel Prize 2010 Winners...................... 28
chuan School hming inang Scientists & their inventions................... 30
tamtak awm theih a ni.
Exam laia tihtur leh tihloh turte............ 31
5) OUTLOOK Gupshup Join duh
tan JOIN Studentsoutlook tih Hringnun
hi 09219592195-ah thawn mai Alexander Graham Bell......................... 33
tur a ni e. Love Symbols & How to choose........... 36
Valentine’s Day SMS Collection............. 38
February thla chhunga ni Article : Zirlaite leh Sex........................ 40
pawimawhte: 10 World’s Highest Child TV Actors...... 41
2nd Sunday of February 2011-a Film chhuak tur............................ 43
World Marriage Day Mathematics Corner................................. 46
February 14 Valentines Day E.P.L. Fixture............................................ 48
February 16 Milad-un-Nabi Current GK Questions.............................. 49
(Birthday of Prophet
Lyrics ........................................ 52
February 20 State Day Memoirs ........................................ 53
February 24 Central Excise Day Lookscope.................................................. 55
February 28 National Science Day SMS Quiz & Jokes................................. 56

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-2 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Volume - III, No. 2
February, 2011
Kum 2011 atang hian Mizorama English Medium
Editor School-te chuan School fee an tisang a. Sawiselna pawh
C.Lalhriatpuia awm bawk mahse, tun thlengin kal tlangpui a la ni a, School
awmna hmunin a zir loh vanga he fee sang zawm ve theilo
Jt.Editor school engemawzat awm bawk mahse, school tam zawk
Lalremsanga Biate chuan he rate sang hi an hmang niin a lang.
9862388822 School fee tihsan hrim hrim hi kan helh ber a ni lo
Manager maithei. School tha na na na chu a fee pawh a sang tur a ni
PC Lalramengmawia tih ngaihdan hi chu kan pawm thei tlangpui a.
9862957455 Amaherawhchu, Association anih tak avanga School \hate
Marketing Executives rate, school \ha vak lote pawhin an hmang vek tur hi kan
Lalchawisanga hrethiamlo tlang deuh niin a lang.
9862387289 Mizoramah hian Private School \ha tak tak, zirlaite
Lalhlimpuia enkawlna pawh \ha tak leh facilities pawh pe \ha, Hostel
9856523080 enkawlna leh ei leh in pawh \ha tak tak kan nei ve ta nual
a. Chutih laiin duhthusamlo tak tak an tam bawk. Heng
LB Renthlei school hrang hrangte hi an dinhmun a inanglo ang bawkin
fee chungchanga khairual mai chi chu an ni lemlo maithei.
Contributors Engapawh chu nise la, hetia kan hmang tawh anih rau rau
Dr.L.N.Tluanga chuan School neitute lam pawhin Service leh facilities pek
Dr. J.V.Nunchunga
\hat tum ve ta se a \ha ngawt ang. Hostel Fee a san chuan
ei leh in pawh tuihnai ve deuh se... Zirlaite pawhin chutiang
tur chuan beisei ila, anih loh chuan kan nu leh pate bulah
OFFICE ADDRESS tal complain nachang hre ta ila a \ha awm mang e.
SSU Office Tin, Education hi khawvela Business lian berte zinga
Dr.C.Lalthanga Building mi a ni a. Business World-a inel tur nia kan ngaihte an
II Floor, Zodin Square inzawmkhawm a, inhrut rual an tum tlat thin hi chu
Aizawl, Mizoram-7960001 ngaihtuah chian deuh atan a tha ngawt mai. Kan sahimna
Ph: 0389-2300277
tur kan ngaihtuahna avang hian kan business rilru hi a
tlahniam ta \hin niawm tak a ni. Mahni a tlafal a, a lian ber
nih tum ngam kan mamawh niin a lang.
Subscribtion Rate Zirna man a sang a, naupang pakhat zirtir puitlin
man hi a san tak em avangin zirlaite pawhin ngaihtuahna
Monthly - Rs. 30/-
ril zawk sen a tha khawp mai. Awmze nei lova lehkha zir
6 Months - Rs. 180/-
mai mai man tamzia ngaihtuah chuan, zirlaite hian mahni
One Year - Rs. 330/-
thahnemngaihna a hmalam pana ke pen nachang hriat a
Subscribe duh tan a man pek hun ta khawp mai.
lawk a ngai C.Lalhriatpuia
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-3

ENG NGE IN SAWI? - sms @ 9862329680

Pu Editor,mizo te hian arts ang hian, a la tu azir zel a ni an va tam ve. swrkar
hi kn ngai hniam ringawt zel e...Ed) hnathwk chauh hi a mi hna
a. Dik taka swi cuan Arts la hmu a kn gaih. kan gaih dan h
ho hian leadrship an nei tha Pu editor of studnt outlook. thlak a gai deuh a ni t rw?
xok si a. SO ah hian Science I ccbu hlui twh tak march 9856278171 (A dik fu mai.
& arts group hran ve2 in han 2010 ami tunah kalo ciar ve Mahse, khatiang zinga tam
siam ta ula. Tun atanga kum a, k hlimpui khwpmai. A thar zawk kha chuan hna tenau
10-15 hnuah eng ang kn hmu pha ve c lo a. I hmg dang an thawk reng tho ania.
dinhmunah ge an din hriat a leh thlalak ka hmu a lug hlui Hna tha zawk beisei zelna
chak wm khwp mai tiro Pu a leg khwp mai. I nau enpuii vanga in register tamtak an
Editor..... 9612366105 4m bangalore. (Min ti lai awm ang... Ed)
vek lawm....Ed)
Arts lh science a buai ho Pu Ed.... Govt chaltlag ah hian
tan.A koi a mw xwk2 la ph ni Pu Editor,S.O magaxine hi a higher lam cauh thlalak in ti
ula,taimakna lh tumruhna in tha in a interesting m2 c a lag thin a. High school lam
neih lh cuan egmh in ni tei lo tlem in entertainment leh thlalak in rwn tar hun kan
ag.Arts lh science ah buai th career guidance lam hi ron ghak hlel khwp
suh u.frm Esther ti tam thei deu ula aman ato s e c B.girlz (Englo
phah don pon kan pom tlang alawm..Higher ho hi an lo in
Tinge inhnyl in tum ve ziah thei in ka ring.chuan editor post zung zung zel
le.,A la tu thu2 ania,Sc la in lh staff dangte thlalak te hi a...Remchangah kan la tarlang
Arts la te hmu hnym rig0t lo ron tilang ve ulaa...??? dawn nia...Ed)
ula,Arts la te pwn Sc la te Mimz@Helen Lowry H.S.S
Pu editor. . .ka thl vei v 1 cu
er rigwt loin..In line ah ve ve
khn topper nih tum mai ta Pu editor,SO Cover page ah mw mi harsa te lh rethei te
che u,.mahc Sc ho pwh hi an hian next issue ah emw a tana xrna sag hautak toh ltk
in t thei mah2 e..! Trw u..¿¿ remchang hmasaberah in h ani. .tun ag laiah cuan hna
ROAR_III magazine a thwkte photo lo tha pui2 thoh nan cuan
post thei ula kn lwm hle ag,in thymna sag a gai a. .cu
Science,art,comerce,etc,.a thymna sag la cu a lei a lei h
hmel hmuh kan chak thin teh
egpoh la ila keimh ni tuina jog a gai toh si a. .guidance
a nia... fr-SO fans (Kan
anh chn a tok ani mai!!inhnial lampag rn ziak v thn teh a.
thlalak kan tarlan
hian kogro a su lo!!mahni .Huxley BBA IUM. (He thil
lei duh lo palh ang..kan vei hi hahthlak tak a ni. ‘Sur-
gyhdan kn thon hyn tha hmelchhe ltk...Vai ang deuh vival of the fittest ‘ tih a fit lai
nimy!!..'science BOY' (Arts te, colourful deuhte, tak hi hausa tihna a ni ta deuh
vrs Science chungchanga ngeiawm deuh deuhte kan ber e... Hma kan la mek. Ed)
inhnialna hi kan tangkaipui nia...Ed)
theih tur zawnga kalpui hram Kumthar atanga entertain-
hram a tha. Mahni Subject SO A beng var thlak thn hle ment lam belh in tum kha a
fak a tha, midang subject mai. Employmen report ah tha kan ti teh my ania o. SO
sawichhe vak sawi khan mi thiam lh lehkhathiam Fighting !! - HoMe

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-4 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Outlook,Outlook kei ni a tam deuh teh u..cuan english Carmel nge nge....Ed)
xirlaipui te min vei em avang premier leaque fixture in lo
in k thian nun kan khua ah tih cuah a vag in ka lwm e.lo Outlook vul jel g ce
sem tur alo thwn ve a,a tha ti cuak zel rwh u.khwgaih in u.outlook kal tlaga abik in
in kan hlawkpui dawn khop hun remcan hun ah Arsenal english a harsatna nei jirlai
my. school kal chhan t pwh player, Maroune chamakh a te hrethiam a min rwn fuih
kan in hriat chian phah in,kan poster khwgaih in min lo th thin hi keimah ag boka
subj lak atag in eng hna nge cuah sak dwn nya.. GUN- harsat ve tak2 tan ahlu goih2
kan thwh chhoh theih ang th NERS. (Chamakh berkher!!!! ani..nasatakin phurna min pe
t pwh kanlo hriat chian phah SO-a Arsenal fan awmchhun thin ania..hetiag magazine
a bwk ani.XIRIPI(friend) kan Jt.Editor thu thu a ni mai jirlai ten kn nei hi tuifinriat
ang chu...Ed) kama tiau vut tamtak kara
Pu editor SO ka ciar atag lughlu chhar ag tluk jet in
kan ka rilru ah gaihtuahna fn Outlook a tha tha k ti khp ahlu ani..Outlook vul jel ag
thlk tk tk ka neih phah a, mai...a harsat loh cuan,maths che w.. f r m . R i n t e a . .
hetiag magazine tha tak in question solve tur,entrance Govt.Mizo Hss.
siam hi zirlai te tana harh na question hlui atag ten pa 2
vartian tha tak ani. Long live khat lek tal hi han xep tel Pu Editor outlook a in thu
SO. 8974003046 (A va thin thei ta u la,a va lwmwm rawn chhuah thin hi tlemin
lawmawm ve. Ngaihtuahna dwn m? Maruata GRHSS Cl- uluk thei deuh ulang chuan a
fing hmanga hmalam pan zel 11 (Rawtna tha tak a ni. A that ka ring,kan tawng hman
turin duhsakna kan hlan a question pumpui tarlan kan hi a dik lo a tam deuh
che..Ed) tum thin a, a phekin daih tlat,SO FIGHTING
thlawt hek lo!!! Nia, tlemte - DA PAU Pu Editor outlook
Pu editr outlook hi ka lo ciar tea tih dan dap ila tha ang. Ed) a in thu rawn chhuah thin hi
ve thin a a tha tak meuh tlemin uluk thei deuh ulang
meuh a ni. A beg var thlak SO hi keini zirlaite tan hian chuan a that ka ring,kan
thin khop mai. Hmalam pan ava tangkai tak em... "Sipai tawng hman hi a dik lo a tam
xel tur in duh sak na sag ber Officer nih theih dan hrang deuh tlat, SO FIGHTING
ka hlan a ce u. Kei ni thigtlag hrang" in ron ziah kha a tha - DA PAU
thleg poh in, kan lo ciar ve k ti khop mai, hetiang career
ta. Kan lm tak meuh meuh a guidance lamah hian tan han SO hi k lo chhiar thin a,tha
ni e. Kal xel roh u. BUARPUI la zel teh u. Kima MCS Cl-8 ka ti khop mai.Mahse,gk hi
GHS CL=9. (Khawpui lam D. (Class 8 zirlaite pawhin keini pawl hniam ho cuan kn
School tha tak taka zirlai kan chanchinbu hlut nachang hrethiam ve c lova,mizo
changkang tak takte leh in lo hre zel mai hi chu a tawng te pawn a tihchhuah ve
Zokhaw lama zirlaite hi bai lawmawm ngawt mai. Mt. theih loh maw.LAMPS'Y
pawlh tlak tak kan la ni..Ed) Mizorama Bike part chi hrang hrang tlawmna ber ani hial ang!!
Helmet tlawm si, nalh bawk si!!
Pu editor chibai Lenkual paha dawr nghal mai a remchang viau....
le...Studntoutlook hi ka lo
ciar trin a,a tra ka ti khwp Bethlehem, Aizawl.
my...a thy cuan khwgaih in Ph.9862502769/
sport news lampag hi lo telh
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-5

ZIRLAI TAMTAKIN EXAM pawh a awm thei tih Minister chuan a sawi a.
HMACHHAWN MEK SSA emaw RMSA emaw hnuaia hnalak
Mizorama Exam pawimawh zual chung-changah Board pawh din tum a nih thu
zawng zawng tih theih, HSLC, HSSLC leh a sawi bawk.
College-te chuan tunlai hian Final Exam an SSA zirtirtu zingah thawk \ha vak lo
hmachhawn mek a. HSLC leh HSSLC hian te, aikal la mai mai te an awm \hin niin SSA
Feb.15-ah Exam an tan ang a, College lam hotute chuan an sawi a. Heng mite hi an perfor-
erawh chuan Feb. 9 khan an tan tawh thung. mance report-ah chuan ‘very good’ tih vek tho
Hetihlai hian Class XI erawh Exam a rual lo a nih avangin, zirtirtute performance chu uluk
hle a. HSSLC Exam Centre atana hman zawka enfiah tum a nih thu an sawi.
School hrang hranga Class XI-te chuan exam Hetih lai hian SSA hnuaia zirtirtute chu uluk taka
an zawh fel tawh laiin thenkhat exam training pek vek tawh sa te, Certificate in Pri-
hmachhawn mai tur an la awm bawk. mary/Middle Education (CPE etc), Diploma in
Primary/Middle Education (DPE etc) te zir zo
SAWRKARIN SSA HNATHAWK tawh te an ni hlawm a. Hetih mek laia a thara
BAN THEN DAWN thlak leh an nih chuan training pek \hat leh vek
Tunhnai a SSA zirtirtute thuahfai chu a buaithlak hle dawn nia thu dawn a ni.
tumna a awm nia sawi chuan Mizoramah titi a
Education Minister Lalsawta chuan,
SSA hnuaia thawk te chu term neia lak an nih
Kan chanchinbu a kan Contributor pakhat,
thu leh, zirtitute chu ban vek tumna a awm loh
thu a sawi a. December ni 31 khan tuna term Pu J.T.Vanlalngheta, DEO (LE&IT), Saiha Dis-
kal mek hi a tawp tawh tih sawiin, February trict ni \hin chuan a hna thar Secretary, Mizoram
ni 28 thleng an hun pawhsei sak an nih thu leh Youth Commission (MYC) chu Jan.12, 2011
SSA hnuaia hnathawktu zing -ah performance khan a zawm fel ta.
\ha lo deuh te an awm avangin, a \ha lo te Pu Vanlalngheta hi thalaite hmakhua
erawh paih tum an nih thu a sawi. ngaihsak mi tak a ni a. Career Guidance Bu
Congress Sorkar tirh pawh khan leh Dictionary pawh a lo siam tawh. Jan.28,
hetianga hmalak tumna hi a awm tawh nia sawi 2011 pawh khan The Concise Mizo-English
a ni a. Hun engemaw chen ngawih anih hnuah Dictionary a tichhuak leh bawk. A mamawh
tunah hian thawm a rawn awm leh ta a ni. tan office hun chhungin heng no-ahte hian biak
SSA chu Mizoram Education Mis- pawh theih a ni:
sions Society (MEMS) hnuaia awm niin 0389-2300348 (0) 0389-2310333(0)
sorkar ang diak diaka a kal a \ul loh chang fax. 2310333

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-6 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
If you have any problem, please sms to : 9862329680

Q. Fashion desining hi ka genetic kaihhnawih heng- biotechnology, molecu-

tuina lam a nia,hemi ni lar biology, microbiology or biochemistry-ah te
thei tur hian eng subj nge hian graduate/post-graduate neih leh a ngai bawk.
ka lak tur leh a \ul tur ang Institution \henkhatah chuan Genetic En-
te min lo hrilh -frm AZNHS chaltlag gineering hi course hran offer lovin biotechnol-
Pu Ed,XII Arts ka ni a, fashion design- ogy, microbiology, biochemistry stream-ah te
ing lampang hi zir ve ka chak a, khogaihin an beh teltir \hin a. College lut chho tur chuan a
chiang zawkin min hrilh thei em?(zorini) pangngai in, Entrance (IITJEE, Mizoram State
Chhanna : Fashion Designing zir tur hian enge Quota, etc) kaltlanga luh tur a ni. Post Gradu-
ka lak ang tih aiin, ka tihchi a ni em tih hi a ate Course zir thei tur chuan University hrang
pawimawh hmasa zawk hial maithei. Fashion hrangin an in\awm All India Combined En-
Designer ni tur chuan mi creative tak, trance, JNU, New Delhi-in an conduct thin hi
photoghraphic eye nei, thil pangngai han paltlang a ngai a, IIT-a lut tur chuan GATE leh
tihdanglam zeuha a nalh dan hre riau mi nih a JEE paltlang a ngai deuh zel.
ngai a. Mi nazawng tihchi chu a ni lem lo. Q. Pu Editor, cl 12 'sc' zirlai ka ni a, ar-
India ramah hian Diploma leh Degree Course chaeologist nih hi ka chak \hin a, mahse arts
bakah Master Degree thlenga zirna Institution line a nih hmel bok si a... Egpawh chu nise,
tamtak a awm a. Diploma leh Degree la tur hian hemi ni tur hian eng subj. te nge thiam ngai
Institution tamtak chuan Class XII Science pass a, engtia tih tur nge? Detail deuhin minlo
kher an duh laiin Post Graduate zir tur erawh hrilh teh, pliz - RR Tlangte
chuan Arts/Fine Arts Graduate tan pawh a theih
Chhanna : Archaelogist ni tur chuan a hmasa
tho bawk a. Tin, Institution \henkhat, Science phut
berin College-ah History emaw, Archaelogy
kherlo pawh an awm ve bawk.
emaw lak a ngai a. Class XII Sc i pass hnuah
Fashion Designing zirna hnuaiah hian peng
duh leh i inlet dawn nia. Archaelogist ni tur chuan
hrang hrang tamtak a awm ve avangin kan
ancient history leh culture hriat a ngai hle. His-
hlawhtlinpui theih tur, kan talent milpui thlan
tory Graduate, mark 55% hmu pha chin tan
thiam pawh a pawimawh hle ang.
Archaelogy peng hrang hrangah Diploma
Q. Pu Editor,XI Sc zirlai ka ni a,genetic
emaw, Postgraduate Diploma emaw, Post
engineer nih ka duh a,a kalkawng ka hre si
Graduation (MA, MSc) a lak chhunzawm theih
lova, khongaih takin min lo pui?
bawk. Heng course-te hi kum 1 a\anga kum 2
zir a ni tlangpui. Institute of Archaelogy, aca-
Pu Editor, class 11 Sc zirlai ka nia, Ge-
demic wing, Archeological Survey of India,
netic engineer zirtur hian eng ka tih ngai min
New Delhi a Post Graduate Diploma zir tur hian
hrilh thei em. 9774636715
Written Exam leh interview paltlang a ngai.
Chhanna : Genetic Engineer zir tur chuan Class Heng Post Graduate Course zawh hnu hian Ph
XII-ah Science lak ngei a ngai a. Chumi hnuah D thlengin a zir zawm theih a ni.
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-7
Numismatics, epigraphy, archives and khawgaihin min lo hrilh. -9856605410
museology-te hi Archaelogy branches Chhanna : Ti hian ti chhin teh:
pawimawhte an ni a. Applied Sciences, Theory 1. Thil engemaw pawimawh deuh an sawi
and Methods in Archaeology, Protohistory, Art, laiin lo bengcheng deuh chul la, an hauh che chuan
Museology, Chemical Preservation, Antiquarian an rilru an pe tawklo aniang tiin, chumi behchhan
Laws etc.te hi a subject cover tlangpui an ni. chuan bengchheng kara rilru pe taka lehkha zir a
Q. Tunah hian cl-IX zirlai ka nia, Airhosstes harzia hrilhfiah ang che, titau rawngkai lovin!
nih hi ka chak ve si a, 10 ka pass chhuah Chaw ei laite pawhin han sawichhuak la....
hnuah enge lak ngai ang?? Kimberly 2. An bengchhen deuh chuan duh leh pawn
lam hmun hrehawm deuhah pawh, an hmuh
Pu Ed, air hostess hi ka chak ve em2 a phakna ngei turah ngawrh em emin han zir la,
pian nalh a ngai an ti a, ka pian hi chu a chhiar tlut tlut la, an hrethiam vat mai ang.
nalh a, chuan arts ka la a, hemi ni tur hian 3. Bangah fiah tawkin “Silence Please!!
kum eng zat nge ngai o? khongaihin min lo Exam lai anih hi” tih tar kuau rawh.
hrilh ka tui ve ltk a. Rosalyn, st.johns 4. An la hriatthiam loh cheu chuan chhungte
Chhanna : Air Hostess ni tur hian Arts/Sci- men lai zawng chu mu hmiah la, zan rei lama zir
ence a theih ve ve niawm tak a ni. Air Hostess tum mai rawh.
zir theih dan hi Institute hrang hrangah a inang Q. Pu Editor, clas11 zirlai, computer science
lo thluah a. A tlangpuiin Graduate emaw, 10+2 la ka ni a, tunah rih chuan nuam ka tiin ka
pass, Hotel Management-a Diploma Certifi- tui em2 mai a, kan teacher-te hian kan ca-
cate nei emaw nih a ngai a. Kum 17-25 an la reer tur min hrilh vak ngai si lova, a ruk
tlangpui bawk. 157.5 cm (ft) a sang tal nih a chuan ka bei hi a dong ve thei em2 \hin a, a
ngaih bakah rih zawng leh san zawng inmil \ha scope hi hriat ka nei tam em2 bawk si lova,
nih a ngai a, pasal la neilo nih a ngai bawk. khwngaih takin min \anpui thei ang em? Engti
National Language Hindi bakah Foreign tawng, zawngin nge ka kal zel ang.? Chance hi kan
a bikin English thiam \ha tak nih a ngai a, mit nei ve in i hria em?? from..young dee..
fiah \ha (6/24) tal nih a ngai bawk.
Air Hostess ni tur chuan mawng zang tak, Chhanna : Chance chu awm tehreng mai. Com-
hlim thei tak leh mi biangbiak thiam tak nih a puter Scientist-te hnathawh hi hlawm lian pui pui
ngai a. Hmel lamah chuan hmuh nuam lam an pathumah a then theih a: a) designing and building
duh kan tih tawh kha. Ser (scar) erawh chu software; b) computer-in harsatna tawh thinte
neihna hmun azir te pawh a ni thei ang. chinfel leh c) computer tha zawk a siamchhuah,
Air Hostess zir tur an lak dawn hian Insti- computer hmanna zau zawk leh computer hmanga
tution tha ah chuan Written Test leh Personal thil siamchhuah ti tein. Heng hnuaiah hian Com-
Interview bakah Group Discussion-te an puter zirna peng hrang tamtak a awm bawk. I
neihpui thin. duh ang taka chhan dawn chuan a sei tham dawn
Q. Pu Editor,exam a hnai tawh si a, mahse si a, hun remchang hmasa berah kimchang deuh
lehkha ka la zir \ha thei reng reng lo. A zawka tarlan la tum ta ila atha zawk awm e..
chhan chu ka chhungte’n bengchheng an Class XI chauh i la ni bawk a...
siam zel a, bengchhengah lehkha ka zir Q. Pu editor,tunah hian cl-xii(com) third ah
theilo ka tih leh i rilru i pe tawklo a nih chu ka pass toh a,chartered account zir ka duh
an ti zel bawk si. Engtia zir tur nge a, icai-a in register dan ka hre silo a, egtia
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-8 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
tih tur nge min lo hrilh thei ang em? Graduation ni lemlo, Diploma leh short duration
Khogaihin min lo tanpui.tetei certificate dang, food processing and cookery
science lamte pawh zir mah la a pawi lem lo ang.
Chhanna : ICAI Website -ah
Hetih rual hian, Bureau of Labor Statistics-
khan chiang takin an tarlang a, lo en ta mai che.
in a report dan chuan Chef tamtak hian an ca-
harsatna dang i neih leh kan inhrilh leh zawk
reer hi khawilai Hotel-ah emaw a chaw chhum
ang a...
a\angin an \an hlawm a. Cooking School a kal
Q. Pu Editor class -VIII zirlai ka ni a, te, Vocational training kal te an awm ve bawk.
missonary nih hi ka chak em em a, class eng Amaherawhchu, Chef ni tura talent nei \ha bik,
zat nge pass ngai?ka lehkha zir zel dan tur eisiam thiam riau hi an awm ve hrim hrim a ni ti
min hrilh theih chuan ka lawm ngawt ang. hriat a \ha khawp mai.
Fr Puipuii Q. Pu editor class 9 zirlai ka ni a, Astronauts
Chhanna : I Missionary nih tum dan a zir a ni nih hi ka tum a, eng subject nge ka lak ngai
mai ang chu. Tuna i awmna ah pawh khan Mis- a eng college-ah nge ka luh ngai khawngaih
sionary hna chu a thawh theih tho a!! Ram in min hrilh thei a ngem Anggu
danga chhuah i duh anih erawh chuan a chhe Chhanna : Hetiang lama kal tur chuan
berah Graduate tal nih a \ha. Tin, Hindi leh En- recognised University atanga engineering, bio-
glish nal taka hmang thei turin inbuatsaih la.. logical or physical science, or mathematics pass
Thlarau lam thil deuh anih avangin chhan thiam phawt a ngai a. Chumi hnuah kum engemawzat
a har!! Pathianin a hman duh chuan lehkha thiam hemi kaihhnawih lam zir leh a ngai bawk. Jet
miahlo pawh nasa takin a hmang thei tho a....... aircraft darkar 1,000 tal i khalh a ngai bawk.
Q. Ka pu, cl-12 science zirlai ka ni a. Sci- Astronaut tamtak chu Airforce lam mi an
ence hi ka tui bau lo. Mahse eisiam hi nuam ni. Mission-a tel tur tak tak phei chuan paltlang
ka ti em2 a, sap ramahte awm ila chutah tur tamtak a awm a ni. I la naupang bawk a,
chuan restaurant lian tak hawng ila tih vel Science leh Mathematics kha han thiam hle
ringot hian min bual a, min pui teh. Sap ram phawt mai teh. Class XI-ah Science lak ngei
kal ka tan a har vak lovang, ka chhungte ngei a ngai ania..
an awm sa a. Chief cook nih a, ka restau- Q. Pu Editor, maths hi ka tui si a, harsatna
rant-ah chuan thawktu tamtak la thei tur ka nei ngai em2 lo, tunah hian cl-x ka nia a,
khawpa zir thiam ka van duh tak. plz2 help lo pas ta ila science tel lo hyn maths chauh
8014708116 a lak theih ang em? science hi ka zir hnem
Chhanna : I dinhmun atang hian poh leh ka hriat pwlh tam bwk si, min han
Hotel Management lam han zir mai pui hram teh, fr- sphss dragon ballz
pawh thil harsa lutuk a ni lo hmel a.. Chhanna : Synod HSS, Aizawlah hian Arts
Class XII i pass hnuah Hotel Man- atanga Maths lak theih a awm \hin a, mahse
agement Course engemaw ber i nikum lam khan tihtawp a ni tawh. Nangmah
zawm ve a ngai dawn a ni. Gradua- ang hi an awm leh zauh \hin a, buaithlak angreng
tion i duh anih chuan National Council of Hotel tak a ni. Mizoramah hian a awm anih pawhin
Management and Catering Technology eng school-ah nge a awm tih kan hre mai lo tlat.
(NCHMCT)-in Entrance a buatsaih thin India ramchhung hmun dangah a awm em kan
kaltlangin Institution tha tak takah i lut thei ang a. hre chuang lo. Kan lo ngaihven zel ang e.

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-9
tluan ka ring bik lo,a lehlamah
cuan keini mipui tamtak aia fing
an ni a,ram chu an tum cuan an
Politician-te kan hmuh dan.. A chhe zawng emaw, a \ha enkol tei ngeiin k ring. H.Carter,
zawng emaw... Politician-te hi kan ram tichhetu an ni em? cl9 BSA Bongkon chhimveng
Nge mipuite hian kan zirlo zawk? Kan ram politican-te hian kn ram
hruai that cu an duh ve tho.
Mizo politician te hian Lal ringawt Ka ngaihdanah chuan politician Mahse a steps an hrelo deuh..
ngaihtuah lova hna an thawh a te hi kan ram tichhe tu an ni.. thalai lehkha thiam te kan chet
hun. Sawisel hlau an tam ber. LAL mipuite hi min bum kual mai2 a chhuah hun ah change kn hmu
nuam anti ltk..Tamjwkin mi mwl pumpui chiah an ngaih tak2 ng -9774585739
nia kn gyh agcikhwpa huaisen kn ganc
mamwh.. Puia@MHSS Mizoram politician te hian,
Mipuite pawh hian kan zir lo a
mizoram(mipui) aiin mahni a letin
Kan ram tichhetu an nih ka hre lwm. sum kan lwm ltk.. NLUP tih
an inhmangaih zawk niin ka
lo. Engkimah kan hmuchhe vel mai2 ah kan in nghah chhung
hria..- Lc Ralte. Mi ram atangin.
ringawt jel, awm lo se kan tam chu kan changkang thei lo
tawh ang. Mizoram politiciante hy cheng100,000 kha tlem Kan ram politciante hi k lo hmuh
han swiselna tur k selo St@. cl - si.. From...Feli GCHS v dan my2 cuan mhny trang hma
X..ÑH$• an hai Deuh cuan k hria rethy lh
CM atan PAST0R hi in candidate hosa in kar jauh chak dan em2 a
Kan politician te hi an fel mah2 in lo tling ta se... C0RRUPTI0N trang han leh kn ram hmaswn
kati...tin,mipui hian dan siam tur tih thumal hi a theihgilh hmak mai dan en n lung an dum jan lo k
leh hnathawk tur aiin khohar ina lo'ng mo¿...corrupt thei dinhmun ty..Mr.NHSE
leg tur te, khuallian turte, thilhawg ah han ding ve la enge i an bik
tr te, mitthi phurh nan a motor vak ang le! AMER0Z G.M.H.S.S. Pu Editor,kan zoram hi chu mi 2
gyhtua tr te,etc. vel hyan kn beisei Champhai indona a ni,congress in thilthar an ni lahin vote hmuhna anh siamchhuaka,mnf thilsiam
Politician te tello hi cuan ram a
cuan egpwh an hniallo bok si. antihchhiatsak a,mnf in cogress
kal thei lo a,a thang thei lo bawk.
Laneii @ KHSS thilsiam antihchhiatsaka,indo
mahse,an corrupt nast em vag
reng reng in zoram an khalhkual
Tunlai politician te hi chu an upa hian Mipuite hi an hlau tho
a,thalaiten kan tuar thildik hmuh
toh k t! Thalai xok te hi chance pe hlauh tlawn avang in sorkar
tur avang ta e.. PUIA7X
in kian ve ngam se.. hnathawk te leh assosiation
Frm PaNIC GLHSS hrang2 te nawrh tam chan hi ani
thei ang em!..Crazy star PHSS Kan politiciante hi kan ram hruai
Kawng tam tak ah chhuan politi- danah hian an chak twklo niin k
cian te thiam loh ni mahse, mipui Politician te an dem wm lo pwh k hria, anmahni leh an mahni in
te hi i in en fiah ve deuh teh ang u ti chuag lo....mipui kan chapo e elna hi anasa ltk mah2a,ram
khai! Kan politician te pawh an lu mai a,.!! Scavenged_phir hmagaihtu an nh chuan, inpui
a hai lutuk a nga sin!! An thiam tawnin,tangkhwm twn sela cuan
Politician te hi ram tichhetu an
loh vek a ni dawn em ni le? Mipui hei ai hyn kn ram hyn hma a sawn
nihna chen a awm in ka hria,
te i harh ve teh ang u. ZTSA. chak phah ngwt ang..mipui te’n
mahse an tello cuan ram a kal
NHSE an that lohna leh fel lohna ringwt

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-10 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
kan zwn a,kan swi thin hi tha k ti leh thei ag nga tih rengwt hi an chan neilo hian a hnuaia thawkte
lo. EDENY.CLS-X11'C'.. ngaihtuah berin ka hria.. hnathawh hi en fl thin zawk se a
GHSS(L) 8974435854 that zawk pwh ka ring e.. -Red
Dikna nen aiin hleih neiin ro an Ngati nge tianga Mizoram
rel mah2 deuh lo mw le a tih theih hmangaihtu tia insawi ve2 si hi Kan politiciante hi cuan thil tha
in k hria.. 9612226608 an in beih reng mai le? An policy cu an hria a,tih pwh an duh
te pawh inang lo mhse,an tum ber mase,an vua leh vagte leh,an
Politician te chu Opposition leh Mizoram tan chuan in tih chak
Neutral nih lai chuan tih dan hria zawk awm tak.. Thuneihna an duh hmelhriatte nwr/jar buai vel vag
mahce ataka ti gamlo an ni C.M e! Politician lehkha thiam sang hian thil tha an hriat leh tih an duh
leh Party hlau lo mahni policy leh kan economic leh political pwh an t gamlo leh thin in k hria.
hlen gamPolitician kan mamoh status hrethiam tak2,Mihring aia Fr"Thantea Parvatui.
9766919151 Pathian zah tak2 kan mamawh k Tunlai kan mizoram ag ah
Politician te chu Opposition leh ti. from: Outlook reader. pwh,thl dik taka t thn te cu 'a va fel
Neutral nih lai chuan tih dan hria Mizoram politician te hi em!' th a hnk in "a va han mwl
mahce ataka ti gamlo an ni C.M an nh lai ang renga mipui tana ve"tih an hlwh twh zwk a nh hi,a
leh Party hlau lo mahni policy inpe an nh cuan kn ram hruaitu dik a ni...Tunlai khwvel ah te cuan
hlen gamPolitician kan mamoh: tur atan cuan an tha fu ang. dik lo tak a sum lak luh a tag a
Dawnga Nagpur 9774382405 hausa pwh ni se,kn gai sag zel si
a,mi zwg2 n a kn duh t cu "mi
Mizoram politician te hi an in ang Zoram politician xingah tha tak2
vek lova thenkhat hi chu ram wmlaiin,ram lh hmam tana thwk zah"hlwh kn duh vk a lwm,he tiang
hmangaih avanga politics a lut te, twklo erwh an wm bwk.hegho vag a kn en zel te cuan tu n ge ei ru lo
ram hmangaih dera mahni hyan politics pwh hi bwlhhlwh zo phal ag ni,mipui te pwh hyn en
hlawkna avanga lut lah bo lo ram tavekah kan gai cu a ni ta. fr.Hmaa dan i thiam ve i la,mipui te pwh
hmangaih tu dik leh mi tha chu Khiangte.(Lungrang 'S') hian kn zir bik lo a lwm. Frm :
election leh ah lalpan min pe ngei PAPUIA BHSS.
Mizoram politiciante ka hmuh
a rinawm hle.-Ram veituliana
dan cu, 1- chinghne beram Kan Ram hruaitu lu berin a Rs
Kan Zoram Politician te ka hmuh hmulsin ang 2-mipui sorkar ni 120000/-a han hlawh mai tr hi
dan dik tak chu,an hmui leh an lovin party sorkar din tum tlat. 3- keini BPL tan chuan tah a chhuak
tawngka hi an umpha lova,an nih zu rui ang a ngahtuahna tawi nei. in Pum hiah chhüng a rei leh
loh dan pui alan tumin mipui min 9612723575 dawn khp mai.Føstër
thlema,chumi hnu chuan mipuite A tam xk hi cuan eizawn nan a an Lïthïñg,Pëtërïåñ
min suasam thin ani ber hian ka hman avang in an pumpui chiah Politician-te hi an in ang vek lem
hria. From-Mr.Werwolf an ngaituah. ecomics thiam kan lova,thenkhat mahni hlawkna
Parkman Leitlangpui GHSS. ram dinhmun chawikang thei kan ngawr2 duh a khelte an awm laiin
thenkhat chu ram hmangaih
Kan mizorama politiciante hi politician te zingah an awm
avanga politician nite an awm
kahmuh ve dan cuan,ram hi lo..Anthony ICFAI bawk a. Bakah,mipuiin kan beisei
engtin nge ka hruai ang Kn CM hi k hmuh ve dan ah cuan anga thil a kal loh chuan a hotu
nga,engtin ka develop ang tih ai a tha viau nain,dept chan a nei lute hi kan dem nghal ngawt zel
cuan,engtin ge tearm lh ah ka tlin tlat hian a ti chaklo ka ti tlat.. Dept a.(Georgie)
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-11
Rinawmna hi politician te tan cauh a ni lova, mi In thu thawn zawng zawng a leng vek
zawng2 tan a ni. Mipuite ph hian kan zirlo deuhin a lova, a pawi kan ti \hin khawp mai. Instituion
lang...Rinawmna a pawimawh ber, fak leh sawisel hming in tarlan hian tihchhuah a nuam bik
hun hriat a tha. Politician zahawm tak2 te u kan thin tih hriat a \ha e.
Zoram tan hian theihtp han chhuah teh u khai, Nest Issue atan...
Rinawma, cl-8 Royal Standard Schol, bungkon
Mi zahawm tehna hi hausakna ah
An vualehvagte leh,an hmelhriatte nwr/jar buai kan nghat ta a ni lo maw..??? Zahawm
vel vag hian thil tha an hriat leh tih an duh pwh teh nan engnge kan hman ang? Tute nge
an t gamlo thin in k hria.dik cu dik,diklo cu diklo mi zahawm i tih le....
t gam gat politician h kn joram hian a mamwh I ngaihdan tawifel takin mob no.
tak jet twh a ni.Fr"Thantea Parvatui. 9862329680-ah thawn rawh le....

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-12 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram

HAITI PRESIDENT HLUI THUBUAI Rene Preval thlaktu tur thlangin vote thlak a ni
SIAMSAK A NI tawh a, a tum khat-naah tling zo an awm loh
Haiti President hlui, Jean-Claude "Baby avangin a hmu sang pahnihte inkarah vote hi
Doc" Duvalier chu an rama a kir leh hnuah kum thlak nawn leh turin an inbuatsaih mek a ni
1971-1986 chhunga eiruknaa inhnamhnawih leh
diklo taka thuneihna hmanga puhin thubuai ISRAEL-IN LAWNGRUAL BEIHDAN
siamsak nghal a ni. CHHUINA REPORT A TICHHUAK
Duvalier hi sipai chakna hmanga paihthlak a Nikum May thlaa Turkey lawngrual, Gaza
nih hnuah, France ramah sahimna zawngin a Strip chhawmdawlna tur phurtu Israel com-
tlanchhia a. Kum 24 zet rampawn lama a awmbo mando-ten an beih chungchang chhuina report
hnuah sawilawk loin Jan.16 khan Haiti ramah hian chu Israel chuan Jan.23 khan a ti chhuak a, hetah
a kir leh a, nikuma lirnghing rapthlak tak an tawrh hian Israel lam chuan thiltih sual an nei lo nia
avanga tanpui tura haw a nih thu a sawi. tarlan a ni. Lawngrual beihnaah hian Turkey mi
Port-au-Prince chief prosecutor, Aristidas 9 an thi a ni.
Auguste chuan President hlui hi eiruk, rukruk, Israel sipaiten Turkey lawngrual an beih
sorkar sum dik lo taka hmang leh chungchang chhui tur hian Israel sorkar chuan
pawikhawihna danga inhnamhnawiha puhin a hranin Turkel Commission, Israel mi pali leh
thubuai siamsak a nih thu a sawi. Duvalier hi a ramdang mi pahnih awmna a din a. Commis-
thuneihna a chan lai hian mi tam tak rawng
sion report, phek 300-a chhah hi Jan.23
taka nghaisa leh thatah puh a ni a, hei bakah
chawhnu khan Supreme Court Justice hlui Jacob
hian an state sum tam tham tak chheprelhah
Turkel chuan a chhiar chhuak a ni. Report-ah
puh a ni bawk.
Haiti rama a kir hnu hian Duvalier hi Port- hian Israel chetdan chu dan kalh a ni lo tih a
au-Prince-a hotel pakhatah a khawsa a, Ja. 18 sawi rualin, he thil thleng avanga chhiatna thleng
khan a thlenna hmunah hian Haiti chief pros- thei awm tur laka ruahmanna fel tak a siam loh
ecutor leh judge kalin darkar eng emaw zat thu avangin Israel sipaite chu a sawisel bawk a ni.
an zawhfiah a, hemi hnu hian van hmangin po- Nikum khan UN chuan a hranin report a lo
lice station-ah hruai a ni. Duvalier hi an ram rohlu tichhuak tawh a, hetah hian hian Israel sipaite
tam tham tak chheprelha puh a nih chungchangah chetdan chu na takin a dem a ni. Mahse Israel
thu an zawtfiah a ni. Duvalier thlawptu mi 200 report tihchhuahah chuan an sipaite hian beih
vel chu police station kawtah pungkhawmin, an tawh hmasak avangin silai an chelek chauh
security force-te chu lungin an tawng a ni. niin a sawi thung.
US state department thupuangtu, Philip Turkey Prime Minsiter, Recep Tayyib
Crowley chuan Haiti hruaitu hlui an rama a kir Erdogan chuan Israel report tihchhuah chu a
leh chu Haiti ram buaina belhchhahna mai a ni, pawmlo tih a sawi a, he report hi a rintlak loh a
a ti. Haiti ramah hian President kalchhuak tur, ni, a ti. Turkey lawngrual beih a nih vang hian

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-13
Israel leh Turkey inlaichinna pawh a chhiat phah khawvel ram hrang hrang hruaitute chu Egypt
hle a, report tihchhuah hian an inkar boruak hi a ram dinhmun sawiho tur leh, boruak tha tak a
siamthat phah dawn lo a ni, a ti. awm leh theihna tura hmalak dan turte sawipui
turin a sawm. White House chuan Obama hian
EGYPT SORKAR LEH MUSLIM BROTHER- UAE lal fapa, Prince Mohammed bin Zayed,
HOOD-TE INBIA Britain PM David Cameron leh Germany Chan-
Egypt President, Hosni Mubarak ban phuta cellor, Angela Merkel-te a be tawh niin a sawi.
eptuten hun rei tak chhung lungawilohna an lantir
hnuah, Egypt sorkar leh eptu pawl, Muslim Tunge Mubarak??
Brotherhood-te chuan an rama tualchhung Hosni Mubarak (May ni 4, 1928 a piang)
buaina tihtawp a nih theihnan inbiak an remti ta hi Aigupta Air Academy a zir chhuak in (kum
niin official-te chuan an sawi. 1950-ah), Air Force a zawm a. A thiante holi-
Pawl hnih aiawhte inbiaknaah hian Egypt day lai a zir chhunzawm thlangin kum 2
sorkar aiawhin Vice President Omar Suleiman chhungin a a zirlai a zo daih. Kum 25 zet Air
a kal dawn a, Cairo-ah Muslim Brotherhood Force-ah hian thawkin 1972 atang khan Air
aiawhte hi a hmu ang. He hunah hian thuneihna
Force hotu ber Commander-in-chief a ni. A
inhlanchhawn dan leh an ram hmalam hun turte
an sawiho dawn a ni.
fin leh hnathawh that avang a chawimawina
Eptu pawl hian sorkarin inbiakna neih a hrang hrang a dawn bakah kum 1975 atangin
rawtna chu a lo hnawlsak tawh thin a, mahse kha lai a Aigupta President Anwar Sadat khan
Feb. 5-a rorellai, National Democratic Party an ram Vice President-ah a ruat a.
hruaitu eng emaw zatin an party atanga banna October ni 6 kum 1981 khan, Isreal nen
an thehluh hnuah inbiakna neih hi a remti ta a ni. a indo an chak hriatrengna ni an lawmna
NDP hruaitu, banna thehlut zingah hian Presi- hmunah Military Parade an en lai in Muslim
dent Mubarak-a fapa, Gamal Mubarak pawh a Funfamentalist (sipai zing a mi) te’n Sadat hi
tel a, ani bakah hian NDP steering committee an kap hlum ta mai a, Mubaraka, a bul a thu
member parukten banna hi an thehlut a ni. pawh a kut-ah na vak lovin an hliam.
Epty party lian berin sorkar nena in-biakna
Mubarak hian Sadat hi thlakin ni 14 October
neih a remtih tak avangin political party hrang
hrangte pawhin sorkar nena inbiak hi an remti
1981 atang khan tun thleng hian a Aigupta
tawh bawk. President a la ni ta zel a. A lal rei tawh bawk
Egypt ramchhung bakah, ramdangte pawhin a, mipui hma thatna ai mahin ama duh dan
President Mubarak chu a thuneihna midang kuta ngatin ram a hruai a, human rights a rap bet
hlan thuai turin an nawr reng a. Mubarak hian tlat bawk a. Autocrat ang a function si hian,
thuneihna chelh chu a ning tawh tih sawi mah se, thiam takin, America, European countries leh
President atanga a ban mai chuan an ramah Isreal ngei pawh a be tha tlat mai si. Aigupta
buaina nasa zawk a chhuah mai a hlauhthawn hi, Sadat a thah a nih hlim a, emergency an
thu a lo sawi tawh a ni. Report thenkhatin puan kha an la hmang char char !
Mubarak hian a party a chhuahsan angin tarlang Israel nen a remna an siam a vang hian
mah se, State TV chuan NDP hruaitu thenkhat
lawm man ang reng in, USA hian economic
an ban thu chauh sawiin, Mubarak-a hming hi a
sawilang tello a ni.
leh sipai thuam in a tanpui nasa em em mai a,
US President, Barack Obama chuan Mubarak a hruai Aigupta hi Arab ram dang te
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-14 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram

phei chuan an tui thlar reng a ni. Kum 82 zet ni TOP 25 POLITICAL ICONS
tawhin lalna hi chuh zui zel pawh a tum chiah HUANGAH GANDHI LEH AKBAR
tawh lova, nimahse, a thlak tu tur a tan hian a India hnam Pa, Mahatma Gandhi leh In-
fapa Gamal Mubarak hi dah dan phet a zawn dia Lal ropui tak Akbar-a chu TIME Maga-
zine-in ‘Top 25 Political Icons’ a thlan ah an
bakah sawrkar mi pawimawh dang pawh a
tel a, Tibet sakhaw hruaitu Dalai Lama leh Fa-
ma mi leh sa dah tumin a bei vel mek bawk.
ther of Mpdern China, Mao Zedong-te an tel
A hausa hle a. An chhut dan chuan a
husakna hi USD 70 billion zet ni awm e.
US President hlui Ronald Reagan-a
Pawisa hi Swiss Bank, leh Europe ram bank piancham vawi 100-na lawma ruala tihchhuah
dang –ah te leh company hrang hrang a in- ah hian khawvelin hun a lo hman tawh zawng
vestment te a ni awm e. Thla hmasa ni 25 a zawnga hruaitu ropuite an tarlang a. Non-Vio-
tanga Mubarak sawrkarna paihthlak tum a lent hmanga hma a lakna te, India freedom
nawrna chuan a tawp a thleng tep tawh a. Movement-a ahmalakna zawng zawngte’n
Kum 30 dawn zet President a nihna chu khawvel hmun hrang hrangah rahchhuah tha tak
Mubarak hian September thla hian chawlh a neih avangin he huangah hian telh a ni.
san a, inthlan leh ah pawh in candidate loh a Gandhi-a hmalakna te hian Amerca rama
tum a puang. hihangte dikna chanvo humhalh tumtu Martin
Thuneihna erawh mumal tak a hlan phawt Luther King-te, South Africa rama vun rawng
a ban a duh thu a sawi a. Cairo khawpui chhung avanga inenhranna (apartheid) dodaltu ropui
a hmun pakhat Tahrir Square a inkulh protester Nelson Mandella-te pawh a cho chhuak nia
te hian hei hi an duh tawk lovin, ‘Bang rawh, ngaih a ni.
tunah’ ti in an la nawr zel. Obama leh Hillary Kum zabi 16-na a Mughal Emperor,
Clinton paw’n a rang thei ang berin an ti. Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar pawh Hindu
Mubarak a hian, ram tan a a thawh nasat ram, India a Muslim Lalram a din chhoh dan
zia leh, hetia a ban thut mai chuan, hruaitu te, zalenna a thlen avangte in he huangah hian
mumal nei lova awmin an ram chu a buai tur telh a ni bawk.
zia a sawi ve thung. Sipai hotu a nih lai a, ram AUSTRALIA-AH CYLCONE YASI
tan a a thawh that zia leh kum 30 zet chhung Feb 2 zan khan Australia hmar-chhak lam,
buaina awm lova ram roreltu a lo nihna te hre Queensland state chu Cyclone Yasi-in a nuai
reng turin mi a chah ve nasa. a, thil a tichhe nasa hle a, mahse thlipui tleh
Feb.6 tlai thu thar-ah chuan, Mubarak vang hian thi leh hliam an an awm hriat a ni lo.
a ruat thar Vice President Omar Suleiman leh Thlipui hi darkar khata km 300-a chakin
Opposition lam in nileng a an sawi ho hnu in a tleh a, power leh phone line-te a chhiat
ram hruai hna inhlan chhawn dan tur hi an sawi avangin a thiltih chhiat dan hi kimchanga hriat a
fel a ni awm e. Hetah hian Sadat a thah a la ni lo. Thing tam tak a tlu a, chenna in 180,000
mawhphurtu a puh Muslim fundamentalistdik vel chu hemi zan hian electric eng nei loin an
tak Muslim Brotherhood kha an tel ve leh tlat. awm bawk.
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-15

MINISTER HLUI, RAJA LEH OFFI- buaina kaihhnawihah hian tum li zet CBI hian
CIAL DANG 2 MAN AN NI thu an lo zawtfiah tawh a ni. Hetihlai hian eptu
2G Spectrum buaina kalzelah, Feb.3 lam chuan Raja man a nih chungchangah CBI
khan CBI chuan Telecom Minister hlui, A Raja chetdan chu a nep an tih thu leh, an chemuang
leh official dang pahnih an man. CBI hi 2G an tih thu an sawi. He buaina chhui tura JPC din
spectrum buaina an chhuina report hi kar leha an phutna chu an la kalpui chhunzawm zel dawn
thehlut turin Surpeme Court chuan a lo hrilh tih an sawi bawk.
tawh a ni. Feb 4 khan Raja leh midang pahnihte hi
Raja ruala an mante hi kum 2008-a court-ah hruai nghal niin, CBI chuan thu zawhfiah
Telecom Secretary hna chelhtu, Siddartha tura ni nga an kawl chhunzawm an dil a, hei hi
Behura leh Raa Personal Secretary, RK court chuan a phalsak a ni.
Chandolai-te an ni. An pathum hian Feb.3 zing DMK party chuan an party hruaitu, Raja
khan CBI headquarters-ah koh niin man zui chu man a nih vangin a thiamlo tih a lantir nghal
nghal an ni. lo tih an sawi. DMK hotu lu ber,Tamil Nadu
2G licence pek chhuak danah thil dik Chief Minister Karunanidhi chuan Raja hi a
tawk lo a awm thu leh, he thil avang hian sorkar diklo ngei a ni tih hmuhchhuah a nih chuan an
laipuiin sum tam tham tak a hloh tih hailan a nih party chuan a chungah action lak a hreh dawn
hnuah, thla hnih kalta khan Telecom Minister A lo tih a sawi.
Raja chuan minister a nihna atanign banna a
thehlut a ni. Raja hi UPA sorkara Congress
thawhpui DMK member a ni. 2G spectrum
buaina avang hian nikum kumtawp lama Par- Feb. 6 khan Bhutan khawpui, Thimphu-
liament thlasik thutkhawmah pawh eptu ah India leh Pakistan foreign secretary-te an
memberten rorel thei loin inkhawm an aubuai a inbia a. Heng Official-te hi minute 90 chhung
ni. Eptute hian 2G spectrum chungchang inbia in ram pahnih inlaichinna tihhmasawnna tur
chhuichiang tur hian Joint Parliamentary an sawidun a. Hmasawnna liantham erawh a
Committee(JPC) din an phut a, mahse sorkar thleng lo niin a lang.
chuan an ngenna hi a hnawlsak a ni. India Foreign Secretary, Nirupam Rao
Kum 2007-08 chhunga 2G licence pek chuan, inbiakna chu a lungawithlak thawkhat hle
chhuah danah thil dik tawkloa awm vangin, a a hriat thu a sawi a. Hlawhtlinna tak tak erawh
sorkarin cheng vaibelchhe nuai 1.76 a hloh chu nghah a la ngaih tur thu a sawi a, tun hnuah
niin Comptroller an Auditor General of India pawh inbiakna tha tak an neih chhoh zel a beisei
report chuan a sawi. Raja hi 2G spectrum thu a sawi bawk.
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-16 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram


ULFA helpawl chuan sorkar nena inremna Mumbai-a Adarsh Housing Society in sak
siam tura inbiakna neih tumin hma la zel mah thubuai kal zelah, Jan.29 khan CBI chuan dik lo
se, sorkar laipui chuan Unlawful Activities (Pre- taka thiltihnaa mawhphurtu puh mi pathumte in,
vention) Act hmangin ULFA hi dan pawnah Maharashtra leh Bihar amite a dap sak.
kum hnih chhung dah chhunzawm a la tum. CBI hian Jan.28 khan FIR a thehlut a, hming
ULFA chungchang hi February 14 hian 13 a thehlut zingah heng mi pathumte hming hi
ngaihtuah chhunzawm a ni leh dawn a, hetah a lang tel a ni. FIR-ah hian Maharashtra Chief
hian sorkar laipui rawtna chungchangah hian Minister hlui, Ashok Chavan hming pawh a lang
Assam bakah, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh tel a ni. Nimina in a dapsakte hi society general
leh Nagaland sorkar ngaihdante chu Unlawful secretary, RC Thakur, retired Brigadier MM
Activities (Prevention) Tribunal chuan a zawt Wanchoo leh Congress hruaitu, KL Gidawani-
dawn a ni. te in a ni.Hei bakah hian Colaba hmuna Adarsh
Nikum December 24 khan ULFA society office pawh dap a ni tawh bawk.
chungchang hi ngaihtuah a lo ni tawh a, hetah Thankur, Wanchoo leh Gidwani-te hi
hian party hrang hrangte chu thla khat chhunga Adarsh Society in sak chungchangah a hma la
an ngaihdan thehlut tura tih an nih bakah, ULFA tur ber niin, anmahni ram ni lo, danloa neia puh
pawh thla khat chhunga Tribunal hnenah an an ni tih CBI chuan a sawi. In sak lai hian Thakur
ngaihdan thehlut tura tih an ni. hi Mumbai-a Defence Estate Office-ah sub-di-
State pali-te chuan ULFA hi danpawna visional officer niin, Gidwani hi Congress MLC
dah chhunzawm zel tura an rawt rin a ni. Kum hlui a ni a, society chief promoter a ni.
1979 atang khan ULFA hi danpawna hnawl Society-in Kargil indonaa sipai thi chungte
niin, state hrang hrangte chuan hei hi chhunzawm leh sipai bangte chenna tura Mumbai khawpuia
zel turin an lo ngen tawh a ni. Hetihlai hian kum in a sak hi chhawng 6 tura tih a nih laiin, phalna
1997 atanga Bangladesh thuneitute kuta tang, mumal nei loin chhawng 31-a sanga sak a ni.
ULFA general secretary, Anup Chetia chu tun Hei bakah hian building-a flat hrang hrangte
hnai maiah India ramah lak theih a ni dawn lo chu a luahtu tura tih ni lo, sipai hotu hlui, sorkar
niin Union Home Minister, P Chidambaram official leh politician eng emaw zatin an hmingin
chuan a sawi. Chidambaram chuan Anup an lo dah bawk. Hetianga dik lo taka thiltih a nih
Chetia hi India kuta hlan tura tih ni mah se, dante hmuhchhuah anih hnuah, Environment and
thubuai ngaihtuah lai a la neih avangin a hlan Forests Ministry chuan thla thum chhunga thiat
hun tur hi tihkhawtlai a ngai dawn a ni, a ti. turin thupek a tichhuak tawh a, mahse tun
Kum 43 mi, Chetia hi kum 1997, Decem- thlengin kutthlak a la ni lo.
ber 21 khan Dhaka-ah dan loa Bangladesh He in sak kaihhnawih avang hian Ashok
rama a luh avang leh, passport lem pahnih a Chavan chu Maharashtra Chief Minister atangin
kawl avangin man a ni. A tan hun hi a tlak tawh a lo ban phah tawh a ni. Chavan hi in sak lai,
a, mahse inhumhimna pe tura Bangladesh kum 2001-2003 chhung khan Revenue minister
sorkar hnena a ngenna chu Dhaka court chuan niin, a chhungte thenkhat chuan he inah hian an
a la ngaihtuah mek a ni. hmingin flat an nei a ni. Chavan hian society
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-17
hnenah hian sipai nupuite leh sipai bangte puala
(MCD), New Delhi Municipal Council
in sakah hian civil mite tana 40% dah turin a ti
(NDMC), Delhi Development Authority
nia puh a ni bawk. (DDA), Public Works Department (PWD),
CBI-in FIR an thehluh a hming lang Central Public Works Department (CPWD),
thenkhatte: RITES, Sports Ministry, Urban Development
1. Ashok Chavan, Ex-CM, Maha. Ministry leh Games Organising Committee
2. MM Wangchu hnuaia thawhte an ni.
3. Kanhaiyalal Gidwani CBI chuan OC chairman Suresh Klamadi
4. RC Thakur leh OC Secretary General, Lalit Bhanot bakah
5. Lt General P K Rampal mi eng emaw zat thu a zawtfiah tawh a,
6. Major Generals A R Kumar Kalmadi thawhpui hnaivai mi pali-te lakah FIR
7. T K Kaul thehluh a ni tawh bawk.
8. Former principal secretary (Urban Devel-
opment) Ramanand Tiwariwho (recently NORTH EAST KHAWPUI
suspended by Maharashtra government as RELKAWNGIN PAWH VEK DAWN
Information Commissioner)
Railway Ministry chuan hmarchhak state
9. Subash Lala (the then Principal Secretary
to the CM) khawpui chu kum 5-7 chhungin rel hmanga
10. Retired Brigadier R C Sharma inkalpawh vek theih tura siam a tum thu a sawi.
Itanagar leh Agartala-te chu 11th Plan
CWG PROJECT CHHUI MEKAH hnuaiah rel hmanga inkalpawh thei tura siam a
VBCH 28,000 INHNAMHNAWIH ni ang a, Aizawl, Imphal leh Kohima
Nikuma India rama Commonwealth kalpawhna tur chu 12th Plan hnuaiah siam a ni
Games neihna atana inbuatsaihna hrang hrangah ang. Shillong leh Gangtok chu 13th Plan
thil dik tawk lo awm nia sawi chu chhui chian hnuaiah siam an ni dawn niin official thuchhuah
mek zel a ni a, he thil chhui tura ruat, high-level chuan a sawi. Khawpui hrang hrangte rel
Shunglu committee chuan an project hrang kawnga thlunzawm tum a nih bakah, relkawng
hrang chhuichian mek chu cheng vaibelchhe awmsate chu tihlen tum a ni bawk.
28,000 hu a ni tih a sawi. Tunah hian hmarchhak bialah relkawng
Nikum October 25 khan Prime Minister km 2,447-a thui siam a ni tawh a, hei hi
Manmohan Singh-an Committee hi a din a, thla rampuma relkawng thui zawng atanga 4%
thum chhunga report kimchang thehlut tura tih chauh a la tling pha a, hei hi kum 10 chhungin
an nih hnuin, an hun neih hi pawhsei sak an ni a, 6%-a tipung tura ngen a ni. Hmarchhak biala
kumin March 31 thleng hun pekbelh an ni. relkawngin a tan tlang zinga 97% chu Assam
Committee hian CWG project hrang state chhung niin, 2% chu Tripura state chhung
hranga lehkha pawimawhte a la khawm tawh a ni. Hmarchhak bial economy hmasawnna
a, heng lehkhate hi sorkar laipui leh state sorkar atan te, infrastructure lama thil mamawhte
department hnen atangin a la a ni. awlsam zawka lakluh a nih theihna atan rel
Thil fel tawk lo awm nia sawi, project chhui kawngin a chhun vek hi thil pawimwah tak niin
chian mekte hi Municipal Corporation of Delhi thuchhuah chuan a tarlang bawk.
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-18 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram

HR Bhardwaj & B S Yeddyurappa : tawhtu Mubarak hi tunlai hian an ram mipui

B S Yeddyurappa hi Karnataka State Chief lungawilo ten paihthlak tumin nasa takin an bei
Minister a ni a. An State Governor HR a. Amah thlawptute leh paihthlak tumtute
Bhardwaj hian ram lei leh a kaihhnawih buaina inepna avanga buaina chhuakah mi tamtak an
ah inhnamhnawiha puhna a awm avangin CM thi tawh bawk. Mubarak hian boruak siamthat
laka thubuai siam phalna hi a pe a. Hei hian an tumin a Cabinet-te siksawi vak mahse, mipui
State chhung mai bakah India ram laipui Poli- an lungawi hleithei tawh lo a ni.
tics pawh a nghawr hneh hle. Hemi anih avang
Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalie :
hian Karnataka-a rorel lai BJP chuan nasa takin
Haiti ram President hlui niin a rorel chhunga
lungawilohna an lantir a ni.
eirukna leh hlemhletna hrang hrangahte, a
thuneihna hmang diklova puhnate avangin
Raj Phairembam :
thubuai siamsak a ni. A rorelna a\anga sipai
Raj Phairembam hi Manipur naupang kum 11 mi
chakna hmanga paihthlak anih hnuah kum 24
a ni a, UN-in International Peace Poster Contest
zet France ramah sahimna zawngin a lo
a buatsaihah lawmman (thuziak leh tangkafai dollar
tlanchhe tawh a ni.
5000) dawng tura thlana a ni. Amah hi Moirang-
a cheng, Class V zirlai a ni. Raj Phairembam hian AR Rahman :
silai leh bomb puakin a tih dum, \huro in a thianfai He Indian Musical wizard hian Danny Boyle-
lai lem a ziak a ni. He intihsiakna ah hian khawvel a Movie ‘127 hours’ a\angin Oscar Nomina-
ram hrang hrang 100 atangin naupang kum 11- tion pahnih a hmu a. A nomination hmuhna te
13 inkarte an tel a, Raj hi India ram atanga hi Best Song Category leh Best Original
lawmman dawng hmasa ber a ni. Score a ni.
A. Raja : Bhimsen Joshi :
Union Telecom Minister hlui, A.Raja hi 2G Spec- Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan leh Bharat Ratna
trum thubuai kal zelah Feb.2 khan man a ni a. A hial pawh lo dawng tawhtu, India rama Classi-
rual hian Official dang pahnih an man bawk. Feb. cal Music Singer langsar tak Bhimsen Joshi hi
3 khan heng mi pathumte hi CBI chuan Court-ah kum 88 mi niin Jan.24,2011 khan a boral.
hruaiin, thu zawhfiah tura ni 5 chhung kawl an dil
Yashwant Sonawane :
a, an dil ang hian Court chuan a remtihsak a ni.
Yashwant Sonawane hi Malegaon
Raja ruala an mante hi kum 2008-a Telecom
(Maharashtra) -a Additional District Collec-
Secretary, Siddartha Behura leh A.Raja Personal
tor niin, dan lova khawnvartui hmanga
Secy RK Chandolai-te an ni.
sumdawngte a dapna lamah heng mafia-te hian
Hosbi Murabak : Nashik bula Manmad-ah a nunchungin an hal
Egypt President nihna kum 30 dawnlai lo chelh hlum a. Hei hian India ram a nghawr hneh hle.

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-19


Kum 2007 khan ka Pa Dengchhunga, ta a. A damlaia “chuti khati chuan ka lo ti lo

kum 58-in Cancer natna avangin min boralsan a ni, ka lo duat tawk lo a ni” ka tihna zawng
a. A natna avanga phai lama mithiam zawkte zawng kha a khingphel, ka Nu lakah tih ka tum
leh hmanraw tha zawk pana kan kal lai zawng ta a... Ka nu hian min la dampui \ek \ek chhung
zawngte khan ka hruai \hin. chuan hrehawma siam ka tum tawh reng reng lo.
Kum 4 lai liam tawh mahse, ka Tunlai \halai tamzawk hian nu leh pate
ngaihtuah let leh chang hi chuan mitthla ang maia hlutna hi kan hrethiam tawklo a ni. “Ka Nu”
chiangin ka la hmu \hin. Phai la kal ngai miah lo “Ka Pa” ti a koh tur neih hlutzia hi kan hrethiamlo
chunga kan pahniha Guwahati khawlai a kan \hin. Nu leh pate thu awih \ha duh reng renglo,
bo \um te, Cancer natna avanga rilru hah em vin let khur khur mai, kut thlak tum ta uaih uaih hi
em a awm midangte hnema a \awng\ai laite, an tam viau mai. Kohhrana inhmang tak, fel awm
Tlawng lui aia lian la hmu ngailo in Brahmaputra taka ngaih, nu leh pate leh pi leh pute zahna reng
lui mak ti taka a thlir lai te... Ani thingtlang pa, reng neilote pawh an awm.Eng anga lehkhathiam
silai nena ramvak \hin, Guwahati sahuana ramsa leh hna zahawm chelh pawh nise, eng anga hausa
chi hrang hrang kan enpui laia hmuhnawm a pawh nise, nu leh pate zahna chang hre reng renglo
tihzia te, a mumangah pawh a la hmuh ngai loh mihring hi chu an zahawm tak tak ngai lova, an
sai chunga kan chuan tir lai te kha... tluang tak tak ngai lo bawk.
Sawi tawh angin ka Pa chu thingtlang Nula, mahni nu leh pate zahna chang hre
pa diktak mai, engmahin a tih nghin ngai loh hi lo chuan a pasalte nu leh pa hi engti kawng mahin
a ni a. Pathian a ring em em a, engkimah a zah lovang. Tlangvalte fimkhur a ngai e.
Pathian hnenah a inhlan \hin. A thinrim tak tak Kan tette a\anga hrehawm tamtak tuara
hi ka hmu ngai lova, a taima rum rut bawk. min chawi tleitute hlutna hi tamtak chuan awmzia
Tunhnu a ka ngaihtuah let leh chang hian engtin a awm tawh loh hnuah chauh kan hrechhuak
nge kuthnathawk chung khan kan unau zawng \hin. A tlai hma hian i nu leh i pa kha duat la, an
zawng hi lehkha min lo zirtir theih le ka ti \hin. thu awih la, chawimawi rawh le.
Ka Pa hi la dam se, duat taka enkawl
leh theih hi ka chak ngawih ngawih! Mahse GUPSHUP NOTICE
ka ngaihtuah a, “Ka Pa” tia koh tur pawh neilo Students’ Outlook Gupshup Join-tu pawh
fahrah hi Mizoramah engzat nge awm ang tih 2750 kan chuang leh ta! He Gupshup hmang
hi!! Nausen laia an nu leh pate’n an boralsan hian News leh hriat tur pawimawh kan
te, an nu leh pate’n an duh loh, fahrah ina seilian inhriattir thin a. Chanchinbu chhuah hun tur
ta mai maite tamtak an awm laia kum tamtak leh hna dil theihte tarlan thin a ni. Join duh
chhung “Ka Pa” tia koh tur Pathianin min pe chuan JOIN Studentsoutlook tih hi
kha ka lo vannei ngawt mai tih hi ka ngaihtuah 09219592195-ah thawn mai tur a ni e.

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-20 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Career Guidance
Psychology hi Science peng pakhat, ploma Course a zir theih bawk.
awmze nei taka mihring leh rannung dangte rilru
Duration : Psychology zir hunchhung
leh nunphung zirna a ni ber a. Psychologist ni
hi Graduation-ah kum thum a ni a, Post
tur chuan midangte tanpui duhna rilru pu mi nih
Graduate (MA/MSc) ah kum 2 niin M.Phil
a ngai a ni.
emaw Ph.D hi kum 2 zir leh a ngai bawk.
Psychologist ni tur hian medical degree
Personal Skills : Communication skill
neih a ngai lova. Amaherawhchu Psychology
nei tha tak, mi zaidam, social/cultural leh age
lam zirna kum engemawzat neih a ngai thung.
group ang chi a hnathawh nuamti leh midang
Plus two level ah emaw, Graduation level-ah
\anpui nuamti mi nih a ngai a. Mi sensitive leh
emaw, Post Graduate level-ah emaw a zir theih
caring tak, an harsatna tawh leh an background
a. Psychology peng hrang hrang- social psy-
azira midangte en thiam mi nih a ngai bawk.
chology, child psychology, occupational psy-
chology, clinical psychology, educational psy- Course Area : Psychology zirna hian
chology, experimental psychology leh a dang a huam zau viau mai a. Heng a hnuaia mi zawng
tamtak a awm a. Heng field hrang hrangahte zawngte hi a huam vek a ni: processes of think-
hian zir leh thawh theih vek a ni. ing, learning and perceiving, remembering, for-
getting, physiology of the nervous system, de-
Eligibility & Course Areas : Plus 2
velopment of children, social relationships and
leh a level pui a\angin psychology hi zir theih a ni
their effect on personality development, men-
a. Graduation-ah erawh chuan University
tal disorders, applications of psychology to the
tamtakah chuan psychology hi honours subject
study of society, industry, education etc., tech-
anga lak a ngai a ni. Graduate zawh hnuah chuan
niques of experimenting and testing, and
MA/MSc Psychology, Social Work emaw
statistics.Professional course ti tak tak tur phei
Counselling emaw lak chhoh leh tur a ni a.
chuan Science leh Mathematics pawh
Hetiang hnuah hian a duh tan chuan M.Phil emaw
engemaw chen hriat ve a ngai nghe nghe.
Ph.D emaw a zir chhuzawm leh zel theih bawk.
Job Prospect & Career Options
Hetiang anih rual hian Psychology-a
Post graduate zir tur chuan Graduate-a Psy- An zir bing bik azirin an hnathawh theih
chology lo la ve tawh nih a ngai a. Hetiang lam dan a hrang ve thei hle a. Tamtak chu University
hna a i tui a, practice i duh anih chuan, psy- leh College, Primary leh High School, sorkar
chology lam hnaih subject education leh social agency hrang hrangahte, private industry leh
work te pawh zir tel a \ha khawp mai. Hetiang hospital, clinic-te bakah mahni a practice te
ni lemlo, engemaw chen hre ve duh tan pawh pawhin a thawh theih a. Hengah te pawh hian
Special Education /Mental Reatardation-ah Di- zirtirtu angin emaw, Psychologist pangngai angte

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-21

pawhin thawh theih vek a ni. |henkhat chu So- INDIA RAMA PSYCHOLOGY
cial orgaisation lamah te, research lamah te, ZIRNA HMUN THA ZUALTE
rehabilitation centre, prison, child/youth guid-
ance centre, advertising industry leh a dang St. Xavier’s College, 5, Mahapalika Marg,
tamtakah an thawk bawk. Mumbai – 400001; Tel.: 022-22620662;
He subject-a Master Degree nei Course: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
tamtak chu doctor pangngai levela Psycholo- Duration: Three years
gist ang tak taka thawk an tam a. Graduate
chin chuan community health centre leh University of Calcutta, 92, A.P.C. road, Kolkata
vocatioanal rehabilitation-ah te an thawk – 700009, Tel.: 033-23508386;
tlangpui thung. Website:
Career Options : Sawi tawh angin Course: M. Sc./ M.A. in Psychology
Specialisation azirin thawh theih zawng a inang Duration: 2 years
lo nuai a. Heng Specialist hrang hrangte hian Course: M. Phil in Clinical Psychology
anmahni line theuhah kalhmang nei takin hna
an thawk thin a ni: Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221005,
Uttar Pradesh; Website:
1) Clinical Psychologist
socialscience/psycholog/Homepage.html ;
2) Counselling Psychologist
3) Social Psychologists
Course: B.Sc./ B. A. in Psychology
4) Educational Psychologists
Duration: Three years
5) Industrial Psychologists
Course: Master of Arts in Psychology
6) Research psychologists
Duration: Two years
7) Developmental psychologists
Remuneration : Professional Psycholo- Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi
gist hna hi hlawh \ha tak anih rualin a chal- Lady Shri Ram College for Women
lenging em em bawk. Hlawh hi qualification, Lajpat Nagar-IV
specialisation leh experience azirin a danglam New Delhi 110024
thei hle. M.Phil and Ph.D degree neite hi chu India
an hlawh a sang ber a. Corporate sector lama 011-91-11-26434459
thawkte hi an hlawh a sang bawk. An thawhna
hmun a danglam thei ang bawkin chuti khati
zat chu an hlawh tih erawh a harsa deuh. Madras University
Mizorama Psychology zir theihna College University of Madras
kan neihte: Chepauk, Chennai 600005
1. Govt. Hrangbana College India
2. Pachhunga University College 011- 91-044 -25393409
3. Govt. Aizawl West College
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-22 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Career Guidance

Home Science Subject – Bihchianna

Lalhmingliani Hlondo
Lecturer, Dept. of Home Science
Govt. Zirtiri Res. Science College

Home Science Subject han tih hian mi III yrs. Bsc.Home Science:
tam berte rilru a lang hmasa leh sawi hmasak (1) Extension Education
ber thin chu “Eisiam/ rawngbawl thiam tura (2) Human Development –II
inzirtirna subject” ang a ngaih a ni thin. He sub- (3) Early Childhood Education
ject hi hriatchian lutuk loh a la nih vang te pawh (4) Mother & Child Nutrition
a ni ang, an thiamawm tho ve. (5) Family Resource Management – II
Home Science Subject hi class – XI, XII (6) Man & Environment.
ah te a awm a, hetiang hian thendarh leh niin,
A subject hrang hrang zirtir a tlang pui
theory bakah practical a awm vek a ni.
chauh in han tarlang ila
(a) Human Development
(1) Family & Child Welfare :
(b) Food & Nutrition
Hei hian Nu leh naupang; thalai leh tar te
(c) Textiles & Clothing
chawikanna tura hmalak dan te, ei leh in,
(d) Family Resources Management.
hriselna, zirna a thlawn a sorkarin a ruahman
na tel, chanhai leh rilru leh taksa lama dawmkan
College level ah chuan hetiang hian sub-
ngai te tana hmalak dan te, hmeichhia leh
ject neih leh zir a ni a, subject tinah hian prac-
naupang te chanvo leh an dikna humhalh te,
tical neih vek a ni.
Pawl hrang hrang ten naupang nunau te tan an
I yr. BSc.Home Science:
hnathawh te zir a ni. Rilru leh taksa lama
(1) English (2)Chemistry
harsatna nei te tana sorkar in hma a lak dan leh
(3) Textile & Clothing
a ruahman te zir ani bawk.
(4) Food & Nutrition
(2) Human Development I & I,Early
(5) Family & ChildWelfare (Honours tan bik).
childhood Education leh Child Psychology:
II yr Bsc. Home Science Naupangte an kum ang zel a an taksa, rilru leh
(1) Bio-Chemistry mizia danglam dan leh than chhoh dan, nu
(2) Physiology pumchhung a awm lai atanga mihring an lo
(3) Human Development – I puitlin thleng chanchin, in enkawl dan,
(4) Family Resource Management – I chhungkua inlaichin dan te zir ani.Heng bakah
(5) Textiles & Clothing riru leh taksa a harsatna nei te leh enkawl dan
(6) Food & Nutrition te zir a ni bawk.Naupang te zirna lam a an phak
(7) Child Psychology. tawk a zirtir dan leh buatsaih te,tunlai zirna
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-23
policy leh programme duan te zir a ni. te, chhungkaw sum lakluh renchem leh daihzai
(3) Food & Nutrition : Kan ei leh in a taksa tak si a hman dan te, mahni neihsa, thiamthil
tana thiltha (Nutrients); entir nan-Vitamins chi tangkai taka sum seng lemlova hman tangkai
hrang hrang, minerals, protein etc., a tangkaina dan te zir a ni. Inchhung khur thuamna /bungraw
leh kan taksa a hna a thawhdan te, chaw ah cheina hmang chang leh remhre taka ruahman
hetiang thiltha chi ho kan hmuhna te zir a ni. te,a enkawl zui dan te inchhungkhur enkawltu
Tin, nitin a puitling / naupang leh thalai te, pitar in hun (time) te, tha (energy) leh sum leh pai te,
leh putar ten kan hrisel dan a zir leh kan remchem tak, tangkai tak si a hman thiam dan
hnathawh dan a zir a taksa mamawh eitur ‘Bal- te zir a ni.Nitin khawsakna,hnathawhna hmunah
anced diet” buatsaih dan te leh damlo ten a leh pawl ho angah te tlin tak leh felfai tak a
bik a an ei tur leh eitheih zawng buatsaih dan mawhphurhna te hlen chhuah na atan a
te – Ei leh in mahni phak ang tawk leh neih pawimawh hle.Thil kan leina leitute dikna leh
ang tawk, thianghlim tak leh tuihnai taka siam chan (consumer rights)te pawh zir a ni.
te zir a ni. Chhungkaw hrisel leh hlim nitur (6) Extension Educatoin :
chuan taksa hrisel leh chak a ngai, chuvangin Mipuite hmasawna leh hamthatna a tan sorkar
kan ei in te hriatchian leh zir hi a pawimawh in thil zirtir leh hriattir a duhin mipui kohkhawmte
hle a ni.Thlai leh thei a hun laia nakin atan a hnen a thiam tak leh ngaihnawm tak a mi zirtir
vawn that te zir a ni bawk. dan a ni a, a topics lam chu Agriculture lam
(4) Textiles & Clothing : Thuamhnaw emaw,eng pawh ni se – Audio Visual Aid hmanga
hian mihringte rilru leh taksa nasa takin a zirtir dan a ni.Sorkar atanga hmasawnna
kaihruai a, rilru leh taksa hlim leh nuam taka ruahmana a awmin, mipui te hnena zitirtu atan
kan awm theih nan, puanthan tlo leh tha, rawng Extension Education thiam mi te an pawimawh
thlan thiam te, mahni rem zawng a hun leh hle a ni.
hmun, a ha tute kum a zir a thlan thiam te leh (7) Physiology, Bio-chemistry, Chemis-
a enkawl zui dan zir a ni. try: Kan ei leh in a a chakna, thiltha awm kan tih
(5) Family Resource Management : te kha kan taksa a hna athawh dan zirna a ni .
In leh a vel, inchhung mahni neih ang tawk Physiology ah hian kan taksa chhung a peng
felfai taka enkawl leh relfel te, a chhunga pawimawh hrang hrang te pawimawhna leh an
chengte hlim leh nuam tak leh rilru leh taksa hnathawhdan zir a ni a. Chemistry hi textiles &
hahdam taka an awm theih nan enkawl dan Clothing a rawng hrang hrang ‘dye’ nan a kan

Food &
Textile &
Human Extention &
Nutrition Mangement Clothing Development Education
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-24 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
hman, kan thawmhnaw a rehtheilo kai te tihrehna practical uluk taka kumtluana kan zir tir nen a
tur a chemical tul te avangin zir tel a ni bawk. han khai khin hian pawi kan ti hle a ni. A sub-
Tunhma kha chuan Home Science sub- ject pawimawhna leh hlutna hre tura zirtir leh
ject hi hmeichhia te lak tur bik deuh anga ngaih exam pratical tih thin ni se, a subject a lo
a ni a, mahse curriculum te tih danglam leh zau zirchhuak tawhte ngei rawn thin ni se a
zawk a hman tur siam a ni zel a. Jorhat Agri- duhawm khawp mai.
culture University hnuaiah khuan Home Sci- Kan sorkar laipui pawn a pawimawhzia
ence subject a Food & Nutrition leh Extension hria in High School leh Higher Secondary level
Education te hi a in hnaih em avangin mipa te ah te zir turin a chhawpchhuak hial a ni. India
pawn an zir tho a ni. ram state hrang hrangah BSc.Home
Home Science zirchhuah hnu hian,heng Science(HSc) leh a zirzawmna Msc.HSc hmun
line ah te hian zir belh emaw training belh chuan a awm thluah a, MSc ah chuan mahni zir duh
kawng a inhawngzau hle. subject bik – Food & Nutrition emaw Child
(1) Interior Designing, Development, Family Resource Management,
(2) Fashion Designing Extension Education zir zawm theih a ni.
(3) Dietician, Kimchang leh chiang zawk in Internet ah te
(4) Hotel Management hmuh theih a ni bawk.
(5) Human Development an khawih avang Ram in khua leh tui tha hrisel leh hmantlak
te hian kan naute hi Nurse-ah an lut tlangpui. a mamawh a, hetiang khua leh tui tha nei thei
(6) Social Welfare Department te nen tur chuan chhungkua atanga tan a ngai a, ei leh
pawh kan subject thenkhat ‘Human Develop- in te, hriselna chung chang, ah te,chhungkua a
ment, Food & Nutrition leh Family & Child cheng member tin te rilru leh taksa hlim leh
Welfare’ te nen hian a in zul hle bawk. hahdamna nei thei tur a siam te leh in relbawlna
(7) Family & Child Welfare (Hounors) tha felfai neih a pawimawh em em a ni.. Chhungkua
taka pass hian MSWO an zirzawm thei a, Child a hlimloh a inrelbawlna a fel loh chuan
Psychology (Hounors) atangin M.A Psychol- chhungkua an lo kehchhia a, khawtlang leh ram
ogy a zir zawm theih bawk.. in a buaipui ngai mi hmantlakloh tam tak an lo
(8) School Teacher ah pawh naupang chhuak a,thil pawi tak a ni.
chanchin zir an ni a, duhthusam anni. in Hengte a vang hian sorkar laipui pawh in
Child Development te tan, Pre-school hmeichhiate dinhmun pawimawhzia hriain
hlawhtling taka siam thei turin an qualify bawk. hmeichhia te chu chhungkaw enkawl kawngah
(9) Tourism ah te pawh a tangkai hle ram hmasawnna hnukpui anni tih hria in, tih
bawk. hmasawn nan,zirna te , hriselna te, mahni
Private school thenkhat leh Open school intodelh theih dan leh an hlutna/pawimawhna
ah te Home Science subject an telh a,.Subject tih pun na kawng hrang hrang ruahmanna leh
awl anga ngaiin mark scoring nan,naupang hamthatna a siam sak a ni.Home Science sub-
thenkhat ten an la a, exam practical an neih in, ject zir a thatna leh a subject hrang hrangte
in lam atanga thil siamsa emaw, restaurant a pawimawhna sawi sen ani lova,nitin khawsakna
siam leiin practical exam ho lam takin an ti thin ah a tak a hman tang kai theih nghal a ni hi
a. Higher Secondary leh College ah theory leh Home Science hlut leh zual em em na chu a ni..
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-25

Home Science zirlaite tana eizawnna kawng hrang

hrang awm theite:


 *Owner of a canteen, restaurant,       
 *Manager      in canteen, restaurant,  coffee/tea shop, etc. 
 Catering  * Cook             in coffee/tea shop,  etc.   *Food service from home. 
  * Service staff  *Conducting hobby class. 

Food Preservation/  *Production  * Owner of a production unit; 
Bakery and   * Training of service staff  * Home based production services 
confectionery  * In‐charge of a community centre  * Conducting hobby classes 
*Interior designer  * Interior designer. 
Interior decoration  * Furniture designer  * Furniture designer. 
  * Staff at show rooms  * Consultancy services from 
  *Staff at Government emporiums/  *Running own shop/enterprise. 
Arts and crafts  show rooms/ Antique shops  * Home‐based craft centre  
  * Designer for arts and crafts items  * Conducting hobby courses/classes. 
  * Staff at production unit   
House keeping and  *Staff at hotels, guest house, etc.  *Running a guest house 
laundry services    * Keeping paying guests at home 
    * Contract services 
Dress designing  and  *Production unit/Export unit staff.  * Owner of a shop or a boutique 
construction  textile  * Staff at textile designing unit  * Home based services 
designing  * Staff at boutique  * Conducting hobby classes 
  *Supervisor/Teacher at crèche,  *Owner of a crèche, play school, etc. 
Play school/crèche  play school, balwadi and nursery school  * Day‐care or after school care of 
Academics (Teaching)  * Teachers at schools, colleges,  young children. 
  universities, polytechnics, private  * Conducting tuitions at home 
  institutions, etc.  * Short term courses. 
Social welfare and   * Social workers/Counselors  * Running NGOs. 
consumer  education  * Research assistants  * Consultancy services in consumer 
    protection, savings, investment, etc. 

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-26 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
General Knowledge G.K.
Jan.19,2011 a siksawi anih hnua Union Cabinet Minister List thar:
S.No Portfolio Name of Minister
1. Prime Minister and also In-Charge of the Ministries/Departments viz:
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Culture
Department of Atomic Energy &Department of Space -Dr. Manmohan Singh
2. Minister of Finance -Shri Pranab Mukherjee
3. Minister of Agriculture & Food Processing Industries -Shri Sharad Pawar
4. Minister of Defence -Shri A.K. Antony
5. Minister of Home Affairs -Shri P. Chidambaram
6. Minister of Railways -Km. Mamata Banerjee
7. Minister of External Affairs -Shri S.M. Krishna
8. Minister of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises -Shri Virbhadra Singh
9. Minister ofRural Development & additional charge of Panchayati Raj-Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh
10.Minister of Health and Family Welfare -Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad
11. Minister of Power -Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde
12.Minister of Law & Justice -Shri M. Veerappa Moily
13.Minister of New and Renewable Energy -Dr. Farooq Abdullah
14.Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas -Shri S. Jaipal Reddy
15.Minister of Urban Development -Shri Kamal Nath
16.Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs & Addl. charge of Civil Aviation -Shri Vayalar Ravi
17.Minister of Textiles -Shri Dayanidhi Maran
18.Minister of Corporate Affairs -Shri Murli Deora
19.Minister of Information & Broadcasting -Smt. Ambika Soni
20.Minister of Labour & Employment -Shri Mallikarjun Kharge
21.HRD & add. charge of Communications & IT -Shri Kapil Sibal
22.Minister of Development of North-Eastern Region -Shri B.K. Handique
23.Minister of Commerce & Industry -Shri Anand Sharma
24.Minister of Road Transport & Highways -Shri C.P. Joshi
25.Minister of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation &
additional charge of Culture -Kum. Selja
26.Ministry of Tourism -Shri Subodh Kant Sahay
27.Minister of Statistics & Programme Implementation -Dr. M.S. Gill
28.Minister of Shipping -Shri G.K. Vasan
29.Minister of Parliamentary Affairs & additional charge of
Science & Technology & Earth Sciences -Shri Pawan K. Bansal
30.Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment -Shri Mukul Wasnik
31.Minister of Tribal Affairs -Shri Kantilal Bhuria
32.Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers -Shri M.K. Alagiri
33.Ministry of Coal -Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal
34.Ministry of Water Resources & additional charge of Minority Affairs -Shri Salman Khursheed
35.Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises -Shri Praful Patel
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-27
1. Ministry Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution -Professor K.V. Thomas
2. Ministry of Women & Child Development -Smt. Krishna Tirath
3. Ministry of Environment & Forests -Shri Jairam Ramesh
4. Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports -Shri Ajay Maken
5. Ministry of Steel -Shri Beni Prasad Verma
6. Ministry of Mines -Shri Dinsha Patel

1. Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers -Shri Srikant Jena
2. Ministry of External Affairs -Shri E. Ahamed
3. Ministry of Home Affairs -Shri M. Ramachandran
4. Min of Parl. Affairs & Min of Personnel,
Public Grievances & Pensions & PM’s Office -Shri V. Narayanasamy
5. Ministry of Commerce & Industry -Shri J. Madhavrao Scindia
6. Ministry of Human Resource Development -Smt. D. Purandeswari
7. Ministry of Railways -Shri K.H. Muniappa
8. Ministry of Textiles -Smt. Panabaka Lakshmi
9. Ministry of Finance -Shri Namo Narain Meena
10.Ministry of Defence -Shri M.M. Pallam Raju
11. Ministry of Urban Development -Shri Saugata Ray
12.Ministry of Finance -Shri S.S. Palanimanickam
13.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways -Shri Jitin Prasada
14.Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises -Shri A. Sai Prathap
15.Ministry of External Affairs -Smt. Preneet Kaur
16.Ministry of Home Affairs -Shri Gurudas Kamat
17.Ministry of Agriculture & Ministry of Food Processing Industries -Shri Harish Rawat
18.Ministry of Railways -Shri Bharatsinh Solanki
19.Ministry of Tribal Affairs -Shri Mahadev S. Khandela
20.Ministry of Health & Family Welfare -Shri Dinesh Trivedi
21.Ministry of Rural Development -Shri Sisir Adhikari
22.Ministry of Tourism -Shri Sultan Ahmed
23.Ministry of Shipping -Shri Mukul Roy
24.Ministry of Information & Broadcasting -Shri Choudhury Mohan Jatua
25.Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment -Shri D. Napoleon
26.Ministry of Information & Broadcasting -Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan
27.Ministry of Health & Family Welfare -Shri S. Gandhiselvan
28.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways -Shri Tusharbhai Chaudhary
29.Ministry of Communications & Information Technology -Shri Sachin Pilot
30.Ministry of Agriculture & Ministry of Food Processing Industries -Shri Arun Yadav
31.Ministry of Coal -Shri Pratik Prakashbapu Patil
32.Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas & Ministry of Corporate Affairs -Shri R.P.N. Singh
33.Ministry of Water Resources & Ministry of Minority Affairs -Shri Vincent Pala
34.Ministry of Rural Development -Shri Pradeep Jain
35.Ministry of Rural Development -Ms. Agatha Sangma
36.Ministry of Planning & Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs &
Ministry of Science and Technology & Ministry of Earth Sciences -Shri Ashwani Kumar
37.Ministry of Power -Shri K.C. Venugopal

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-28 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram


Established by Alfred Nobel, Nobel prizes started in 1901 to encourage scientific experi-
ments, promote emerging technologies, creative literature and world peace. They are given
every year for worldwide achievements in Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry,
Literature and for Peace, and administered by Nobel Foundation, Sweden. In 1968, an
additional prize for Economics was added in memory of Alfred Nobel. Nobel Prize in-
cludes an award, Nobel diploma and a cash prize. For 2010, the prize money is stipulated
at Swedish kronor (SEK) 10 million per full Nobel Prize equivalent to 1.5 mil USD.
Nobel Prize 2010 Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2010 was awarded
to three scientists, American scientist Richard F Heck,
and Japanese scientists, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira
Suzuki for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in
organic synthesis
Nobel Prize 2010 Economics
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in
Memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded to Peter Diamond,
Dale T. Mortensen, and Christopher A. Pissarides. They
were awarded the prize for economics for their work on
search frictions and macroeconomics.

Nobel Prize 2010 Peace Nobel Prize 2010 Physics

Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Nobel Prize in Physics was
Peace Prize 2010 for awarded to Andre Geim and
his long and non-violent Konstantin Novoselov. They
struggle for fundamental received the award for
human rights in China. In their groundbreaking
2009 he was convicted experiments regarding the
and sentenced to eleven two-dimensional material
years in jail on the charges graphene, which is widely
of spreading a message to subvert the heralded to be the next big
country and authority.. thing after plastic.
Nobel Prize 2010 Literature Nobel Prize 2010 Medicine
Mario Vargas Llosa won Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Nobel Prize in Literature for Medicine for 2010 was
his cartography of structures awarded to Robert G
of power and his trenchant Edwards for his work on the
images of the individual's re- development of in vitro
sistance, revolt, and defeat. fertilization.
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-29
15. The largest peninsula in the world is Arabia.
1. The largest museum in the world is the American
16. The largest gulf in the world is Gulf of Mexico.
17. The tallest statue in the world is the Motherland,
Museum of Natural History. Volgograd Russia.
2. The lowest mountain range in the world is the Buena 18. The largest railway tunnel in the world is the
Bhaile. Oshimizu Tunnel, Japan.
3. The country known as the Land of Cakes is Scotland. 19. The world’s loneliest island is the Tristan da cunha.
4. The place known as the Garden of England is Kent. 20. The word ‘Quiz’ was coined by Jim Daly Irishman.
5. The tallest tower in the world is the C. N. Tower, 21. The original meaning of ‘Quiz’ was Trick.
Toronto, Canada. 22. The residence of the Queen in London is Buckingham
6. The country famous for its fish catch is Japan. Palace.
7. The old name of Taiwan was Formosa. 23. The country whose National Anthem has only music
8. The city of Bonn is situated in Germany. but no words is Bahrain.
9. The literal meaning of Renaissance is Revival. 24. The largest cinema in the world is the Fox theatre,
10. The title of Desert Fox was given to Field Marshal Detroit, USA.
Erwin Rommel. 25. The country where there are no Cinema theatres is
11. The largest airport in the world is the King Khalid Saudi Arabia.
International Airport, Saudi Arabia. 26. The world’s tallest office building is the Sears Tower,
12. The city in Russia which faced an earthquake in the Chicago.
year 1988 was Armenia. Later on it became a 27. In the year 1811, Paraguay became independent
separate country. from Spain.
13. The largest bay in the world is Hudson Bay, Canada. 28. The cross word puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynne.
14. The largest church in the world is Basilica of St. 29. The city which was the capital of the ancient Persian
Peter, Vatican City, Rome. Empire was Persepolis.


1) Mizoram zirna hmasawn nan MBSE chuan chak takin hma a la zel.
2) MBSE hnuaiah kum 1978 atanga 2010 thlengin zirlai 138898-in HSLC an pass
tawh a. HSSLC (+2) Examination chu 1997 atanga buatsaih tanin kum 2009 thlengin
Arts, Science leh Commerce-ah mi 40783-in an pass tawh a ni.
3) MBSE chuan kum 2006-2010 chhunga HSLC fail-te tan HSLC Old Course (Special)
Examination chu kum 2010 September thlaah a buatsaih a. Zirlai 2255 zetin an
pass a ni.
4) MBSE chuan Higher Secondary School 21-ah heng Vocational Stream 9- Com-
puter Technique, Computer Software Application, Computer Hardware Mainte-
nance, Automobile Engineering Technology, Commercial Garment Design and
Making, Medical Laboratory Technician, Horticulture, Office Secretaryship leh
Sericulture-te hi a introduced tawh a ni.
5) atangin MBSE leh HSLC leh HSSLC result bakah information
pawimawh a tihchhuah reng reng en theih a ni.

Issued by the Secretary, Mizoram Board of School Education

Aizawl, Mizoram

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-30 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram


Famous Scientists Life P eriod Inventions
Archimedean principle, famous theory of buoyanc y and many
A rchimedes 287-212 BC
mathematical and mechanical discov eries
H einrich Hertz 1857-1894 Electromagnetic theory of light and electromagnetic wav es.
A ndre Marie Ampere 1775-1836 Unit of m easurement to measure electric current
Av ogadro's Law, that is, "equal v olumes of different gases,
A medeo Av ogadro 1776-1856 pressure and temperature being equal, contain the same
number of molecules".
N eils Hendrik D av id B ohr 1885-1962 Bohr Model of Atom
Letterpress printing press also known as mechanical printing
J ohanne s G utenberg 398-1468
A lbert E instein 1879-1955 Theory of Relativ ity, photoelectric effect and lots more
R udolf Diesel 1858-1913 Combustion engine.
W ilhelm Conrad Rontgen 1845-1923 X-ray
K arl Friedrich v on Drais 1785-1851 Bic ycle
P eter H enlein 1479-1542 Pocket W atch
Ferdinand V erbiest 1623-1688 Verbiest i nvented the first ever car.
G raham Bell 1847-1922 Graham Bell inv ented the first practical telephone.
P hilipp Reis 1834-1874 Reis is known f or the early invention of telephone
John Logie Baird invented the television. Y ou can read more
J ohn Logie Baird 1888-1946
on invention of television
W erner von Siemens 1816-1892 Dynam o
H ans v on Ohain 1911-1998 Jet engine
A rtur Fischer 1919 Fischertechnik
Felix Hoffmann 1868-1946 Aspirin
H ugo Junkers 1859-1935 Civilian avion
O tto Lilienthal 1848-1896 Gliding flight s
Melitta B entz 1873-1950 Coffee Filter
K onrad Zuse 1910-1995 First 'working' computer.
G ottlieb Daimler 1834-1900 Autom obile and internal combustion machine
Isolation of Bacillus anthracis, tuberculosis bacteria and Vibrio
R obert Koch 1843-1910
cholerae. Also known f or his K oc h's postulates.
K arlheinz B randenburg 1954 MP 3 Tec hnology
H einrich Gobel 1818-1893 Inc andescent light bulb
S amuel Hahnemann 1755-1843 Creation of alternative medic ine practice called H omeopathy
H einrich Focke 1890-1979 Helicopter
Levi Strauss 1829-1902 Jeans
O tto Hahn 1879-1968 Nuclear fission and known as the 'father of nuclear c hemistry'.
J ulius Lothar Meyer 1830-1895 First person to draw the periodic table of chemical elements

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-31


Exam Ni hi zirlaite nuna hun pawimawh special tak mai a ni a. Chuvangin hemi ni atana
inbuatsaihna pawh hi lehkha zir pangngai bakah thil pawimawh tak a ni. Nasa taka lehkha zira i lo
inbuatsaihna kha Exam ni a hun hman dan i thiam loh chuan a chhe vek thei a ni. Anih leh engtin
nge tangkai thei ang berin darkar 3 chu i hman tak ang le???
Heng a hnuaia mite hi uluk takin chhiar la, tih tur leh tih loh tur kan tarlante hi hriat reng tum
ang che:

* Exam hma zanah \ha taka mut tum la, zingah chaw \ha takin ei bawk ang che. A hma thei ang
berah School thlen tum la, exam dar rik dawn ruaia hmahmawh taka kal hi tih miah loh tur a ni.
* Zawhna te chu ngun takin chhiar chhuak la, i hriat zawng leh hriat lohte thliar fel nghal ang
che. Zawhna chuan enge a zawh tih hriatchian hmasak a pawimawh khawp mai.
* Exam hmain instruction awm ang angte uluk takin chhiar la. Mark pek dan danglam leh
kalphung thlak a awm anih pawhin hriat hmasak vek tum ang che.
* Zawhna tin chu uluk takin chhiar la, a zawhna tak chhan tum ang che.
* A awlsam deuh tur nia i hriat apiang chhang hmasa ang che.
* Zawhna zawng zawng i chhan zawhah i chhanna te kha endik nawn leh vek ang che.
* Rim taka i lo thawh tawhna leh i inbuatsaihna te kha ring la. Confidence nei ang che.
* I hun neih dan chhut tel reng ang che.

* I hriat chian loh chhan nan leh ngaihtuah nan hun hmang hek suh ang che. Hengte hi chu i
thiam chin i chhan hnua chhan chauh chi a ni.
* I mamawh tur engkim- sana, document, pen, etc i keng kim vek a ni tih fiah hmasa la,
theihnghilh nei miah suh!
* Hlauthawng duh miah suh!
* Mark pu tlem deuh chhan nan i hun hmang rei suh.
* Number chhut chhuah ngai chi, i chhut dik hleihtheih lohah hun hmang rei suh. Zawhna
dangah pakai vat la, a tawp lamah tha tharin i chhut \ha leh dawn nia.
* I zawhna chhan lai a\ang khan Mark engzatnge i hmuh theih ang tih chhut buai duh suh. I
zawhna chhan laiah chiah rilru pe rawh.
* Pawn lam a\anga i rilru tibuai thei, eg. \hiante, \hutpuite, etc ngaihven duh suh!

A tawp berah chuan, i inbuatsaihna a \ha tawk a nih chuan i inbuatsaihna mil a i exam theih
nan theihtawp chhuah lehzual la. I inbuatsaihna kha Exam hall emaw, pawn lam thilin emaw a
tihbuai phal reng reng suh ang che.

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* |iau ral atanga Pipute eizawnna kan chhawm,

* Tlangram lo neih hian ram kan tibua in kan ti chereu zo ta.
* Theihpalingkawh a Patling insan phek pawhin,
* Leilungin khamkhawp rah a chhuah thei ta mawlh lo e.

# A kum telin Zokhaw Pa rahbi a tleu ta;

# Mahni maia inkhaichhuah theih ziazang a ni ta lo;
# Sorkarin NLUP hmangin retheihna khura sal tangte tan,
# Chhanchhuahna dar a khawng ri ta le.

* NLUP hian eizawnna hrang hrang min chhawp ta,

* Mirethei khai chhuahna tura uluk taka duan a ni;
* He thilthlawnpek - Kaihhruaina leh Enkawlna te hi,
* Rinawmna, Taimakna leh Thuawihna nen dawngsawng ang che.

Tun hi i tan hun RANGKACHAK a ni a; Bengsikin ngaihtuah la

Mithiamte’n a inkahpupchaw a hmalakna tur an duan ang hian
Rahbi thar tuk nan hmang ang che.

Issued by Directorate of Information & Public Relations
Government of Mizoram.

IPR No. 166

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

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Scientist ropui


“Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you” tia aw a hriat chu
ringhlel leh makti lutukin Thomas A. Watson chuan a ngaithla a. Lawm
lutukin room lehlamah chuan a tlan phei a, khawvelin thil thar a hmuhchhuah,
mi maktaduai tamtakte nundan sawi danglamtu tur chu a pu Alexander
Graham Bell nen chuan an lawm ta a ni. Chu chu kum 135 zet liam ta,
March 10, 1876-a thil thleng kha a ni a. Chumi kum chuan Alexander Gra-
ham Bell chu kum 29 chauh a la ni nghe nghe.
Alexander Graham Bell hi March 3, 1847 school a chawlh tak hnu
khan 16 South Charlotte Street, Edinburg, Scot- chuan London-ah a pu bula awm turin a kal ta
land, UK-ah a lo piang a. He a pianna in hi tun daih a. Hetia a pu bula a awm hi a tan chuan
thlengin chhinchhiah a uluk taka enkawl a la ni zirna bul intanna tak tak a lo ni ta zawk a. A pu
nghe nghe. A nu leh pa te hi Prof. Alexander zirtirna azarah kum 16 mi anihin Weston House
Melville Bell leh Eliza Grace Symonds Bell an Academy, Elgin, Scotland-atangin Elocution leh
ni. An unau hi mipa hlir pathum niin a upa ber Music-ah zirtirtu leh zirlai a ni kawp thei nghe
dawttu a ni a. A pa leh a Pu te ho hi thusawi nghe. Chumi hnuah chuan a u Melville a hnung
thiam hmingthang, thusawi thiam zirna bu te zuiin University of Edinburg-ah a zir chhunzawm
siama eizawng an ni nghe nghe. An chhungkua ve leh ta a. Univ. of Edinburg-ah pawh hian
hi an taima in an inenkawlna a tha em em a, mumal takin a kal chuang lo niawm tak a ni.
chu chuan thui tak a nun a kaihruai niin a lang. A tette atangin naupang dangdai tak a ni ve
A piantirh a a hming an phuahah chuan hrim hrim. A tet laia a thianpa pakhat chu Ben
Alexander Bell tih ringawt a ni a. Mahse, kum Herdman, an thenawma buh herna (flor mill) neitu
10 mi anih laiin a unau dangte anga hming lai fapa a ni a. Alexander-a chuan chik taka zawtin,
neih ve a duh ta tlat mai a, a pa hnenah a dil a, engtin nge flor mill-ah chuan an tih thin tih a han
a pa chuan lo phalsak in a hmingah Graham an zawt chiang a. Buh chu a kawr thenfai a ngaih
belh leh ta a ni. Chuta tang chuan Alexander thu leh chu hna chu hna hautak tak anih thu an
Graham Bell tih a lo ni ta a. A chhungte leh a hrilh a. Hun engemaw chen a rial hnu chuan, thil
thiantha zualte erawh chuan a upat hnu thleng vir thei hmanga siam, perek kilh bur furna hmanga
pawh khan “Aleck” tiin an la ko thin a ni. awlsam taka buh her theihna tur a siamchhuak
A unau dangte ang bawkin AG Bell chuan ta mai a. Chu thil chu kum engemawzat an hmang
a pa a hranpa a school kal lovin a pa hnen nghe nghe. Hetih lai hi kum 12 mi chauh a la
atangin zirtirna a dawng a. Chumi hnu lamah ni!!! Kum 16 mi anih lai pawhin luruh lem, a
chuan Royal High School, Edinburg, Scotland- chhung lam atanga windpipe hmanga chhema, a
ah a zirzawm ve a. Kum 15 mi anihin zirchhuak hmui inkhar dan mila “Mama” ti thei a
mumal lovin a bansan ta a ni. A school hi record siamchhuak tawh bawk.
hi a chhuanawm fahran lo hle. Science sub- Hetianga naupangte anih lai pawh hian
ject, a bikin Biolgy a tui hle a, subject dang pianpui thiamna a nei tha hle a. A nu kaihhruaina
erawh chu a ngaihthah hle thung. Chutianga azarah art, poetry leh music lam pawh a rawn

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tui chho viau a. Zirna mumal nei miah lovin Pi- 1870 August thla ah Brantford, Ontario, Canada-
ano pawh a lo tum thiam leh mai a, an ah an pem ta vang vang mai a ni.
chhungkaw piano tumtu ber a ni ta nghe nghe. Canada-ah pawh hian an eizawnna chu a
A aw han tihdanlam vel (voice tricks) a thiam ngai tho a ni. A pa lehkhabu siam, zaizira inbiak
hle a, inlengte hmaah pawh a in show ve nasa dan hmang chuan hma a la chho zel a, hmun
mai thin a ni awm e. A nu hi a bengchhet avangin hrang hrangah lecture pe tura sawm a ni ve tan
ring tak leh chiang taka biak a ngai thin a, chu ta a ni. Kum 1872 alo thlen meuh chuan Boston-
chuan Alexander-a chu a tha zawnga hruaiin, a ah rualbanlote zirtirna school a hawng ve ta hial
thusawi reng reng a fiahin a chiang hle thin. a. A zirlai lar tak pakhat chu Hellen Keller a ni!!
Kum 1965-ah Edinburg atangin London-ah Kum 1873-ah phei chuan Boston University-ah
an pem a. A hma a a lo thawh tawhna Weston Vocal Physiology Professor a ni ta hial a ni.
House-ah Alexander-a chu thawk lehin, a Hetih hunlai pawh hian thir hrui kaltlanga
hunawl apiangah ri inhlanchhawn theih dan inbiakna awlsam zawk siamchhuah tumin hma
hmuhchhuah tumin experiment a bei vak vak a la reng a. Vanneihthlak takin mechanic
mai thin a. A room atangin Sommerset College- naupang tak, Thomas Watson-a a nen an
a a thianpa room thlengin telegraph hrui a thlung intawng a, an thawk dun ta nghe nghe. A ex-
a. Chumi hrui kaltlanga inbiak theih dan pangngai periment ngawrh zawka beih a duh avangin
aia tha zawk hmuhchhuah tumin a bei nasa mai Boston-a a school pawh chu tihtawp mai a tum
thin a ni. a. Zirlai pahnih chiah a kawl a, chung zirlai
Kum 1867 chho ah chuan a hriselna a lo pahnih, bengchhet ve ve- kum 6 mi "Georgie"
tha ta lo hle a. Chutih laiin a nau Edward “Ted” Sanders leh kum 15 mi Mabel Hubbard-te
chu TB natna avangin khumbetin a lo damlo erawh chu a tana mi tangkai ber ber an ni ta.
bawk a. Chumi hnu a a hriselna a rawn that leh George-a pa, sumdawng hausa tak mai
deuh hnu chuan Sommerset College-ah Instruc- Thomas Sanders chuan hmun nuam zawk leh
tor hna a thawk a. Hetih hunlai atang hian a experiment tih theihna tur remchang zawng a
hming pawh A.G.Bell tia ziah a ching tan ta bawk. ngaihtuah sak a. Pakhat zawk, Mabel Hubbard
A nau duhtak chuan TB natna chu do zo lovin a nen pawh a hnu lawkah an innei zui ta nge
boralsan ta a. A u, Melville chuan nupui neiin a nge a ni.
indang ve ta bawk. Alexander pawh chu a hma Experiment a tih lai tak tak chuan Chhun
lama a zir tawh chhunzawmin, University Col- leh tlai lama class a lak zawhah a mu hmasa
lege, London-ah Degree lak tumin a zir a, zan rei tawh hnuah tho lehin, a experiment
chhunzawm leh a. Hetih chhung hi chu a chu a chhunzawm leh thin a. Chu thil chu miin
chhungte khawhar awmpuiin in lamah pawh a an hria ang tih hlauin, dawhkan pawh a bik
han awm ve ren rawn a. South Kensington, Lon- takin a siam a, awlsam taka a hmanrua
don-a rualbanlo te school-a zaizira inbiak zirtirtu thuhruk mai theih turin a siam hial a ni.
a pa chu a pui ve a. Vanduaithlak takin, kum 1870- Alexander Graham Bell hian University
ah a u, Melville-a, nupui neia chhungkaw din chho hrang hrang atangin Honorate Degree 6 zet
mek chu TB vang bawkin a boral leh ta. a dawng a. Telephone a hmuhchhuah hnua
A u boral zet chuan an chhungkua a nghawng Company a din, Bell Telephone Company
nasa hle a. Amah Alexander-a a lo hrisel lo bawk hmangin Telephone lama sumdawnna lian tak
nen, hmun hrisel zawk nia an hriat lam panin kum a bei zui bawk.
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TELEPHONE HMUCHHUAKTU NIH Ama patent pekchhuah anih hnu lawka
INCHUHNA hetia Gray-a thilsiam design hmanga Telephone
a siamchhuak ta hian mi thilsiam ru a puhna a
Kum 1875-ah chuan experiment hrang
tawng nasa ta mai a. He ngaihdan hi tun thleng
hrang a tih hnuah telegraph hmanga ri thawn theih
hian a la reh thei lo. Amaherawhchu, March
dan chu hmuchhuak ta in a inhria a. Neitu nihna/
1876 hnu lawkah chuan a Telephone
hauh bik theihna nei turin hma a
hmuhchhuah chu electromag-
la ta nghal a. Amaherawhchu, a
netic hmanga thlak dan a
ukil-in England-in ram dang
hmuhchhuah lehnghal mai
atanga patent pekchhuah tawhte
avangin Gray-a liquid transmit-
a pekchhuah ngai tawh loh
ter chu a hmang chhunzawm leh
avangin England-a patent tih
ta reng reng lo.
hmasak tha a ti a. Chumi hnuah
Patent examiner, Zenas Fisk
US-ah chuan thehluh chauh nise
Wilber chuan affidavit an siam
an ti a ni. Elisha Gray
lai vel hian zu a heh hle tih sawiin,
Hetihlai vel bawk hian Sci-
Bell-a ukil Marcellus Bailey chu Civil
entist pakhat, Elisha Gray chuan
war laia a thawhpui, a lei tamtak a lo
telegraph wire hmang tho sia water
bat tawh a ni tih a sawichhuak a. Gray-
transmitting hmanga sound
a thilsiam chu Bailey-a a entir ngei thu
thawnchhuah dan experiment a lo
leh, Bell-a pawh a hnuah a entir leh
bei ve nasa mai bawk a. Feb.14,
thu leh Bell chuan $100 a pek thu a
1876-ah a thilsiamchhuah chu
sawi a. Bell-a erawh chuan patent
kengin US Patent Office-ah neitu
chungchang chu an sawi ngei thu leh
nih dilna chu a thehlut ta a.
Gray-a patent chu a zirchian
Amaherawhchu, chumi hma
ngei thu chu pha lo mah se,
lawk, darkar khat emaw lek
pawisa a pek thu erawh chu a
a hmasa in Alexander Graham
pha thung.
Bell-a Ukil chuan application
Hemi hnu kum 18
a lo thehluh hman tawh si
chhung hian Bell Telephone
avangin March 7, 1876-ah
Company chuan telephone right
chuan US patent Office chuan Bell-a tan Patent
chuhpuina thubuai 600 zet an nei hman a.
chu a pechhuak ta a ni.
He lehkha pekchhuah ni hian Bell-a Amaherawhchu, an patent erawh chu tuman an
pawh Boston lamah let lehin hna a thawh chhuhsak thei ta lo.
chhunzawm leh nghal a. A notebook-a a ziah, Kum 1922 Aug.22-ah Alexander Gra-
Gray-a hmuhchhuah liquid transmitter ang ham Bell chu ama chenna Beinn Bhreagh, Nova
chuan a thil hmuhchhuah chu a siam Scotia-ah kum 75 mi niin zunthlum avangin a
chhunzawm a. Hei hi chu a hmaa a lo siam ai boral ta a. A nupui duhtak, Mabel-in, “Don’t
khan a lo awlsamin, transmitter hmang chuan Leave me,”a tih lawm lawm pawh chuan a ko
room leh lama awm Watson-a chu a tira kan kir zo ta lo.
ziah ang khan a va be thei ta a ni.

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How to choose the right symbol
Love Symbol han tih hi chuan rilruah heart shape alo lang nghal thin.
Hmangaihna entirna atan hian symbol chi hrang hrang a awm a. Civilization hrang
hrangin hetiang love symbol hi an nei hrang thliah thin a, an hman dan leh a lo
chhuah dan han sawi chuan romantic tak leh lunglenthlak tak a ni deuh zel bawk.
Heng love symbol-te hi tawngkam tel miah lo pawha hmangiahna lanchhuahtir nan
a tangkai thiin hle. Khaile, Valentine’s Season pualin chung love symbol rhang hrangte
chu i han bihchiang dawn teh ang.
Apple : Apple hi hmangaihna entir nan leh vanneihna entir nan an
hmang thin. Hetianga rinzawn theih tur hian thawnthu pawh chi hrang hrang
a awm nghe nghe. Greek thawnthuah chuan Wine Pathian, Dinoysus chuan
Aphrodite-a hnenah a bialnu rim nan leh a rilru hnehna hmanrua atan a lo pe
tawh a. Hemi vang pawh hi a ni ang, Greek ho chuan hmangaihna entir nan
leh hmeichhe mawina entir nan an hmang nasa hle. Chinese ho chuan remna
entir nan leh Pathain biakna atan pawh Apple hi an hmang thin.
Harp (Hmanlai \ing\ang) : Harp hi Musical instrument upa
berte zinga mi niin hmangaihna entir nana an hman rualin poetry, art leh
music lam entir nan an hmang nasa hle bawk a. Celtic Civilization hunlai
phei chuan lei leh van inzawmna entir nan an hmang hial thin. Chutiang
bawk chuan Iceland leh Norway-ah pawh Paradise luhna hmangaihna
kailawn entir nan an hmang thin bawk.
Cupid : Cupid tih hi Greek tawng niin awhna, itna sawina a ni
mai a. Greek thawnthu-ah chuan Cupid chu hmangaihna Pathiannu, Ve-
nus-i fanu a ni. Mi pahnih, la inhre ngai miahlo te leh lo inhre tawhsa
pawh, hmangaihna khura an tlukluh ngawt theihna chhan hi enge ni ang tih
an ngaihtuah thin a. Hemi phenah hian he thil thlentirtu, hmangaihna khura
hnukluttu hi awmin an ring a; chu chu Cupid niin an sawi thin. Thawnthu-
ah chuan Cupid-in a thala a kah tawhte chu an hmuh hmasak ber lakah
hmangaihna khurah an tlu lut nghal mai thin niin an sawi a. Hetiang anih
avang hian Val’s Day-ah pawh hian Cupid lem emaw, a lem chuanna
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thilte chu inhmangaihte thil inpek nasat ber a ni thin. Tamtakah chuan Cupid hi mitdel anga ziah/
lantir a ni thin a, hei hian ‘hmangaihna mitdel’ a entir niin an sawi thin.
Heart : Hei hi khawvel pumah hmangaihna entir nana hman lar
ber a ni. Mi, hmangaihna a tlukluh chuan a thinlung chu... Thinlung pahnih
a inzawm chuan hmangaihna a lo piang thin. Vawi khat inhmuhna a
inhmangaihna lo piang hi hmangaihna thiltih theihna mak tak lanchhuahna
ani ber a. Hmangaihna khawvel kaihruaitu chu he thinlung bawk hi a ni.
Thinlung lem, hmangaihna thala Cupid-in a kap tlang lai lem hi khawvela
hmangaihna entirna lar ber a ni.
Rose : Nula hnenah, “Ka hmangaih lutuk che” tih paha rose par mawi tak i pek khan
a thinlung a ti tui zawih zawih thei. Mak deuh maiin a kumkhaw thuin
Rose hi hmangaihna nena a inzawm tlat mai nia. Tin, Rose hi
Pangparte Lalnu (Queen of flowers) tia sawi thin a ni a, hmangaihna
mai bakah muanna leh ngaihdamna a entir bawk. February 14,
Valentine’s Day hi i bialnu hnena Rose pekna hun duhawm ber, hun
rangkachak a ni. Rose hi rawng chi hrang hrang 72 zet a awm a,
rawng hrang hrang hian entir an neih hran vek avang erawh chuan
fimkhur deuh erawh a tha. Rose par eng hi \hianthatna entir nan an
hmang a, rose var hi muanna a an hman laiin rose par dum erawh
sunna atan an hmang thin. Pink rose hi thiantha leh hmangaihte an
pek thin tho laiin hmangaihna entirtu tak tak nia an sawi thin chu
Rose par sen ngei hi a ni.
Love Birds and Doves : Valentine’s Day-ah hian Savate
pawhin an kawppui turte an zawng ve thin an ti. |huro hian
thianghlimna te, zaidamna leh nun pawisawilo lutukte a entir a.
Darthlalakng leh hlum hmanga siam thuro nupa hi Valentine’s Day-
a thilpek lar tak a ni.
Engtin nge Love Symbol dik i thlan theih ang?
An rilru a hneh theih dan a inan loh miau avangin i chhas
tana Love symbol dik thlan fuh thiam hi thil pawimawh tak a ni. I bialpa hnenah Rose i pek
ngawt chuan a fuh ber lovang a, i bialnu, phanchang tawh tak hnena Apple pek ringawt pawh
a hit ber lo maithei. Mihringin mizia kan nei hrang theuh a, chutih rualin hmeichhia chuan V-Day
a Rose par sen nalh leh Chocolate special tak dawn chu an lawm vek ngei ang. I kawppui mizia
hre tur khawpin i fing tawk a, ngun takin ngaihtuah la, hun rei tak hnuah pawh a en chang
apianga a hriatchhuah ziah theihna tur thlang ang che. Symbol hmang kual duah lo la, love
symbol pakhat, a hmuh apianga a hriatchhuah theihna tur che thlang fel la, chu Symbol chu
hmang uar hle ang che.
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Valentine’s Day
SMS Collection
Kan nuna SMS-in hmun a chan thukzia hi ngaihnawm thama sawi tur a
awm ngei ang. Hunpui engemaw a lo thleng chang hian, kan duhsak leh
hriatreng thin, mi bikte hnenah sms kan thawn nasa thin hle. V-Day lo thleng
turah hian heng a hnuaia mite hi i tana mi bik hnena thawn atan i duh dawn em
han en chhin teh le. Mizo tawnga lehlin phal chi pawh an ni hlawm lo....

I am in da emergency room now talk'n to da If 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1

doctor he says it doesn't look good he says I person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1
am going to die... If I ever stop loving YOU! cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.
one day the moon sed 2 me, if ur lover makes u I m feeling so happy,
cry why dont you leave ur lover.. i looked at the do u know why? cuz i
moon n replied would u every leave ur sky? m so lucky, do u know
baby i have an addiction problem.people say how? cuz God loves
me. Do u know how?
i shud go to rehab but I always tell the m i
cuz he gave me a gift.
dont wanna go cause im addicted to ... YOU Do u know what? its
I am opening an emotional bank account for u YOU my love.
sweetheart,so deposit your love in it and you
will get the interest if i could die early i would 1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time
ask God if i could be your guardian angel, so i i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss
u i was scared to luv u.but now dat i luv u im
could wrap my wings around you and embraces
scared 2 lose u! Happy V-Day!!!
you whenever you feel alone...
R.for red, red for blood, blood for heart, heart If i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down
for love, love for u, u for me, me is u, I love u onto ur lips. But if u were a tear in my eye i
wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!
Ur my strength, My luv, My heart.Ur luvn touch
i long 4 so mch,Ur voice so softly dat whispers I love all the stars in the sky, but they are noth-
i'm ur's 4ever b mine my baby "I LOVE U" ing compared to the ones in your eyes!
i’ll drop a tear drop into the ocean & the day
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
i find that tear drop is the day i stop loving u!
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer.
Life is a journey, and love is what makes that Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true,
journey worthwhile. Happy Valentine's Day Day & Night my thought r of U..
I’m going to write on all the bricks I MISS U
I searched through books & leafed through
and i wish that one falls on ur head, so that u
cards; For words that wud convey, what I had
knows how it hurts when u miss someone spe- in my heart, but when I sat down to write, all I
cial like u. can write was....I Luv U

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D smallest word is I, My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, Like
the sweetest word is LOVE a rose without color. Always be there in my life
and the dearest person sweetheart.
in the world is U.
tats y I Love You..:) If I could die early I would ask God if I could
be your guardian angel, so I could wrap my
I luv u not only for what u r, wings around you and embrace you when-
but for what I am when I'm ever you feel alone.
with u. I luv u not only for what
u have made of urself, but for what u r making You are my heart, my soul, my treasure,
of me. I luv u for the part of me that u bring out. My today, my tomorrow, my forever,
What the heart gives away is never gone, My everything!
but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk Happy Valentine Day!
to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. Could you say where the sea ends from the
Be my Valentine. shore...? " MY LOVE IS SAME FOR U."
[Will u be my Valentine?]
U'll always be mine 4 now & 4ever. U'll always
be mine 4 u r my treasure. U'll always be mine What the heart gives away is never gone, but
please tell me its true. Please be mine 4ever. I'll kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn.
always luv u Love you from the core of my heart. Be my Val-
If Roses were Black and violets were brown,
my love for you would never be found but When i look at you,
roses r red and violets are blue, all I want to i cannot deny there is God,
say is I LUV U! cause only God could have created some one
as wonderful n beautiful as you
Luv is like a cloud... luv is like a dream... luv is
1 word and everything in between... luv is a Here is my heart, it iz urs so take it,
fairytale come true... Coz I found luv when I Treat it gently, plz do not break it.
found U Its full of luv thats good nd true,
So please keep it alwayz close to u.
When you love someone, it's nothing. When Happy valentine’s Day
someone loves you, it's somthing. When u
luv someone & they luv you back, it's ev- Phool bankar muskarana
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen muskarake gum bhulana
4 a reason but when the luv is real it becomes zindagi,
your plan 4 life n reason 4 living. jeet kar koi khush ho to
No poems no fancy words I just want the
kya hua,
world to know that I LOVE YOU my Prin- haar kar khushiya manana
cess with all my heart. Happy Valentines Day. bhi zindagi...

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-40 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram



SEX hi Pathian in Nupa nih hnu I bialnu/i bialpa in emaw sex hmanpui
chauhva hman tura a duan a ni a. |halai nih lai tura a sawm vaih che chuan \hen nghal ang
emaw, zirlai nih lai a hman tura tih a nilo. che. Hmangaihna diktak ah chuan Dawhtheihna
Chuvangin, nupa nih hmaa Sex hman hi SUAL a tel tih hre reng la, nupa nih hma a sex hmanpui
a ni tih i hria ang u. tura sawmtu che chuan a hmangaih tak tak lo
Tunlai khawvel changkang zelah sualna che tih hria la, kal bosan thuai ang che. I
a pung nasa em em a, sualna chi hrang hrangin thianghlimna i vawnhim phawt chuan nangmah
min hual vel tawh a ni. Chung kha i hlim ang a, kawppui i neih pawhin
zingah chuan SEX hian kan rinhlelhna i nei ve ngai lo ang.
ramah nasa takin Mimal nun leh Zirlai i nih lai ngei khan Mahni
Chhungkaw nun a tichhia a, hei invawn thianghlim hlutna zir
hian khawtlang leh ram thlengin chhuak turin \an han la teh le..
a tluk chhiat phah tir thei a ni. A tawp berah chuan
Abik takin kan \halaite zingah SEX ilo hmang tawh a ni
hian sex hi a zalen em em mai a, maithei. Mahse, a \hat loh zia
sual a ngailo hi mi tamtak an tunah i hre tawh a, thil sual chu
awm. School naupang Cl-X ti nawn tawh lo turin i rilru
a\anga College zirlaiah te hian ngaihtuahnate siam fel ang
mipa leh hmeichhia mahni che. Pathian chuan sual simte
thianghlimna vawnghim zo lo mi a ngaidam \hin a ni. Tin, ila
tam tak an awm tawh a ni. Hei hi thil pawi tak a hmang ngailo anih pawhin nupui pasal i neih hma
ni a, mahni thianghlimna vawng him zo lo mihring chu hmanglo turin invawng thianghlim tlat ang
chu a dam chhung zawngin rilru hlimtakin a awm che. Chu chuan nangmah ah hlimna nasa tak a
thei tawh ngai lo. thlen dawn che a ni. Zirlai nih lai chuan mahni
Zirlai nih lai emaw, \halai nih laia sex zirlai chauh ngaituah hi a finthlak ber fo, khawvel
i hman chuan i dam chhung zawngin mahni changkanna in sualna chi hrang hrang a ken telte
inthiamlohna i nei reng tawh ang, bialnu/bialpa lo dolet tur a i tihtheih awm chhun chu i zirlai
pawh nei mah la rinhlelhnain i khat ang a, chauh ngaihtuah leh i taksa thianghlim taka i
nuam i ti chuang lo ang. Chutiang bawkin vawn reng kha a ni...
nupui/pasal neih hnu ah pawh i hlim tak tak (He Article tha tak ziaktu R.Lalhlimpuia hi
thei tawh lo vang. Achhan chu Pathian in nupa kan Marketing Executive a ni a. Hrangbana
leh nupa inkar chauhva hman tura a duan a College zirlai niin, World Vision hnuaiah
nih vang a ni. Chumi hmaa i hman chuan Outreach Worker hna a thawk mek bawk.
Pathian pawi i sawi tihna a ni a, hrem lohvin i |halai nunkawng zawhsual leh humsual
chhuak hauh lo ang. daite \anpui \hintu leh vei em em \hintu a ni)

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-41

10 World’s Highest Paid Child TV Actors And Actresses

New York Post-in “top 10 highest-paid kid actors on TV” a thlan ho te hi chu
School Admision fee velah an buai lo hmel!!
1. Angus T. Jones 5. Keke Palmer
Age : 16 Age :16
Parents : Kelly and Carey Parents : Lary and Sharon
Lynn Claypool. Born : August 26, 1993
Born : August 10,1993 Salary : $20,000 /episode
Salary : $250,000/episode TV show: ‘True Jackson, VP’
TV Show: ‘Two and a Half Men’ Broadcaster: Nickelodeon
Broadcaster: CBS Film :Barbershop 2: Back in Business (2004)
Debut : Film ; Simpatico (1999) TV :The Wool Cap (2004)
6. Name: Miley Cyrus
2. Miranda Cosgrove
Age : 18
Age :16
Parents : Leticia “Tish”
Parents : Tom and Chris
and Billy Ray Cyrus
Born : May 14, 1993
Born : November 23, 1992
Salary :$180,000 /show
Salary : $15,000 /show
TV Show:‘iCarly’
( Not include her
Broadcaster: Nickelodeon
Music tours, movies, etc)
Movie :School of Rock (2003)
TV show:‘Hannah Montana’
TV : Smallville (2001)
Broadcaster: Disney Channel
3. Selena Gomez Movie : Big Fish (2003 )
Age :17 TV : Doc (2001-2003)
Born :July 22, 1992 7. Name:Rico Rodriguez
Parents : Ricardo Gomez Age : 11
and Mandy Teefey Parents : Roy and Diane
Salary : $25,000/ episode Born : July 31, 1998
TV show:‘Wizards of Salary : $15,000/ a show
Waverly Place’ TV show:‘Modern Family’
Broadcaster: Disney Channel Broadcaster: ABC
Film : Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) TV : Jimmy Kimmel Live! (2006–2007)
TV : Barney & Friends (2002-2003) Movie : Epic Movie (Uncredited) (2007)
4. Dylan Thomas Sprouse and Cole 8. Name: Demi Lovato
Mitchell Sprouse Age :17
Age :17 Parents : Patrick Lovato and
Parents : Matthew Sprouse Dianna Hart De La Garza
and Melanie Wright Born : August 20, 1992
Born : August 4, 1992 Salary :$12,000 /show
Salary :$20,000 each/episode TV Show:‘Sonny With a Chance’
TV show: ‘The Suite Life’ Broadcaster:Disney Channel
Broadcaster:Disney Channel Movie : Camp Rock (2008)
Film: Grace Under Fire (1993-1998) Television: Barney & Friends (2002–2003)

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-42 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
9. Victoria Justice 10. Atticus Shaffer
Age :17 Age : 11
Parents : Serene and Parents : Ron and Debbie
Zack Justice Shaffer
Born : February 19, 1993 Born : June 19, 1998
Salary :$12,000 / episode Salary : $12,000/ show
TV show: ‘Victorious’ TV show:‘The Middle’
Broadcaster:Nickelodeon Broadcaster: ABC
Movie : Mary (2005) Movie : Leaving Barstow (2008)
Television:Zoey 101 (2005) Television : The Class: “The Class Rides a
Bull” (2007)


1. Mipat hmeichhiatna hman atanga kai theih

STD,HIV/AIDS lakah a veng thei che.
2. Lehkhathiam leh changkang i ni a, uanthuan
nan leh thildang atan Condom hi hmang suh.
3. Condom hman hi thil zahthlak a ni lova, mahse
nun pawleh nan leh uanthuan nana hman
erawh chu a zahthlak a ni.
4. Natna tihdam theih loh laka veng theitu che
‘Condom’ hlutna hi ngaihtuah chiang rawh.

Mizoram State Aids Control Society, B-50, J.Lalsangzuala Building, Mission

Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram

Phone : 0389-2321556/ 2321566 Fax: 0389-2320992

Email :

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-43


COWBOYS & ALIENS Action / Sci-Fi / Thriller August 19
Boruaklawng (spaceship) chu kum 1873 khan Arizona ah a lo tum a. Chu
boruak lawnga chuang Aliens-te’n an duhthala he khawvel chen an tum lai
chuan an kawngah chulai chheh vela Cowboy ho an awm ta tlat mai. A
changtute han en mai pawh hian hmuhnawm thawkhat tura ngaih a ni..
Director: Jon Favreau ; Stars: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde


Captain Jack Sparrow (Johny Depp) chu nula a duh luatah buaina ah a inhnuklut a, fountain of
youth an zawnna lamah chuan hlauh tur a tam ta riau..nula chu nge Blackbeard??? 20 May 2011-a
tihchhuah tum a ni. Director: Rob Marshall ; Stars: Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz and Ian McShane

TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi ; 1 July 2011 (India)
Thla (moon) a thuhruk Cybertronian spacecraft hmuhchhuah tuma Decepticons leh Autorobot-
te intlansiakna hi Transformer chhuak hmasa dangte ang bawka hmuhnawm tura beisei a ni.
July thla tir lama beisei chi anih hmel!! Director: Michael Bay ; Stars: Shia LaBeouf, Rosie
Huntington-Whiteley and Tyrese Gibson

UNKNOWN (2011)PG_13 Drama | Mystery | Thriller Release : 18 February 2011

Director: Jaume Collet-Serra ; Stars: Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger and January Jones
Nikhawhriatlohna atanga a rawn harhchhuah leh hnu pawh chuan a nihna a
chiang tawh tlat lo, ama nupui ngei pawhin a rin tawh loh hnuah nula naupang
tak tanpuina in tunge anih inhrechhuak turin hma a la ta. ‘Taken’ Star Liam
Neeson-a channa hi chu a hmuhnawm phian zel...

FAST FIVE (2011) Action | Crime | Drama - 29 April 2011 (USA)

Dominic leh a thiante chu tum loh deuhin buaina ah an inhnuklut a. Drug hmanga sumdawng
leh Federal Agent-te inkarah dinhmun himlo takah an awm tlat!
Changtute han en mai pawh hian hmuhnawm thawkhat tura ngaih a
ni. Director: Justin Lin
Stars: Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)

KUNG FU PANDA 2 Animation | Action | Adventure - 27 May 2011

Hmelma chak leh hlauhawm tak bei tura Po leh a thian Kung Fu mas-
ter tharte chetna hi a hma ang bawka hmuhnawm leh lawm hlawh a
nih leh ngei i ring phawt ang.
Director: Jennifer Yuh
Stars: Jack Black, Angelina Jolie and Jackie Chan

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-44 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Adventure | Fantasy | Mystery - 15 July 2011 (USA)
Harry, Ron leh Hermione te chu Voldemort leh a thiltih theihna tichhe
vek turin Hogwards ah an let leh a. Mahse, an thiltum chu Voldemort
chuan a lo hre chhuak hlauh mai...
Director:David Yates ; Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint

THOR (2011) Action | Adventure | Drama - 29 April 2011 (India)

Pasaltha huaisen, nunrawng bawk si Thor chu khawvel mihringte zinga
khawsa tura paihthlak a ni a, mihringte chhanhimtu a lo ni ta.
Director:Kenneth Branagh ; Stars:Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins
and Natalie Portman
Budget:$150,000,000 (estimated)

PRIEST (2011) Action | Horror | Thriller - 13 May 2011 (India)

Puithiam pakhat chu Kohhran dan kalhin a tupa rubotu Vampire-te zawng
turin a thawkchhuak a...hmuhnawm tak tur a ni.
Director:Scott Charles Stewart ; Stars:Paul Bettany, Cam Gigandet and Maggie Q

BATTLE: LOS ANGELES (2011) 112 min - Action | Sci-Fi - 11 March 2011
Marine sipai ho leh khawvel run tum Alien ho Los Angeles a an inbeihna
hi a hmuhnawm phian maithei.
Director:Jonathan Liebesman
Stars:Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez and Bridget Moynahan
Budget:$100,000,000 (estimated)

DRIVE ANGRY 3D (2011) Action | Thriller - 25 February 2011 (USA)

A fanu thattute laka phuba la tura patling vakchhuak hian eng ang
takin nge phuba a lak ang le..
Director:Patrick Lussier ; Stars:Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard and Will-
iam Fichtner ; Budget:$50,000,000 (estimated)

I AM NUMBER FOUR (2011) PG_13 Action | Sci-Fi - 18 February 2011

John chu tleirawl dangdai tak, a nihna diktak thupa High School kal ve
a ni a, amah tihchhiat tum a hmelma bei turin a inbuatsaih. A hma in
amah ang chu pathum lai an lo thi tawh a..ani chu 4-na a ni..
Director:D.J. Caruso
Stars:Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant and Dianna Agron

(Kum chanve hmalama chhuak tur hmuhnawm zual kan tarlang

hmasa a, hun remchangah kum 2011 a chhuak tur film hmuhnawm
dang kan la tarlang leh dawn nia..)

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-45


1. SSA hi Central-State Partnership Programme a ni a, thuneihna leh
mawhphurna pawh ruahmanna fel tak nena insem a ni.
2. SSA hi huapzo Programme anih angin telve pawh an tam a, a huamchin
pawh a zau hle a ni.
3. SSA hi khawvelin Education For All Movement a kalpui mek tihhlawhtlin
nana India ram hmalakna a ni.
4. SSA hna hi Mission Mode-a thawh a ngai a, inpekna leh tlawmngaihna tello
chuan hlenchhuah theih a ni lo.
5. SSA atanga sum hmuh leh hmanral dan reng reng chu mipui mittlung (So-
cial Audit) a ni tur a ni.
6. SSA Programme hi vantlanga innghat (Community Based) a ni a, he Project
tilawhtling tur pawh hian vantlang mipui an pawimawh em em a ni.
7. SSA hi naupangten zirna tha leh tluantling an neih theihnana hmalatu a ni.
8. SSA hi naupang sikul lut tawhte chawl leh awm tawh lo tura hmalatu a ni.
9. SSA hi hmeichhia leh mipa inkar dinhmun inthlauhna (Gap) tibo tura hmalatu a ni.
10. SSA hi naupangten zirna mai bakah nundan mawi leh tha naupangte
thinlunga tuh tura hmalatu a ni.

Issued by:
SSA Mission, Aizawl District
DIET Complex, Chaltlang, Aizawl
Phone : 0389-2346702/2345639 Fax : 0389-2345639
Email :

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-46 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Maths chungchanga harsatna nei tan 9856116039-ah SMS hmanga zawh theih a ni.

- Ramfangzauva, M.Sc (Mathematics)

Class XI Maths zirlaiah hian ‘Permuta- AB, BA, AC, CA, BC, CB
tions and Combinations’ tih a awm a; thil tangkai [AB leh BA pawh hi A leh B hmanga ar-
leh tuiawm tak, har si lo a ni a. High School rangement siam ni mah se an awmna (posi-
zirlaite tan pawh a hriatthiam theih tur a ni. Tun tion) a inang lo thei a. Chuvangin, a hrang
\umah hian ‘Permutations’ awmzia leh a ve vein kan ziak thei a ni. Chutiang zelin a
\angkaina (application) \henkhatte kan tarlang dang pawh a hrangin kan ziak zel ang]
dawn a ni. Example 1 ah hian arrangement kan siam
Permutations leh Combinations thiam tur theih zat (no of permutations) chu 6 a ni tih kan
hre thei a.
chuan ‘Factorial Notation’ kan hriat phawt a
ngai a, lo sawi hmasa ila:
Example (2) : Letters 3 - A,B,C tho
Factorial Notation : ‘n’ hi postitive integer hmangin \um khatah letter zawng zawngte
lo ni ta se. Natural number ‘1’ a\anga ‘n’ thleng hmang vek zelin arrangement chi hrang hrang
puntir (multiply) chhuak chu ‘n’ factorial an ti a, siam leh dawn ila:
n! emaw n in emaw an ‘denote’ \hin a ni. ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA
Hetah hian arrangement chi hrang hrang 6
Entirnan :
bawk kan siam thei.
1! = 1
ie., No. of Permutations = 6
2! = 1 x 2 = 2 Example (3) : Zirlai 3, Mawia, Thanga leh
3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 Liana te’n seat pahnih an luahkhah theih dan
4! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 hrang hrang hi lo en dawn ila.
: 1st Seat 2nd Seat 1st Seat 2nd Seat
‘O’ factorial hi ‘1’ tho a ni tih hre bawk i) Mawia- Thanga ii) Thanga- Mawia
ila. ie. 0! = 1 iii) Mawia-Liana iv) Liana - Mawia
Permutations : Number emaw, thil v) Thanga - Liana vi) Liana - Thanga
peksa kan neih a\angin kan number/thil neih A chunga kan hmuh ang khian arrangement
zawng zawng emaw, a \hen pawh nise, \um chi hrang hrang kan siam theih zat chu 6 a ni.
khata kan lak duh (choice) ang zat hmanga ar- No. of Permutations chu 6 tihna anih chu.
rangement chi hrang hrang kan siam theih chu Amaherawhchu, zirlai tam zawk leh seat tam
‘Permutation’ a ni. zawkah chuan arrangement kan siam theih zat
Entirna lo pe dawn ila: hi awlsam taka hriat mai theih a ni lova;
chuvangin Permutation formula hi a \angkai
Example (1) : Letters pathum A, B, C dawn a, he formula hmang hian awlsam takin
kan lo nei a; \um khatah letter 2 hmangin ar- kan chhut thei dawn a ni.
rangement chi hrang hrang lo siam dawn ila, Permutation (nPr) : Number emaw thil
heti hian kan siam thei ang: engpawh (object) awm zawng zawng kha ‘n’
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-47
nise, \umkhata kan lak/hman tur kha ‘r’ nise, Tichuan, no. of Permutations chu 30240 lai
arrangement awm thei zat (no. of Permuta- a tling anih chu.
tions) chu heti hian kan ‘define’ thei ang. Example (5) : In class-ah naupang 10 in
n! awm a, in vaiin a rualin thla la vek dawn ula, landan
( )
Pr = n − r ! hrang hrang (inang chiah awm lovin) engzat nge
awm thei ang tih lo chhut dawn ang aw..
Example (4) : Zirlai naupang 10 ten seat Thlalak apianga in vaia in lan zel dawn
awl 5 an luah khah theih dan kawng hrang hrang avangin, n=10, r=10 a lo ni a.
awmzat hi lo chhut dawn ila:
Pr = 10P10 = = =10!
10! 1!
∴ Pr = P5 =
n 10
5! (E khai!! 1 a\anga 10 thleng multiply chu
a hautak deuh a, i duh leh calculator ruai
mai la)
Tichuan, 10! = 3628800 a ni a. Lan dan
= 30240 chi hrang hrang a tam thei dawn hle mai a,
(Calculation-ah hian 5 4 3 2 1 = Cameraman nih pawh huphurhawm tak a ni
5! tih hria ila) dawn alawm le!!

Q. THANGKURI tih word atang hian letter

MATHS CONTEST zawng zawng hmang vekin word chi hrang
8× 7 × 6× 5 !
Class VIII - XII zirlaite tan Math- hrang (awmze neilo pawh tiamin) engzatnge
0) !)5! ematics-a
! inelna huang kan buatsaih thar e. kan siam theih ang? Permutation Formula
He huanga tel tur zirlaite chuan a hnuaia mi hi hmangin han chhut teh le.
hriat nise: Solution :
1. Chhanna hi S.O ami ngei cheh thlak tur a
ni a, xerox copy pawm a ni lovang.
2. Chhangtu chuan hming, school, Class leh
Phone number an ziak ngei tur a ni.
3. Chhanna hi mahni School-a agent-te bakah
a hnuaia tarlanahte hian February 2011
chhung ngeia thehluh tur a ni:
1) SSU Office, Zodin Square
2) CVL Bass, Zarkawt, Aizawl
Aizawl nilo hmun danga mite chuan mahni
khua/institution-a agent te hnenah theh luh mai
tur a ni. Name : ....................................................
4. Lawmman : Chhang dik thlap mi pathum School : ....................................................
tan Rs. 100/- theuh.
Class :...............Ph.No.............................
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX
Page-48 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram

English Premier League Fixture

Saturday, 12 February 2011 Sunday, 27 February 2011
Man Utd v Man City 6:15 West Ham v Liverpool 7:00
Arsenal v Wolverhampton 8:30
Birmingham v Stoke 8:30 Monday, 28 February 2011
Blackburn v Newcastle 8:30 Man City v Fulham 1:30
Blackpool v Aston Villa 8:30
Liverpool v Wigan 8:30 Tuesday, 1 March 2011
West Brom v West Ham 8:30 Chelsea v Man Utd 1:15
Sunderland v Tottenham 11:00
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Sunday, 13 February 2011 Birmingham v West Brom 12:45
Bolton v Everton 9:30 Arsenal v Sunderland 8:30
Bolton v Aston Villa 8:30
Monday, 14 February 2011 Fulham v Blackburn 8:30
Fulham v Chelsea 1:30 Newcastle v Everton 8:30
West Ham v Stoke 8:30
Tuesday, 15 February 2011 Man City v Wigan 11:00
Birmingham v Newcastle 1:15
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 February 2011 Liverpool v Man Utd 7:00
Arsenal v Stoke 1:15 Wolverhampton v Tottenham 9:30
Blackpool v Tottenham 1:30
West Brom v Wolverhampton 1:30 Monday, 7 March 2011
Blackpool v Chelsea 1:30
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Aston Villa v Blackburn 8:30 Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Everton v Sunderland 8:30 Everton v Birmingham 1:30
Newcastle v Bolton 8:30
Stoke v West Brom 8:30 (FA Cup leh Champions League, etc
Wigan v Man Utd 8:30 avangin Fixture hi tihdanglam a ni thin a.
Wolverhampton v Blackpool 8:30 Chutiangah chuan mawh kan phur lo ania..
Dar zat hi chu dik tura ngaih a la ni)
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-49


1. Which of the following statements is not 8. The chlorine gas turns iodine—
correct about sound waves? (a) Blue (b) Red
(a) It is a straight line (c) Green (d) Orange
(b) It has energy
(c) It is in wave form 9. The maximum intensity of earthquake on Rich-
(d) Sound travels faster in vacuum than in air ter Scale is
(a) l (b) 4
2. The drop of water is spherical in shape due to (c) 6 (d) l0
(a) Surface tension (b) Viscosity
(c) Gravitation (d) None of these 10. The non-metal which conducts both heat and
electricity is—
3. The speed of sound wave is increased due to (a) iodine (b) chlorine
(a) Decrease in temperature (c) phosphorus (d) graphite
(b) Increase in temperature
(c) Increase then decrease in temperature 11. The cities Halebid and Belur were con-
(d) None of these structed by
(a) Cholas (b) Hoyasalas
4. Railway earns mare in carrying— (c) Kakatiyas (d) Pállavas
(a) Passengers (b) Goods
(c) Construction work 12. Covalent bond is formed by—
(d) None of these (a) sharing of electrons(b)donation of electrons
(c) sharing of protons (d) none of these
5. Which of the following generates highest
income? 13. Carbon forms more compounds because—
(a) Software (b) NRI remittance (a) carbon is easily available
(c) RBI-interest rate (d) None of these (b) valency of carbon is more
(c) of covalent bond and ionic bonds
6. The Telugu-Ganga project is related to— (d) none of these
(a) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
(b) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh 14. The language specially used for Database
(c) Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh Management is—
(d) Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh (a) Visual-basic (b) Standard Query Language
(c) Fortran (d) None of these
7. The time required to reach the sunlight to
the earth is— 15. The principle of dynamo is—
(a) 6 minutes 40 seconds (a) electromagnetic induction
(b) 8 minutes 20 seconds (b) magnetic effect of current
(c) 7 minutes 20 seconds (c) heating effect of current
(d) 9 minutes 10 seconds (d) none of these

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-50 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram

16. Mohr Scale is used to measure— 24. Which of the following affects the Indian
(a) hardness of minerals (b) hardness of water Administration?
(c) viscosity of gases (d) none of these (a) Unionism (b) Parliamentary Democracy
(c) Planning (d) All of these
17. In ‘Skandpuran’ Garhwal is known by the
name of— 25. World Health Day is celebrated on the date
(a) Kedarkhand (b) Kurmachàl of—
(c) Jallandhar (d) Gadhdesh (a) 7th April (b) 15th March
(c) 9th April (d) 10th April.
18. Who is the director of film 36 Chaurangi
Lane’? 26. Atomic Number is equal to the number of—
(a) Satyajeet Ray (b) Shyam Benegal (a) electron (b) proton
(c) Prakash Jha (d) Aparna Sen (c) neutron (d) either electron or proton

19. Which of the following is correctly matched? 27. Phosphorus can be preserved in -
(a) Tharu — Bihar (a) kerosene (b) water
(b) Semang — Yeman (c) petrol (d) ether
(c) Mesai — Mountain of East Africa
(d) Badu — Malaya 28. Which of the following substances is ob-
tained during the fractional distillation of petro-
20. Author of ‘Post Office’ is— leum at 260-350°C?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore (a) Kerosene (b) Petrol
(b) Mulkraj Anand (c) Naphtha (d) Diesel
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(d) Vishnu Sharma 29. Which of the following does not contain chlo-
21. Which of the following metals is the worst (a) Fern (b) Mosses
conductor of electricity? (c) Fungi (d) Algae
(a) Aluminum (b) Copper
(c) Iron (d) Carbon 30. Major difference between animal and plant
cells is—
22. Which of the following is not correctly
(a) cell membrane (b) chloroplast
(c) nucleus (d) cell wall
(a) Sale Tax — State Government
(b Income Tax — State Government
31 Fall of Bastille is related to
(c) Excise Duty — Central Government
(a) Hundred Year War (b) Napoleon War
(d) Chungi — Municipal Corporation
(c) French Revolution (d) England War
23. Finance Commission is formulated by—
(a) Prime Minister (b) President 32. Shiva Temple in Tanjore was built by—
(c) Finance Ministry (a) Pallava (b) Chola
(d) Planning Commission (c) Chalukyas (d) Rashtrakuta

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-51

33. Numismatics is related to the study of— 38. Set Top Box is related to—
(a) coins (b) inscriptions (a) CAP
(c) epigraph (d) sherds (b) CAS
(c) Cable Networking
34. Kautilya’s Arthashastra deals with— (d) Internet
(a) economy and politics
(b) inter-State relations 39. Forty-Fourth Amendment to the Constitution
(c) ethics (d) statecraft of India is related to—
(a) Fundamental Rights are superior to the Di-
35. Sarnath was an important place in the life rective Principles of State Policy.
of the Buddha where he— (b) Right to Property ceased to be a Funda-
(a) was born. (b) gave his first sermon mental Right.
(c) attained enlightenment(d) died (c) Directive Principles were made at par with
the Fundamental Rights.
36. Who was the political guru of Mahatma (d) None of these
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale Answers
(b) Ba1 Gangadhar Tilak 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a)
(c) Swami Vivekanand 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10.(d)
(d) Rabindra Nath Tagore 11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(a)
16.(a) 17.(a) 18.(d) 19.(a) 20.(b)
37. Mirage is based on the principle of—
(a) double refraction
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(b) 24.(d) 25.(a)
(b) total reflection 26.(d) 27.(b) 28.(d) 29.(c) 30.(d)
(c) scattering 31.(c) 32.(b) 33.(a) 34.(a) 35.(b)
(d) refraction 36.(a) 37.(b) 38.(b) 39.(b)

Kum engemawzat kalta khan

Belgium-a zirtirtu pakhat,
Gerrit Six chuan Internet
hmanga thil zawrh leh
lilamna, E-bay ah an ram,
Belgium chu a lo lilam pek
a.... 10 million euros thlengin
an chhang hman!!! Hetia an
ram a zawrh chiam nachhan hi
an rama Politics buaina nasa
lutuk duhloh entirna a ni.

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-52 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
Miley Cyrus Lady Antebellum & Jim Brickman
We both lie silently still in the dead of the night, May the angels protect you
Although we both lie close together, Trouble neglect you
We feel miles apart inside, And heaven accept you when its time to go home
May you always have plenty
Was it something I said or something I did, The glass never empty
Did my words not come out right, Know in your belly
Though I tried not to hurt you, You're never alone
Yeah I tried,
But I guess that's why they say,

Hla hi SMS hmanga thlan tur a ni a, thlangtu tam apiang kan tichhuak \hin!
May your tears come from laughing
Every rose has it's thorn You find friends worth having
Just like every night has it's dawn With every year passing
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song They mean more than gold
Every rose has it's thorn (Yeah it does) May you win but stay humble
Smile more than grumble
I listen to our favorite song playing on the radio And know when you stumble
Hear the DJ say loves a game of easy come and easy go You're never alone
But I wonder, does he know
Has he ever felt like this Chorus: Never alone
And I know that you'd be here right now Never alone
If I, I could let you know somehow I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Every rose has it's thorn
(Every rose, every rose, every rose) Wherever you fly
Just like every night has it's dawn This isn't goodbye
Hla Thlanna : 8974004416

Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song My love will follow you stay with you
Every rose has it's thorn Baby you're never alone

Though it's been a while now well

I can still feel so much pain I have to be honest
Like a knife that cuts you the wound heals As much as I wanted
But that scar, that scar remains I'm not gonna promise that the cold winds won't blow
(Yeahh) So when hard times have found you
And your fears surround you
Every rose, every rose Wrap my love around you
Every rose has it's thorn
You're never alone
I know I could saved a love that night
If I'd known what to say Chorus
Instead of makin' love
We both made our separate ways May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And now I hear you found somebody new And heaven accept you when its time to go home
And that I never meant that much to you And when hard times have found you
And to hear that tears me up inside And your fears surround you
And to see you cuts me like a knife Wrap my love around you
You're never alone
Every rose has it's thorn (Every rose, every rose, every
rose) Chorus
Just like every night has it's dawn (has it's dawn)
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
(Every rose, every rose, every rose) My love will follow you stay with you
Every rose has it's thorn (Yeah it does) Baby you're never alone

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-53
Sms to : 9862873422 Oikos 09-10 batch,12 SC ho kha in v
ngaihwm tak,jirna vangin hmun hrang2
ah wm mahila dam taka intoh leh ni her
leh ngei ang...Fr Lonely Angel
Atuki gyhwm hle my.hmuh k ck ltk
Science X'btion Serchip a kl xong2 te Lalhriatchhungi,bee xet a lut kha kn * tp ce.khwge wm dyha. 8014602523
in va hn ngyhom hlm m a bkin Finga lh ce,iscul kal tr kn l thlir trin ce a,i no. mn
2010 Cls 10.LWSa.k hostlr pui xog2 te
Rindki, SPHSS ami te kha tha dyh in l pe th vei ltk ce,i chalhmasam phei
ka inva gywm em..abkn..angels te
lhkha xr dn nya. -Etoz, SJHSS, Klsb cu....angle hlok thlak ag vel ini.AREMA
ka..ka gy ltk ceu.egtka ge lugrual takn
Lalfelfamkima thingfal high school a kal Lalmuansanga thingsulthliah HSS ami kn inhmukwm lh ag le w..frm.RAIN...
kha din2i cl-8 a mi hian a * ltk ce a.Crab kha i ngaiwm thn khop mai.i dam tha
Kim2 i st.john's kolasb a lut,science sub-
ball i u f-a mw...hope dad i c u again in future.
ject la kh k gai thei ltk ce ny w.....session
ST JOHN 2008 CLASS VIII C batch Maxi pachuau GHSS
twp hun ah kn home ah knin hmu lh
ho kha in dam tha maw a bik takin VL r.m, nag locu hmagaih dag k nei theilo...i dwn ny w.....KA HMANGAIH CHE.....
REMI kha i tha maw in ngaihawm thin stil miss u alot. 4m ur r.m, S.k.a.....R.H.S.S...
khawp mai.tluang deuhin in zir zel dawn
nia.FORMER VIII C student ST Donbosco HSS 09-10 CL-12 ho kha in Amoii zotlag Govt.ami kha k ngai toh
JOHN HSS ngaiwm hlowm ltk speacially lutuk ce kan in hmuh leh vat ka beisei-
Chhanbadami (superoveri) union ur always fren rose ketty(remember)
Sf99 gyh0m khr,... Reunion cu uluk fal le ag u. Ramengmawii Pachuau...
ho kn han exam xo ph0t aga, nyh kn Narsha, Tifany, Duffy, Videcy, Aundrea
tm d0n nya... Miz u 0l.. 4rm asst.Cee Kuk-a and kuk kuk-i, Providence GHSS(L) Cl 12 A te kha in gyhwm khwp
arr(prov xii 'sc' 09-10) School ami te kh inla tluang xel mw..?? my in xr xel na tur ah duhsakna k hlan
In gaiwm khp my... 4m K•R¡ a ce u Yuri BHSS serkwn
zothankim clas8 C 2008 AMI KH!,ka
cuah hnu ah henry a kh ilo nhpui lo Hriatsangi of PUC ami, BA 1 yr psy- BSA 2008-2009 COMBI- Roxzy,
a...van t ag lo ve a..!!ilo ciar v gei k chology hons,kh k van duh tak ce Mexzy, Oxxzy ho khn mn rn be ve th
rig!poilo kn phu toh lo ce em!!..Fr.REUBEN u..k gy ltk ce u nya. Jixzy GZHSS,
lom!!....cESERE 9862878517
Helen Lowry School,cl - Xii sec 'C' a mi
Hey galz. .howz lyf g0in,mis u al s0 Ruth kha va gyhwm ve,kn * ltk ce...Toje Lawmsaga cls9 sec d sphss kha k * t0p
much,al ma Laguna beach frnz. .hope & frnz,§#§§ ce th hi i l0 hre d0n nya w. .C2 SPHSS
u remembr our preci0us mem0ries in Opa of PUC ,1yr psychology(hons) te, TLAGNUAM
H.M.S 08-09. .fr R@!n (alex H) la- feli (dr.luke),1yr sociology (hons)..te kh O.. Kury(Meow) kn va gai tak ce em i
guna beach!:) in dam em? Ngai tei ltk ce u.muah2. tel l cuan GD4 kn ruak vek n e.
Hey!!! MäMaX(syn0d) "N" Fr..ELENORE. -->ÆD-•£¥-J<--
MawinD(HMS) my 5 sense miz ya'll, Brighter HSS 08-09 hosteler ho kha Holy Heart School, cl-VII Sec-A 2008
letz meEt again at MAMIT n be drunk va gaihwm thin ve tuan na tlag a dag ta Batch te gyhom hlwm khwp my.
da wh0le day. .ha3 4rm MAJaXs si a. From:TC-A 8014335270
DIS class-x 2009 batch ho kha in
Muanpuii cl-xiicom BHSS Serkwn a mi St.Pauls a ka thiante x0ng2..a bikin Cl-
gaihom ltk a bik takin T9 ho kha....
kh k gai ltk ce! Cl-xii com 2010(1st X 'A'(09-10) in gyh0m full thak..a hman2
Inzirna lam theuhah tha taka in jir jel
batch) ho kh k gai ltk ce u. Miss parte-i khn minr0n be teh u...8974116529
theih nan duh sakna kan hlan a ce u......
Fr, Hmingsangi & Mami HLHSS kh mn lo biak dwn nya! A fl c!..miss tetei
Bilkhwthlir h/s a zirlai jog2 t 3rd term
pwh kh a hmlth c! Tha tak a repeaters
B@rb¡è jèll¥ ambèr.. Miz ¥a.. .- ¥øúñg ho kh lo pass vk turin duhsakna k hlan xam a hny lh th a tha tk a xam inbyh
løve mcçø¥. New. Høriz0n. Xi. 30. thyh nan duhskna k hlan a c u.Frm
a ce u. Mami LR HSS Khatla, Aizawl.

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-54 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram
zorina 2009-2010 batch topz!khogaih in lut ho leh vek ag u! Enga of tanhril,HLS a lut thn kha gaihom
Seihnai a.k.a baby a! Alma cl 9! thy khp my.Ton lh ni her chuak lh tk ag
B. H. S..champhai clas 10 zr lai te kh k
mw... From body.
hmagai vek ce u. Thatea..c.mike. Royal Standard Skul 2006-2007 batch
cl-6 ho kha in gaiwm khwp my...Michael Nikuma ka classmate,
SHSS Moimoii,Siami,Rintei leh Rodyi te kha
STAR TOP CHE I HMELTH A SI I FEL in gyhom hle mai, min l0 hre ve reng
SI KA NAI THN KHOP MY CE . I X Jere of pine mt scool kha dam thn thin ag che u. . .ZOZOI
J_SON m?gaiwm khp mai..frm A riang
vala..chwlhhmun.. Kn thyn nu Aomi A.T.S a kn luhpui thn
Cl-xi sec-a,govt.higher schol serchhip kha i va reh ve... Kn gai teh ce syn!!
ami fakomi ka ka tn lo let lh hram teh,k 2008-09 cl-12 (ARTS) Batch St.Peter's 8014443105
la hmagai reg ce,cun k gy ltk ce...l.k.a cigcip ami te kha tuanna tlang dang
mahse ,in ton le ni om le ang Maria i gyhwm thei khwp my mn lo hre
THINGFAL HIGH SCHOOL a ka kal ve reg thin dwn nia w... Miss U fr.the
pu thin remtea ,lalduata,bza,leh k cousin man
fela te kha in gaihwm khwp mai.IN U Gov.Central H.S.S 2009-10 batch cl-
Lalenpuii,serchhip khua.kum 20 07 a
MAMA FP.CHAKAI-A 11 'B' ho kha k gai thin ltk ce u..ln tha
cls 9,jemabwk hss a rawn xir
mw??mis Partei kn gai ltk ce frm.sis
2009 DA PIES frm F.A I miss u ol so kha,khawiah nge maw i awm tak le.i
mch lets not 4get each othr n ol da mis- St.John's Hss kolsb cl-12 A ho kh tha ngaihawm theikhawp mai. SM@@
chievous things we'v done -Lovelie deuin lehkh jr ag ce u. Nikuma rwn kal Lalpuupa,..Shit Head-a...Kapzaua..
Cute Afaki te, margareti2 te, lalmwgkua te kh Vee-El-Chawa te clas 12 tha tk a in pas
ingyhwm ltk... Elpi 12 a gei tyh nan xr tha rh u w..:--*MUD
Gov't GMHSS cl-xi Arts sec -'b' mapuii
vegsag a mi kh gai ltk ce,i no hre lo Reuben cl-12 Greenland.. I no hmnlai ZOSE*
a,khwgaih in he no ah hian mn lo text neih avan har tak m.. I hmui leh nui BHSS Serkawn, commerce 1st batch
dwn ny. 8014632730 hmel a gyhom ltk..plz contct te kha in va ngaihawm hlawm ve! In
9774406036 dam thin hlawm em? Re-union lampang
ho kh ngaihom don hlom khop my. YEL- Borisa Bairabi a mi thiante kha lo luggy te hi..... Ruatpuia
LOW, RED lh BLUE mystia ninjas te kh, suh u,borisa cu ka lo biak vk ag ce u! Din2 a of aijol kha i ngaih om top -miley
tha deuh in lehkha xir tr o?Frm- MYS- BORIS NEIGHBOUR MPA cyrus(lli)
Kum egemwxat k xirna,st.peter's schol k thiante auxilium k kalpui thrn
Kwnpui Govt. H/S 2009 a F4 te thlalak k hmuh hyn k lug aleg xual.. K hmuaktei,atei,hruaii,puitei,nupui, pci,
chhuani<junpyo>, emi<hijoong>, va gai tk m.. X-STUDENT of rosete, julie leh remtei te kh k gai thei ltk
xomi<woobin> te qa in dam thn mw, ST.PETER's. ce u....9615820168
gyhwm thei khop my a. . .in2 duh hlwm Keini cuan VEX,MAX,PUCX n
Faith acedemy a cls10 2009-2010
si. .9615330378 duh br my..phizzz..-4stAr
batch ho kh dam mw,van gaiwm hlwm
laluswma lh ujo-a GHSS(L) cl-xii c' mi tak..arc angel,shynie,jungle man,sag Model skul a lut(clas 8) amite
te kh gai topz ce u tia lai borual cu k jo lo doo,mioly te ho kh..mis u ol..frm da13 lomi,spi,zomi,bsi,lki,akimi te kha dm m?k
k down trwt..soju re-union...!!? in boss teens! gai thei ltk c u. 9612576874
hyan k l ghak reg e........msi"H"
BABE u wil always beautiful in my GHS Thingfal a class-x xir xong2 te
Davida oikos H.S.S a lut Commerce la eyes..Coz true luv never ends...Ur pass gei tur in duhsak na ka hlan a ce
kh i gahwm tei khp mai... Tha deuh khn lovers Kiem u. C-L-X R.NO- ****.
lhkh jr la, hoh viau louh tr -kimkimi
Ramthliri (Kawla)K.M.Higher Cl-XII Sc GOVT.K.M.H.S.S CL-12 2O1Oa pass
K thiante u!ka van ngai dön tk ce u ami kha dam mw?tha deuhin lhkh jr jel xog2te kha in gaihom ltk a bikin Arts
m!gospel i phei cu k ngai dn bon dwn nya..i boss vps stream ami te kha. 9862838389
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011
The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram Page-55

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) : rawh. I dinhmun that lai tak a ni.
Tunlai chu nangmah rau rauah i Rawng hrng lam uar la itan a
i takasa a hah lai a ni bawk a, in pawi lo viau ang.
enkawl tha hle rawh. Thil tha lo (Kan innghahna tak tak erawh-
Libra (Sept. 21-Oct. 20)
in a hnaih che tih i hriat a ngai chu Pathianah nise)
I nunah harsatna a lo thleng a
a, i fimkhur hle a ngai ang. Mi nih pawhin a dawnsawn dan i
thusawi awih nghal mai loin mamawh hun lai a ni. Midang
ring vak suh nangmahah rinna thiam a ngai ang. Thian te nen
nangmah ngeiin finfiah tum ang hun hman hnem a pawi lo ang.
che. Chhas lam pawh i tan nghat ngam la itan a tha ang.
Chhas lamah chuan tan lak Chhungkua ah tih tur pawimawh
chuan hun rangkachak a ni in a hmuak mai thei che a,
ringawt. Mahse fimkhur hle deuh i ngai niin alang. Rawng
var lam i colour a ni e. mahse i tan a tha tur vek a ni.
rawh. Rawng var i colour a ni. Chhas lam ah chuan tan i lak
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar 20) : Cancer ( June 21-July 20) viau loh chuan i chan mai thei
I hma lawkah hlimna in a hmuak Khawtlang thil ah i hun tam tlat a nia. I awm dan ah i duhna
che tih hria la, tuna i rilru hahna zawk hman i tan a tha ang. Hun i lan tir a ngai khawp mai.
kha a kiang thuai dawn e. danglam thleng turin Rawng eng lam i colour a ni e.
Midang thusawi ring nghal mai nangmahah thildanglam a rawn
thlen mai thei che a, mak ti loin corpio (October 21-Nov. 21)
lovin nangmahin thuthllukna Mahni a induh tawkna i neih tlat
siam thin rawh. Tawng tam lutuk lo pawm thiam i zir dawn nia.
Nangmah ah thil thar thleng tur hi i hman thiam chuan a that hun
loh i tan a tha ang. Pawnlam aiin a awm mai thei a, i chhiatpui thei
in inchhung ngaipawimawh ang hi i dawnsawn thiam viau a ngai
dawn a ni. Chhas tan hun pe bawk. Chutihrualin tlawm hreh
che. Chhas lakah dawhtheihna miah suh ang che. I thil tih tur
i neih a ngai dawn. Rawng dum tam lutuk suh i chhiatpui hnai
tlat a nia. Rawng Colourful deuh uluk takin ngaihtuah phawt thin
i colour a ni e. ang che. I hma a hun lo inthlak
i vanneihpui tur a ni e.
Aries (Mar21-Apr 20) : thleng turah hian hlim taka i
Hun kal tawha i thil lo tih tawh Leo (July 21-August 20) : awm theih nan fimkhur hle ang
in nagmahah nghawng arawn Mahni a thil tih i zir angai khawp che. Rawng dum lam i colour a
nei mai thei a, dawnsawndan i mai. Hun khirh deuh i tawng mai ni e.
thiam a ngai ang. Thian thar i thei a, mahse i tan pal tlang
chhar hnai dawn a, i la tangkaipui harsa lutuk chu a ni loang. Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec.20)
viau in a rinawm. Chhas lamah Mahni ngeiin hma la ang che. I hriselna pawn that lam a pan
chuan i ngaihtuahawm lo e. Thian kawm tlem deuh i ve zel a, mahse ei leh in i
Rawng pawl lam i colour a ni e. mamawh, i hna tibuai tur fimkhur a pawimawh khawp mai.
khawpin buaina dang insiam Thian kawm hnem vak loh i zir a
Taurus (April 21-May20) : hauh suh. Tuna i chhas hi i rilru tha khawp mai. I hna
I hun liam tawh a i thil tawn te zawng zawng i pek chuan itan ngaipawimawh la hmasawnna
avangin inti lungngai duh suh. I atha lo zawk thei a, inveng tur ila ngah khawp mai. Chhas
tun hun kha a pawimawh ber a fimkhur ang che. Rawng var lam lam ah chuan i ngaihtuahawm
ni tih hria ang che. Nangmah i vanneihpui tur a ni. vak loh, mahse an vang duak
inring tawk la midang pawh in mai thei a nia, fimkhur rawh.
an ringngam ang che. I rilru a Virgo (August 21-Sept 20) Rawng pawl lam i colour a ni e.
awm thin te lanchhuah tir hun Tun thla chu vanneihna
lai tak a ni. I tan hun tha a inher engemaw tak in a hmuak che Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan.19)
mek e. Rawng thim (dark) lam i a, i dawnsawn thiam a zirin a I zirlai i tan a ngai khawp mai,
vanneihpui ngei ang. hlu lehzual ang. I hriselna huau huau lam ah i tel loh hram
dinhmun i ngaihtuah hmasak a hram a tha ang. I thil tih ah
Gemini (May 21-June 20) tul khawp mai. Thian kawm hlawhtlinna i nei mai thei.
Tunlai chu pawnlamah hun i hnem loh pawh a him khawp Midang nena in inlaichina
hmang tam deuh nge ni ang. I thil tih ah ti buan buan loin ngaipawimawh ang che. I hun
inchhunga awm tam deuh zir a uluk tak in ngaihtuahna hmang hlui lam a mi tawh rawn inlar thar
tha khawp ang. I awmna thin ang che. Mi thar nangmah an awm dawn a, biak chhiat loh
apiangah i tan thil pawi thei a ah rawn inlar tur an awm tlat a a tha ang. I dinhmun hi fimkhur
awm tih hria la inven fimkhur i nia. I nungchang fimkhur hle ngaih hun lai tak a ni. Rawng
thim lam uar la a pawi lo ang.

Students’ Outlook - February, 2011 XX

Page-56 The Only Career Magazine in Mizoram

FEBRUARY 2011 SMS Quiz JANUARY, 2011 chhanna

Q. Bazarah Dawnfawh pum 2 an lo zuar a, Q. Zuali leh Rami hi kawngpui dungah an
pakhat len lam chu teh kualin 60 cm a ni a,a te intlansiak a. Zuali chuan mel 12 lungphunna
zawk chu 50cm a ni thung. A te zawk hi Rs. 3 atangin mel 6 lung phunna thlengin a tlan a.
Rami ve thung chuan mel 6 lung phunna
an chhiar a, a lian zawk hi Rs. 4.50 an chhiar a.
a\angin a \an ve thung a. Tunge thleng hmasa
Khawi nge lei ila hlawk zawk ang?
zawk ang?
(Chhanna hi February thla chhungin Ph.
Chhanna: Zuali’n mel 12 atanga mel 6 thlenga
9862388822-ah thawn theih a ni. Zawhna chhang
a tlan zawh tawh avangin a thleng hmasa zawk.
dik 4 hnenah Rs. 100/- theuh pek a ni ang. Chhang
A tlan zawh tawh hnuah Rami a tlan ve chauh
dik in tam chuan \hum vawr a ni ang. Chhanna ah tihna a ni..
Institution hming leh Password chhut tel ngei ngei
tur. Password tel lo chu delete nghal zel a ni)
January 2011 Lawmman dawngtute:
(Lawmman hi February thla chhunga lam 1. Gaddia, III BA, PUC
tur a ni a, a hnuah chuan a lam theih tawh 2. Lallawmkima, I BA Sec A, HBC
lovang. Office-a lam remchanglo tan Edi- 3. Vanlalhriata, Class XII, JL HSS
tor contact mai tur a ni e)

SMS hmanga Fiamthu thawhna : 9862540843

Maths zirtirtu turin a va interview ve a...
ADVANCE TRIAH2... Interviewer : May I know your contact no.?
Nula leh tlangval kha an mudun ve ngei a,an Man : Let my contact number be ‘x’.....
zawh hnu chuan nula chu khum atragin tho thut ________________________
a "Duhlai, khoiah nge sikul kn kal tir ang?"
Priest: "My boy, Evrythng in dis World has
fr 9774573569
a Purpose.Tell me tw0 thngs witout Purpose
BALL BOOT BUN and I'll Stop Preachng"...
Chungleng leh hnuaileng an indo a. Hnuaileng Boy: "Breast of a Nun and Balls of a Priest".
5-0 in chak lo dawn. .Ketaminu lut chiah chu ________________________
si phur sut zo vek. .chakna goal la thun zui... Two lovers kissing under a tree...
Fans hoin coach hnenah “a tirah tinge i luh Girl : Enough...people will see us..
tir nghal vat loh” an ta a,Coach cuan 'a boot Boy : Cmon..Love is blind..
bun chhung a rei em alawm'.. .fr_siamtei Girl’s father sititng upon da tree.
“Love is blind but I’m not blind”
MAWI CHIAH LO _________________________
Oficer 1 hn motor ah cell a theihghlh a,a driver
cn a pu contact list a en vel a,a hmig a hmu my Catholoc sister pakhat zun exam tir
c lova,an in be ve fo c a,egtin ge a hmig a save pawh kha an lo thlakthleng palh a, i rai anih
hi an ti ta mai si.. “Aw Lalpa, thil mak i tih leh
tih hriat tuma a pu cell a dial cin cn 'teh tuh ta ni maw.. Father Joy-a kutzungchal ringawt
liana' tin alo save cu ni ZzZ ka rai pui tak hi..”
Students’ Outlook - February, 2011

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