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Form 3 Science

Chapter 10


1. Diagram 1 shows the application of space technology used in exploring outer space.

. P Q R

Diagram 1

(a) Label P, Q and R using the words given below.

Space station Space probe Satellite

[3 marks]

(b) Draw lines to match P, Q and R to its function.


Orbits the Earth and collect various kinds of

P information in space

Gather information and data from the Moon and

Q other planets and send images back to Earth

A place to carry out scientific work in space


[3 marks]

JPN Pahang 2009 201

Form 3 Science
Chapter 10

2. Diagram 2 shows a man-made object in space.

Diagram 2

(a) Name the object shown in Diagram 2.

[1 mark]

(b) Name two mode of transport that can be used to send this object into space.

(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

[2 marks]

(c) State two functions of the object shown in Diagram 2.

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………

[2 marks]

(d) Name the technology that uses aircraft, satellites and space probes to collect data and
information in space and send them back to be processed by computers on earth.


[1 mark]

JPN Pahang 2009 202

Form 3 Science
Chapter 10

3. (a) Draw lines to match the astronomers to their contribution in the field of astronomy.
Astronomer Contribution

Nicholas Copernicus Showed that the orbits of the

planets are elliptical

Galileo Galilei Suggested that the Sun is the

centre of the Solar System

Johanness Kepler Invented a telescope that is

used in astronomy

[3 marks]

(b) Diagram 3 shows a space shuttle.

Diagram 3

(i) State one use of a space shuttle.


[1 mark]

(ii) What is the advantage of a space shuttle?


[1 mark]

JPN Pahang 2009 203

Form 3 Science
Chapter 10

JPN Pahang 2009 204

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