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Advanced Configuration Guide

Service Desk for Service Providers

SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EhP1
February 2010
1 Introduction 4

2 IBase Installed Base Management 5

2.1 Creating IBases 6

2.2 Assigning Business Partners 7

3 Organizational Model 9

3.1 General Information 9

3.2 Basic Settings for Organizational Model 10

3.3 Configuration Options 11

3.3.1 Creating Organizational Roots 11

3.3.2 Assigning Attributes to Root Organizational Units 11

3.3.3 Creating an Organizational Structure for the Service Desk 11

3.3.4 Extending the Organizational Model 15

4 Product Maintenance 16

4.1 Creating a Base Hierarchy and Root Category 16

4.1.1 Assigning Category Hierarchy to the Application 16

4.1.2 Creating a Category for Service Products 17

4.1.3 Creating Service Products 18

4.2 Configuration Options 19

4.2.1 Importing Hierarchies, Categories, and Products from R/3 19

4.2.2 Creating Subcategories 19

4.2.3 Service Products for Service Contracts 20

5 Service Level Agreement 23

5.1 Service Contracts and Escalation Management 24

5.1.1 General Description 24

5.1.2 Structure of a Service Contract 25

5.1.3 How to Create a Service Contract 25

5.1.4 Determining Service Contracts (Contract Determination) 30

5.2 SAP Standard SLA Escalation Management 37

5.2.1 Response Profile 41

5.2.2 Service Profile 43

5.2.3 Automatic Monitoring of Service Level Agreements 43

5.2.4 Configuring a Periodic Job for Action Processing (Only Relevant if Using Escalation
Mechanisms) 45

6 Support Team Determination 49

6.1 Prerequisites 49

6.2 Configuration Steps 49

6.2.1 Support Team Partner Function 49

6.2.2 Create an Organizational Model 51

6.2.3 Set Up Determination Rule for Support Team 52

6.2.4 Support Team Determination Test 55

1 Introduction

The following descriptions partially represent an extended explanation of the current basic
Customizing. They thus provide a more detailed explanation, as well as information on additional
optional functions within the Solution Manager. You will find information and notes concerning
settings and adjustments, most of which, however, can also be found in the implementation guide.

Chapter 2 explains important IBase settings, especially how to create an IBase and assign important
Business Partners to the IBase components.

Chapter 3 provides relevant information about the set up of an organizational model, which is a very
important aspect for contract and support team determination.

Chapter 4 describes how to create service products and introduces the relevant configuration options.

Service Level Agreements and SLA Escalation Management are explained in Chapter 5. Information
about how to set up contract determination and automatic monitoring of Service Level Agreements is
also provided in this chapter.

The last chapter of this guide deals with Support Team Determination. Important configuration
settings are explained: configuration prerequisites, determination rule, support team partner function,

2 IBase Installed Base Management

You can use installed base management to assign objects (application systems in this scenario) to
customers. Examples of ways in which you can use this customer information include:

To identify the precise object for which a problem is being reported

To find out more details for a process (such as a visit)

To provide technicians with information regarding the object in question and its components

To document changes made to objects

An installed base (IBase) comprises general data and components. For every IBase, you can create any
number of components and subcomponents. Components can be products (from the product master),
text items, other IBases, or user-defined objects.

In this scenario, the IBase models the customer’s system landscape, first and foremost the SAP
systems with their respective system ID, installation number, and client. Data from support messages
is compared with the IBases so that the right IBase and the right customer are found automatically and
entered in the service process.

2.1 Creating IBases

SAP menu: Master Data -> Installed Base -> Create Installed Base
Or transaction: IB51

1. To create an IBase, proceed as follows:

2. Call the transaction.

3. Select the IBase category (01 Installed Base).

4. Choose Enter.

5. On the next screen, enter a description for the IBase (for instance, IT Landscape).

6. Structure the IBase as you wish (using text items). To do so, enter the required short text on
the Text tab page (for instance, CRM systems).

7. Double-click CRM systems and on the Text tab page, enter one of the customer’s CRM systems
(for instance, ABC Development system CRM 3.1) as the short text.

8. In the text item, which represents an SAP system, enter the system number, installation
number and client in the Identification field in the text item header.

9. Note: The components for identifying the customer system must be created as text items. In
the Identification field, you first have to enter the system ID of the customer system, then the
installation number and finally, the client - separated by a space.

You must enter the system number, installation number and client as follows:

<System number><1 space> <installation number><client>

Example: ABC 1234567890 100

If the identification is not entered correctly, the system cannot identify the component from the
inbound support message.

Figure 1 IBase Component

2.2 Assigning Business Partners

SAP menu: Master Data -> Installed Base -> Change Installed Base

Or transaction: IB52

You can assign partners to an IBase and the components.

To assign business partners to a component:

1. When you are creating or changing an IBase, choose Goto -> Partner.... Ensure that you have
double-clicked the IBase or component to which you want to assign partners.

2. The Partner Assignment dialog box appears.

3. Assign the partners with the required partner functions.

4. Choose Transfer and save your entries.

Figure 2: Assignment of Partners to an IBase/Component

3 Organizational Model

3.1 General Information

In CRM, Organizational Management is a flexible tool that lets you model your enterprise’s functional
organizational structure as an organizational plan. Two elements are available:

Organizational units, which represent how the company is structured in terms of function
(such as departments, groups, and so on)

Positions, which represent how different functions/tasks are assigned to individual posts (such
as purchasing clerk, message processor, and so on)

Figure 3 Organizational Objects

In CRM, the main focus is on modeling the sales and service structure. For work in the CRM system,
you therefore need model only the organizational data that is relevant for processes specific to sales
and services.

The organizational model can be used to assign the relevant organizational units in documents
automatically on the basis of attributes. For this purpose, you assign attributes to the organizational
units, such as the country for which they are responsible.

The system can use the attributes assigned to the organizational structure to determine the
organizational units automatically as shown in the figure below.

Figure 4 Automatic Organizational Data Determination

3.2 Basic Settings for Organizational Model

You should structure the organizational model in line with the structures typically used by service
providers. The basic prerequisite is one organizational unit for services and one for sales, which the
system should later be able to find automatically in the service process types on the basis of their
responsibilities. You thus need to assign attributes to each organizational unit.

Below is an example of an organizational model:

Figure 5 Sample Structure of a Service Organization

Organizational units are marked in bold, and some of them contain sample positions (marked in
green). In an organizational model, employees can be assigned to a position.

3.3 Configuration Options

3.3.1 Creating Organizational Roots

To create the initial organizational root for a new organizational structure, you can use the IMG:

IMG -> SAP Solution Manager -> Scenario-Specific Settings -> Service Desk -> Organizational Model

Or transaction PPOCA_CRM

You can specify the validity of the hierarchy.

3.3.2 Assigning Attributes to Root Organizational Units

You set up your organizational structure by maintaining the organizational model.

IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change
Organizational Model

Alternatively, you can use the following transaction to maintain the organizational model directly.
Transaction: PPOMA_CRM

3.3.3 Creating an Organizational Structure for the Service Desk

IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change
Organizational Model

Or transaction: PPOMA_CRM

Below is an example of a simple organizational structure for a service desk:

Figure 6 Example of an Organizational Model in the CRM System Assigning Attributes to Service Organizational Units

Choose the following path in the IMG:

IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change
Organizational Model

Or transaction: PPOMA_CRM

Below is a list of the attributes that have to be maintained for the individual organizational units in the
example model.

Service Desk (Service scenario)

Tab page Attribute Value

Attributes Country DE

Attributes Object permitted in determination No

Function Service organization Yes

The figures below show the settings for the organizational unit Service Desk in transaction

Figure 7 Attributes of the organizational unit Service Desk

Figure 8 Type of the organizational unit Service Desk

All lower-level organizational units inherit these attributes (except the determination relevance, which
cannot be passed on). In this scenario, only the 1st Level Support organizational unit is Object
permitted in determination.

1st Level Support (Service scenario)

Tab page Attribute Value

Attributes Country DE

Attributes Object permitted in determination Yes

Function Service organization Yes

Function Service team Yes

2nd Level Support (Service scenario)

Tab page Attribute Value

Attributes Country DE

Attributes Object permitted in determination No

Function Service organization Yes

Function Service team Yes

The BC Team and CRM Team organizational units inherit the attributes from 2nd Level Support. Assigning Attributes to the Sales Organizational Unit

The sales organization is required for service contracts.

IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change
Organizational Model

Or transaction: PPOMA_CRM

Sales (Sales scenario)

Attribute Value

Country DE

Reference currency EUR

Division 01

Distribution channel 01

Object permitted in determination Yes

Figure 9 Attributes of the organizational unit Sales

Figure 10 Type of the organizational unit Sales

3.3.4 Extending the Organizational Model

You can add as many levels to the organizational model as you wish by creating additional
organizational units. You can assign different attributes to the organizational units, which can affect
how organizational data is determined. You have to create positions in order to be able to assign
employees and users to the organizational units.

4 Product Maintenance

You can use products (service products) to categorize and assign services. You can also use products in
contracts, for instance, to represent service level agreements in the form of response times. The
following sections describe the basic settings you need to make in SAP Solution Manager in order to
create products.

4.1 Creating a Base Hierarchy and Root Category

SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Categories and Hierarchies

Or transaction: COMM_HIERARCHY

To create products in the CRM system, you need a base hierarchy. You have to assign every product to
a category in this hierarchy. To do so:

Call transaction COMM_HIERARCHY.

1. Choose New Hierarchy...

2. Enter an ID (for instance, SRVC_HIER) and a short text (for instance, Base hierarchy for service

3. Save your entries and stay on the same screen.

Next, you need to create a root category for the base hierarchy. This is necessary if you want to use
various categories for different types of products. To do so:

1. Choose the Create Category pushbutton.

2. Enter an ID (for instance, SRVC_ROOT) and a short text (for instance, Root category for service

3. On the Category tab page, assign the Service product type to the root category and remove
the checkmark for Product/Object Assignment Possible. These settings mean that the
categories below the root category can be selected and assigned for service products only.

4. Save your entries.

4.1.1 Assigning Category Hierarchy to the Application

In the IMG (transaction SPRO):

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Cross-Application Components -> SAP Product -> Product
Category -> Assign Category Hierarchies to Applications

Before you can use the hierarchy as a base hierarchy, you need to assign it to the product application.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Call the transaction by following the IMG path.

2. Choose Assign Hierarchies to Applications.

3. Choose New Entries.

4. Choose Product as the application and the base hierarchy you created earlier as the hierarchy
(for instance, SRVC_HIER).

5. Save your entries.

4.1.2 Creating a Category for Service Products

SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Categories and Hierarchies

Or transaction: COMM_HIERARCHY

1. Call up the root category you created earlier.

2. Below the root category, create a new category for service products by choosing the Create
Category pushbutton. You should be able to use this category for all service products. If you
want different categories for different types of service products, proceed as described in
Creating Subcategories.

3. For this category, select Product/Object Assignment Possible (Category tab page).

4. On the SetTypes tab page, assign the following set types:

Set Type Set Type Description View ID Position

COMM_PR_UNIT Units of Measure Conversion General 10

COMM_PR_SHTEXT Short Texts General 20

COMM_PR_LGTEXT1 Basic Texts General 30

CRMM_PR_SALESA Sales: Control Fields, Quantities Sales 10

CRMM_PR_SALESG Sales: Groupings Sales 20

CRMM_PR_TAX Taxes Sales 30

COMM_PR_LGTEXT2 Sales: Texts Sales 40

COMM_PR_SRV Basic Data on Services Service 10

CRMM_PR_BTR Process Control Fields Service 20

CRMM_PR_SRVENT Default Values for Service Contracts Service 30

CRMM_PR_SRVDUR Duration of Work Service 40

Figure 11 Hierarchy Categories for Service Products

4.1.3 Creating Service Products

SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Products

Or transaction: COMMPR01

You need to create a service product in order to create service processes, service contracts, and
service confirmations.

This example shows how to create a service product called Support (Support Hotline). To do so:

1. Start the above transaction.
2. Choose the Create Service pushbutton.
3. In the dialog box that appears, choose the subcategory you created earlier as the category and
then choose Continue.
4. Enter the product ID (for instance, SUPPORT_HOTLINE) and a description (for instance,
Support Hotline).
5. On the General Data tab page, enter data as required.
6. On the Service tab page, assign the base unit of measure H (Hour) and the item category group
SRVP to the product.
7. If you wish, you can assign the product default values for service contracts. They can be
overwritten in a service contract at a later stage.
8. On the Sales and Distribution tab page, assign the product to the Sales organization and
distribution channel 01. Enter the sales unit and item category group again. Make the
appropriate settings in the tax area.
9. On the Conditions tab page, you can assign a price (0PR0) to the product. You can also define
surcharges and discounts for specific valuation types, for instance.

4.2 Configuration Options

4.2.1 Importing Hierarchies, Categories, and Products from R/3

You can import hierarchies, categories, and products to CRM that you created in R/3.

For more information, see

4.2.2 Creating Subcategories

SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Categories and Hierarchies

Or transaction: COMM_HIERARCHY

In order to create products with different attributes, you have to create categories with the
appropriate set types.

You can create the categories as subcategories of the root category and group them as you wish. Category and Set Types for Service Contract Products

SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Categories and Hierarchies

Or transaction: COMM_HIERARCHY

Characteristics of the category:

Product type = Service

Product assignment possible

Category can be selected

The category should contain the following set types:

Set Type Set Type Description View ID Position

COMM_PR_UNIT Units of Measure Basic 10

COMM_PR_SHTEXT Short Texts Basic 20

COMM_PR_LGTEXT1 Basic Texts Basic 20

CRMM_PR_SALESA Sales: Control Fields, Quantities Sales 10

CRMM_PR_SALESG Sales: Groupings Sales 20

CRMM_PR_TAX Taxes Sales 30

COMM_PR_LGTEXT2 Sales: Texts Sales 40

COMM_PR_SRV Basic Data on Services Service 10

CRMM_PR_BTR Process Control Fields Service 20

CRMM_PR_SRVENT Default Values for Service Contracts Service 30

CRMM_PR_SRVDUR Duration of Work Service 40

The following section provides a description of a service product for service contracts.

4.2.3 Service Products for Service Contracts

SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Products

Or transaction: COMMPR01

Service products for service contracts differ from service products with resources in that you specify
service and response profiles (Service tab page). You create them in exactly the same way as described
in Section 0 "Creating Service Products".

Below are the important settings of service products for service contracts:

Each product should have a service product category and a base unit of measure assigned.

Figure 12 Service Product Settings: General Tab Page

The item category group for service products is SRVP. Optionally, you can assign service and response
profiles to the service product.

Figure 13 Service Product Settings: Service Tab Page

Each product should have a sales organization and a sales unit assigned. You can also assign a service
and response profile to the service product. More detailed information about service and response
profiles is provided in chapter 5 of this guide.

Figure 14 Service Product Settings: Sales and Distribution Tab Page

5 Service Level Agreement

The Solution Manager provides various options for monitoring the existing service messages. This is
especially necessary when you have to make sure that messages are processed within the defined
period of time.

In the standard system you can use the transaction monitor (transaction CRM_DNO_MONITOR) to
select messages and access various indicators. In the standard system a date rule is provided in the
service process (date profile SLFN_HEADER). Based on this rule (creation date + 3 days), the end date
of the customer requirement (date type SRV_CUST_END) is calculated. The traffic light function,
represented by an indicator (red/green) in the first column of the transaction monitor, is determined
via the date types SRV_CUST_START and SRV_CUST_END. Red traffic light indicates that the end date
has been exceeded. Green traffic light shows that the end date lies in the future.

The use of contracts, positions, service and response profiles constitutes an extension of the
monitoring functions, combined with auto-response methods. These functions provide you a wide
range of options to define individual availability and response times for various customers in the
service process. In addition to the extended options concerning monitoring, you also have the option
of automatically combining escalation mechanisms. For example, when the resolution time ensured to
a customer has been exceeded, an e-mail can be sent to a specified person to inform them of the
delay. These functions are also referred to as SLA escalation management.

The figure below shows both displays in the transaction monitor. The left side shows the standard 3-
day rule, and the right side shows the enhanced display after using the SLA functions.

Figure 15 Results Display in the Transaction Monitor

The following chapter describes the subject of SLA escalation management in greater detail.

5.1 Service Contracts and Escalation Management

5.1.1 General Description

The service contract serves as a long-term service agreement with the customer concerning the
content and scope of services guaranteed within certain tolerance limits for certain sizes, for example,
within a predefined time frame.

You use the service-based SLA (Service Level Agreement) to agree with the customer on the modalities
of the provision of services.

The SLA defines the attributes (for example, content, scope, type and manner) of the service products
(for example, maintenance, hotline) agreed on with the customer in the service contract. Parameters
such as response time or service time are specified in the SLA.

In the product master, when you process products of type Service that are planned for service
contracts, you can use the set type Default Values for Service Contracts.

Figure 16 Product SUPPORT_HOTLINE, Transaction COMMPR01

You can enter default values for the two above-mentioned SLA parameters in this set type. When you
select the service product in a service contract item, the SLA parameter data is transferred to the
contract item, where you can change it, if necessary.

If you want to use other parameters, besides the SLA parameters supplied by SAP, you can do this
using an additional, customer-specific set type. You process the data from the set type using the BAdI

The basic settings for service contracts are supplied in the standard system via transaction type SLFV.

5.1.2 Structure of a Service Contract

A service contract comprises header and item data. One service product can be agreed on for each
service contract item, which the customer can use for a specific period of time at a specific price.

Different types of services can be agreed on as service product in a service contract item:

an individual service (for example, hotline)

a service package, in which multiple services are combined (for example, automobile

a service limited by value or quantity (for example, free advice by telephone during the first
three months after the purchase of software)

a service plan, in which recurring services are provided at regular intervals (for example, copy
machine maintenance every 3 months)

Figure 17 Structure of the Service Contract

5.1.3 How to Create a Service Contract


Maintained Sold-to Party role of the customer’s business partner:

1. In transaction BP, select the role Sold-to Party of the customer’s business partner.

Figure 18 Role Sold-To Party

2. Select Sales Area Data.

Figure 19 Sales Area Data

3. Fill-in the Sales Area fields and enter a currency.

Figure 20 Maintaining Billing Data

4. Save your changes.

Service product

Create a service product as described in section It will be included in the service
contract. Alternatively, you can use the standard delivered service product.

Organizational model

A service and sale organization should be maintained in the company’s organizational model.
This could be done in transaction PPOMA_CRM. For more information, please go to chapter 3
of this guide.

Service and sales units should be well-defined e.g., only one sale and one service
organization should match the selection criteria in the contract determination procedure. In
case that two or more suitable organizational units are found, no service contract will be

How it works

Service contracts are created in transaction CRMD_ORDER.

Figure 21 Service Contract Creation in transaction CRMD_ORDER

SAP delivers basic settings for service contracts in transaction type SLFV. It can be obtained by
activating BC set SOLMAN40_SDESK_SLFV. Below is the SLFV definition:

Figure 22 Definition of Transaction Type SLFV

As shown below, you should specify the relevant business partners in the header data of the service
contract and add a product and its quantity as well.

Figure 23 General Data of a Service Contract

After adding the sold-to party you can go to the Organization tab of the service contract and check if
sales and service organizations have been determined. More details are displayed in the log:

Figure 24 Organizational Data Log

Another important aspect is to indicate the IBase components, for which the contract will be valid. To
do so, you should switch to the product view of the contract and go to the Object List tab page, as
shown in the figure below.

In case that the object list does not contain any entries, all components will be considered in the
contract determination.

Figure 25 Indicating Relevant IBase Components

Finally, you should release the contract item(s), as shown in the following figure.

Figure 26 Contract Items Release

5.1.4 Determining Service Contracts (Contract Determination)


You can use contract determination to create business transactions in service with reference to service

For SAP Solution Manager ST 400 SP 19 and higher:

SAP Note 1400326 should be implemented in the Solution Manager system. This note ensures the
contract determination in case of a maintained object list in the service contract.

In the CRM system in Customizing you set the transaction types according to how the contract
determination is to occur in the corresponding business transaction in service (for example, service
order). You make this setting in the IMG activity

###Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define transaction type

using the Contract Determination indicator.

The following settings are also valid if you are using transaction type SLFN for service desk messages.

Figure 27 Contract Determination in SIVA

The following settings are available:

###No Contract Determination

Choose this setting when you work with contracts, but you do not want to use automatic contract
determination for the business transaction type concerned in service processing.

###Manual Contract Determination (G)

Choose this option when you want to use automatic contract determination. You can still manually
begin a contract search for those items of a business transaction in service which still do not have an
assignment to a contract.

###Contract Determination at Item Level (E)

With this setting the system determines all existing contracts with a customer during creation of a
business transaction item (for example, of a service contract item).

For uniqueness, that is, when only one contract is found which meets the selection criteria, the system
automatically transfers all relevant data from the corresponding service contract item to the business
transaction. Otherwise, a separate dialog box opens with a list of all contracts found, from which you
can select the desired contract item.

If you have selected the option ###Always with Selection Options in Customizing, the selection window
is always opened in the business transaction. In this case, there no automatic assignment will occur.

###Contract Determination at Header and Item Level (C)

In contrast to ###contract determination at item level, here contract determination is already possible
when the header data is entered (for example, the header data of a service order).

For assignment at header level, however, entering the reference object is mandatory. In this case, only
those contracts are found that have either an object list that contains the reference object or an
empty object list.

The contract search at header level only occurs when no contract has yet been assigned and no items
are present in the business transaction in service.

How it works

When you create a business transaction in service with a transaction type for which contract
determination is activated in the transaction type definition, the system determines service contracts
on the basis of the following selection criteria:


The customers in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.

The corresponding partner functions must therefore be provided in the corresponding partner
schemas of the transaction types.

Sales Organization

The sales organization and the distribution channel in the service contract and in the business
transaction must be identical.

Service Organization

If a service organization has been edited in the service contract, it must be identical to the service
organization in the business transaction.


The status of the service contract item must be released.


The date in the field for customer's requested start in the business transaction must fall within the
validity period of the service contract item.

Object List

The reference object (for example, an IBase component) from the business transaction must be
entered in the object list of the service contract item.

Product List

If a product list exists, the system checks whether the product entered in the business transaction item
is present in the product list of the service contract item.

Copy Control

The copying of contract items to the items of a business transaction in service must be set in

The relevant information for configuring copy control can be found in the IMG:

###Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Copy Control for


You can use BAdI definition CRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT (BAdIs for service contract selection) to
integrate BAdIs with which you can provide your own selection criteria or limit the selection criteria
provided by SAP (see above).

After the system has determined service contracts, it will automatically transfer the contract data to
the business transaction in service, or it will prompt you to select a contract for the transfer from a list.

Contract Determination Procedure

Via the action profile (standard: AI_SDK_STANDARD) of the service process type (SLFN or SIVA) you
should use action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT to define which product is automatically assigned to item
level when a service message is created:

Figure 28 Definition of the action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT

The action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT should have a container element with the following settings:

Figure 29 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Container Element Overview

The initial value defines which product should be assigned at item level when a service message is

Figure 30 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Initial Value of the Container Element

The system selects the corresponding service contracts according to the previously described criteria.
The system selects only those service contract items with product lists that contain the product
entered in the business transaction item. The system also selects service contract items that do not
have a product list. For example, this is the case with older contracts.

When you select a service contract item, data from the service contract item is copied to the item of
the business transaction in service, and both the price agreements and the SLA parameters from the
service contract become active in the service process.

With IMG

###Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Copy Control for

Transactions Define Copy Control for Item Types

you can define the copy transaction for the items.

Figure 31 Contract Determination

The detailed data of the business transaction item also has a tab page for contract data, in which an
excerpt of the service contract is displayed, which means that specific data from the assigned service
contract item and the service contract header is displayed.

Figure 32 Contract Data in the Support Message

5.2 SAP Standard SLA Escalation Management

If the services agreed upon in the SLA cannot be performed on time, a predefined escalation process is
started automatically.

SAP provides a standard procedure for escalation management which you can use and enhance, if
necessary. You can configure escalation management in Customizing. For more information, see the
Implementation Guide (IMG), under

###Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings for Service Processes SLA

Escalation Management.

Figure 33 Implementation Guide, Transaction SPRO

You can edit the SLA parameters in the SAP Menu of the CRM system under

###Service Service Contracts and Service Plans Maintain Availability and Response Times

Alternatively, you can also directly use transaction CRMD_SERV_SLA.

Figure 34 SAP Menu

You can then edit existing profiles or create new profiles.

Figure 35 Definition of Service and Response Times

When you click on the clock icon you get an overview of the detailed settings of the profile.

Figure 36 Service Times in Detail

The pure usage of holiday calendar in availability time is not supported by SLA date calculation i.e. you
have to use the option "Factory Calendar" or "All Days Are Working Days".

You can also create and edit various response profiles. A response profile can be based on various
indicators and contain individual response times for each case.

In the standard system the response profile is based on the message's priority. Each priority is in turn
assigned a response duration, in which the time frame is defined.

Figure 37 First Responses and Resolution Times in the Response Profile

For example, in the standard response profile a first response (SRV_RF_DURA) of 1h and a resolution
time (SRV_RR_DURA) of 4h is defined for priority 1.

Figure 38 First Responses and Resolution Times for Priority 1

The following section describes the response and service profile in greater detail.

5.2.1 Response Profile

In the service contract item you can select the required SLA parameters on the Service Data tab page
in set type Service Agreements. Alternatively, you can also directly call transaction CRMD_SERV_SLA.

In transaction CRMD_SERV_SLA (###Maintain Service and Response Times) you can store as many
time periods with duration and time unit as you wish for every combination from the keys of the




Code group


This allows you to define the initial response time (IRT) and the completion time.

To edit the response times, choose a key combination in the transaction by selecting the desired row
and switch to the view for response times. There you can enter as many time periods as you wish for
the selected key combination.

For each time period you select a duration that was created in the Customizing for date management
in activity

###Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Date Management Define Date

Types, Duration Types and Date Rules

and you also specify the duration and time unit.

When processing service contracts you can arrange a response profile for each contract item. To do
this, select the Service Data tab page at item level.

Figure 39 Items in the Contract and Service Data

You can already enter default values for the response profile when you process service products in the
product master. You can change the default values in the service contract item in which the service
product was arranged.

5.2.2 Service Profile

When processing service contracts you can arrange a service profile for each contract item. To do this,
select the Service Data tab page at item level.

You can already enter default values for the service profile when you process service products in the
product master. You can change the default values in the service contract item in which the service
product was arranged.

5.2.3 Automatic Monitoring of Service Level Agreements

By setting up escalation management you can automatically monitor when deadlines defined in the
SLA parameters have been exceeded in the service process. Here you can specify which deadlines you
want to monitor using escalation management and which follow-up processes you would like to trigger
when a deadline has been exceeded.

In the item category (for example, SOL4) of each process type you can define the object and type of
monitoring using the deadline profile and the action profile. In the standard system, for example, this
is the monitoring of the deadline "first response until" using action SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA_START
of action profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA. An additional action in the context of escalation
management is the SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA_END action, which also belongs to action profile
SERVICE_OR-DER_ITEM_SLA. You use this action to define the maximum processing time.

The start condition of the SLA monitoring actions SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA_START and
SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA_END should be adapted as described in SAP Note 485574.

Figure 40 Actions of Action Profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA

The settings for the standard item category SOL4 are shown in the following figure.

Figure 41 Item in the Service Contract

As standard, the Partner Determination Procedure SLFC0001 is not available in the drop-down list of
the PartnerDetProc field of the item category SOL4. In order to be able to select SLFC0001 as Partner
Determination Procedure, you should perform the following configuration steps:

1. Go to IMG: ###Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Partner Processing

Define Partner Determination Procedure

2. Select SLFC0001 and go to Procedure User on the left:

3. Make the following new entry (by selecting it from the drop down list):

BUS2000140 CRM ServProductItem

Figure 42 Adding a new procedure user to Partner Determination Procedure SLFC0001

4. Save settings.

Now you are able to select SLFC0001 as Partner Determination Procedure in the definition of the item
category SOL4.

All settings for item categories can be found in the IMG under:

###Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Item Categories...

The configuration of the relevant background job for monitoring deadlines is described in the following
section. In one variant, for example, you can configure automatic monitoring of first response times,
when the appropriate action has been completed.

5.2.4 Configuring a Periodic Job for Action Processing (Only Relevant if Using
Escalation Mechanisms)

The periodic job for action processing is important for processing actions that were generated as part
of escalation management. It is the only way of ensuring that the scheduled actions are carried out

You have to complete the following two steps in order to have actions processed periodically:

Define a variant (for example, name SLFN0001) for the action monitor (CRMC_ACTION_JOB).

Define the job (System -> Services -> Jobs -> Define Jobs).

45 Defining Variants for the Action Monitor
Call transaction CRMC_ACTION_JOB.

In the Action Profile field on the selection screen, select profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA.

Enter action status 0 (Not processed).

Select Processing Without Dialog and Allow Deletion of Actions.

Keep the remaining settings.

In the menu, choose Goto -> Variants -> Save as Variant… and enter a variant name and

Save the variant. Defining Jobs

In the menu, choose System -> Services -> Jobs -> Define Job.

Enter a job name and priority (job class).

Choose the Define steps pushbutton.

Enter ABAP program name RSPPFPROCESS and the variant you defined earlier as the variant
(input help).

Save your entries.

Choose the Start condition pushbutton and then Date/Time. Enter the (first) planned start

In the dialog box that appears, choose Period values and define the required period.

Save your entries.

When you manually execute the report, you get the following results list.

Figure 43 Results List of the Selection Reports for Actions

You can check the automatically generated e-mails in the SAP Connect interface.

Note that the actions for notification when the time has been exceeded are defined as partner-
specific. In the standard system the partner function category "Person Responsible" is defined as the

Figure 44 In the Standard Process the Person Responsible is the Message Processor

Here it might be advisable to define your own partner function in the partner profile (for example,
team leader) which will serve as the addressee for this function. You must then adjust the partner
function categories accordingly or define another partner function in the action.

Figure 45 Detail View of the Action and the Dependent Partner Function

This partner function may have to be replaced, since in the standard system the message processor
would be the addressee for the information e-mail.

Additional information:
SAP Note 895546: FAQ: Partner-dependent actions

SAP Note 1008458: Partner inheritance process within business

6 Support Team Determination

6.1 Prerequisites

For SAP Solution Manager ST 400 SP 20 and lower: SAP Note 1302672 should be implemented
in the Solution Manager system. This note prevents an infinite loop when creating a message.

Human Resources section Personnel Planning of the ZSAP_SUPPDESK_CREATE role (key user
role) should be maintained

6.2 Configuration Steps

This section describes how to set up support team determination in SAP Solution Manager.

6.2.1 Support Team Partner Function

The Support Team partner function (SLFN003) should be part of the definition of the partner
determination procedure (SLFC0001).

To include this partner function you should execute the IMG step Define Partner Determination

By selecting the Partner Determination Procedure SLFC0001 (Corporate Message) and afterwards
Partner Functions in Procedure you are able to include SLFN0003 in the definition of SLFC0001, as
shown in the picture below.

Further, Support Team should be visible in the header screen of the message. To achieve this, you
should select User Interface Settings and include the Support Team partner function (SLFN0003) to the
partner functions that will be displayed in the message:

6.2.2 Create an Organizational Model

You can create your enterprise organizational model in transaction PPOMA_CRM. For more
information on this, please refer to chapter 3 of this guide. Below is an example how the
organizational model of a service provider enterprise may look like.

6.2.3 Set Up Determination Rule for Support Team

The Support Team is defined using determination rule CRM_DNO_1 (technical name AC 13200137).
This rule is triggered by an action (e.g. AI_SDK_STANDARD_FIND_PARTNER) that is processed when a
Service Desk message is saved. The rule is used to determine the responsibilities. For example, you
could determine which support teams are responsible for which SAP components.

You can define the determination rule either via the IMG step “Determination Rules for Support Team”
or via transaction PFAC.

Additional information:
For further information on maintaining rule CRM_DNO_1 see SAP Note 616946.

How to create a new responsibility is shown in the picture below:

After that you should specify the priority and the subject (for example, SAP component) of the

Finally, you should assign an organizational unit to the newly created responsibility:

The responsibilities in rule CRM_DNO_1 can be specified according to the following attributes:

For SAP Solution Manager ST400 SP 19 and higher:

A new determination rule (AGS_ICT) is available, that enables you to specify responsibilities according
to three more attributes: Language, Reporter Region and Reporter Country.

6.2.4 Support Team Determination Test

Create a new Service Desk message on a specific component that is included in a responsibility.

Open the message and in case of a proper configuration, you should see the responsible
support team in the Service Desk message, as shown in the picture below:

Table of Figures
Figure 1 IBase Component ................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2: Assignment of Partners to an IBase/Component ..................................................................... 8
Figure 3 Organizational Objects ............................................................................................................ 9

Figure 4 Automatic Organizational Data Determination....................................................................... 10

Figure 5 Sample Structure of a Service Organization .......................................................................... 10

Figure 6 Example of an Organizational Model in the CRM System ...................................................... 12

Figure 7 Attributes of the organizational unit Service Desk .................................................................. 13
Figure 8 Type of the organizational unit Service Desk ......................................................................... 13

Figure 9 Attributes of the organizational unit Sales .............................................................................. 15

Figure 10 Type of the organizational unit Sales ................................................................................... 15

Figure 11 Hierarchy Categories for Service Products .......................................................................... 18

Figure 12 Service Product Settings: General Tab Page ....................................................................... 21

Figure 13 Service Product Settings: Service Tab Page........................................................................ 21

Figure 14 Service Product Settings: Sales and Distribution Tab Page ................................................. 22

Figure 15 Results Display in the Transaction Monitor .......................................................................... 23

Figure 16 Product SUPPORT_HOTLINE, Transaction COMMPR01 ................................................... 24

Figure 17 Structure of the Service Contract ......................................................................................... 25

Figure 18 Role Sold-To Party .............................................................................................................. 26

Figure 19 Sales Area Data .................................................................................................................. 26

Figure 20 Maintaining Billing Data ....................................................................................................... 26

Figure 21 Service Contract Creation in transaction CRMD_ORDER .................................................... 27

Figure 22 Definition of Transaction Type SLFV ................................................................................... 28

Figure 23 General Data of a Service Contract ..................................................................................... 29

Figure 24 Organizational Data Log ...................................................................................................... 29

Figure 25 Indicating Relevant IBase Components ............................................................................... 30

Figure 26 Contract Items Release ....................................................................................................... 30

Figure 27 Contract Determination in SIVA ........................................................................................... 31

Figure 28 Definition of the action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT ............................................................... 34

Figure 29 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Container Element Overview .................................................... 35
Figure 30 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Initial Value of the Container Element ....................................... 35

Figure 31 Contract Determination........................................................................................................ 36

Figure 32 Contract Data in the Support Message ................................................................................ 37
Figure 33 Implementation Guide, Transaction SPRO .......................................................................... 38

Figure 34 SAP Menu........................................................................................................................... 39

Figure 35 Definition of Service and Response Times......................................................................... 39

Figure 36 Service Times in Detail ........................................................................................................ 40

Figure 37 First Responses and Resolution Times in the Response Profile........................................... 41

Figure 38 First Responses and Resolution Times for Priority 1 ............................................................ 41
Figure 39 Items in the Contract and Service Data................................................................................ 42

Figure 40 Actions of Action Profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA ..................................................... 43

Figure 41 Item in the Service Contract ................................................................................................ 44

Figure 42 Adding a new procedure user to Partner Determination Procedure SLFC0001..................... 45

Figure 43 Results List of the Selection Reports for Actions .................................................................. 46
Figure 44 In the Standard Process the Person Responsible is the Message Processor ....................... 47

Figure 45 Detail View of the Action and the Dependent Partner Function ............................................ 48


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