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Consumerism : Food Labeling

Food labeling is required for most prepared food , such as bread,

canned, cereals, and frozen foods. Nutrition labeling for raw produce ,fruits and

vegetables and fish is voluntory.We refer to these products as “conventional” foods.

The food labeling is very important and useful for consumer.

The important of food labels is tell a lot about food. They don’t suggest

what foods to eat decision and tasty . But labels can help you make our “personal

best” food choices and choices that benefit now and in the future, too.

Another reason for labeling is to show nutrient of food to consumer.


health goals should include a healthful diet. The teen years demand more nutrients

and often more calories than any other time of life. That’s because teenagers are still

growing. But their “on-the-run” lifestyles often prevent them from getting the right

amount of nutrients and calories they need.

Food labeling can help you make food choices that meet these Dietary

Guidelines and promote a lifetime of good health. With today’s labels, can :Compare

one food with another, choose foods that help provide the balance of nutrients your
body needs ,plan meals and your whole diet so they are moderate, varied and


Next, ingredient lists provide useful information about what’s in our food.

With a few exceptions, all pre-packed foods must be labeled with their ingredients,

listed in descending order of their weight If an ingredient is mentioned in the name, such

as chicken in ‘chicken pie’, or is shown on the label, the amount contained in the food

must be given as a percentage.

Most food products have to be labeled with a date .The important

dates to look at for the ‘use buy’ and ‘the best before’ dates . This is the key date

in terms of safety. We will usually find a ‘use by’ date on food that goes off quickly,

such as meat, fish, milk, soft cheese and packet salads.So , labeling food is very

important for our safety.

The important of food labeling food is to know place of origin. Some foods,

for example beef, fish and potatoes, and most fruit and vegetables, must have labels
saying which country they have come from. Other foods (including ready meals) only

need to give their origin if the purchaser would otherwise be misled.

Food labeling play main role in our life.So,all consumer give more

important for food labeling during buy goods.It can save our life from disease.

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