Letter To Bill Wiggin

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Mr Bill Wiggin MP

House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

Sent via email to wigginb@parliament.uk

2 March, 2011

Dear Mr Wiggin,

Given our previous correspondence regarding your expenses, we are concerned that you claimed £5,000
of public money to pay to your local Conservative Association for “room hire” for your constituency
surgeries. The attached invoice from 2007 is from your local association for £5,000. It states very clearly
that the sum is for your constituency surgeries room and nothing more.

• During our earlier phone call earlier today you claimed that, contrary to what the Fees Office
would have seen on the invoice, the money was in- fact spent on other things.
• Secondly the Chairman of your Conservative Association, Christopher George, claims that
although you were telling the Commons authorities that the money was for room hire, “it was
paid to the association secretary for other services, including Parliamentary business.”

Your statement clarifies that this is now your story. This therefore is an expenses claim for one thing that
you now state was spent on other costs. It is also completely undocumented and you have produced no
corroborating receipts or indeed any evidence that the money was in fact put to the purposes you claim.

Why was the invoice, which you signed off in order to put it on your Parliamentary expenses, at
best incorrect and at worst deliberately deceptive?

Given the previous levels of repayments of your less than exemplary expense claims you will understand
our scepticism. In the circumstances we see no alternative but to draw this matter to the attention of the
Commissioner for Parliamentary Standards. If you can produce the receipts to support your claim to his
satisfaction so be it. If not we suspect he will rule that you once again have to repay this claim.

Yours sincerely,

The Sunlight Team

The Sunlight Centre for Open Politics

T : 020 7608 2756 F : 070 9201 2337 E : team@sunlight-cops.org.uk

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, advocating political transparency and openness.
T : 020 7608 2756 F : 070 9201 2337 E : team@sunlight-cops.org.uk
A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, advocating political transparency and openness.
T : 020 7608 2756 F : 070 9201 2337 E : team@sunlight-cops.org.uk
A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, advocating political transparency and openness.

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