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Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Content Based Image Retrieval

Software Requirement Specifications

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Ms. Mamta Sakpal Prakhar Jain (67)
Ms. Sushma Khatri Pranjal Solanki(69)
Ms. Preeti Jain Prerna Sisodia(72)
Mr. Raman Bhati
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Overview

2. The Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

2.1.1 System Interfaces
2.1.2 Interfaces
2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces
2.1.4 Software Interfaces
2.1.5 Communications Interfaces
2.1.6 Memory Constraints
2.1.7 Operations
2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements

2.2 Product Functions

2.3 User Characteristics
2.4 Constraints
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
2.6 Apportioning of Requirements

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 External interfaces

3.2 Functions
3.3 Performance Requirements
3.4 Logical Database Requirements
3.5 Design Constraints

3.5.1 Standards Compliance

3.6 Software System Attributes

3.6.1 Reliability
3.6.2 Availability
3.6.3 Security
3.6.4 Maintainability
3.6.5 Portability

3.7 Organizing the Specific Requirements

3.7.1 System Mode

3.7.2 User Class
3.7.3 Objects
3.7.4 Feature
3.7.5 Stimulus
3.7.6 Response
3.7.7 Functional Hierarchy

4. Change Management Process

5. Document Approvals

6. Supporting Information

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
In last few years the potential growth in digitization of images has
occurred,with immense amount of information flowing and stored in the
database of world wide web.the No. of users exploiting the WWW has
increased tremendously while accessing and manipulate remotely-stored
images in all kinds of new and exciting ways.However, they are also
discovering that the process of locating a desired image in a large and
varied collection can be a source of considerable frustration.The problems
of image retrieval are becoming widely recognized, and the search for
solutions an increasingly active area for research and development.Some
indication in form of No. of research and development in field of CBIR.No.of
journal articles,research papers, appearing each year on this subject.

Traditional way to search image in database is to create a textual

description of all the images in the database and use the methods from
text-based information retrieval to search based on the textual
descriptions.Unfortunately, this method is not feasible. On the one hand
annotating images has to be done manually and is a very time-consuming
task and on the
other hand images may have contents that words cannot convey.

This has given rise in interest of techniques for retrieving images on

the basis of automatically-derived features such as colour, texture and
shape – a technology now generally referred to as Content-Based Image
Retrieval (CBIR)

1.2 Scope

The software product is content based image reteival (CBIR) is about

developing an image search engine, not only by using the text annotated to
the image by an end user (as traditional image search engines), but also
using the visual contents available into the images itselves.
Initially, CBIR system should has a database, containing several images to
be searched. Then, it should derive the feature vectors of these images,
and stores them into a data structure like on of the “Tree Data Structures”
(these structures will improve searching efficiency).
A CBIR system gets a query from user, whether an image or the
specification of the desired image. Then, it searchs the whole database in
order to find the most similar images to the input or desired image.

CBIR usually deals with large image collection of low level and high level
features,which directly influence indexing and retival complexity,memorey
and disk space requirment.due to high memorey and processing power
requirment,cbir has not widely been appplied on platforms having limited
resouces,such as mobile devices

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.

CBIR: content based image retrieval
QBIC: query by image content
CBVIR :content-based visual information retrieval


● A feature vector ~vˆI of an image can be thought of as a point in Rn

space: ~vˆI =
(v1, v2, ..., vn), where n is the dimension of the vector.
Examples of possible feature vectors are a color histogram [14], a
multiscale fractal
curve [15], and a set of Fourier coefficients [16]
● The row mean vector is the set of averages of the intensity
values of the respective rows.
● The column mean vector is the set of averages of the intensity
values of the respective
● kekre’s transform:

● Euclidean distance ~ the ordinary distance between two points that

one would measure with a ruler, and is given by the pythagorous

Key words:

CBIR, Image Splitting, Energy Compaction, Kekre Transform,

Row feature vector, Column feature vector

1.4 References

● H.B.Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, “Scaling Invariant Fusion of Image

Pieces in Panorama Making and Novel Image Blending Technique”,
International Journal on Imaging
(IJI), Autumn 2008, Volume 1, No. A08, Available online at
www.ceser.res.in/iji.html (ISSN: 0974-0627).
● H.B.Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, “Color Traits Transfer to Grayscale
Images”, IEEE –Int. Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering
and Technology, ICETET-2008, 16-
18 July 2008, Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur.
● E. Saber, A.M. Tekalp, ”Integration of color, edge and texture
features for automatic region-based image annotation and retrieval,”
Electronic Imaging, 7, pp. 684–700, 1998.
● H.B.Kekre, Tanuja Sarode, Sudeep D. Thepade, “Color-Texture
based Image Retrieval using DCT applied on Kekre’sMedian
Codebook”, International Journal on Imaging (IJI), Volume 2, Number
A09, Autumn 2009,pp. 55-65. Available online at
www.ceser.res.in/iji.html (ISSN: 0974-0627).

● R. W. Picard and T. P. Minka, “Vision texture for annotation,” J.

Multimedia Syst., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 3–14, 1995.

● S. Santini and R. Jain, “Similarity measures,” IEEE Trans. Pattern

Anal.Mach. Intell., vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 871–883, Sep. 1999.

1.5 Overview

The software product is content based image reteival (CBIR) the complete
search engine that retrieves images based on content like colour
,texture,shape,another image etc.
. Rest of the SRS is organized considering the requirements of multiple
connected systems in mesh architecture. SRS of cbir describes all the
requirements in such a manner that it can be easily understood. It
describes functional as well as non functional requirements. Specific
requirements contains design constraints, data base requirement,
Standards Compliance etc.
2. The Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

This product is independent and self contained which includes folllowing


● Feature Extractor
● Creates the metadata
● Query Engine
● Calculate similarity
● User Interface

Feature Extractor:- This components deals with calculation of feature

vector of an image which represents an image in Compressed matrix
form.The image is given as an input to an algoritm
which genrates an unique vector for that image.

Creates the metadata:-when an image is given to an algorithm its all

feature vectors of color shape and texture are tagged with that image which
acts as a metadata for our image database.

Query engine: this component takes query image as input and sends
image to feature extractor

Calulates similarity: this component calculate simalirity between query

image and image database.
User interface: this is the GUI for displaying retived images from datasase
as a result.
this is form on which users will intreact with our system.

2.1.1 System Interfaces

It represents a system that evaluates Content-Based Image Retrieval

(CBIR) engine for vector images, by a graphical interface providing query-
by-example interaction with query output result, and analysis of result
quality. To support requirements of different application domains, the
engine offers different metrics for similarity computation. The graphical
interface offers tools that helps in the selection of criteria and parameters
necessary to tune the system to a specific application domain.

2.1.2 Interfaces
our system will interact with users with the help of user friendly GUI.
The GUI will be self contained and added with Help function for initial

2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces

The content based image retrieval (CBIR) does not require any external
hardware requirements apart from a mouse and keyboard that would
facilitate giving proper inputs in the form of images.
it may also require a scanner to scan external images like medical x-rays .

2.1.4 Software Interfaces

Matlab 2007-

Digital image processing toollbox & Wavelet toolbox

for the various feature vector metrics generation for CBIR

version matlab 7.1
Scilab 4.1.2
intel core 2 duo processor
2.1 GHZ,2 GB RAM

for devolping GUI of software
version 3.0


for Database of images

Purpose :
Mtalab used for the various feature vector metrics generation for CBIR
SQL SERVER 2007 for Database of images

2.1.5 Communications Interfaces

2.1.6 Memory Constraints

Due to involvement of high resolution graphical images and larger
database of images .the minimum memory required to run the algorithm
successfully is 2Gb.

2.1.7 Operations
Image retrieval is the task of searching for images from an image
database. The query to the
database can be of various types as depicted.
● Query-by-text: The user gives a textual description of the image he is
looking for.
● Query-by-sketch: The user provides a sketch of the image she is
looking for.
● Query-by-example: The user gives an example image similar to the
one he is looking for.

The interface allows a user to specify a query by means of a query pattern

and to visualise the retrieved similar images .

2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements

A computer equipped with matlab and internet connection are the only site
adaptation requirements for cbir.

2.2 Product Functions

The CBIR software system will perform effectively the following functions
1. if any example query image is provided it searches and extracts the
images that are in complete correlation with the query image
2. if no query image is available ,the user can provide information about the
contents of the image for eg: a red car. the contents can be classified into
following broad categories
● colour queries either by sliders varying the relative amounts of
red, green and blue in the query , or by selecting a desired colour
from a palette.
● shape queries
● texture queries could also be specified by choosing from a
● handmade figures by sketching the desired object on the screen
2.3 User Characteristics

The users are assumed to have basic knowledge of the computers and
Internet browsing.
the cbir is a general purpose application which does not have any specific
user .anybody can efficiently operate the system application.

2.4 Constraints
Hardware limitation: cbir requires large memory requirements
approximately 2 GB
signal timing requirements: the cbir system requires a large processing
time for generating output images.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

the cbir system has several hardware requirements and memory

requirements .if any of the resources required mentioned in srs are not
available the system will not give presicive results.

2.6 Apportioning of Requirements.

the CBIR systems so far can be used in artifical intelligence(robotics).in

future there may be the requirements of highly effective algorithms that
enable fast retrieval if images from even very large databases

3. Specific Requirements
The system shall contain
● a browse tool box that will enable the user to select images from his
own personal database,thereby enabling the query by example
feature of CBIR.
the system may contain
● a paint box thereby enabling users to draw the sketches and the
software will search similar images.
the system should contain
● a colour pallette for the users to select specific images based on a
range of colors
● a text based text box which will select all those images tagged with
that particular text .
● a facility that enables multiple selection of the above functions such
as color:red as well as some query image.

3.2 Functions
sequence of operations:
● feature extraction of query image
● image comparision
● image retreival
The feature is defined as a function of one or more measurements, each of
which specifies some quantifiable property of an object, and is computed
such that it quantifies some
significant characteristics of the object. We classify the various features
currently employed as
• General features: Application independent features such as color,
texture, and shape. According to the abstraction level, they can be further
divided into:
- Pixel-level features: Features calculated at each pixel, e.g. color,
- Local features: Features calculated over the results of subdivision of the
image band on image segmentation or edge detection.
- Global features: Features calculated over the entire image or just regular
sub-area of an image.
• Domain-specific features: Application dependent features such as
human faces, fingerprints, and conceptual features.
These features are often a synthesis of low-level features for a specific

● Feature extraction is done in the following way, image for which the
feature vector is to be
calculated is splited into R, G and B color components and for each of
these three components row and column mean vectors are computed over
which Kekre’s transform is applied to
obtain the coefficients to form the feature vectors (RRK, RCK GRK, GCK
and BRK, BCK for R, G and B planes respectively and a feature database
FDB1 is formed for all
database images
A color histogram H for a given image is defined as a vector H = {h[1],
h[2], . . . h[i], . . . , h[N]} where i represents a color in the color histogram,
h[i] is the number of pixels in color i in that image, and N is the number of
bins in the color histogram, i.e., the number of colors in the adopted color
model. In order to compare images of different sizes, color histograms
should be normalized. The normalized color histogram H is defined for
h[i] ‘= h[i]/XY

where XY is the total number of pixels in an image

●For comparing the similarity of the query image with the database
image we use a parameter called EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE
● Finally to access the retrieval effectiveness and performance of the
technique we use the PRECISION and RECALL as statistical
comparison parameter for our proposed technique of CBIR.
● Precision=number of relevant images retrieved / total no of images
● Recall=no of relevant images retrieved / total no of relevant images in
● euclidean distance is given by

3.3 Performance Requirements

to access the retrieval effectiveness and performance of the technique we
use the PRECISION and RECALL as statistical comparison parameter for
our proposed technique of CBIR.
● Precision=number of relevant images retrieved / total no of images
● Recall=no of relevant images retrieved / total no of relevant images in

3.4 Logical Database Requirements

the database will contain
● image
● row mean and column mean
● feature vectors
● euclidean distance
● precision and recall

3.5 Design Constraints

3.6 Software System Attributes

● Fast searching
● scalable
● portable
● perfect image comparison (calculation of eulers distance)
● proper indexing of images in database
● feature vectors corresponding to every regions of every images
recursively to form the hierarchy of the indexing structure.
● robustness:The color histogram is invariant to rotation of the image
on the view axis, and changes in small steps when rotated otherwise
or scaled . It is also insensitive to changes in image and histogram
resolution and occlusion.
● Effectiveness. There is high percentage of relevance between the
query image and the extracted matching images.
● Implementation simplicity. The construction of the color histogram is a
straightforward process, including scanning the image, assigning
color values to the resolution of the histogram, and building the
histogram using color components as indices.
● retrieval factor and indexing parameters.

3.6.1 Reliability

Reliability is the probability that a device will perform its intended function
during a specified period of time under stated conditions.

3.6.2 Availability

the cbir system has high value of availability, as it is the most platform
friendly product.
It is mostly constructed for windows systems.
today these systems are mostly made available on the web for universal

3.6.3 Computational simplicity.:The histogram computation has O(X, Y )

complexity for images of size X × Y . The complexity for a single image
match is linear, O(n), where n represents the number of different colors, or
resolution of the histogram.

3.6.4 storage requirements. The color histogram size is significantly

smaller than the image itself, assuming color quantisation.so storage
requirement is limited

3.6.4 Maintainability
our product can be maintained in order to:
● correct defects
● meet new requirements
● make future maintenance easier, or
● cope with a changed environment
● also maintainance of large image database is required so that
they can be retrieved fastly and easily

4. Change Management Process

5. Document Approvals

6. Supporting Information

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